Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

*Stays dressed* Dead tired. Clocking out and going home. Good night, everyone.

Man you guys went crazy today. That last page was a roller coaster ride. If you guys keep that up I'm going to have to hire a chaperone or something. It will probably be Dr. Doommaster and he will chaperone with lasers so there ya go.

I do in fact like fried chicken btw. Not KFC but pretty well anyone elses.

If this becomes necessary I emphatically agree.

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I don't care for fried chicken on the bone. I find it to be messy. I do like fried chicken strips, however.

KFC gave me food poisoning once so now the smell of their food makes me nauseous.

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Where's Tac been lately? Haven't seen him on here in a while. Anyone know?

He's had his reprieves before. Its like the 3rd time I can think of where he disappeared.

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Dude, just got done watching Triple Frontier on Netflix, great movie. Has a moral lesson on the nature of greed as well without ever getting preachy about it. Two thumbs up.

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lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Does d1ck size have anything to do with body size? I should think so since if you're bigger you should have a bigger one, right?

Also one thing more is I haven't been on FAWTL that long, so this is the first time I met Yuu, so I don't know her that well. Add that with the type of nature that takes things literally...well.

It's all good my feline friend, I was keeping your name out of it. Regarding dicks, I'm just a perv who likes talking about them, I don't actually know all that much about dick science.

All I know is, the one time in my life that I went to a nudist resort for the day, my primary goal was to find a place where I could legally and safely sunbathe nude. (And, I figured, a little unofficial "research" from behind the safety of oversized sunglasses while I was tanning... that would be okay, too.)

Turned out that the reason they advertised "first visit FREE!" on their website was so they could give you the massive advertising pitch about buying into their cabin-condo association, because it was actually a NUDIST RETIREMENT COMMUNITY. Everyone there was in their late sixties or seventies, and I had no desire to look anywhere.

So I learned nothing and never went back.

you can sunbathe naked not far from me. Also there's a place to actually sunbathe naked not far from me, it's a few exits away.

You'd look damned silly getting there on a bicycle.

far from it. There is a bike trail in a national park next to the beach.
Sure, and it's only 1500 miles away.

Danglin' Across America.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Limey's Conscience wrote:



Do not start arguing with anarcho-capitalists on Facebook. It will make you sad.

We're not anarcho-capitalists; this is an anarcho-syndicalist commune. Captain Dennis Yesterday is the executive officer of the week.

In the anarcho-syndicalist commune, we're ALL Captains!

Dark Archive

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Morning FaWtLanteans! I hope everyone is well today, and has a good day ahead of them! And anyone who doesn't, I hope things improve for ye soon!

Scarab Sages

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LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtLanteans! I hope everyone is well today, and has a good day ahead of them! And anyone who doesn't, I hope things improve for ye soon!

Good morning

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Avocados are a fruit. Jam is made from blended fruit. Guacamole is made from blended avocado. Therefore, guacamole is jam.

People go to bars to drink, but a bar will throw you out if you get drunk. How many other businesses eject their best customers?

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Avocados are a fruit. Jam is made from blended fruit. Guacamole is made from blended avocado. Therefore, guacamole is jam.

This makes sense I declare this official!

You wanna know a weird one look up things that count as berries and what does not.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Avocados are a fruit. Jam is made from blended fruit. Guacamole is made from blended avocado. Therefore, guacamole is jam.

This makes sense I declare this official!

You wanna know a weird one look up things that count as berries and what does not.

I know strawberries aren't, but I believe apples are.

This is, of course, botanically speaking. Not culinarily.

Bananas are berries...

The Exchange

I read a cold storage cooking magazine and was inspired to use zucchini as a base. I probably won't make boats out of the zucchini but will put meats on top.

Just a Mort wrote:
I read a cold storage cooking magazine and was inspired to use zucchini as a base. I probably won't make boats out of the zucchini but will put meats on top.

I was hesitant but it actually looks pretty good. Hmmm I could do something like that with egg plant too.. hmmmmm.

The Exchange

I think egg plant and zucchini taste different. Eggplant is more sticky for one so I'm not sure how good a boat it'll make. I think I could have one end of a zucchini with meats and cheese on top for breakfast. That'd mean I'd eat half a zucchini for breakfast.

Oh yeah I would use completely different toppings for eggplant I was mostly thinking of the boat shape.

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I can't even look at zucchini without getting a little bit nauseous.

Once you've had whole wheat over ripe zucchini pancakes, whole wheat over ripe zucchini bread, whole wheat over ripe zucchini noodles, and, well, whole wheat over ripe zucchini everything, zucchini loses it's appeal.

The lesson learned here: If you're going to a Quaker meeting in the Midwest fill up on slightly more edible food beforehand, like White Castle or Taco Bell.

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O_O Yeah I would imagine that would kill ones taste for a thing.

+ the fact that you're saying White Castle or Taco bell is more edible yeesh. that truly is terrifying.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh I made home-made Tortilla shells for the first time. I will never buy the store bought pre-made kind again. Absolutely no competition. So good freshly made.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Even worse then the zucchini was the oatmeal! Burned and chock full of exploded yellow raisins.

Or, sugar free Jell-O made from non sugar free Jell-O.

Or, if you really want to die, the homemade root beer.

captain yesterday wrote:

Even worse then the zucchini was the oatmeal! Burned and chock full of exploded yellow raisins.

Or, sugar free Jell-O made from non sugar free Jell-O.

Or, if you really want to die, the homemade root beer.

My mom used to drag me to a bunch of different churches. I feel like I've been to a Quaker church but they didn't have food. I remember the service was more like a group meditation session which was strikingly different from other churches she had took me too. I was OK with it really. I think it was a Quaker church but I could be wrong. It was many years ago.

Home made root beer sounds suspect AF.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yup, that sounds like a Quaker church! They typically eat before service (they also have potlucks for hardly any reason) so if you arrived just in time for the service you've lucked out.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

All sorts of things at Midwestern potlucks are suspect AF.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

There's a reason I always cringe when I hear something is "homemade" or "home style" or anything tying the words "home" and "food" together. It's because I always have to wonder "Whose home?" They always skip over that part.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
There's a reason I always cringe when I hear something is "homemade" or "home style" or anything tying the words "home" and "food" together. It's because I always have to wonder "Whose home?" They always skip over that part.

Well my home-made tortillas were good but I didn't grow the flour myself nor mix it with zucchini.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Karaage is my favorite fried chicken.

I have an Audrey II zucchini theory. I think the little green bastards are demon aliens intent on overrunning the earth and destroying it, like kudzu, but more evil.

lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Does d1ck size have anything to do with body size? I should think so since if you're bigger you should have a bigger one, right?

Also one thing more is I haven't been on FAWTL that long, so this is the first time I met Yuu, so I don't know her that well. Add that with the type of nature that takes things literally...well.

It's all good my feline friend, I was keeping your name out of it. Regarding dicks, I'm just a perv who likes talking about them, I don't actually know all that much about dick science.

All I know is, the one time in my life that I went to a nudist resort for the day, my primary goal was to find a place where I could legally and safely sunbathe nude. (And, I figured, a little unofficial "research" from behind the safety of oversized sunglasses while I was tanning... that would be okay, too.)

Turned out that the reason they advertised "first visit FREE!" on their website was so they could give you the massive advertising pitch about buying into their cabin-condo association, because it was actually a NUDIST RETIREMENT COMMUNITY. Everyone there was in their late sixties or seventies, and I had no desire to look anywhere.

So I learned nothing and never went back.

you can sunbathe naked not far from me. Also there's a place to actually sunbathe naked not far from me, it's a few exits away.

You'd look damned silly getting there on a bicycle.

far from it. There is a bike trail in a national park next to the beach.
Sure, and it's only 1500 miles away.

bring your bike and your sunglasses when you visit NY, I'll take you by.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

"Now, Pokemon cards aren't a problem on the bus anymore!... They're now a problem in class instead!" - Tiny T-Rex.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Karaage is my favorite fried chicken.

I have an Audrey II zucchini theory. I think the little green bastards are demon aliens intent on overrunning the earth and destroying it, like kudzu, but more evil.

I will also take you to Bon Chon, that you may be converted to the holiest of religions.

The Exchange

This one, Vidmaster 7?

Unfortunately I dont have/know how to use a rolling pin.

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I shouldn't think it'd take you long to figure it out, Mort...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Still sick as a dog. Definitely doesn't match any of the symptoms of the flu, but definitely an amazingly irritating illness: Fever between 100 and 101 all day every day, scratchy throat, weakness, etc.

Trying to get in a half-day's work (can't exactly get my co-workers sick remotely), but that involves actually sitting up and paying attention, which is hard.

Ah, well, it's a good time to be sick -- we're between projects until early April...

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Okay, due to an error on my part(i.e I dragged my feet) I will not be able to finish the American horror story alternates portion of empire today as it has been taken down from MSN. There were 2 or 3 remaining ones that I was working on that I remember well enough to get from the original site(either r/nosleep or creepypasta), but after that I will be returning to "regular" news stories that can be converted into adventure hooks.

He may have been a weirdo, but I am thankful to the dingo for getting this strange thread started. It has kept my writing juices flowing/mind working. Just about anything can be turned into a story hook or start a campaign.

Thanks for reading.

Scarab Sages

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Ive also managed to catch something flu-ish. Bleh.

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The car is in the shop to get fixed.

I think I posted in the wrong thread.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
All sorts of things at Midwestern potlucks are suspect AF.

Well, they're called potluck, not potguaranteed quality...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Still sick as a dog. Definitely doesn't match any of the symptoms of the flu, but definitely an amazingly irritating illness: Fever between 100 and 101 all day every day, scratchy throat, weakness, etc.

Trying to get in a half-day's work (can't exactly get my co-workers sick remotely), but that involves actually sitting up and paying attention, which is hard.

Ah, well, it's a good time to be sick -- we're between projects until early April...

Geez, are you alright?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Yay! The car is fixed! Well, it starts at least.

It still needs exhaust work done, but at least I can drive it there.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Still sick as a dog. Definitely doesn't match any of the symptoms of the flu, but definitely an amazingly irritating illness: Fever between 100 and 101 all day every day, scratchy throat, weakness, etc.

Trying to get in a half-day's work (can't exactly get my co-workers sick remotely), but that involves actually sitting up and paying attention, which is hard.

Ah, well, it's a good time to be sick -- we're between projects until early April...

Geez, are you alright?

he has fallen victim to that most insidious of seasons, spring. I hold up that he was feeling fine when it was winter as evidence.

You just gotta be like the bunny, increase vegetable intake and f!#!, a lot.

Works for us!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

First week back from Spring Break is the LOOOOONGEST week of the year.
Today was the first day that I didn't actually feel like Miss Hannigan from Annie all day. They were mostly pretty sweet. Then I talked to the gal in the classroom next door during afternoon recess. She had a whole class of kobolds today. So, yeah, I'm feeling pretty smug.

Our spring break is next week.

At some point we're taking Grampy Yesterday to go see Captain Marvel.

The Exchange

I think my creative outlet is what pizza or pizza-esque thing should I bake on Sunday for my entire week's breakfast. This week is black pepper chicken. I'll toast the chicken, toss the capsicum and Cheddar cheese on(still trying to finish the lot of cheese). My mom thinks the zucchini boats won't freeze very well,she might be right but there's no way to find out until we do some science.

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