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Scintillae wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

And I never got that from my parents. I wonder if it was because I'm not a boy? ...though I never got discouragement from dating, either. I got a lot of "please go outside and make friends."

I've never encountered a family where they have a "no dating till you're married lol" rule for their sons, always for their daughters.

Something something virginal purity and gender stereotypes and double

standards associated therewith. >.>
Also, the boy won't get pregnant. Yeah, there are issues of responsibility, support, and marriage for traditionalist, but there is always possibility that the father will skip leaving the girl with fatherless child.
Yep. And, societally, only the girl gets blamed when this happens. Can't have any fault on the boy knocking her up, nope, we'll just ignore the fact that it takes two...

freehold fights against this with every fibre of his being.

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...of course.

Just..I just...

No. I'm not even gonna get upset about this.

Shadow Lodge

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Every. Fibre.

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So, I've traumatized economics.

We've had a running gag throughout the year about "sewage pretzels," borne of a comment of how businesses are beholden to local laws, "so you can't just use sewage water to run your pretzel cart." And we keep coming back to our hypothetical business, Sewage Pretzels, Inc.

I made pretzels for my homeroom today and thought nothing of it.

There were some leftovers. Economics comes in, sees them, and there is concern.

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Captain ? wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
No. The message board members are on the run from the evil Blood Nest Pirates, not Orthos.
What's this now, is this something I'll get another 24 hour ban if I go looking for it.

No, Cap. Just making posts for this off-the-cuff story rattling about in my head. 'Cause boredom.

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Found a Sporcle quiz to play with homeroom: Guess the carol from the second line. Some of them are really ominous.

"You better not cry."
"There's no need to be afraid."
"The spirit's up."

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Gods, I love Impus Major.

If you recall, last year for his Secret Santa gift for choir he provided... a watermelon.

It was an inside joke, because he kept volunteering to bring a watermelon to his Spanish class' potlucks to get extra credit, but he'd always forget to bring a knife or cut it, so the watermelon would just sit there, whole and sad, on the sideboard and he wouldn't get any extra credit because it wouldn't get eaten.

It went over surprisingly well, with a couple of kids stealing the gift because they wanted a watermelon.

So this year he's bringing... a cantaloupe.

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Right. My up and coming Pathfinder character is going to be a magus with a family heirloom - a sword containing the spirit of a magical owl.

Is this just an excuse to make hooting noises in company?

Yes, it is!

8 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Gods, I love Impus Major.

If you recall, last year for his Secret Santa gift for choir he provided... a watermelon.

It was an inside joke, because he kept volunteering to bring a watermelon to his Spanish class' potlucks to get extra credit, but he'd always forget to bring a knife or cut it, so the watermelon would just sit there, whole and sad, on the sideboard and he wouldn't get any extra credit because it wouldn't get eaten.

It went over surprisingly well, with a couple of kids stealing the gift because they wanted a watermelon.

So this year he's bringing... a cantaloupe.

I think your kid is a little out of his gourd.


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Free from work. Gonna go home and install a bunch of games. Thanks LordSynos!

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How to make everything - Copper

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Okay, so this is a new first: a work party I actually enjoyed attending!
Our faculty holiday luncheon was at one of those chichi cooking schools where they divide you up into groups and a chef talks each group through making a dish, and then you all sit down and eat everything together.
We had a six-course South American menu with ceviche, empanadas, grilled beef skewers with chimichurri, some amazing fish over plantain rice, steamed mussels in broth, and a salad.
I was on the ceviche team with one of Val's teachers and one of Hermione's teachers. We had waaaaay too much fun and laughed a lot. And all the food was so good. And there was wine. I am already looking forward to next year's party. (They do it at this place every year, because it's owned by a school family, and because everyone likes it.)

The Exchange

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NobodysHome wrote:

Life with Shiro:

"You bought a Yeti? Why'd you buy a Yeti?!?! I could have given you one! I have one in my garage! And they're expensive!"

And yes. Shiro has a spare Yeti in his garage. Because he bought one for his Jeep and it was too big, so instead of returning it he just put it in his garage and bought a smaller one.

Because Shiro's garage. Land of Wonder.

Does Shiro have an occulus rift in his garage so I can play beat saber at home? P

The Exchange

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lisamarlene wrote:

Okay, so this is a new first: a work party I actually enjoyed attending!

Our faculty holiday luncheon was at one of those chichi cooking schools where they divide you up into groups and a chef talks each group through making a dish, and then you all sit down and eat everything together.
We had a six-course South American menu with ceviche, empanadas, grilled beef skewers with chimichurri, some amazing fish over plantain rice, steamed mussels in broth, and a salad.
I was on the ceviche team with one of Val's teachers and one of Hermione's teachers. We had waaaaay too much fun and laughed a lot. And all the food was so good. And there was wine. I am already looking forward to next year's party. (They do it at this place every year, because it's owned by a school family, and because everyone likes it.)

*slips herself into LM's work party, just for the FOOD!*

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How to make everything - Silver

The Exchange

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Scintillae wrote:

And I never got that from my parents. I wonder if it was because I'm not a boy? ...though I never got discouragement from dating, either. I got a lot of "please go outside and make friends."

I've never encountered a family where they have a "no dating till you're married lol" rule for their sons, always for their daughters.

I got the no dating until you've finished your studies and the please go outside and make friends thing from my parents.

May be NSFW:

Also, no sex until marriage. Not that I'm inclined to, anyway.

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I have a feeling that if I had ever expressed interest in dating, I'd have gotten the restriction. But...yeah...

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Just a Mort wrote:
Scintillae wrote:

And I never got that from my parents. I wonder if it was because I'm not a boy? ...though I never got discouragement from dating, either. I got a lot of "please go outside and make friends."

I've never encountered a family where they have a "no dating till you're married lol" rule for their sons, always for their daughters.

I got the no dating until you've finished your studies and the please go outside and make friends thing from my parents.

** spoiler omitted **

I got a lot of the spoiler, more from church honestly than from the parents but they didn't slack off either, but I am pretty well aware that at least in most places it's a lot less emphasized for guys.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Okay, so this is a new first: a work party I actually enjoyed attending!

Our faculty holiday luncheon was at one of those chichi cooking schools where they divide you up into groups and a chef talks each group through making a dish, and then you all sit down and eat everything together.
We had a six-course South American menu with ceviche, empanadas, grilled beef skewers with chimichurri, some amazing fish over plantain rice, steamed mussels in broth, and a salad.
I was on the ceviche team with one of Val's teachers and one of Hermione's teachers. We had waaaaay too much fun and laughed a lot. And all the food was so good. And there was wine. I am already looking forward to next year's party. (They do it at this place every year, because it's owned by a school family, and because everyone likes it.)
*slips herself into LM's work party, just for the FOOD!*

Well, I could have brought a +1, but WW had to work!

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My big problem: I'm in a food coma, and I have about an hour and a half to start dinner and clean the house before WW's dad and stepmom arrive for the big dinner party.
I have to start the chicken and potatoes, sweep, mop, and vacuum, get out the good china and set the table, drag all the random crap in the living/dining rooms into my bedroom and close the door, and take out the trash. And help Hermione make a gingerbread cake. And then start the green beans.
Yes, in an hour and a half.
Guess I'd better start with a coffee and then get cracking.
TTYL, guys.

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How to make everything - Gold

The Exchange

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I'd have suggested green tea and throwing yourself into a swimming pool, but coffee works, I suppose.

So, my three-and-a-half-hour download has been chugging along, and, seven hours later, we're at 28 minutes left!

... we shall see how this goes.

Tacticslion wrote:

So, my three-and-a-half-hour download has been chugging along, and, seven hours later, we're at 28 minutes left!

... we shall see how this goes.

For the record, this is commentary on my internet, not the thing I'm downloading.

I particularly enjoyed that my "three and a half hour" projection remained at three-and-a-half hours for over an hour before actually getting smaller.

And people wonder why I hate "must always be online" things.

19,930 in a bit less than three years is impressive folks. At this time I'm going to retire this thread. If you'd like to create a new chat thread, please feel free.

Oh, snap! The treefort has fallen! I repeat: the treefort has fallen! Treefort two: electric treefort Boogaloo is now in session!

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OK. I just noticed that John created a "Monkey's Treefort II". Curious, I went to Monkey's Treefort and saw that Sara Marie closed it after 19,000+ posts.

So, do we get special dispensation because we're FaWtL, or did the monkey do something wrong?

NobodysHome wrote:

OK. I just noticed that John created a "Monkey's Treefort II". Curious, I went to Monkey's Treefort and saw that Sara Marie closed it after 19,000+ posts.

So, do we get special dispensation because we're FaWtL, or did the monkey do something wrong?

Neither! I can't post there 'cause slow internet, but Patrick said he requested it be shuttered because of the name. I am trryyyyyyyyying to edit my post, but I literally cannot, now that I've read that disclaimer. Who know when this will get to you all...

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Monkey is leaving the forums and asked the thread be closed in his absence.

Hey, John, I removed my posts - I think you can still do the same to yours/the thread, as it's not been an hour, yet!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Hey, John, I removed my posts - I think you can still do the same to yours/the thread, as it's not been an hour, yet!

Sorry, I tried. My post doesn't have a delete button. I asked Sara Marie to delete the thread.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

So, last night after Boyd kept calling Crookshanks' number I answered and told him to stop calling, when Boyd's best friend texted her I told him this was her dad and that 17 year olds don't need to hang out with 14 year olds.

So then Boyd starts calling and texting her confused.

He still doesn't understand we have control of her phone.

Way to eschew the stereotype of the dumb ass body building aspiring small motor mechanic.

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I'm going to write a sitcom called Big (Slow) Pete & Boyd, A Winter's Tale.

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Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

I'm sitting at the gate for my flight to Chicago. 2 hour layover there before my flight on a plane I can't completely stand up in.

Sure, it's better than flying in a Beechcraft, Cessna, or Piper Cub, but not by a whole lot.

Tall men get the girl.

Short men avoid concussions.

Woo hoo!

Yes, I am taller (and younger) than you.

Yes, I'm in a poly relationship with two women.

Yes, I've had multiple concussions.

Somehow I think the last two are related.

Damn. You are wise.

I'm shorter and younger[30s] than the both of you! No concussions! Ha!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

So, last night after Boyd kept calling Crookshanks' number I answered and told him to stop calling, when Boyd's best friend texted her I told him this was her dad and that 17 year olds don't need to hang out with 14 year olds.

So then Boyd starts calling and texting her confused.

He still doesn't understand we have control of her phone.

Way to eschew the stereotype of the dumb ass body building aspiring small motor mechanic.


...that is just WAAAAAY beyond normal... at least around here. And I should know -- I chaperone over 200 of the little buggers every year. Lie half-naked in a great big pile? Check! Call each other in the wee hours of the morning and try to hide their calls from their parents? Check!

Be unable to figure out that Angry Dad now has the phone and you're in serious trouble?

That takes an epic level of Stupid.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
I'd have suggested green tea and throwing yourself into a swimming pool, but coffee works, I suppose.

Americans drink coffee as a point to distinguish ourselves from the British. I mean, I like tea. My handle used to be thegreenteagamer after all. But coffee...oh yes...sweet sweet java.

And I don't mean sludge filled with sugar and milk. High quality, well roasted, fresh made black coffee has a distinct bittersweet taste similar to baker's chocolate.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

So, last night after Boyd kept calling Crookshanks' number I answered and told him to stop calling, when Boyd's best friend texted her I told him this was her dad and that 17 year olds don't need to hang out with 14 year olds.

So then Boyd starts calling and texting her confused.

He still doesn't understand we have control of her phone.

Way to eschew the stereotype of the dumb ass body building aspiring small motor mechanic.

He is 17? Have you considered calling his parents? Perhaps pointing out that he's, you know, crossed the line into harassment, and that you might get the authorities involved the day he turns 18?

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NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

So, last night after Boyd kept calling Crookshanks' number I answered and told him to stop calling, when Boyd's best friend texted her I told him this was her dad and that 17 year olds don't need to hang out with 14 year olds.

So then Boyd starts calling and texting her confused.

He still doesn't understand we have control of her phone.

Way to eschew the stereotype of the dumb ass body building aspiring small motor mechanic.


...that is just WAAAAAY beyond normal... at least around here. And I should know -- I chaperone over 200 of the little buggers every year. Lie half-naked in a great big pile? Check! Call each other in the wee hours of the morning and try to hide their calls from their parents? Check!

Be unable to figure out that Angry Dad now has the phone and you're in serious trouble?

That takes an epic level of Stupid.

He just now figured it out. LoL!

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Speaking of irritating and clueless kids:

This afternoon Impus Minor came home, told me a group of Impus Major's friends was on the way, and that he was going to a friend's house to avoid them. Impus Major never came home.

So yes. I have 4 teenagers, none of them mine, hanging out in my house. Normally I'd throw them out but it's cold outside and one of them sprained her ankle on the way here. But there will be Words spoken with the kids over this.

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Sorry about that, Cap.

The Exchange

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I don't know about phone controls personally. My mom saw my blood bank email(because I left it accidentally not logged out of on the computer) and asked me why I didn't tell her about it.

I told her the last time I donated blood she disapproved and furthermore, I never gave her permission to look into my email, so whatever she saw there, she should pretend she never saw it.

I have this kind of... Privacy gripes ever since my teacher called my parents up for stuff I wrote in my diary.

I would not look at my kids email/phone unless I was given permission to, viewing it as a breach of trust and their privacy.

My mom is constantly getting me for perceived faults which are really not anything lawbreaking. Is there anything wrong going for a blood donation?

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Sorry about that, Cap.

No worries man, you had no way of knowing, it's just a stressful time for me, you did nothing wrong!

It's my fault for smurf alias bombing people every Christmas, you would not believe how many hate messages you get from that.


AC 60

+20 BAB +13 ability +5 enhancement + 2 greater focus; ???

d20+40 caaaaaaaaaaan hit that AC on a natural 20... but it could do that anyway. Hrmmmm.

In know there are other bonuses in non-epic 3.5 games, and I’m probably forgetting something basic and obvious, but I’m curious if anyone can list them “readily enough.” Like, not obscure - a fourth-man PH/DMG1 party of 20th level could have access to it without special crafting - sort of thing.

I mean, dude’s already gotta get a hyper-focused... wait!

+20 BAB +13 ability +7 enhancement + 2 greater focus -> +42 (noice) so 18-20.

So crit-fishing with a +5 cold iron bane (chaotic outsider) holy falchion, I guess. Still seems like there should be more.

Anyone? I’m asking for a... friend.

18 base +2 racial +5 inherent +5 level +6 enhancement = 36 (+13)

EDIT: for clarity, I’m looking for 3.5, not PF or 3e. Thanks!

(The above presumes a very basic half-orc fighter, by-the-by.)

The Exchange

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People complain I'm too secretive and never tell anyone anything. But what can I say if you've disapproved of all my hobbies and told me that I should be more "normal" and like the others?

Is it wrong to stay out late to play D&D? Is it wrong to read fantasy books because I like them instead of all those self help books like 7 effective habits for teens? Is it wrong to not want to look at financial planning?

6 people marked this as a favorite.

"I just understand science better than teenagers" - Tiny T-Rex, after I pointed out The Book of Totally Irresponsible Science he was reading was written for older kids.

Just a Mort wrote:

People complain I'm too secretive and never tell anyone anything. But what can I say if you've disapproved of all my hobbies and told me that I should be more "normal" and like the others?

Is it wrong to stay out late to play D&D? Is it wrong to read fantasy books because I like them instead of all those self help books like 7 effective habits for teens? Is it wrong to not want to look at financial planning?

Mort, you are too secretive and never tell us anything! Why aren’t you normal like me or captain yesterday? Playing D&D is the devil! Fantasy is stuff and nonsense, whereas those teen books are totally accurate in every way... basically religiously correct! You should imitate Orthos and me with advanced financial planning!

It’s simple: just change LITERALLY EVERYTHING about who and what you are! No big deal!

please, please, please, please see exactly how much I mean none of the above, kthnx

The Exchange

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Vlaeros wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

People complain I'm too secretive and never tell anyone anything. But what can I say if you've disapproved of all my hobbies and told me that I should be more "normal" and like the others?

Is it wrong to stay out late to play D&D? Is it wrong to read fantasy books because I like them instead of all those self help books like 7 effective habits for teens? Is it wrong to not want to look at financial planning?

Mort, you are too secretive and never tell us anything! Why aren’t you normal like me or captain yesterday? Playing D&D is the devil! Fantasy is stuff and nonsense, whereas those teen books are totally accurate in every way... basically religiously correct! You should imitate Orthos and me with advanced financial planning!

It’s simple: just change LITERALLY EVERYTHING about who and what you are! No big deal!

please, please, please, please see exactly how much I mean none of the above, kthnx

If you really meant all that, the only three words I'd have to say to you would be "Go to Hell."

But yeah just explaining why I don't approve of phone/email controls.

No I don't need big brother watching.

I don't do financial planning due to in part, my dislike of maths. Can't think about it because it eats the thoughts out of my head.

You should be able to see just how silly that post is by, “normal like me and cy” and “financially responsible like me and Orthos” (which is not a dig at Orthos, so much as pointing out exactly how horrified of our financial thingies most people would be); for the record, though, I was always taught to leave a large financial cushion. It has proven important, of late.

Oh, also, I read fantasy books. play RPGs into the wee of the morning, and broadly advocate being yourself in a non-jerk manner as much as possible.

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