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The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

throws rice at Mort

The power of rice compels you!

The power of rice compels you!

The power of the rice has compelled me!

Hearthstone is a collectible card game like Magic the gathering except its all virtual, which means you never hold hearthstone cards in your hand.

With Magic the Gathering there are many kinds of decks, and so does hearthstone have too, I was describing a type of deck that was trouncing my deck.

I sort of think of it this way in terms of magic colours and hearthstone equivalent

Black: Warlock
Red : Mage
Green: Druid, Hunter
White: Paladin
Blue: Priest

I haven't placed shaman and rogue yet, no idea where to.

So in magic the gathering speak, his white weenie deck was trouncing my black weenie deck and I couldn't pull my white weenie deck on him.

Also the power of rice has compelled me to be nekkid.

*sighs and gets dressed*

The Exchange

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Ok done with hearthstone, improbable island...and gonna watch some Grim Fandango Lets play to end my day. I'm bushed.

Is that where you watch all of the movie trailers on Fandango, no matter if you've seen the movie itself or how grimly bad the movie will be?

I've given up on Standard Hearthstone, I'm going back to Wild. I can deal with Coldlight Oracles and Ragnaros, I just want to be able to use my collection!

Come on Tequilia, join the Baku side and craft the card(if you haven't already). Baku's got cookies!

The Exchange

Now I need to flesh out some Phaendar refugees. Why oh why didn't the mod give me a grandmother story about the town and its inhabitants?

Just a Mort wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

throws rice at Mort

The power of rice compels you!

The power of rice compels you!

The power of the rice has compelled me!

Hearthstone is a collectible card game like Magic the gathering except its all virtual, which means you never hold hearthstone cards in your hand.

With Magic the Gathering there are many kinds of decks, and so does hearthstone have too, I was describing a type of deck that was trouncing my deck.

I sort of think of it this way in terms of magic colours and hearthstone equivalent

Black: Warlock
Red : Mage
Green: Druid, Hunter
White: Paladin
Blue: Priest

I haven't placed shaman and rogue yet, no idea where to.

So in magic the gathering speak, his white weenie deck was trouncing my black weenie deck and I couldn't pull my white weenie deck on him.

Also the power of rice has compelled me to be nekkid.

*sighs and gets dressed*

this is why my family eats a lot of rice.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Glory be, we finally found a Sirius channel we can agree on. He has agreed to stop flipping channels and I have agreed not to garotte him with my phone charger.

Val doesn't care either way so long as the peanut butter pretzels hold out.

lisamarlene wrote:

Glory be, we finally found a Sirius channel we can agree on. He has agreed to stop flipping channels and I have agreed not to garotte him with my phone charger.

Val doesn't care either way so long as the peanut butter pretzels hold out.

Good news for WW

The Exchange

NH - is San Diego Zoo or SeaWorld better to visit?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Glory be, we finally found a Sirius channel we can agree on. He has agreed to stop flipping channels and I have agreed not to garotte him with my phone charger.

Val doesn't care either way so long as the peanut butter pretzels hold out.

*Pats LM on the shoulder, gets more pretzels for Val and give WW a couple of his from-the-back-of-the-cupboard Ritalin tablets*

The Exchange

Also anyone knows the difficulty of Kaibab Rim Trail(Orange) in the Grand Canyon?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kjeldorn wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Glory be, we finally found a Sirius channel we can agree on. He has agreed to stop flipping channels and I have agreed not to garotte him with my phone charger.

Val doesn't care either way so long as the peanut butter pretzels hold out.

*Pats LM on the shoulder, gets more pretzels for Val and give WW a couple of his from-the-back-of-the-cupboard Ritalin tablets*

Yeah, no, you really don't want to do that.

He got put on Ritalin when he was seven. (1976)
It gave him severe paranoid hallucinations.
He's been attempting to self-manage with sleep/diet adjustments ever since.
It is not something I am allowed to discuss.
Apparently the hallucinations were really bad.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Kjeldorn wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Glory be, we finally found a Sirius channel we can agree on. He has agreed to stop flipping channels and I have agreed not to garotte him with my phone charger.

Val doesn't care either way so long as the peanut butter pretzels hold out.

*Pats LM on the shoulder, gets more pretzels for Val and give WW a couple of his from-the-back-of-the-cupboard Ritalin tablets*

Yeah, no, you really don't want to do that.

He got put on Ritalin when he was seven. (1976)
It gave him severe paranoid hallucinations.
He's been attempting to self-manage with sleep/diet adjustments ever since.
It is not something I am allowed to discuss.
Apparently the hallucinations were really bad.

I am familiar with the hallucinations caused by ritalin. This is not stuff that should be handed out lightly.

The Exchange

Good news and bad news:

Good news:

My colleague that I was supposed to cover for October didn’t get upset when I asked her on her vacation date, and realized that it clashed with my Arizona trip. She was like Yeah! Go have fun with your family! Bring your mom along as well! We’ll just find someone else to do it.
I was wondering how to break the news to her diplomatically, because I did promise, but again I was told it was October and not told which date. So I typically booked first, then realized that there might be clashes.

Bad news:

I may have eaten too many mangosteens yesterday(my dad brought home a sack full from his office), and I of course, got sampling(and that’s after I ate about 7 of them at my aunt’s place). Now I have a cold, bloated and slightly upset stomach. Ah well. Probably nothing that a cup of ginger tea won’t fix, and I’ve just made myself a cup. Remind me to replace my ginger tea stocks in the office.

Not that it's the first time (or will it be the last time) I've gotten a stomach ache from eating things I shouldn't have, or eating too many of one thing...the most famous incident was my aunt and I ending up in the restroom because we shared a packet of ricolas in 2 hours.

Just a Mort wrote:
Come on Tequilia, join the Baku side and craft the card(if you haven't already). Baku's got cookies!

Oh I crafted Baku weeks back, and I'm considering crafting the werewolf dude. But I only have enough to craft two legendaries, and I haven't filled out my collection of quest cards or frozen-hero cards. Decisions, decisions...

Just a Mort wrote:
Also anyone knows the difficulty of Kaibab Rim Trail(Orange) in the Grand Canyon?

Can't say for sure, but I hear the Canyon is brutal. Assuming you go all the way down, I would expect a high Endurance DC.

Also, drop me a line when you come to AZ. Mrs Sunrise knows where all the good foods are!

The Exchange

I would say my endurance should be fine (assuming I’m not on more then a light load), however my Acro rolls S*CK because I dumped dex. I also have no ranks in climb.

I have the werewolf dude as well. I crafted him after I got the quest the Odds are against us, where you need to play even cards.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Kjeldorn wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Glory be, we finally found a Sirius channel we can agree on. He has agreed to stop flipping channels and I have agreed not to garotte him with my phone charger.

Val doesn't care either way so long as the peanut butter pretzels hold out.

*Pats LM on the shoulder, gets more pretzels for Val and give WW a couple of his from-the-back-of-the-cupboard Ritalin tablets*

Yeah, no, you really don't want to do that.

He got put on Ritalin when he was seven. (1976)
It gave him severe paranoid hallucinations.
He's been attempting to self-manage with sleep/diet adjustments ever since.
It is not something I am allowed to discuss.
Apparently the hallucinations were really bad.

Okay, understood.

Sounds kind of liked he might have overdosed on Ritalin.
Back when I was still on it, I had that unfortunate experience.
The last time, before I phase out of using Ritalin, it resulted in hallucinations, really bad muscle tremors and tics, my heart rate went through the roof, a splitting migraine, I didn't form any spit and yet I was drenched in sweat.
Ended up being looked after by a friend that night.

There might be another reason for his reaction though.
I don't want to pry, but its my experience that people who suffers from any kind of acute or chronic psychosis (mostly due to mental illness) should avoid the stuff.
Its mostly anecdotal, but two people I was in group therapy with (one is still a good friend of mine in fact), who both suffered from bipolar disorder, and a guy I didn't know so well (also bipolar I think) both swore off the stuff, due to experiencing hallucinations.
I'll honestly say I only very very rarely experiencing anything (other then the times I've overdosed, that's very different), and even then it was mostly auditory.
Then again that might come down to a million different reasons, from the mental disorders I suffer from, to some other bio-chemical factor.

Mort hang out with Tequila Sunrise and take pics! LOTS AND LOTS OF PICS!

Just a Mort wrote:
NH - is San Diego Zoo or SeaWorld better to visit?

Depends on what you're looking for. Personally, I am far more of a San Diego Zoo guy: Drive around, look at the animals, watch them live their lives in relative peace and luxury, and it's all pretty mellow. I love world-class zoos. (The zoo in Sydney is similarly awesome.)

if you're looking for shows, and performing animals, and perhaps rides, so more of an amusement park type thing, do SeaWorld.

But keep in mind I'm roughly 800 km north of San Diego; I haven't been there in a few decades...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:


So in magic the gathering speak, his white weenie deck was trouncing my black weenie deck and I couldn't pull my white weenie deck on him.

Also the power of rice has compelled me to be nekkid.

*sighs and gets dressed*

this is why my family eats a lot of rice.

Freehold, how did you not comment on the fact that she was discussing weenies (and pulling them!) while nekkid!! Are you slipping in your old age?

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Name of PC: Forthrecht. Again.
Race/Class: Male Dwarven Paladin of Torag
Catalyst: Fawlty Tactics

The Gory Details:
We'd been warned that the alchemist we were chasing used Cloudkill, so when we finally caught up with her and her two giant wagons on the road and the terrified drivers revealed they were on trapped chairs, it shouldn't have been too difficult to figure out exactly what the trap was.

Unfortunately, Alembic (the same player's sorcerer) bluffed that he was going to drop one of the wagons into an acid pit, Forth fell for the bluff, and leaped onto the wagon to save the surely-doomed damsel in distress. He picked her up, the Cloudkill went off, he used Paladin's Sacrifice to take the effect for her, and, as she was a level 1 commoner, this meant instant death for Forth, no save.

Yes, my rogue disarmed the other trap and freed the other captive without dying or setting off Cloudkill, but it was admittedly slower.

Once he gets raised, Forth will get a lesson on the fact that it costs exactly the same to raise him or a commoner from the dead, and he would have been much more useful in the fight.

And yes, the commoner survived the fight. Interesting rules-lawyery question though, since Cloudkill doesn't say anything about when the "instant death, no save" effect takes place, or whether it's always-on. (The commoner had her initiative before the alchemist, so the GM let her flee the cloud to safety.)

The Exchange

Paladins are known for questionable decisions =P Its in their blood. Like pouncing in a juggernaut .

Freehold, I don't know. My brother planned the itenary and it seems chalk full of stuff. Also not sure if Tequilia Sunrise lives 800 km from my brother.

Just a Mort wrote:

Paladins are known for questionable decisions =P Its in their blood. Like pouncing in a juggernaut .

Freehold, I don't know. My brother planned the itenary and it seems chalk full of stuff. Also not sure if Tequilia Sunrise lives 800 km from my brother.

I have an old friend in Tucson who hikes (the last time I went to visit, we hiked Mount Lemmon just to look at some tiny frogs and then hiked in Saguaro Natl Park at night in the full moon. Which was incredible, but he came very close to stepping on a rattlesnake because he thought it was a stick.

The frogs were great, though.
Anyway, he said:

I’ve never hiked it but almost all of my friends have, and they all recommend the Bright Angel Trail and/or the Kaibab Trail all the way to Phantom Ranch, and spend the night. I know a couple of extremely experienced hikers who have done it in a day, but everyone else adamantly says it must be a two-day hike (one day down, one day back), and I’ve heard that it’s the most beautiful sunrise in the world at the bottom of the canyon.

Evil Kjeldorn wrote:
HepPlutoCat wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Pallies are trouncing my zoolock =(

And I can't baku pally their sorry arses since my quest is to win with warlock.

Zoolock, a biddly deedle dooble docky sock, vrock rock a roonie, baku that pally babap a bop bedoo.

That's hep-talk, man.
I know for sure

There ain't no squares

In Singapore.

Scat! Away from Mort you durned beatnik cat!

*Pounds his bongo's improvisationally a few times for emphasis!*

Yeah! Yeah! Pound those bongos! We're in the groove! Far out! Gimme some squeezebox, man!

Skwer skwerskwer SKWEE squernkskwer skwerskwer SKWEE SQUERNK erk ererkerkerk SKWEEEERNK


Another early get up.

And by early I mean within the timeframe of a regular person.

The Exchange

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This is so damn weird. I don't feel hungry and it's dinner time>< I may seriously consider skipping dinner.

I mean usually it's om nom nom nom nom.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:


So in magic the gathering speak, his white weenie deck was trouncing my black weenie deck and I couldn't pull my white weenie deck on him.

Also the power of rice has compelled me to be nekkid.

*sighs and gets dressed*

this is why my family eats a lot of rice.
Freehold, how did you not comment on the fact that she was discussing weenies (and pulling them!) while nekkid!! Are you slipping in your old age?

I did miss it...

Final Fantasy XIV sale on Humble Bundle?

Subscription past level 35? Meh.

Though I still have three hours to get Final Fantasy VII at half price...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ugh, I forgot how ugly it is... It really would look better as a 2D game, like VI.

Why would you torture yourself thus?

Drejk wrote:

Final Fantasy XIV sale on Humble Bundle?

Subscription past level 35? Meh.

Though I still have three hours to get Final Fantasy VII at half price...

Shiro found a nice web site that was describing MMORPGs, and it categorized FF XIV as something along the lines of "tourist": It is a beautiful, beautiful game. And it is massive; you can easily put in 1000+ hours and not see/do everything there is to see/do.

But very few of the fights are even remotely challenging, and PvP is virtually nonexistent (which is a huge plus for me).

So it's a really fun time-waster, and I play it every morning before work just as a "relaxer"; kind of like meditation but with more button-pushing.

But if you want to test your skillz and your limits, FF XIV isn't your game.

And yep, basically $15/month to play, with the advantage being that they then don't swamp you with microtransactions. In fact, the biggest complaint about the game is that the selection of microtransactions is so limited, with around 100 possible microtransactions total...

EDIT: And the HUGE downside is that the developers for the first major expansion (Heavensward) had no clue whatsoever what they were doing, and wrote an expansion so terrible that people quit the game rather than trying to play through it. In fact, because the expansion was so terrible Square Enix now sells "experience packs" that let you skip the entire content of that expansion for $25, and people are paying for the privilege of not playing that content.
Fortunately, the next expansion (Stormblood) is really, really good, so it seems like they learned their lesson. Let's hope.

Well, for a tourist game, I still have LOTRO (almost 100% F2P except for one thing, I wanted to get subscription for a month to support the game and gets some perks, most of which I could actually buy for store points earned for achievements deeds, but despite claiming to support paypal they still requested a card number - in a pop-up paypal log-in window making it a big no sell to me), Guild Wars 2, and Rift. All not requiring subscription.

Non-existent PvP is a plus to me but no need for susbcription even more.

Drejk wrote:
Ugh, I forgot how ugly it is... It really would look better as a 2D game, like VI.

I played it ages ago but the borrowed CDs had a scratch that damaged files required to pass the... I think it was the crater area. There was a movie of a big thingie wakening up and destroying the universe (i.e. having the game crashed).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Final Fantasy XIV sale on Humble Bundle?

Subscription past level 35? Meh.

Though I still have three hours to get Final Fantasy VII at half price...

Shiro found a nice web site that was describing MMORPGs, and it categorized FF XIV as something along the lines of "tourist": It is a beautiful, beautiful game. And it is massive; you can easily put in 1000+ hours and not see/do everything there is to see/do.

But very few of the fights are even remotely challenging, and PvP is virtually nonexistent (which is a huge plus for me).

So it's a really fun time-waster, and I play it every morning before work just as a "relaxer"; kind of like meditation but with more button-pushing.

But if you want to test your skillz and your limits, FF XIV isn't your game.

And yep, basically $15/month to play, with the advantage being that they then don't swamp you with microtransactions. In fact, the biggest complaint about the game is that the selection of microtransactions is so limited, with around 100 possible microtransactions total...

EDIT: And the HUGE downside is that the developers for the first major expansion (Heavensward) had no clue whatsoever what they were doing, and wrote an expansion so terrible that people quit the game rather than trying to play through it. In fact, because the expansion was so terrible Square Enix now sells "experience packs" that let you skip the entire content of that expansion for $25, and people are paying for the privilege of not playing that content.
Fortunately, the next expansion (Stormblood) is really, really good, so it seems like they learned their lesson. Let's hope.

To me 100 microtransactions is still allot.

But then again, my only game with micro transactions is pokemon go and it has 6. One set of poke coins, and then five sets of more expensive but better value poke coins.

One day I'll sit and write that planned blogpost about MMORPGs...

The Game Hamster wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Final Fantasy XIV sale on Humble Bundle?

Subscription past level 35? Meh.

Though I still have three hours to get Final Fantasy VII at half price...

Shiro found a nice web site that was describing MMORPGs, and it categorized FF XIV as something along the lines of "tourist": It is a beautiful, beautiful game. And it is massive; you can easily put in 1000+ hours and not see/do everything there is to see/do.

But very few of the fights are even remotely challenging, and PvP is virtually nonexistent (which is a huge plus for me).

So it's a really fun time-waster, and I play it every morning before work just as a "relaxer"; kind of like meditation but with more button-pushing.

But if you want to test your skillz and your limits, FF XIV isn't your game.

And yep, basically $15/month to play, with the advantage being that they then don't swamp you with microtransactions. In fact, the biggest complaint about the game is that the selection of microtransactions is so limited, with around 100 possible microtransactions total...

EDIT: And the HUGE downside is that the developers for the first major expansion (Heavensward) had no clue whatsoever what they were doing, and wrote an expansion so terrible that people quit the game rather than trying to play through it. In fact, because the expansion was so terrible Square Enix now sells "experience packs" that let you skip the entire content of that expansion for $25, and people are paying for the privilege of not playing that content.
Fortunately, the next expansion (Stormblood) is really, really good, so it seems like they learned their lesson. Let's hope.

To me 100 microtransactions is still allot.

But then again, my only game with micro transactions is pokemon go and it has 6. One set of poke coins, and then five sets of more expensive but better value poke coins.

Keep in mind that this includes all the optional bits of clothing, mounts, housing furniture, and other random decorations people might want. Look around your house. I bet if you count, even in a ludicrously spartan house there are over 100 bits of furniture.

(Yes, you can craft a TON of it in-game, or find it in dungeons, but that's kind of the point -- FF XIV makes virtually everything you see available in-game, so you don't have to pay money out-of-game to acquire it. Rift was all about paying extra money for anything you wanted. But it was free to play, so a big difference in monetary models.)

So, after watching some Peanut Butter Gamer, I remembered how much I enjoy haverst moon, anyone know how good Stardew valley is? or would I be better going with something a little less modern and stick to a wonderful life?
Edit: nevermind, after watching 24 minutes of a play through, stardew is exactly what I want.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Eagerly awaiting the Cuddler's delivery between now and 10:00 am today.

I will be forced to take a brief break from work to sit in it, for with two teenagers now off for the summer, I doubt I will find it uninfested hereafter...

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Idiot of the morning award:

Guy is walking his dog at a very rapid pace downhill; 4-6 mph easily. Guy is looking at his phone. Guy comes to major north-south artery with lots of speeding cars (35 mph in a 25 mph zone, and it really should be a very strict limit due to the windiness and narrowness of the road). Guy doesn't even look up and just barrels into the street without any regard whatsoever for his own safety.

Well, sir, yes, you are in the legal right. Cars should be going a reasonable speed, and cars should be able to stop in time. But is it really wise to gamble your life on what other people should be doing?

EDIT: For clarity, no Stop signs were involved. It's a major thoroughfare, so the cars had no reason to stop other than for pedestrians that they have time to see and react to. So the guy did have a crosswalk, but his entry point from the sidewalk was invisible to traffic coming from one direction. So a real faith in the alertness and reaction speed of those drivers...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just had to post in another Paladin thread!
I guess its true, that you'd rather spend time on something you hate, then something you love.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kjeldorn wrote:


Just had to post in another Paladin thread!
I guess its true, that you'd rather spend time on something you hate, then something you love.

So, a few months ago I hid pretty much that entire section: No "Pathfinder RPG General Discussion". No "Advice". No "Rules Questions". No "Product Discussion".

And I am a much, much happier man for it.

So NH! What was in Shiro's mysterious FedEx box, or was it just a plot device he made up?

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I tried hiding the rules discussion forum once. Maybe it is time to try again. I just feel responsible as a venture captain for trying to answer questions.

Kjeldorn wrote:


Just had to post in another Paladin thread!
I guess its true, that you'd rather spend time on something you hate, then something you love.

Just wondering: is it paladins you hate or threads about paladins?

1 person marked this as a favorite.


The *only* irritation is the nightmarishly-opaque tipping rules in this country. When our couches were delivered, it was an independent delivery firm that even had a "Tip" section on the bill, making it REALLY easy. This was an in-house delivery by two guys who spent less than 5 minutes carrying in the chair, and nothing about a tip. So, do you tip random deliverypeople?

I've lived in the U.S. for over 50 years, and I have no idea.


The Game Hamster wrote:

So, after watching some Peanut Butter Gamer, I remembered how much I enjoy haverst moon, anyone know how good Stardew valley is? or would I be better going with something a little less modern and stick to a wonderful life?

Edit: nevermind, after watching 24 minutes of a play through, stardew is exactly what I want.

Turns out Stardew has no hard copy, BUT it is only 15 bucks for a digital switch download.

I paid more for shovel knight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:


The *only* irritation are the nightmarishly-opaque tipping rules in this country. When our couches were delivered, it was an independent delivery firm that even had a "Tip" section on the bill, making it REALLY easy. This was an in-house delivery by two guys who spent less than 5 minutes carrying in the chair, and nothing about a tip. So, do you tip random deliverypeople?

I've lived in the U.S. for over 50 years, and I have no idea.


From my understanding tipping any service person is acceptable but is only necessary in hotels, restaurants, and elevators.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
So NH! What was in Shiro's mysterious FedEx box, or was it just a plot device he made up?

So, I don't think it's a secret.

He has an utterly-ridiculous sniper rifle; the most powerful one available legally in California. (I know it's .45 caliber, but heck if I can remember the name. I just know it's the one that shows up in all the Call of Duty-style games as the sniper rifle to own. He says in the rest of the U.S. it's .50 caliber, but to meet California law it has to be .45 caliber, but to make up for it they made the .45 caliber more powerful than the .50. But I don't know guns, so who knows?)

So the FedEx shipment was a digital infrared scope for it. An utterly amazing piece of modern tech: You can see any heat source, day or night. We were playing around with it yesterday, looking at our heat reflections in the window glass, putting our hands on the table and watching the heat signature slowly fade, etc.

He had an infrared camera attachment for his iPhone just a couple of years ago, and the tech in this scope is orders of magnitude better.

I have stayed utterly out of any gun discussions on FaWtL, but I will say that as a civilian device, it's the kind of thing that would make hunting much easier; especially deer, since they're usually out in the early dawn and evening when light is for crap.

Why did he buy it for a massive sniper rifle that would just explode a deer? Because he's Shiro, and he loves his toys.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Final Fantasy XIV sale on Humble Bundle?
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Final Fantasy XIV sale on Humble Bundle?

Subscription past level 35? Meh.

Though I still have three hours to get Final Fantasy VII at half price...

Shiro found a nice web site that was describing MMORPGs, and it categorized FF XIV as something along the lines of "tourist": It is a beautiful, beautiful game. And it is massive; you can easily put in 1000+ hours and not see/do everything there is to see/do.

But very few of the fights are even remotely challenging, and PvP is virtually nonexistent (which is a huge plus for me).

So it's a really fun time-waster, and I play it every morning before work just as a "relaxer"; kind of like meditation but with more button-pushing.

But if you want to test your skillz and your limits, FF XIV isn't your game.

And yep, basically $15/month to play, with the advantage being that they then don't swamp you with microtransactions. In fact, the biggest complaint about the game is that the selection of microtransactions is so limited, with around 100 possible microtransactions total...

Have important things to do. Must learn C. Have important things to do. Must prep game material. Have important things to do. Must do daily therapy. Have important things to...


Wow. That is an impressive tool. The implications for paintball, especially at night, would be just wicked.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Wow. That is an impressive tool. The implications for paintball, especially at night, would be just wicked.

Honestly, I'm just waiting to see whether he ever actually attaches it to the rifle, or if he just carries it around with him as a toy.

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