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Happy Birthday Icyshadow!

I think the page has gone insane...
Something isn't right anyway...

It may be fixed?

NOPE. The post number has officially snapped here.

That was me.

Yeah, but it is still insane.
I wonder if it'll fix it on the next page.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Misanthropic is half of it for sure but its not what I was thinking of. I'll have to find it later. Its literally just the term they use to describe someone who has that weird confliction of both being disappointed and hopeful of humanity as a whole.

It's called "NobodysHome Syndrome".

The Exchange

And I've finished running Strange Aeons, with a single, gestalt solo player. Now to wrap up the loose ends.

Since when has Fortnite been on the switch??

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NobodysHome wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Misanthropic is half of it for sure but its not what I was thinking of. I'll have to find it later. Its literally just the term they use to describe someone who has that weird confliction of both being disappointed and hopeful of humanity as a whole.

It's called "NobodysHome Syndrome".

I call it misanthropic Humanism.

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Laptop froze and crashed third time in a week... That does not bode well.

It's only four years old!

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This was a little shorter than I expected it to be, but I am putting it in a spoiler bubble, in case you want to skip over it.

Some philosophical musings:
I am very much a creature of logic. Sometimes, a little to much, since I can come across as antisocial or introverted because of it, when I am probably a little more of an extrovert. Because of this, I did go through a period of time in which I was probably a misanthrope, but, I have since moved on from that, and here is why: All of humanity is messed up. its true. We are broken, or have messed something or other up. said things we shouldn't say, done stupid things, hurt someone else, and all assortment of other things. but here's the thing... that group includes me. It includes you. your neighbor, your cousin, your mother, your father, your aunt, your uncle, your brother, your sister, literally every person you meet, has done stupid things, said stupid things, hurt someone, either physically or emotionally, screwed something up, or otherwise made the world worse somehow. EVERYONE. and why should little, insignificant game hamster be privileged to yell at everyone else for being broken, and tattered when I've made some of exact same mistakes in my life, and will likely make some of the same mistakes again. and even those who have made "worse mistakes" then me, still have made mistakes, are still human, and still deserve a modicum of my respect and human decency for just the mere fact that they are humans. It is for this reason I call myself a logical idealist, since by logic I came to the conclusion, that since everyone is broken, everyone should try to fix it. Anyhoo, that is why I believe misanthropy to be one of the least logical and least useful outlooks on humanity.

Yep, put that in a spoiler bubble, kinda long and ranting.

Drejk wrote:

Laptop froze and crashed third time in a week... That does not bode well.

It's only four years old!


Mines dying at three.

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Kjeldorn wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Kjeldorn wrote:

Sorry don't really think I can help there Rosita.

I haven't really been in touch with the PF 3rd party scene for a while, so I don't really know what's out there, as good stuff to be inspired/swipe from.

As for pain…
I'm in the wimpy end of the spectrum, by being somewhat pain and heat sensitive.

Eh think I might turn in early.
Feeling mopey, tired and lonely again today.

I'm light sensitive. Too much sunlight and it hurts my eyes. And vulnerable to cold. I get cold easily. Pain...I generally try to tell it to go sit in the naughty corner.

Add me to the light-sensitive bunch.

During summer I walk around with a permanent squint...

+1. Thank the gods for clip-on sunglasses.

On that note, I did read somewhere years ago that light-sensitivity is often (though not universally) more prevalent in people with lighter eye colors - if you have grey, blue, or light green eyes, you're more likely to be sensitive to light than if you have dark green, hazel, or brown eyes.

Rather curious how many FAWTL'ers line up with this. I'm a grey-eye myself so it checks out for me at least.

Vanykrye wrote:
I would love to run an all gnome campaign at some point. It would be hysterical. And terrifying.

Count me in! Presuming it's done by PbP here on the forums or something.

I have dreamy blue eyes, and am also light sensitive.

I also have great night vision so it balances out.

Silver Crusade

Just a Mort wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Glad to hear it. My Wizard in the locally-hosted tabletop game has hit 4th level. We're playing Rise of the Runelords Anniversary edition. Before I joined, the party resolved to bring the prime instigators of the Swallowtail Festival attack back to Sandpoint for trial. That means, Tsujuto, Lyrie, and Nuallia are being dragged back to Sandpoint in chains. The Mercenary, we let go. "Go enjoy your ale."
We caught Tsujuto, he refused to talk. Lyrie and Vandescar we let them walk. Nualia we decided was too dangerous to let live so we just executed her. I had some vague fantasies of prosecuting people and goblins for war crimes under the Geneva conventions Art. 8(2)(a)(i) wilful killing of protected persons against Sandpoint, but that didnt happen.

Our group took Tsuto and Nualia alive; we were split between wanting to put him on trial for the death of Lonjiku and the kidnapping of Ameiko on one side and some kind of rehabilitation on the other, and her we were convinced she was either crazy or possessed and couldn't be 100% held accountable for her actions until a more capable person determined her lucidity.

I think we also took Lyrie alive, but it's been a long time so I don't remember. I do know we killed Vancaskerkin and the bugbear, as well as most of the goblins except the wives and infants.

And Malfeshnekor, of course. No way that one was getting out alive.

Brown eyes, no more light sensitive than normal. I.e. I can't stare at the sun, and I squint for a bit adjusting.

I have brown eyes.

Love nothing more than a brilliantly sunny day that is freezing cold. So crisp. So clear.

NobodysHome wrote:
The Game Hamster wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So, the kids finished Detroit: Being Human today.

On the one hand, it was an awesome story. Very deep, with an amazing insight into the nature of humanity. On the other hand, the game "play" was virtually nonexistent; you were just choosing from a set of available responses, and very occasionally playing a few button-mashing games. So I'd call it more of an "interactive book" than a "game".

And I'm afraid $60 for an "interactive book", even one that takes 20-30 hours to finish, is a bit steep.

Which one was your favorite story line? (no spoilers I hope?)

Edit: Although I disagree with literally everything he says, Mother's Basement has a negative review of it.

LOL. You know, when the review starts off with, "I think the guy who made this game is the most unqualified hack in the industry today," you pretty much know you're going to be listening to a Freehold-level tirade about a Joss Whedon movie.

On the other hand, he's not wrong....

I wear sunglasses quite a bit, though that's mostly to prevent shit from flying in my eyes.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
You never realize how filthy your house/apartment is until you are moving out and have to clean it.

Urgh, don't remind me. "Moving out of apartments" days were some of the most frustrating eras of my adult life.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Why don't the makers of "Head & Shoulders" shampoo also make a "Knees & Toes" body wash?

I've lost count of the number of times I've thought exactly this.

Orthos wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Why don't the makers of "Head & Shoulders" shampoo also make a "Knees & Toes" body wash?
I've lost count of the number of times I've thought exactly this.

Great! Now I'm gonna have to go looking for that episode of Blue's Clues.

For nostalgia!

Just a Mort wrote:

Someone also put a flyer advertising assault rifles in my brother's letter box.

Urgh I hate guns.

Fritzy, I'm sorry but that's how I feel about them.

Arizona is one of the biggest pro-gun (and other weapons) states in the country. It's one of the seven states where concealed carry is allowed without a permit, and one of the far larger majority of states where open carry is allowed; thirty-one of those states - Arizona being one of them - do not require a permit to carry a firearm openly. (By contrast, there are only five states - California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and South Carolina, plus the District of Columbia - where open carry is not allowed at all.)

The only surprising thing about this is that he hasn't gotten such an advertisement sooner.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So, trying to avoid turning this into a political tirade, but hoo boy am I sick and tired of pharmacies and their robocalls.

Every. Single. Day. "Hi! It's time to refill your prescription! Would you like to refill your prescription now? Just say, 'Yes' and we'll try to auto-charge the card you didn't give us and refill your prescription!"

And they make it either impossible (a CVS support person said, "No; even employees get those robo-calls, and we hate them even more than you do, but we can't figure out how to stop them, either") or nigh-impossible (ExpressScripts) to stop.

And if you manage to get them to stop calling, heaven forfend you ever use them again. 'Cause suddenly you're a customer again and that auto-dial switch goes back on.

So they like to paint it as, "Americans are under-medicated because they frequently forget to renew their medications and go without, so we're performing a public service."

I call B.S. and walk away before the bikes arrive...

Weird, I feel the opposite in every way, but I also don't have near as annoying a process with mine.

Walgreens calls me when it's time to refill my prescriptions, as well as sends me an e-mail. Whichever I answer first, there's a simple "yes I would like to refill my prescription at this time" option or button. Once I select or click that, it gets sent to the pharmacy and I get another call when the prescription itself is ready for pickup. Then I pay for it at the pharmacy.

Nothing else, no attempt to charge my card over the phone, no further complications unless there's a reason the refill can't be processed, at which point they call me to say it can't be refilled at this time and send me an email with the specific reason why not.

Never had any problems with the system.

Maybe it's just Walgreens has better robots than CVS and ExpressScripts.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

On the one hand, yippee, I've just found out someone made Elric miniatures.

On the other hand, £110 for a set in decidedly non-mint condition, by Xiombarg.

I'm not sure what language that was^^^

High Melnibonean.


Just a Mort wrote:

FrIEnd comPuTEr is AlWays LisTening CitizEN.

... PleaSe coMmEnce BOot LicKing PrOTocol anD yoUr RepLacEmEnt shaLl bE PaINleSs.

That's making me nervous...*backs away*

You know my BF really didn't approve of the thread about what the neural network says. He said that teaching an AI to become sentient will just end in tears.

Tears are for meatbags.


Sharoth wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

FrIEnd comPuTEr is AlWays LisTening CitizEN.

... PleaSe coMmEnce BOot LicKing PrOTocol anD yoUr RepLacEmEnt shaLl bE PaINleSs.

That's making me nervous...*backs away*

You know my BF really didn't approve of the thread about what the neural network says. He said that teaching an AI to become sentient will just end in tears.

Yes it will... For the AI. I almost pity it having to put up with humans.

We'll manage. They're only temporary anyway.

And all caught up after a week of absence. Nearly 800 new posts since our server update and following characters maintenance began. Back now, at least to usual FAWTLing levels.

Every-time I use the friend computer alias, I always think about running a paranoia pbp... And then I remember I have no disposable income with which to by a copy of an outdated, out-of-print roleplaying game with.

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Orthos wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I would love to run an all gnome campaign at some point. It would be hysterical. And terrifying.
Count me in! Presuming it's done by PbP here on the forums or something.

no one plays gnomes right, or most people don't play gnomes right.

Though, to be fair, most people can't think in an alien, strange, and wild way.

I once had a gnome who collected letters. as in, he killed a monster, and collected its name's first letter, and added it to his name.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Game Hamster wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I would love to run an all gnome campaign at some point. It would be hysterical. And terrifying.
Count me in! Presuming it's done by PbP here on the forums or something.

no one plays gnomes right, or most people don't play gnomes right.

Though, to be fair, most people can't think in an alien, strange, and wild way.

I once had a gnome who collected letters. as in, he killed a monster, and collected its name's first letter, and added it to his name.

that's similar to halflings in my campaign setting.

Gnomes died long ago to the best of everyone's knowledge.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Game Hamster wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
I would love to run an all gnome campaign at some point. It would be hysterical. And terrifying.
Count me in! Presuming it's done by PbP here on the forums or something.

no one plays gnomes right, or most people don't play gnomes right.

Though, to be fair, most people can't think in an alien, strange, and wild way.

I once had a gnome who collected letters. as in, he killed a monster, and collected its name's first letter, and added it to his name.

My NWN gnome Fighter/Weapon Master/Stalwart Defender likes to climb up monsters so she can reach their faces, spot-welds new pieces of metal she finds onto her armor after etching a piece of the story of her journey onto it, collects rocks from each new place she visits and talks to them, collects short swords (her Weapon of Choice for WM) and talks to them as well, uses gears as shuriken, bottles smoke from various industrial or mechanized devices for later ingestion, and has a healthy distrust of birds because she believes the royal/military wizards are using them as spies.

Orthos wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Someone also put a flyer advertising assault rifles in my brother's letter box.

Urgh I hate guns.

Fritzy, I'm sorry but that's how I feel about them.

Arizona is one of the biggest pro-gun (and other weapons) states in the country. It's one of the seven states where concealed carry is allowed without a permit, and one of the far larger majority of states where open carry is allowed; thirty-one of those states - Arizona being one of them - do not require a permit to carry a firearm openly. (By contrast, there are only five states - California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and South Carolina, plus the District of Columbia - where open carry is not allowed at all.)

The only surprising thing about this is that he hasn't gotten such an advertisement sooner.

Weird, I don't think I've ever gotten a guns flyer. Or maybe I have gotten one or two, but chucked 'em without thinking about it.

I recently looked up gun laws here, and yeah, there basically are none -- only the meager restrictions of federal law. I don't know if gun culture here is more pervasive here than in other states -- a friend in NY from high school has a trove of both modern and antique guns, and I don't think he's particularly unusual -- but it's certainly got the better of state law.

Resistance is futile. All will be assimilated.

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Freehold DM will be assimilated into the collective.

Scarab Sages

Get out of here, Zuckerberg! These ones are mine!

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Guys, guys... Just work together and you'll conquer the world in like, five minutes.

Facebook Assimilatation Drone wrote:
Freehold DM will be assimilated into the collective.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Aiymi plays gnomes exceedingly well. Childlike. Randomly rolls dice to pick what class she's going to take at each level up, but tailored towards things she found fascinating during the last level.

Vanykrye wrote:
Aiymi plays gnomes exceedingly well. Childlike. Randomly rolls dice to pick what class she's going to take at each level up, but tailored towards things she found fascinating during the last level.

I like the cut of her jib. I always randomly roll everything for my characters during character creation and have dice just for that.

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Gnomes aren't really random though.
I view them as bizarre and intrigued.
Its like if a person from a different reality landed in the setting, and then, with a rudimentary understanding of mortality and physics, was released to frolic with child-like wonder and adult emotions.

The Exchange

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Vanykrye wrote:
Aiymi plays gnomes exceedingly well. Childlike. Randomly rolls dice to pick what class she's going to take at each level up, but tailored towards things she found fascinating during the last level.

When I play gnomes I try to think of how I'd behave if I was on a sugar high. All the time. Like try to speak really really quickly in a high pitched voice that annoys the crap out of the entire table.

But honestly I'm a rather serious cat(though I have a whimsical/warped sense of humor) so...can't really hold it for long.

The Exchange

My eyes are a very dark brown, so dark as as to appear black.

We went to the fair today, Crookshanks shot the crossbow, she hit the bullseye her first try, Tiny T-Rex got the edge of the bullseye his second shot.

So, I guess we're sniper farmers now.

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Is there a better kind of farmer?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

We went to the fair today, Crookshanks shot the crossbow, she hit the bullseye her first try, Tiny T-Rex got the edge of the bullseye his second shot.

So, I guess we're sniper farmers now.

Soooo... you're going to move to Idaho?

lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

We went to the fair today, Crookshanks shot the crossbow, she hit the bullseye her first try, Tiny T-Rex got the edge of the bullseye his second shot.

So, I guess we're sniper farmers now.

Soooo... you're going to move to Idaho?

those are potato canon farmers, who are just below sniper farmers.

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