John Napier 698 |
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*Gets dressed*
Yesterday, there was a fire in my neighborhood, just a few blocks away from where I live, that killed a five year-old boy. Story link

Orthos |
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And my mind is kinda flabbergasted, on the one hand I firsthand know several conservatives who would be 100% behind said message, on the other conservatives on the internet really don't seem in a position to be so picky and should be happy for what allies they can get.

lisamarlene |
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You know, I've lived in a lot of rural red-state parts of the country, from northern Wisconsin to "Jefferson" (the logging/ranching part of northern California), to the gulf coast of Florida, to staying with my grandad in northeastern Oklahoma, to the central Texas hill country, where my husband's family have had a ranch since before statehood.
And I have to say, as a liberal Yankee, most southern folks were (although occasionally mildly patronizing), pretty darned friendly and open.
There have been a few exceptions, but "liquored-up-belligerent-S***kicker-looking-for-an-excuse-to-fight" will ALWAYS be the exception.
The most judgemental folks I have personally encountered have been my fellow liberals here in the Bay, who are horrified when I admit that I own guns and consider target shooting a meditative practice on a pat with yoga for focusing the mind and attention.

NobodysHome |
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** spoiler omitted **
And I just figure I have to be listening to a different planet...

Limeylongears |
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You know, I've lived in a lot of rural red-state parts of the country, from northern Wisconsin to "Jefferson" (the logging/ranching part of northern California), to the gulf coast of Florida, to staying with my grandad in northeastern Oklahoma, to the central Texas hill country, where my husband's family have had a ranch since before statehood.
And I have to say, as a liberal Yankee, most southern folks were (although occasionally mildly patronizing), pretty darned friendly and open.
There have been a few exceptions, but "liquored-up-belligerent-S***kicker-looking-for-an-excuse-to-fight" will ALWAYS be the exception.The most judgemental folks I have personally encountered have been my fellow liberals here in the Bay, who are horrified when I admit that I own guns and consider target shooting a meditative practice on a pat with yoga for focusing the mind and attention.
I don't own guns (nor am I ever likely to, purely because I have no need for them, and if I wanted to get one for hobby shooting, it'd take more effort than I'm prepared to put in), but I get where you're coming from. Practicing my thrusts and cuts and whathaveyou does the same for me.

Orthos |
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You know, I've lived in a lot of rural red-state parts of the country, from northern Wisconsin to "Jefferson" (the logging/ranching part of northern California), to the gulf coast of Florida, to staying with my grandad in northeastern Oklahoma, to the central Texas hill country, where my husband's family have had a ranch since before statehood.
And I have to say, as a liberal Yankee, most southern folks were (although occasionally mildly patronizing), pretty darned friendly and open.
There have been a few exceptions, but "liquored-up-belligerent-S***kicker-looking-for-an-excuse-to-fight" will ALWAYS be the exception.
Yeah. I'll admit I'm prone to a lot of griping about the stuff I hear and see on a semi regular basis but overall most people are polite and friendly, especially with strangers and visitors and neighbors. As a family member, I get exposed to a lot of this kind of commentary that wouldn't be so openly stated when others are present.

Cover Turtle |
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…Did I tell you I love craneberry juice? Again...I eat/drink almost anything. Beginning to wonder if I should get my Hep A and B shots since the places I'd be going to to eat stuff...can sometimes be questionable…How do hot towels help with Urinary Tract infections?
Warmth and a lot to drink (tea or some kind of berry juice - Elderberry or Cranberry being the go to - is a must, though liquor is a close second) is just the home-remedy for basically everything up here in northern fairy-tale land. Preferably combined somehow to being wrapped in warm towels or snuggling in bed whiled being plied with hot drinks al day.
*Nudges another glass of juice over to Mort Kitty*
Now drink this and take the anti-biotics the doctor probably gave you ^^.
*Scratches Mort on the top of her head with a turtle foot*
For something completely different.
Got stomped on the foot pretty badly today by one of the horses, so I'm a honorary "blackfoot" for a while.
Hurts like a MF'er, and my foot has swelled up quite a bit, though it doesn't feel like there is anything broken in there.
Might have to miss a day of work tomorrow, I'll have to see how bad the swelling is, and how much it hurts when that time comes.

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Just a Mort wrote:
…Did I tell you I love craneberry juice? Again...I eat/drink almost anything. Beginning to wonder if I should get my Hep A and B shots since the places I'd be going to to eat stuff...can sometimes be questionable…How do hot towels help with Urinary Tract infections?
Warmth and a lot to drink (tea or some kind of berry juice - Elderberry or Cranberry being the go to - is a must, though liquor is a close second) is just the home-remedy for basically everything up here in northern fairy-tale land. Preferably combined somehow to being wrapped in warm towels or snuggling in bed whiled being plied with hot drinks al day.
*Nudges another glass of juice over to Mort Kitty*
Now drink this and take the anti-biotics the doctor probably gave you ^^.
*Scratches Mort on the top of her head with a turtle foot*
For something completely different.
Got stomped on the foot pretty badly today by one of the horses, so I'm a honorary "blackfoot" for a while.
Hurts like a MF'er, and my foot has swelled up quite a bit, though it doesn't feel like there is anything broken in there.
Might have to miss a day of work tomorrow, I'll have to see how bad the swelling is, and how much it hurts when that time comes.
Issue is when I'm busy, I forget to take drinks. I haven't been given antibiotics. I was told to go for a retest after I get my pee in order. (Basically one month later after I spend time hydrating myself and collecting pee samples properly).
Cover Turtle, did you figure out why the horse stomped on your foot? *Passes a basin full of ice cubes to cover turtle*

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*Gets dressed*
Yesterday, there was a fire in my neighborhood, just a few blocks away from where I live, that killed a five year-old boy. Story link
Sorry to hear about that. I didn't know kitchen fires could get that bad.

Ambrosia Slaad |
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I dunno, coworker can be pretty hardcore conservative but I've been whittling him down.
Perhaps you don't realize how cheerful I can be.
Captain Yesterday is... Emmet?

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LOL. Or there's, "Those who are obsessive-compulsive and follow a daily schedule."
I kid you not. Here is my template work day:
06:30-07:00: E-mail, schedule, etc.
07:00-07:30: Breakfast, etc.
08:00-08:30: Foyer
08:30-09:00: Top
09:00-09:30: LR
09:30-10:00: Wall
10:00-10:30: DR
10:30-11:00: Standing
11:00-11:30: BR
11:30-12:00: Lunch; Walk
12:00-12:30: ''; 1 back yard; 1 kitchen; 1 studio
12:30-13:00: Kids Rooms/Bathroom
13:00-13:30: Sitting; Strength
13:30-14:00: Punches
14:00-14:30: Kitchen
14:30-15:00: Kicks
15:00-15:30: Fold laundry
15:30-16:00: AnimalsSo every half hour I spend 20-25 minutes working, and 5-10 minutes doing housework/physical activity.
So when I hit "kitchen" (2:00 pm every day), I load all the dishwasher-safe dishes into the dishwasher and hand wash the rest. Once the dishwasher is full (once per 2-3 days) I run it.
So I neither wash them immediately, nor wait 'til I'm out.
I like your schedule. We should all learn from NHs good example!
My day goes breakfast, work, lunch +gym, work, slay the spire/hearthstone, bed. PBP is done anytime of the day when there are posts, though I'll generally check once on the way to work.

Orthos |
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7:17-wake, dress, shave if needed
7:40-leave for work, grab breakfast en route
8:00-8:10, depending on traffic-arrive at work parking lot, play a little Pokemon GO
1:30-back to work
5:00-6:00-leave work
20-30 min later-arrive home
Computer, internet, games, etc. Until 10-10:30
Shower then bed around 11ish

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Orthos wrote:captain yesterday wrote:You'd be surprised how quickly conservative people can see reason when constantly confronted with a cheerful liberal. :-)To keep this from getting further political... No, they're not going to change their tune. Its too integral to their personal and moral identity.I dunno, coworker can be pretty hardcore conservative but I've been whittling him down.
Perhaps you don't realize how cheerful I can be.
Oh Noes! What have you been whittling your coworker with!

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:Captain Yesterday is... Emmet?I dunno, coworker can be pretty hardcore conservative but I've been whittling him down.
Perhaps you don't realize how cheerful I can be.
Except without the occasional pangs of self doubt.
Also, I think I might be slightly more cheerful.

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:Oh Noes! What have you been whittling your coworker with!Orthos wrote:captain yesterday wrote:You'd be surprised how quickly conservative people can see reason when constantly confronted with a cheerful liberal. :-)To keep this from getting further political... No, they're not going to change their tune. Its too integral to their personal and moral identity.I dunno, coworker can be pretty hardcore conservative but I've been whittling him down.
Perhaps you don't realize how cheerful I can be.
Facts, news, and rational thought.
The last thing I actually whittled was my finger, and I guess a stick (right before senior year trip to Great America).

captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

7:17-wake, dress, shave if needed
7:40-leave for work, grab breakfast en route
8:00-8:10, depending on traffic-arrive at work parking lot, play a little Pokemon GO
1:30-back to work
5:00-6:00-leave work
20-30 min later-arrive home
Computer, internet, games, etc. Until 10-10:30
Shower then bed around 11ish
My work day.
5: wake up, start coffee.
5-5:45: Me time
5:45-6:30: Get my s~%! together
6:30-6:50: drive to work
6:50: Start work
10-10:15: break time, eat cheese sticks and fruit snack
12-12:30 lunch time
3-3:15: afternoon break
5:30-7: Could get off work at any time during this period (depending on where we are on a given project)
Twenty minute drive home, a cup of coffee, help prep supper if I get off early enough, evening dog walk, and then at some point between 9-10:30 I'll collapse in exhaustion and repeat the process the next day.

Christine, "Self Driving" Car |
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My work day.
10:00 AM - Wake up. Eat breakfast.
10:30 - 12:00 - Study time.
12:00 - 1:00 PM - Get ready for work.
1:00 - 2:20 - Take two buses.
2:30 - 12:00 AM - Work. Have meals on-site.
12:00 - 1:15 - Take two buses to go home.
1:30 - 10:00 - Crash.*Welcome to my boring life*
Crashing is pretty exciting.

Cover Turtle |
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Issue is when I'm busy, I forget to take drinks. I haven't been given antibiotics. I was told to go for a retest after I get my pee in order. (Basically one month later after I spend time hydrating myself and collecting pee samples properly).
Cover Turtle, did you figure out why the horse stomped on your foot? *Passes a basin full of ice cubes to cover turtle*
He was wearing blinders, and his owner decided to try and remove his gaiters without removing his blinders first. I was on the other side of the horse removing the harness.
Horse + blinders = horse can't see, and will tend to be more skittish (sound doesn't tell you much about who's touching you, says the average horse brain)
Horse + blinders + someone touching his lower legs (removing the gaiters) = Horse gets spooked and jumps away from what's touching his lower leg.
Me on the other side doesn't get away from side-jumping horse quick enough, and get a horse landing on my foot.
He then gets spooked again (still can't see properly) and a human foot is not very solid ground for a horse hoof, thus he jumps again, giving my foot a good second press as a parting gift.
Really you can't him (the horse) too much. It was his owner who forgot the proper order for removing your equipment from your horse :(

The Game Hamster |
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** spoiler omitted **
I've been racial profiled one time in my life, and it was actually by a black woman, who thought I was Arabic.
Your treatment probably had nothing to do with your skin color, in my experience people tend to prefer a calm civil discussion wherever their political views may lie, until one person blows up.
That may be a bit much, but that's why I put it in a spoiler, and I'm going to never talk about that again.
onlooks at the coming bike-pocalypse

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:Until Tuesday. Is kind of why I mentioned it. :)TriOmegaZero wrote:Cyz is with her mother and aunt at Disney World right now. Mom is not taking the humidity well, being a desert lizard and all.WAIT! How long is she there for?! PM me!
PM’d! PM me back and proooobably post here so I notice! If you can!

Krombopulos Michael |
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Drejk wrote:I also have unwashed dishes and a pot from the last year...
I should probably wash them...
That's horrifying! *runs away at the sight of the stains*
There's probably a million bacteria colonies growing on them now!
Drejk, have you convinced the bacteria to generate power for you via goobleboxes/flooblecranks?

lisamarlene |
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My boss did something I have not seen her do before, in seven years.
She broke her own policy and sent out the notice today announcing my resignation to all the parents even though the replacement for my position hasn't officially said yes or signed the contract yet.
She did it so all the parents/children who aren't signed up for the summer program can get a chance to say goodbye to me at the commencement ceremony tomorrow.
Seriously; she never does this and usually just shrugs and says, "Yeah, it's too bad the timing didn't work out."
Guess I'm not wearing mascara tomorrow.