Deep 6 FaWtL

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The Exchange

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I'm entertaining myself with Hearthstone expansion witchwood now. Just cleared as Houndmaster. Again the world knows I've always been good at FACE!

The problem is we were kissing yesterday and yeah I already had blisters yesterday but I didn't know yesterday that it was hand foot and mouth.

*gets dressed*

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Earth-chan wrote:
Maybe black hole swarms are why aliens can't contact us.

Yes, let's go with that.

There's nothing more to see here.

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Superheroes get their powers so randomly that it seems the main thing that stops people from becoming superheroes is being unattractive.

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Food doesn't actually go bad, something else just eats it first.

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The distinction between "clothes" and "laundry" is weird. We put on clothes, wear them, then take them off and put them in a basket. At this point they become laundry, and stay that way until they are washed, dried, and put back in the closet/dresser. At this point they become clothes again.

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The most effective alarm clock is the sound of your cat throwing up on the floor.

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Toys R Us went out of business because all the Toys R Us kids finally grew up.

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Welding is kind of like using lightning to glue metal together.

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The difference between polish and Polish is just capitalization.

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Egg salad is technically chicken salad.

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Give a man a duck, and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to duck, and you may save his life from sniper fire.

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Giving your girlfriend flowers is essentially handing her a bundle of sex organs.

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If you really wanted to, you could stop breathing for the rest of your life.

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"Maize maze" sounds more interesting than "corn maze".

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Bitcoin is the new Beanie Babies.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Toys R Us went out of business because all the Toys R Us kids finally grew up.

I think I should be careful about these kinds of jokes, Gran. Toys-R-Us is Cap's employer.

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No worries!

It's all in good fun, gran can use all the Toys R Us jokes he wants. :-)

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John Napier 698 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Toys R Us went out of business because all the Toys R Us kids finally grew up.
I think I should be careful about these kinds of jokes, Gran. Toys-R-Us is Cap's employer.

Not for long! Damn kids today don't know how to squeeze their parents for toys, why back in my day...

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Where i work now, Warning! it is Facebook.

Also, i'm not in any of those videos.

They will travel, so mention FaWtL and i'll try to make sure i'm on the crew (guaranteed if it's a hardscape project, i'm kinda alright at that).

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Just a Mort wrote:

I'm entertaining myself with Hearthstone expansion witchwood now. Just cleared as Houndmaster. Again the world knows I've always been good at FACE!

The problem is we were kissing yesterday and yeah I already had blisters yesterday but I didn't know yesterday that it was hand foot and mouth.

*gets dressed*

clearly, you were doing more than just kissing...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Toys R Us went out of business because all the Toys R Us kids finally grew up.
I think I should be careful about these kinds of jokes, Gran. Toys-R-Us is Cap's employer.

I know. I thought that made it funnier.

Just me?

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I thought it was funny. :-)

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After twenty years, I've come to the conclusion that whoever landscaped my mother's house had a marvelous eye but no logical reasoning ability whatsof*ckingever. Also, I know ground ivy is lovely, but if you plant it and never rake or brush off the top of it, you look like you're about to be attacked by 2d4 shambling mounds.

But, I managed to get about 80% of the pool and back yard cleaned up before breakfast (I got up *really* early and I work fast). The front yard is going to take more work. So much more.

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Whoever plants ivy needs to be shot out of a cannon.

Just saying.

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Yeah. It's nasty. Also, what is that horrible weed that looks like a really big dandelion but is pokey and makes your arms itch? It grows ridiculously well in Oregon. Last summer, I dug an eight-foot tall specimen from behind the diving board. This morning, I got a five-foot tall clump out from under the sitting room windows. Including, thankfully, the tap root. Hate that crap and want it dead.

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I don't want to mess about in the Ivy too much because the pet cemetery is underneath it. Three dogs and two cats over twenty years, and it doesn't feel respectful to go clomping around over the top of them.

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Get well soon, Just A Mort!

Lisamarlene, is that hogweed you're referring to?

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Limeylongears wrote:

Get well soon, Just A Mort!

Lisamarlene, is that hogweed you're referring to?

No. It's an asteracea, similar to bristly hawksbeard, but much taller. The stalks on these were about 2" across and hollow. Milky sap like dandelion.

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Lunch is over and my sister took both of my children, plus her baby, out to Harry Potter activity day at the library so mom and I can keep working. She's either very brave or appallingly stupid.

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To the toy mines for me.

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On the other hand, handing in my two weeks notice gives me Saturday's back and someone got the archaic inventory device thingys all sweaty.

Who does that, [redacted], that's who! >:-(>

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captain yesterday wrote:
To the toy mines for me.

Let us hope that you find a rich vein of Barbies.

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lisamarlene wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Get well soon, Just A Mort!

Lisamarlene, is that hogweed you're referring to?

No. It's an asteracea, similar to bristly hawksbeard, but much taller. The stalks on these were about 2" across and hollow. Milky sap like dandelion.


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On a third hand, if I hand in a kick ass resignation letter tomorrow why stick around for another two weeks, why not reclaim my weekend now.

The Exchange

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lisamarlene wrote:
Lunch is over and my sister took both of my children, plus her baby, out to Harry Potter activity day at the library so mom and I can keep working. She's either very brave or appallingly stupid.

Sometimes kids behave better with non parents then their parents...

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

Get well soon, Just A Mort!

Lisamarlene, is that hogweed you're referring to?

It's a just suck it because you're stuck with it for 7-10 days. Think chicken pox.

Id say my case is pretty mild,im not uncomfortable I'm just stuck at home and told not to use the house computer for fear of spreading to others.

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Only a half hour until we close.

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~bangs my head against the wall~ Now both of my Litter Robot II's are not working. That leave only my single Litter Robot III for seven cats. ~curses~ That is not going to work for too long. Maybe Mom can lend me some money for a new Litter Robot.

The Exchange

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7 cats...? You have 7 cats at home?

Can you send your litter robots for servicing or try to fix them

The Exchange

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Toys R Us went out of business because all the Toys R Us kids finally grew up.

There's some truth in that - I thought how you entertain kids is just to stick them in front of the TV - or give them a smartphone?

I mean I don't approve of that, of course.

Though one of my friends friends did get his smartphone thrown out of the window because he handed it off to his 3 year old daughter...

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In seriousness, there are a LOT of reasons Toys R Us is going kaput, but the main ones are a combination of being outmaneuvered and undersold in their own market - most people go to Wal-Mart or a similar store for their toys these days, if they do a brick-n-mortar location at all, otherwise Amazon of course, and the prices at either tend to be lower and the stock more readily available - and their immense outstanding debt.

They were subject to a leveraged buyout in the mid-00s. What this means in layman's terms is that a new company bought TRU from its prior owners, but to get the money for said purchase they took out a huge loan, using the company they were just about to purchase as their collateral. Yes that is legal, bizarrely enough. But it left them with a huge debt that they never made enough profit to pay off, and now they literally can't.

This video is a few years old and thus doesn't have all the most recent events and happenings, but it does give a great deal of information on the situation that's still relevant today.

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Just a Mort wrote:

I'm entertaining myself with Hearthstone expansion witchwood now. Just cleared as Houndmaster. Again the world knows I've always been good at FACE!

The problem is we were kissing yesterday and yeah I already had blisters yesterday but I didn't know yesterday that it was hand foot and mouth.

*gets dressed*

I've only been able to beat it with the canoneer so far.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
"Maize maze" sounds more interesting than "corn maze".

I in fact have a Maize maze nearby.

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Oh your work at a toys r us specifically? Aren't they closing those down soon? Also I hear its one of the worst places to work for can you verify?

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Orthos wrote:


They were subject to a leveraged buyout in the mid-00s. What this means in layman's terms is that a new company bought TRU from its prior owners, but to get the money for said purchase they took out a huge loan, using the company they were just about to purchase as their collateral. Yes that is legal, bizarrely enough. But it left them with a huge debt that they never made enough profit to pay off, and now they literally can't.

I'm sure there are significant differences, but really that doesn't sound too different than taking out a car loan or a mortgage (to buy a house, not refi or cash out equity). You're getting money to buy something, and using that thing you are about to buy to guarantee the loan.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

I'm entertaining myself with Hearthstone expansion witchwood now. Just cleared as Houndmaster. Again the world knows I've always been good at FACE!

The problem is we were kissing yesterday and yeah I already had blisters yesterday but I didn't know yesterday that it was hand foot and mouth.

*gets dressed*

I've only been able to beat it with the canoneer so far.

I haven't played for at least a month. I was getting kind of burned out, so I took a break thinking that when the expansion dropped it would inspire me to play again. But so far, it hasn't.

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Corrupt cops are undercover criminals.

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Dora claims to be an explorer, yet she travels exclusively through mapped territories.

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Kids love zoos because they love animals. Adults hate zoos for the same reason.

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"-esque" is the more formal version of "-ish".

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