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4 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
What's the longest piece of furniture in the school? The multiplication table.

puts it in the wood chipper

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Of course I am naked. I am defeating math

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
What's the longest piece of furniture in the school? The multiplication table.
puts it in the wood chipper

More! Feed me more!!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

At my Eldest’s all-day orchestra concert! Woo!

(Already tired.)

It went deaf!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Um. “Great.” It went, “great.”

Dang it talk-type.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Of course I am naked. I am defeating math

If you're gonna be naked by the woodchipper, you might end up doing a bit of division of your own...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

At my Eldest’s all-day orchestra concert! Woo!

(Already tired.)

It went deaf!
Tacticslion wrote:

Um. “Great.” It went, “great.”

Dang it talk-type.

Mwhahahahah, that is the best autocorrect mistake.

The Exchange

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Scintillae wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Of course I am naked. I am defeating math
If you're gonna be naked by the woodchipper, you might end up doing a bit of division of your own...

Ba dum tish!!

Also... OW.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

At my Eldest’s all-day orchestra concert! Woo!

(Already tired.)

It went deaf!


Greatest. Autocorrect. Ever.

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The Woodchipper from Fargo wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
What's the longest piece of furniture in the school? The multiplication table.
puts it in the wood chipper
More! Feed me more!!

I will feed you every math book I can find. This world must be cleansed.

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Purification in progress....

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Favor Of The Sea Queen, a myth of a proud captain and a cruel sea goddess.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

More Starfinder Goodness!:
Today, we made a group of tieflings, with horns, hooves, tails, and blue skin.

Then, we went planet hunting. The GM was confused about our complete disinterest in the plot, but went with it. Including letting us eventually find a planet inhabited by humans and orcs that was at a medieval level of technology.

We made it a point to "accidentally" crash the ship on a remote island on the planet. GM is frustrated, of course. We've previously gone through four ships in two sessions.

Anyway, once we land, my character turns to the others and goes, "Okay, some of you roll shaman, I'll set up the defenses to keep Kil'jaden from discovering us while we contact the Alliance."

It was at that point the GM realized we were draenei and aborted the game.

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Is it sad I figured out where that was going from the first line?

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I don't get it.

The Exchange

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Some people played too much World of Warcraft.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Today, we made a group of tieflings, with horns, hooves, tails, and blue skin.

At that moment I had a suspicion what the group would be about...

Then, we went planet hunting.

And here I knew it!

Terrible singing but still like it... The Gift of Naru nostalgia!

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Is it sad I figured out where that was going from the first line?

*tentacle bump*

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Just a Mort wrote:
Some people played too much World of Warcraft.

That would be why, I never played it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Some people played too much World of Warcraft.
That would be why, I never played it.

Short Explanation:
One of the races in WoW is the Draenei, a race of aliens who have blue, purple, or greyish skin, long tails, goatlike legs, horns, and small tentacles growing out of the bottoms of their skulls around the jawline.

The race arrived on Azeroth - the world Warcraft is set on - via crashing their spaceship, the Exodar, on a remote island. Shaman is a class in WoW that, originally, could only be taken by the Draenei for the Alliance faction. (Horde had a lot more races that could take the class, but before the Draenei were introduced no Alliance characters could. Ditto for Horde playing Paladins - until Blood Elves came along, only Alliance characters could be Paladins.)

The Exchange

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My theory is that Lawfuls prefer alliance while chaotics prefer Horde.

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All gibberish to me, I did some landscaping for a guy in Seattle that had to sell his house because he was laid off from work because he played it too much and had to have an intervention and everything.

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And I ended watching the cinematic scenes from The Legion, including the finale and preludes to incoming Battle For Azeroth.

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Could be. I like Alliance just 'cause they're prettier to look at.

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Just clean-shaved for the first time since before I met my wife. Seeing her tomorrow should be fun.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
All gibberish to me, I did some landscaping for a guy in Seattle that had to sell his house because he was laid off from work because he played it too much and had to have an intervention and everything.

I don't doubt it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Could be. I like Alliance just 'cause they're prettier to look at.

I legitimately like Draenei, they're my favorite Warcraft race and I love their design. Sure their little free heal ability isn't super great but it's incredibly helpful at certain points, especially early on and if you're playing a Warrior or Hunter or Mage and don't have any actual healing spells as class abilities.

Of the five characters I played during my WoW years, four were Draenei (Paladin, Shaman, Death Knight, Hunter); the last was a Worgen Mage made for the very short time I played during Cataclysm before calling it quits.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Oh Gran this hotel life i'm telling you. A old lady just called me from her cell phone on the second floor of our hotel tell me she locked her key in her room I go up to see what is going on and she is only wearing a long t-shirt and can't remember what room she is in. I got it fixed after quite a bit of prompting but ...sigh...
A single diplomacy check could have taken this in Freeholdian directions...
You like em in their late 70's?
im sorry, I though she was around your age. Your avatar had me fooled.

Its the beard.

The Exchange

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The problem about me and Wow was becausey BF was rushing me to 110, I never got to read the dialogue much and honestly don't know about the lore.

Groups in Wow also didn't care for my lore reading shenanigans.

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Should of went to an RP server they are all about that lore.

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Someone might be going to get into trouble next door. A guy came in a few minutes ago, said he had reservations at our sister property next door, and said he'd been there for about 20 minutes and no one was around to check him in. He said he even tried using both the house phone and his cell phone to call, but no one ever picked up. He claimed that he let the phone ring for 10 minutes before coming over here to see if I could raise anyone. I called over, let the phone ring 20 times, but no answer. I offered to rent him a room over here, at a discount for his troubles, but he said "No. I'm going to go back over there and stand in the lobby while I call Marriott and see if I can get someone fired."


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My breakfast person caught our manager who was filling in for my job (since I took PTO) sleeping in his office when she came in. I wish that guest had came in here.

That is a pretty good ball drop for your sister property.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Just clean-shaved for the first time since before I met my wife. Seeing her tomorrow should be fun.

{Appears in the sky, pouting and glaring at Tequila Sunrise}


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You catch his eye, from across the room you catch his eye
You think 'oh my, he's got quite the beard, oh my'
And now you want to but you can't look away
His beard is black and bushy with a hint of grey
And now you find yourself walking his way
Hey hey

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
All gibberish to me, I did some landscaping for a guy in Seattle that had to sell his house because he was laid off from work because he played it too much and had to have an intervention and everything.

I had a similar experience. WoW hit, and the guy I was renting a room from got into the game in a major way. He got laid off from his job a couple months later, and he played more WoW than he hunted a job. Foreclosure, had to stay at my then-GF's parents' place for a few months, etc., etc. My interactions with the game have been few, but . . . disappointing.

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Eh I havn't played wow since my guild broke up I kind of realize now it was probably more for the social aspects then necessarily the game itself. It was just made really well to encourage the social aspects.

The Exchange

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My BF asked me to join him and his guild on a PVP server. I'm sure you know how I feel about PVP. Wow I feel is too much into number crunching and I have slower reflexes then the average person and also my motor control isn't that good....which translates into less dps.

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Every time I watched someone play it, they just chopped wood or whatever, which I can do at my dad's house.

It's like the three times I tried watching [redacted] and every game ended in a 0-0 tie.

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I personally strongly dislike PVP on WOW

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I only liked pvp in games like Goldeneye or Turok The Dinosaur Hunter.

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So. Daggum. Tired.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I only liked pvp in games like Goldeneye or Turok The Dinosaur Hunter.

Wow. I kind of thought everyone except me had intentionally forgotten Turok ever existed!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
My theory is that Lawfuls prefer alliance while chaotics prefer Horde.

I'm non lawful and hate WOW in general.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Just clean-shaved for the first time since before I met my wife. Seeing her tomorrow should be fun.

this is gonna be good.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I only liked pvp in games like Goldeneye or Turok The Dinosaur Hunter.
Wow. I kind of thought everyone except me had intentionally forgotten Turok ever existed!

Turok was a ton of fun!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

The problem about me and Wow was becausey BF was rushing me to 110, I never got to read the dialogue much and honestly don't know about the lore.

Groups in Wow also didn't care for my lore reading shenanigans.

I think it's one of the major Catch-22s of MMORPGs in general:

(1) To make it "multiplayer", you add a bunch of instances that require a team, even in the main story line

(2) To ensure that said instances have enough players in them so that people who require them can actually DO them, you give experienced players a reason to grind them: Currency, rare loot drops, or whatever

(3) The result is that the players who actually want to, y'know, read the dialog and watch the cut scenes get yelled at by the grinding players who just want to be done and move on.

My favorite was when we were trying to do the final instance of the first book of Final Fantasy XIV (the original content). So this is the finale in an EPIC story (Book 1 was really amazingly well-done. Book 2 really shows why Square Enix should never do sequels). But it was an 8-person instance, and we only have 4 people. So the other 4 just ran ahead, left us behind to our dialogues and cut scenes, and some of us missed entire battles because they just ran in and killed the mid-bosses before we even got there.

So yeah, catching up with your teammates while they kill bosses you don't get to fight because they can't wait for you to enjoy the immersion is what MMORPG instances are all about.

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*Yawn* Good morning, everyone.

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Morning?? Again?

Didn't we just have one of those? :/

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
My theory is that Lawfuls prefer alliance while chaotics prefer Horde.
I'm non lawful and hate WOW in general.

That (among other things) makes you a cultural contrarian.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

FINALLY had a good nite's sleep last nite, after two weeks of poor sleep and TORTUROUS insomnia!

If only I can figure out what I did yesterday to make it happen....

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