Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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NobodysHome wrote:

What the ever-lovvin' snarf?

Just knowing that these are words people use increases my happiness. Thank you.

EDIT: but I am still *dressed*

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Seems like tomorrow is important for some reason, though I'm not sure how... Whatever it is can't be too important...

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Made chocolates for the boys for tomorrow. And cards. My present is that we get takeout for dinner instead of cooking. That’s about as much fuss as I can muster for Valentine’s Day. Just as well, as all three of us have a cold and the sneezing and the coughing and the fever and chills mean that any fuss would have been wasted. Meh, with my birthday on the second and my husband’s birthday on the eighth, by the fourteenth neither of us even cares about celebrating any more. :P

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What is a cannibal's favorite part of the wedding reception? When they toast the bride and groom.

Sometimes people ask me why I wear my wedding ring on the wrong finger. I tell them it's because I married the wrong woman.

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What do cats like to eat on a hot day? A mice cream cone.

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How do cats make coffee? With a purrcolator.

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What do you call a cat that lives in an igloo? An eksimeow.

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A couple of weeks ago our cat swallowed a ball of wool. Today she had mittens.

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What is a cat's favorite breakfast cereal? Mice Krispies.

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What do you get if you cross a newly hatched chick with an alley cat? A peeping tom.

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My neighbor has a female cat that she never had spayed. Today she was arrested for kitty littering.

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What's worse than raining cats and dogs? Hailing taxi cabs.

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Is a pile of kittens a meowntain?

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Bill and Ted are on safari with their families. Bill comes running into Ted's tent and says "Ted, we're in big trouble! There's a lion in the camp and it's going to kill us all!" Ted asks "Has it gotten anyone yet?" Bill replies "Yes. It's already eaten my mother's sister!" Ted smiles and says "Oh, that's not a lion. It's an aunt eater."

The Exchange

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That's discrimination against cats! I haven't done all those things! And I prefer fish to mice!

Throw tomato at Gran: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (15) - 3 = 12
dmg on hit: 1d2 ⇒ 2

EDITED: Forgot to put - 4 penalty for improvised weapon.

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Hold on, let me check my AC.
Yeah, 12 hits.

*wipes tomato off face*

The Exchange

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*rolls on floor laughing*

I'm prone so I get a +4 bonus to AC vs thrown tomatoes =)

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Dual-Wield Tomatoes!!!

*Attack roll 1: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (17) - 3 = 14*
*Attack roll 2: 1d20 - 7 ⇒ (20) - 7 = 13*

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WOOT! Possible crit!!

*Confirmation roll: 1d20 - 7 ⇒ (20) - 7 = 13*

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And a Natural 20 to confirm!! If I roll like this tomorrow, I'm gonna score a TPK!

Assuming these hit, then Mort takes:

*Damage roll 1: 1d2 ⇒ 2*
*Damage roll 2: 2d2 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3*

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The first tomato flies over the laughing snow leopard, but the second one flies smack right at her nose.

The Exchange

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*gives a pained yowl and rubs her paw against her sore nose, then looks for a bush to hide in*

I take back my comments on your dice betraying you... Maybe you can PBP afterall ;)

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*attempts to spot Mort's bush*

*realizes that could sound dirty*

*tries anyways*

*Perception roll: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11*

Shadow Lodge

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Dirty, dirty gran.

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I blame his jokes.

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Awake at Oh-my-God-it's-early 3 AM for my eleven-hour shift. Still, mustn't complain. Those eleven hours rounds out my 40 hours.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I can't deny that these 12 hour shifts are damn good for overtime.

The Exchange

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stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Gran does not manage to find the Bush with a kitty cat.

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Three days of 9.5 hours plus one day of eleven hours is 39.5 hours.

The Exchange

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Hey John, if you want entertainment, you could join the tomato brawl and throw tomatoes at gran!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Four days of 12 hours means a good 8 of overtime. Balanced out by the next week being three days of 12 hours.

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Sorry, but I've got a PbP game to run. Out if game, Tassadar made a good, solid hit. Plus, I've got to level up my Society character. My Ranger is now 3rd level.

The Exchange

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Congrats! I used to PFS then I took a spear to the knee =P (D@mn those robots)

Nah I gave up after Season 5,finding scenarios too biased against casty cats. Really the best thing to do with robots is get an adamantine stick and SMASH!

Which clearly isn't possible if you're a casty cat.

Otherwise your best bet is to shore up the dosh for heart of metal and disable construct, both which require splat books and yeah I'm not rich.

TOZ, you aren't arresting me as your authority as VC, are you?

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*is unable to find Mort*

*throws tomatoes randomly*

*only succeeds in painting the floor with catsup*

I deliberately said "catsup" instead of "ketchup" because of Mort.

And why wasn't catsup in Chrome's dictionary? It's in there now.

The Exchange

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*ponders the difference between ketchup and catsup*

Was catsup made out of cats?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
Just a Mort wrote:
TOZ, you aren't arresting me as your authority as VC, are you?

You missed out on the dweomercats btw. Immediate action dimension door pounces in response to casting.

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Just a Mort wrote:

*ponders the difference between ketchup and catsup*

Was catsup made out of cats?

Nope, it's just a spelling thing. But I did go to college not far from "The World's Largest Catsup Bottle." (It's a water tower shaped like a catsup bottle because it used to supply a catsup bottling plant.)

The Exchange

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Rangers I would say is my favorite not so casty class. They've got 6 skill points/ level assuming you didn't dump int, and have two good saves, fort and ref. Their lack of good will save is somewhat mitigated by that their dependency on wisdom for casting. So on a point buy a ranger, unless taking one of those archetypes that remove casting is likely to have a positive wisdom modifier, which helps with those will saves.

Besides they get combat styles, which let's you ignore pre requisites of feats and saves you the trouble of learning melee feat chains.

Besides they get a Fluffy animal companion that can be brought up to scratch with boon companion. That said companion can even be a cat. What's there not to like? =)

The Exchange

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But why would I cast spells on a dweomer cat. They're cute and cuddly!

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That game was almost as quick as the one from yesterday. I got to see my starting hand before my opponent quit.

The Exchange

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Sometimes I go into a game realizing I bought along the wrong deck. I concede immediately. Maybe that was me lol =)

The Exchange

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*licks up the catsup*

Haven't had dinner yet and this might be a long night.

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I have now beaten 100 bosses in the dungeon run using Warrior, but haven't been able to beat the final boss in like 5 times of making it that far.

The Exchange

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Welcome to my world with every class that isn't druid.

Kipparian said the whole dungeon run was all about preparing for the final boss which cannot be taken by aggro decks, but if you don't have enough early gameplay, you can't beat the earlier bosses so you don't even get there.

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At work now. Ranger leveled - check. PbP updated - check. ... All's good.

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Morning folks.

The day started with firing flags at some spammers that roamed the boards less than a hour ago.

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Elmer Fudd wrote:
"A' hunting we will go. A' hunting we will go. Heigh-ho the merry o'. A' hunting we will go."

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Looks like we've hit the February warming trend, wherein we go from an average day time temperature of 10-20 degrees to an average day time temperature of 25-38 degrees.


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Elmer Fudd wrote:
"Shhh! Be vewy, vewy qwiet. I'm hunting foah Spam. uh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh!."

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