NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:Aaaaand.... we're off again!
In my "retirement" letter, I explicitly said TO Whingey Wizard, "Please do not contact me with any questions less than 48 hours from the game, as I am busy doing prep work and will not have time to address them properly."
So today's game day, I check my e-mail, and, yep, sure enough, series of questions and complaints from Whingey.
I sent him a mild nastygram, but I swear one of these days I'm just going to say, "Whelp, sorry guys! No game today! I was too busy answering Whingey's questions to do any prep work!"
EDIT: And just so's we're clear, they're never simple, "Remind me what happened last time?" questions. They're always, "Oh, by the way, I plan on doing this totally-unexpected thing next session, so can you re-do all your prep work and rewrite the plan for the day to accommodate me?"
its weird. Im the opposite. Dont ask me questions weeks in advance regarding the game, ask me a day or two before so I have everything in front of me and I can answer questions better- and make some changes if necessary.
There's a difference between "make some changes" and "please rewrite my history and re-do your entire side quest because I don't like the way I reacted here..."
EDIT: Maaaan... either I'm posting too much, or I'm just enjoying the fresh winter breeze too much...

Freehold DM |
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Terrinam wrote:NobodysHome wrote:Just a Mort wrote:Urgh that's hard. I hate having to wing things on the fly, NH. Though the times I have it hasn't turned out too bad.Oh, that's just it. I don't. I respond with a, "No, and this is why not."
It's just that I'm tired of trying to say, "You're a power-gaming self-entitled munchkin troll," without being quite that explicit.
Maybe you need to move the goalpost?
Try saying "F%#$! You're a f%#$ing-power-f%#$ing-gaming f%#$ing self-f%#$ing-entitled f%#$ing munchkin f%#$ing troll f%#$! How about f%#$ing getting your f%#$ing head f%#$ing out of your f%#$ing a%$ and f%#$ing acting like a normal f%#$ing player for f%#$ing once in your f%#$ing life? F%#$!"
Trying for less explicit than that is much easier, and you're more likely to get the message across ;)
Well, the way I look at it is: We have a grand total of 12 sessions left, at which point I will never GM for nor game with him again. I will have preserved a friendship and lisamarlene's sanity, and somewhere the karma gods will say, "Good for taking one for the team, NH."
Doesn't mean I don't get to vent about it for the next 12 sessions.
(Though I'm feeling pretty pissy today. If he starts up with his whole, "If I'm not the center of attention I'm going to interrupt everyone else at the table until I am," BS, I'm going to go ahead and issue him a warning, then implement "kid rules" on him: If you interrupt another player, you take 10 non-healable hit points. If you die from this damage, you are non-resurrectible. I hope it drives the point home. More likely he'll throw a hissy fit, pack up his things, and storm home. But I'd at least like the other players at the table to have a chance at some RP and closure.)
I'd get you a pizza if I could man. 12 of em. You wouldn't have to share it with anyone.
[Just to irritate]And it would be real brooklyn pizza too, not the west coast stuff [/just to irritate]

captain yesterday |
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NobodysHome wrote:Aaaaand.... we're off again!
In my "retirement" letter, I explicitly said TO Whingey Wizard, "Please do not contact me with any questions less than 48 hours from the game, as I am busy doing prep work and will not have time to address them properly."
So today's game day, I check my e-mail, and, yep, sure enough, series of questions and complaints from Whingey.
I sent him a mild nastygram, but I swear one of these days I'm just going to say, "Whelp, sorry guys! No game today! I was too busy answering Whingey's questions to do any prep work!"
EDIT: And just so's we're clear, they're never simple, "Remind me what happened last time?" questions. They're always, "Oh, by the way, I plan on doing this totally-unexpected thing next session, so can you re-do all your prep work and rewrite the plan for the day to accommodate me?"
its weird. Im the opposite. Dont ask me questions weeks in advance regarding the game, ask me a day or two before so I have everything in front of me and I can answer questions better- and make some changes if necessary.
I just wouldn't answer them.
Zested I have a host of compelling and the other two twits I have a host of compelling and the other two twits... This is what happens when you go with the first suggestions for spell check.
As soon as it suggested Zested I had to see where it was going.

Drejk |
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[Just to irritate]And it would be real brooklyn pizza too, not the west coast stuff [/just to irritate]
Remember you are speaking to a foodie... You shouldn't really be so sure about it.
Also, I don't remember NH's stance on West Coast/East Cost/Chicago/Italian pizza divide.
Not that I know which is which anyway.
All I know I had ordered a 60 cm wide pizza with chicken from pizzeria that is called Miami Pizza today and will continue eating tomorrow. Yum-yum.

NobodysHome |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

OK, far be it from me to throw someone under the bus and then not admit I was wrong:
Whingey Wizard showed up, told me that whatever I'd prepared would be good with him and he'd roll with it, and then apologized to me for contacting me too close to game time.
I am no longer pissy, and he gets credit where credit is due.
Good game so far today.
EDIT: And OMG lisamarlene's cottage pie. Mmmmm... I normally eat 1-2 meals a day. I'm looking at thirds of the pie alone. The stuff is DIVINE! And mixed with the roasted Brussels sprouts...

lisamarlene |

Out of curiosity - has Whingey wizard GMed before? Usually a good dose of GMing makes players more cooperative with the GM. Because they know what it's like from the other side.
I have kicked people out of my game before. It gave me no pleasure but it had to be done.
He's been GMing for like 35 years. He has a truly enviable gaming library from the olden days.
But he is legendary among his friends for overly subtle hints and clues that leave pcs screwed over months later, and, well, not giving you much to go on.