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3 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Happy birthday, Freehold! :)


4 people marked this as a favorite.

...i knew this was going to happen...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Give a man a fish, you keep him fed for a day.

Teach a man how to fish, he sits in a boat and drinks beer all day long.

Give a man a fire, you keep him warm for the night.
Set him on fire, you keep him warm for the rest of his life.

Rest in peace, Sir Terry. You are still greatly missed.

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The Exchange

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Actually I didn't realize it was from Terry Pratchett. One of my friends showed me a pic on that one.

Anyway just had a HS game of my life, not even sure how I managed to win it with only 1 health left...

Basically the priest was using Barnes to draw grand archivists out of his deck, then they kept popping Shadow essences and ressurect to bring back all the Grand archivists back. Then he threw two arcane golems.

The final round I was at 24 hp, he had 2 grand archivists up, (one inner fired) and had thrown 2 arcane golems at super cheap costs the round back. So it was 7+8+8 = 23 dmg. He had about 16 health left, I had an arcane golem and a mana worm on board, he used a that wasn't buffed to kill my mana worm, triggering my effigy, which gave me a 2/3 zombie chow. He had 16 life left...I could only deal 10 damage. Then I topdrew a fireball spell....So I full attacked with all my minions, then fireballed him in the FACE and won that match with 1 health point about close. Don't even know how I pulled THAT one off...

I think he was trying to clear his spell dailies. But that's one nasty deck. Guess you see things you don't usually see when you play ranked.

Still at rank 18 at standard. It's tough I admit.

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Yay! I finally get to go eye gouging and foot stomping for Christmas presents today!!

And then work tonight, where I just get to witness it.

The Exchange

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Me and my final fantasy run:

Oh back then, Final Fantasy 7 was on computer, so my brother was hogging the disks. I played part of Disk 1(that is, when my brother wasn't hogging the comp), but disk 3 broke by then, so I didn't bother to continue, since I hate starting things I can't finish, and since disk 3 broke, there's no way to continue.

Also - you will laugh at this, but I have totally NO sense of direction. Give me a walkthrough, I still don't know where to go. I was very pissed off at the part at train graveyard, because it took me ages to get across it, even with the walkthrough. And train graveyard is full of random encounters.

I like Tifa because she has one of the coolest limit breaks ever. It's like running a jackpot. (I played a bit of arena at the end where you start collecting for omnislash - and figured that it's not as easy as it looks just to get all hits on Tifa's limit breaks). And also because she's a tough female character with lots of spunk back in the time where girls were usually secondary to the main protagonist.

Oh, I really didn't care for Aeris much. I know her limit breaks are actually the most powerful of all when you get full party invincibility, but her standard attack would do half of the rest of the party, and MP isn't free that you can keep spamming it, you know.

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144 posts since my message last night. I *did* read most of those.

Happy Birthday, Freehold, you rascal!! :)

The Exchange

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I didn't play any of the other FFs but I did complete FF8, which I will probably talk about, some other day.

I'm still pissed that most of Final Fantasy series has all gone on Playstation and not on computers...gah. I do not have a playstation. I heard from friends that final fantasy 14, Square Enix's first venture into FF as an MMORPG was meh.

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For whatever reason, I never got into the stories video games told as a kid, I was all about just playing.

I played a Final Fantasy, I think it was 7 (spiky blonde hair dude).

I got into Phantasy Star pretty hard, but I honestly remember less of that then Final Fantasy 7.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

It's Freehold's birthday!!!

Fires a twenty one bike salute while buxom milkmaids dance suggestively to a Micheal Bay lens flare explosion in slow motion.

Happy Birthday boss!!

The Exchange

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That's Cloud. Urm...I generally think that Final Fantasy Protagonists (At least for 7-8) tend to be douchebags. I suppose it's all that introspection and stuff like that, but to me they felt rather like selfcentred, mercenary jerks.

I understand that Cloud does have some serious issues though, which shows up in Disk 3.

The Exchange

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*runs away the moment the artillery starts firing and finds a cave to hide in, then covers ears with paws*

Firearms, remember? ;)

*pops up once the fireworks are over*

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Poor kitty. Halloween and other firework heavy festivals must be hell for you

The Exchange

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I can watch fireworks. From a safe distance away. That is, waaay beyond the range you can hear popping sounds.

Oh and I had this for dinner. Good for cold days. All that pepper really warms you up =)

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  • Happy Birthday, Freehold!
  • ESFJ-A here! Too bad I have no idea what it means! But I'm 86% judgy, which sure sounds too low to me!
  • Glad to hear that TOZ's issues are logistical rather than a**-hattical, but sorry to hear they're there.

  • 1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:

    Me and my final fantasy run:

    Oh back then, Final Fantasy 7 was on computer, so my brother was hogging the disks. I played part of Disk 1(that is, when my brother wasn't hogging the comp), but disk 3 broke by then, so I didn't bother to continue, since I hate starting things I can't finish, and since disk 3 broke, there's no way to continue.

    Also - you will laugh at this, but I have totally NO sense of direction. Give me a walkthrough, I still don't know where to go. I was very pissed off at the part at train graveyard, because it took me ages to get across it, even with the walkthrough. And train graveyard is full of random encounters.

    I like Tifa because she has one of the coolest limit breaks ever. It's like running a jackpot. (I played a bit of arena at the end where you start collecting for omnislash - and figured that it's not as easy as it looks just to get all hits on Tifa's limit breaks). And also because she's a tough female character with lots of spunk back in the time where girls were usually secondary to the main protagonist.

    Oh, I really didn't care for Aeris much. I know her limit breaks are actually the most powerful of all when you get full party invincibility, but her standard attack would do half of the rest of the party, and MP isn't free that you can keep spamming it, you know.

    i hate ff7. But tifa is...tolerable...because reasons.

    6 people marked this as a favorite.


    And let's all have a moment of schadenfreude for my poor friend Cathryn, who not only has one more day, but has to give her students finals tomorrow.



    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    And INFJ nowadays, although I started out as an INFP. e-characters is fun.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
  • Happy Birthday, Freehold!
  • ESFJ-A here! Too bad I have no idea what it means! But I'm 86% judgy, which sure sounds too low to me!
  • Glad to hear that TOZ's issues are logistical rather than a**-hattical, but sorry to hear they're there.
  • Since when are you an Extrovert?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy Birthday Freehold!!!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Happy birthday, crazyman.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    It's especially crazy on the playground today, I wonder why...

    After this I gotta deliver the one piece of homework Crookshanks decided to (mostly) complete.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I managed to find copies of FF7 and 8 for fairly cheap but have never managed either. Started FF7 and lost interest early on. Haven't tried 8.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Now, off to loot and pillage!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Syrus Terrigan wrote:

    144 posts since my message last night. I *did* read most of those.

    Happy Birthday, Freehold, you rascal!! :)

    thank you my friend!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Haven't finished 6, either. Really liked it, but every time I get to the World of Ruin, IRL hits, and I completely forget what I was doing by the time I can get back to it.

    Could play 9 again. Love me some 9. except Quina. Quina can fall in a ditch and spontaneously combust but survive until an entropy spell drops a turkey out of an airplane onto Quina's stupid face

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:
    I managed to find copies of FF7 and 8 for fairly cheap but have never managed either. Started FF7 and lost interest early on. Haven't tried 8.

    you have chosen wisely.

    But i looooooove that 8 card game.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Or I could be responsible and split my day between housework and finishing my book so I can take it back and pick up the next ILL.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    ...oooor Stardew Valley. Also an option.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    ...of course it's raining. The day I explicitly tell myself "It's not that far to the library, you can just walk it, you've got plenty of time." Of course it rains.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:

    For whatever reason, I never got into the stories video games told as a kid, I was all about just playing.

    I played a Final Fantasy, I think it was 7 (spiky blonde hair dude).

    I got into Phantasy Star pretty hard, but I honestly remember less of that then Final Fantasy 7.

    as long as you hold the unending glory of phantasy star above ff7, we are good.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Never played Phantasy Star.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Fritzy, Flaming Bike Artillery wrote:

    It's Freehold's birthday!!!

    Fires a twenty one bike salute while buxom milkmaids dance suggestively to a Micheal Bay lens flare explosion in slow motion.

    Happy Birthday boss!!

    thanks little guy.

    gives sideeye to rantraptor

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:
    Never played Phantasy Star.

    please start.

    Ps2 has the most amazing ending of any game.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:

    *runs away the moment the artillery starts firing and finds a cave to hide in, then covers ears with paws*

    Firearms, remember? ;)

    *pops up once the fireworks are over*

    we are going to have to affix the cannon with a muffler.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
  • Happy Birthday, Freehold!
  • ESFJ-A here! Too bad I have no idea what it means! But I'm 86% judgy, which sure sounds too low to me!
  • Glad to hear that TOZ's issues are logistical rather than a**-hattical, but sorry to hear they're there.
  • thank you my friend!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    lisamarlene wrote:

    And INFJ nowadays, although I started out as an INFP. e-characters is fun. are...inside of me?

    Or am I inside of you?

    Oh man, I could have turned that into a pickup line and I botched it!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tequila Sunrise wrote:
    Happy Birthday Freehold!!!

    thank you!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:
    Happy birthday, crazyman.

    =madmen, arent we all?

    This is the first year in some time I haven't watched the crow on devils night.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:

    Haven't finished 6, either. Really liked it, but every time I get to the World of Ruin, IRL hits, and I completely forget what I was doing by the time I can get back to it.

    Could play 9 again. Love me some 9. except Quina. Quina can fall in a ditch and spontaneously combust but survive until an entropy spell drops a turkey out of an airplane onto Quina's stupid face

    the 6 dissonance happens to many people.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    After years and years of hearing a friend rave about FF7 -- this was already well after the game's explosion in popularity, so finding even a used copy at any reasonable price was impossible -- I finally made another friend who loaned me his old copy.

    And it froze up the moment I went into the casino. Restarting didn't help, cleaning the disc didn't help, nothing. So to this day, my FF7 exposure comes 99% from the movies and what people tell me.

    I did however play FF12 from start to finish, and thought it was fun. You just can't go wrong with an anthro-bunny named Fran who flies into berserk rages.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    Scintillae wrote:

    Haven't finished 6, either. Really liked it, but every time I get to the World of Ruin, IRL hits, and I completely forget what I was doing by the time I can get back to it.

    Could play 9 again. Love me some 9. except Quina. Quina can fall in a ditch and spontaneously combust but survive until an entropy spell drops a turkey out of an airplane onto Quina's stupid face

    the 6 dissonance happens to many people.

    Oh, it wasn't the dissonance. It was that I started student teaching and couldn't scrape time to play for four months, which meant that I couldn't remember what I was supposed to be doing because the World of Ruin is a sandbox. Couldn't remember what I'd already managed to get done or where I needed to go. I really liked it. I just literally could not remember how to finish.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Nobody's Home - differences between -A and -T is this:

    Assertive (-A) individuals are self-assured, even-tempered and resistant to stress. They refuse to worry too much and do not push themselves too hard when it comes to achieving goals. Similarly, they are unlikely to spend much time thinking about their past actions or choices – according to Assertive types, what’s done is done and there is little point in analyzing it. Not surprisingly, people with this trait report more satisfaction with their lives and they also feel more confident in their abilities to handle challenging and unexpected situations.

    In contrast, individuals with Turbulent (-T) identity are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. They experience a wide range of emotions and tend to be success-driven, perfectionistic and eager to improve. They are also more willing to change jobs if they feel stuck in their current one and to spend time thinking about the direction in which their life is going.

    However, while the Assertive variant may seem more positive on the surface, that is not always the case – for instance, Turbulent individuals perform better in certain roles as they push themselves to achieve superior results, while Assertive ones do not care about the outcome that much. Always feeling the need to do more, to have more, and to be more, Turbulent types often forget how exhausting that can be to both themselves and the people around them – but it is entirely possible that this desire to always push themselves just a little further helps many Turbulent types to achieve what they seek to achieve.

    Mine is -T.

    For your own profile - you'd want to read this

    Was expecting an E out of you NH - I think TL has an E somewhere too, and probably some Fs and Ps...

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I think I played FF5 a long long time back, but I got stuck at the after you defeat the boss and your ship is sucked into the whirlpool. Couldn't get past the Ship Graveyard. (Why does it sound familiar?) Train Graveyard, Ship Graveyard? :P

    So I stopped.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    lisamarlene wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
  • Happy Birthday, Freehold!
  • ESFJ-A here! Too bad I have no idea what it means! But I'm 86% judgy, which sure sounds too low to me!
  • Glad to hear that TOZ's issues are logistical rather than a**-hattical, but sorry to hear they're there.
  • Since when are you an Extrovert?

    The best description of me is, "Passive Extrovert".

    I'm perfectly happy sitting in a corner by myself. But if someone starts talking to me, I'll cheerfully chat with them all night long. So most parties are, "NobodysHome sits quietly in a corner. Someone sees the sad and lonely old man and decides to take pity on him and talk to him. His conversation is actually remotely interesting. A group forms. NobodysHome dominates the conversation because NobodysHome talks too much."

    But yeah, come shopping or dining with us some time. I chat up the cashiers, the waiters or waitresses, the busboys, whoever. You just typically see me in "Passive" mode because we're usually at the dojo thingies.

    EDIT: Honestly, I was surprised that my Extrovert score was "only" 63%. I love interacting with people. I think it's because I'm so passive about it that it ended up so low.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    And we watched the Star Wars Holiday Special last night, and Mangenorn's link to XKCD really says all you need to know about it.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Scintillae wrote:
    Never played Phantasy Star.

    You. Must.


    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I don't talk to random people I don't know. But I suppose if we have common grounds, I can be fairly chatty.

    I don't feel that Star Wars : The Last Jedi was that bad honestly... but its fine. We're all entitled to our opinions and since it ain't the movie thread to discuss it, I'm not discuss it here and have to spoiler things all over the place.

    Never played Phantasy Star Too!

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'm also trying to speculate on how accurately I can guess people's Myerrs Briggs by their forum posts, but I don't think I've done a very good job. I may get 2/3 out of the 4 letters right but that's about it. And some people I really have no clue...

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