lisamarlene |
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Here's why I am not Lawful Good:
I get off the BART train literally fifty feet away from the acupuncture clinic, and there's a city maintenance crew doing some work on the street and sidewalk at the intersection. And even though the path to the entrance is unobstructed and there's no work happening on that particular side, the cop makes me cross to the opposite side, go down a block, cross again, and walk back up the block to the clinic, because LG = officious prick.

NobodysHome |
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Here's why I am not Lawful Good:
I get off the BART train literally fifty feet away from the acupuncture clinic, and there's a city maintenance crew doing some work on the street and sidewalk at the intersection. And even though the path to the entrance is unobstructed and there's no work happening on that particular side, the cop makes me cross to the opposite side, go down a block, cross again, and walk back up the block to the clinic, because LG = officious prick.
I consider that LN. The G adds some compassion and common sense, in my mind...

Orthos |
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lisamarlene wrote:Here's why I am not Lawful Good:
I get off the BART train literally fifty feet away from the acupuncture clinic, and there's a city maintenance crew doing some work on the street and sidewalk at the intersection. And even though the path to the entrance is unobstructed and there's no work happening on that particular side, the cop makes me cross to the opposite side, go down a block, cross again, and walk back up the block to the clinic, because LG = officious prick.
I consider that LN. The G adds some compassion and common sense, in my mind...
Seconded, that's totally LN, not LG. And speaking as someone who defines themself as LN, I'd say closer to LE, though not quite over the line.

Orthos |
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Tony DiTerlizzi discusses how classic monsters came from dime-store dinosaur toys.
Thought you guys might get some entertainment out of this. =)

![]() |
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I'd be happy to get a software to do my tax accounting. Since I know if I did it myself I'd just make a horrible mess of things since I hate maths.
And if the state laws allow it, NH, I'd just go by them.
I don't question rules, I just follow them. I've told TL this before. I'm LN, and proud of it.
Yes, Longbow duels are a bad idea. If you need to spar or something get blunt weapons, go out to some open ground(preferably a field), and start whacking each other. Try not to inflict any grievous injuries.
...I'm sure under HEMA there are rules on where you're supposed to hit, and where you're not supposed to.

lisamarlene |
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NobodysHome wrote:Seconded, that's totally LN, not LG. And speaking as someone who defines themself as LN, I'd say closer to LE, though not quite over the line.lisamarlene wrote:Here's why I am not Lawful Good:
I get off the BART train literally fifty feet away from the acupuncture clinic, and there's a city maintenance crew doing some work on the street and sidewalk at the intersection. And even though the path to the entrance is unobstructed and there's no work happening on that particular side, the cop makes me cross to the opposite side, go down a block, cross again, and walk back up the block to the clinic, because LG = officious prick.
I consider that LN. The G adds some compassion and common sense, in my mind...
You're right.
If I were LG, I would have shrugged off the inconvenience and considered myself a good citizen for complying cheerfully with the law.
No chance.

Freehold DM |
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Here's why I am not Lawful Good:
I get off the BART train literally fifty feet away from the acupuncture clinic, and there's a city maintenance crew doing some work on the street and sidewalk at the intersection. And even though the path to the entrance is unobstructed and there's no work happening on that particular side, the cop makes me cross to the opposite side, go down a block, cross again, and walk back up the block to the clinic, because LG = officious prick.
flies team chaos flag
I would have laughed in the cops face and told him to ticket me.
Syrus Terrigan |
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lisamarlene wrote:Here's why I am not Lawful Good:
I get off the BART train literally fifty feet away from the acupuncture clinic, and there's a city maintenance crew doing some work on the street and sidewalk at the intersection. And even though the path to the entrance is unobstructed and there's no work happening on that particular side, the cop makes me cross to the opposite side, go down a block, cross again, and walk back up the block to the clinic, because LG = officious prick.
flies team chaos flag
I would have laughed in the cops face and told him to ticket me.
I'm just glad we don't have a high enough cop density in my part of the world for me to do something just like Freehold said for something like that. I give no rips about laws that exist for their own sake, and pretty much do as I please -- the cops and sheriff's deputies in these parts have better things to do than bother with my practices.
Except when I'm driving. In completely safe and legal ways.
"License and registration."
"What were you doing?"
"Passing three vehicles in a clearly marked passing zone at the speed limit in safe fashion? Exactly what state traffic laws allow."
"Looked a lot different to me."
"I had plenty of clearance both before and behind my vehicle as I merged back into the lane."
"Uhhhh . . . . Well, seemed you were in a hurry. Where ya headed so fast?"
"I was going 55 miles an hour. On a straightaway. Passing 2 vehicles and a tractor. To go to a doctor's appointment."
*mumble, mumble, entrapment doesn't work*
"Wellsir, you have a good day, and drive safely."
*pulls off, resumes original course (yeah, he doubled back for a wasted stop)*
"Thanks for wasting my time. Now I'm gonna be late! 'Protect and serve.' Pfft."

Tequila Sunrise |
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Born firmly Neutral, and constantly yoyo-ing between Lawful and Chaotic.
Then again mostly depends on your point of view.
I don't yo-yo, but I have a pretty even split of chaotic and lawful tendencies.
I haven't decided whether that makes me neutral, or a game-world impossibility.

Tacticslion |

My son just informed me that I got one XP for catching a shirt he tossed! Woot!
I only need three million five-hundred ninty-nine thousand, nine-hundred ninty-nine more shirts caught, and I. AM. THERE, baby~!

doctor_wu |
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Speaking of "Stupid NobodysHome Tricks", I feel fortunate that I am able to make the choice between choosing U.S.-made goods and imported goods (when such a choice is available). I bought an $18 pry bar instead of an $8 one, and I've never regretted the decision; it tore down a whole building and is still going strong.
Unfortunately, other products really make me doubt my sanity. New Balance has a separate "Made in the USA" shoe section. Needless to say, they're about 40% more expensive. But I bought a pair. And they lasted less than half as long as the foreign-made ones. Really, U.S. shoemakers?
So yesterday I was getting myself a couple new pairs of Levis. This one was a painful, painful choice: $40 for foreign-made, $88 for U.S.-made. Seriously? A 120% premium to help support the local economy? That's just ouchy. Especially considering they're made in Texas. Do I really want to support Texans?
But I try to do my small part about the deficit, so I went ahead and ordered the $88 pants. Now I have to hope they last more than a year.
Heck, I have Chefwear pants that are more than a decade old!
I like clothes made from synthetic fabrics but don't like more oil being taken from the ground so have ever only really enjoyed buying clothes from goodwill. You are not contributing to the problem of having to burn fuel for the ship to take it all the way across an ocean put on a train or truck etc. Also since I live in Los Angeles county the port is busy enough and emits enough emissions already.

Rosita the Riveter |
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Nothing makes you appreciate the burn of cheap, shoddy whiskey quite like that liquid cold medicine. Bleg.
I will say this, though. When they say mixing alcohol and cold medicine can induce drowsiness, they aren't kidding. NyQuil is something like 10%-15% alcohol for a reason. I prefer generic brand DayQuil chased with whiskey, myself. I have too high an alcohol tolerance for NyQuil, and I only need to buy one medication instead of two, since i have an ample supply of spirits.

The Vagrant Erudite |
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Total tone shift: Me practicing some of my stand-up comedy! It's really rough, cause I haven't had a crowd to work with since I moved. No comedy clubs in the tri-county area...

Freehold DM |
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I just virtually never shop for clothes.
I was curious about spending $176 on pants, so I looked at my clothing budget for the last 2 years: $350, give or take, including shoes, jackets, etc.
Apparently I am just not a clothes horse. Go figure.
me either. But I'm trying to change that. Midlife crisis, perhaps?

The Vagrant Erudite |
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I just found out the Salvation Army by my house has $1 for any clothes on Tuesdays, and I'm really REALLY looking forward to increasing my "black t-shirt and jeans" collection so I can throw out literally everything I own that isn't that (except for interview clothes).
Seriously. Ever see Ernest Goes to Jail, when he opens his closet, and it's like 40 of the exact same outfit? I want that. I want that so much. V-neck black T-shirts, jeans, and black boat shoes so I don't have to wear socks, but they're more mobile than flip-flops.

Limeylongears |
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Take two of the date with Potential Lady Longears (Diamond Edition). This time, we both turned up on time, and spent a very nice couple of hours talking and drinking tea. She replied to my 'thankyou and hope you got home safely' text and I am quite keen on her, so with any luck, she'll be willing to meet up again...
I buy most of my clothes from charity shops, unless there's a nice hooped shirt on sale, in which case, take my money already.
Decent 2nd hand trousers are hard to find in my size, though (30 inch waist), so those sometimes have to be bought new. I do need to replace my nice grey cords, seeing as the bum has been worn down to near transparency. Perhaps they should just be saved for Special Occasions.

John Napier 698 |
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Slow day here in the 'Burgh. There was a great deal of thick fog this morning. You could barely see 330 ft. (100 m) in front of you. Must be from having three rivers. So slow, in fact, that I took a four hour nap. I feel a bit more rested, though. Due to the new guard and the new schedule cooked up by the supervisor, I'm back to roughly the same amount of hours I had before, but with Friday off.

Limeylongears |
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Oh, no, your waist is too small for your pants?
You don't have belts in England?
Let's assume that we don't.
Belts are banned, along with guns, fun, puns, Wing Chun and the Reverend Run.
Alternatively, belts have never been used for anything but chastising the impudent, and it has never occurred to us to use them to reduce the likelihood of our lower body garments descending prematurely.
Buying clothes that fit would be utterly ridiculous, of course.