Deep 6 FaWtL

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Did it seriously just take me 45 minutes to figure out that I can geocode this list of addresses in ArcGIS with the "geocode addresses" tool I've used multiple times in the past for that exact purpose?

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Did it seriously just take me 45 minutes to figure out that I can geocode this list of addresses in ArcGIS with the "geocode addresses" tool I've used multiple times in the past for that exact purpose?

Umm...I'm gonna go with...yes?

And also, I'm gonna hand you some pants.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Crookshanks asked to go to the coffee shop with a BOY on Monday...

F%&# you time!! I thought we had a deal!!!

Was the deal for a 37-volume set of books all about home maintenance and car repair?

Am I old because I remember seeing commercials for TIME/LIFE books?

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Cap, better that she meet someone and start going out now, than for her to still live at your house at 37.

It's all in your perspective. =)

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Crookshanks asked to go to the coffee shop with a BOY on Monday...

F%&# you time!! I thought we had a deal!!!

Was the deal for a 37-volume set of books all about home maintenance and car repair?

Am I old because I remember seeing commercials for TIME/LIFE books?

What about zoo books?

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So, this morning I bought a ticket to Coco for the Sunday after tomorrow, so I have something to look forward to after the insanity of Black Thursday and Black Friday. I was already excited. Everybody in Mexico is saying it was awesome, and of course Rosita wants to see a Mexican Disney-Pixar movie. Then Disney-Pixar announced The Incredibles 2 today.


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Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Crookshanks asked to go to the coffee shop with a BOY on Monday...

F%&# you time!! I thought we had a deal!!!

Was the deal for a 37-volume set of books all about home maintenance and car repair?

Am I old because I remember seeing commercials for TIME/LIFE books?

What about zoo books?

Yep, I remember them too.

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You old suckah!

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captain yesterday wrote:

Crookshanks asked to go to the coffee shop with a BOY on Monday...

F~*$ you time!! I thought we had a deal!!!

Time's response.

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Sissyl wrote:

Cap, better that she meet someone and start going out now, than for her to still live at your house at 37.

It's all in your perspective. =)

There is nothing wrong with being 37!

Also I happen to live in the same room my whole life (aside from short periods spend with grandparents in childhood, and ten months in UK).

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Today, the first snow came over us. It shows no signs of loosening up. The streets are covered with half-frozen sludge.

And so it begins...

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Now is the winter of our discontent

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Well, mine anyway.

And I don't understand why Freehold hasn't already moved here.

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It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.

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So, we saw Thor: Ragnarok last night, and in spite of Yet Another Food Fiasco (YAFF), we really enjoyed ourselves. As has been said, there's a lot of humor in the movie, and it works well. It's not a great movie or an epic, but it thoroughly entertained me, it made me overlook the fact that the Cerrito forgot our entire dinner (we ordered tater tots, a hummus plate, and nachos, and we got the tater tots), and I walked out very cheerful.

So in spite of the fact that it wasn't "high cinema", I'm going to give it a relatively high 1-beer rating, because it was "entertaining cinema", and that's what really matters.

As a side note, NobodysWife made a fascinating observation: The "lead" female protagonist in the movie is really a "side part", showing up for only maybe 1/3 of the movie. Yet she had more personality and a greater character development arc than Gal Gadot did in Wonder Woman. NobodysWife loves her some Gal Gadot, but Thor: Ragnarok proved in a little microcosm why the Marvel movies are still worlds better than the DC movies: Their writers understand character development, and that CGI and a guy/girl in a cape isn't enough to make a fun movie.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Crookshanks asked to go to the coffee shop with a BOY on Monday...

F%&# you time!! I thought we had a deal!!!

Was the deal for a 37-volume set of books all about home maintenance and car repair?

Am I old because I remember seeing commercials for TIME/LIFE books?

All good, I'm probably considered old because I remember when my mom ordered me a set of Time Life books (about American history).

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Sissyl wrote:

Today, the first snow came over us. It shows no signs of loosening up. The streets are covered with half-frozen sludge.

And so it begins...

no need to thank me.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:

Now is the winter of our discontent

winter? Discontent? I don't understand.

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Sissyl wrote:

Well, mine anyway.

And I don't understand why Freehold hasn't already moved here.

me too...

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Vizzel familiar.

Descendants of my old, and widely loved character. Yes, I played a familiar in D&D game. The party liked me more than my wizard. Him having Charisma of 4 didn't help much, though I prefer to think it was my awesomeness that made them love me. And feed me. And pet me...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Sissyl wrote:

Today, the first snow came over us. It shows no signs of loosening up. The streets are covered with half-frozen sludge.

And so it begins...

no need to thank me.

This is where we need a downvote button....

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Winter is coming!!

Leave off, haters!! :D

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Hope your Mum's OK, John.

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Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Sissyl wrote:

Today, the first snow came over us. It shows no signs of loosening up. The streets are covered with half-frozen sludge.

And so it begins...

no need to thank me.
This is where we need a downvote button....

If it works like the favorite button, it will help me identify and then locate those who need more snow in their lives.

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You already know I hate snow. Nothing will change.

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You should know: things like that fill him with... determination.

The Exchange

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TL, undertale, really? I watched the lets play pictures of it and wondered if I could complete the full genocide route.

I mean in MOTB I did the fully evil ending where you om nom nom nom, just to see it, but it made me feel rather sick doing so.

Like kicking kittens and puppies.

But the fact I could still do it probably says some uncomplimentary things on what I really am inside.

I will unabashedly admit that there is quite some undertale influences in the things I run.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:

Now is the winter of our discontent

winter? Discontent? I don't understand.

He means discount tents. He's running a cut-price camping supplies store, and wants to pass the great savings he can achieve on to YOU!

The Exchange

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In my defense I will say it was For Science! and I'm as curious as any cat...

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In an effort to prove ANY class can be broken (always take weapon finesse) I will be making a character for every class.

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Limeylongears wrote:
Hope your Mum's OK, John.

She's doing better, today. Thank you for asking.

Just a Mort wrote:

TL, undertale, really? I watched the lets play pictures of it and wondered if I could complete the full genocide route.

I mean in MOTB I did the fully evil ending where you om nom nom nom, just to see it, but it made me feel rather sick doing so.

Like kicking kittens and puppies.

But the fact I could still do it probably says some uncomplimentary things on what I really am inside.

I will unabashedly admit that there is quite some undertale influences in the things I run.

I only know Undertale from stuff I know around. I haven't played it myself - no time.

The fact that you felt sick speaks well of you, actually - points to a strong conscience in the face of curiosity about non-existing make-believe people.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Back from the honeymoon cruise! And what a cruise it was, though I'm glad to be back. We went horseback riding -- ouch, so sore! -- and then saw a top notch show with world-class mexican dancers in really creative animal costumes.

(Much of the cruising revolved around all kinds of opportunities to give Carnival even more money on an hourly basis, and things can get boring if you're not willing and able to do that.)

I did a lot of Zeitgeist reading on the cruise though, and I'm psyched to run it! The PCs are part of an elite FBI/CIA/secret service organization in a fantasy world just beginning its industrial revolution. I will possibly run it on Roll20, if anyone wants in let me know. :)

Anywho, what all's happened since last week, other than Crookshanks going on a first date soon?

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Our big TV died too, but nobody wants to talk about that.

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Crookshanks is also getting a solid B in all of her classes despite turning in a little over 50% of her homework (54% I believe).

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captain yesterday wrote:
Crookshanks is also getting a solid B in all of her classes despite turning in a little over 50% of her homework (54% I believe).

Gods. Kindred spirits indeed.

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It's currently 21 degrees, tomorrow we have a high of 50 and then Tuesday it's gusty winds and back into the thirties where it tops out for the rest of the week.

The Exchange

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If I were really a good person, I'd have aborted the run.

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I was feeling very Shakespearean last night apparently.

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For the life of me I can't figure out why I'm not poor.

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All the riveting?

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Ahh, the joys of playing Hearthstone at work. I was winning a match, then had to deal with a walk-in, missed two turns, and lost.

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RIP Hiromi Tsuru

This is more for Freehold DM, since he is such a huge anime fan.

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Yes... we mourned at the con.

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Back from the honeymoon cruise! And what a cruise it was, though I'm glad to be back. We went horseback riding -- ouch, so sore! -- and then saw a top notch show with world-class mexican dancers in really creative animal costumes.

(Much of the cruising revolved around all kinds of opportunities to give Carnival even more money on an hourly basis, and things can get boring if you're not willing and able to do that.)

I did a lot of Zeitgeist reading on the cruise though, and I'm psyched to run it! The PCs are part of an elite FBI/CIA/secret service organization in a fantasy world just beginning its industrial revolution. I will possibly run it on Roll20, if anyone wants in let me know. :)

Anywho, what all's happened since last week, other than Crookshanks going on a first date soon?

WOOOOOOOO~!!! Happy back-from-cruise and happy lifetime!

Last week Inwas delirious with a fever, but my wife decided to stick with me anyway (and, as it turns out, is a super-hot nerd)!

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Oh! Also, my wife hosted a super-successful Highschool Dinner Theater: they'd been super optimistic and planned around 100 people - 200 showed up!

It was a one-night only event with a randomized "whodunit" ending (written by a fellow teacher, one of my wife's best friends and fellow anime/D&D nerd), and involved live jazz singing and music during the intermissions and dinner! It was great!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Oh! Also, my wife hosted a super-successful Highschool Dinner Theater: they'd been super optimistic and planned around 100 people - 200 showed up!

It was a one-night only event with a randomized "whodunit" ending (written by a fellow teacher, one of my wife's best friends and fellow anime/D&D nerd), and involved live jazz singing and music during the intermissions and dinner! It was great!

im glad to hear things have improved.

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Oh! Also, Mort and Inare debating her morality based on how she played a game one time.

Just a Mort wrote:
If I were really a good person, I'd have aborted the run.

This is fundamentally untrue. You experienced a squicky feeling while playing, indicating you actually felt care and empathy for these people who don't really exist. Again, let me reemphasize: the people who's fates concern you do not really exist. They are fantasies built in order to make a fun, compelling story, but that are ultimately nothing but a figment of the imagination. That you so strongly empathize with them despite that indicates a setting sense of justice and empathy that translates into real life, as well.

None of this means you are a good person, of course (just like lacking empathy for fake non-extant characters doesn't make one a bad person), but it tends to lean you in that direction. The important thing to do is to take a lesson from all this and go, "Ah! Eating souls is bad! Got it!" and learn the morality inherent in the system and how it does (or does not) apply to our own. And that's more or less what you're doing, "Oh, hey, as it turns out, betraying the trust of all those who loved me for power both really sucks and feels terrible and I shouldn't do that." is a valid moral lesson to learn.

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What he said is accurate in my experience^^

Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Oh! Also, my wife hosted a super-successful Highschool Dinner Theater: they'd been super optimistic and planned around 100 people - 200 showed up!

It was a one-night only event with a randomized "whodunit" ending (written by a fellow teacher, one of my wife's best friends and fellow anime/D&D nerd), and involved live jazz singing and music during the intermissions and dinner! It was great!

im glad to hear things have improved.

Thanks! Basically!

Youngest and I still both have a cough, I'm afraid... gotta figure out what to do.

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