Tacticslion |

Sorry, man. Hopefully I'm not moving anywhere in a long time, since I just bought this house in December.
Congratulations on the house!
I... didn't actually recognize the bit.
Thanks for clarifying!
(Though, seriously, Ocala. I'm just saying. Also, CY, I don't know who is giving you directions, but... uh... hm... ;D)

Tacticslion |

hmm turns outs the lyrics haters gonna hate and lovers gonna love end up being just the same phrase twice. When translated into <the language of tiny blue folk with tails>.
Well, those two concepts are fairly related.
Besides, that happens a lot when you translate to that language.
Either way, don't you worry 'bout a thing, just shake it off, 'cause I'm still standing~!
*major spoilers for Sing - seriously, GO SEE THAT MOVIE, it's GREAT! Ignore my last commentary, it just gets better over time~!*
Also, one more spoiler! So good!

gran rey de los mono |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
gran rey de los mono wrote:Sorry, man. Hopefully I'm not moving anywhere in a long time, since I just bought this house in December.Congratulations on the house!
I... didn't actually recognize the bit.
Thanks for clarifying!
(Though, seriously, Ocala. I'm just saying. Also, CY, I don't know who is giving you directions, but... uh... hm... ;D)
Yeah, I lived in St. Augustine for about a year and I've had my fill of Florida. It's just not for me.

Tacticslion |

Well, those two concepts are fairly related.
Besides, that happens a lot when you translate to that language.
Either way, don't you worry 'bout a thing, just shake it off, 'cause I'm still standing~!
*major spoilers for Sing - seriously, GO SEE THAT MOVIE, it's GREAT! Ignore my last commentary, it just gets better over time~!*
Also, one more spoiler! So good!
Whatever, I'm watching it again!
*cues of Netflix for the film*

lisamarlene |
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So, I just found out that there is a board game based off Jim Henson's Labyrinth, as well as a Goblin expansion. I almost want to buy them just for the figures, and if the game is any good consider it a bonus.
Now that looks like a board game my kids would love. Too bad that I stink at painting minis. The only person I have actually met who is good at it is Nobody's Wife.
(Yet another reason for me to be jealous of Nobody's Wife. She's married to a man who can COOK, she has flawless style, her cosplay skills are fabulous, she can do perfect eyeliner where mine always makes me look like a sad raccoon, she can paint perfect minis...)
Great. I'm gonna go slink back into my cave and eat worms.

gran rey de los mono |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:So, I just found out that there is a board game based off Jim Henson's Labyrinth, as well as a Goblin expansion. I almost want to buy them just for the figures, and if the game is any good consider it a bonus.Now that looks like a board game my kids would love. Too bad that I stink at painting minis. The only person I have actually met who is good at it is Nobody's Wife.
(Yet another reason for me to be jealous of Nobody's Wife. She's married to a man who can COOK, she has flawless style, her cosplay skills are fabulous, she can do perfect eyeliner where mine always makes me look like a sad raccoon, she can paint perfect minis...)
Great. I'm gonna go slink back into my cave and eat worms.
I always assumed the sad raccoon look was intentional. At least, for some people.

Tacticslion |

Leo over Leto ... why so serious ?
Seems like Warner Bros. is interested in both in unconnected canon.
I liked Teen Titans, but the little bit of Teen Titans Go I've seen annoyed me. I really don't like the art style.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

For those too young to recognize the reference, back in the 1970s a vicious rumor started spreading that McDonald's hamburgers were actually comprised of a significant amount of worm meat.
Cue the greatest media defense in history (at least that I'm aware of):
McDonald's simply posted the price of ground beef vs. the price of worm meat. Worms were more expensive than beef.
The rumor died an ignominious death.

NobodysHome |
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Oh, and for those wondering about the "epic deadly heat wave" in California, it seems like it's actually going to be a thing. It was already 65 before sunrise, and the forecast is 100 degrees for Albany, 94 for San Francisco, and 112 for Pleasanton.
It doesn't sound bad at all, especially for people who live in areas that routinely get that hot, but you have to keep in mind that most of our houses are uninsulated and have no air conditioning, so, for many people, they're going to be spending several hours today in 90+ degree homes. Not an issue for the young and healthy, but for the elderly or disabled, it can be quite dangerous.
As for me, I lived in Davis for 5 years, so I know the drill: All the windows and curtains are open for now, 'til the outside temperature reaches the inside temperature (probably within the next half hour), at which point I close all the windows and curtains and hope the house stays under 80...

NobodysHome |
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When I lived in Waco, I was working in a basement. When I wasn't at work, I went to the movies a lot. The movies had better air conditioning than the house. Also, they helped me forget I was in Waco.
The movie theater in Davis was infamous: People would be lined up outside in 106-degree weather carrying heavy coats.
It was rarely over 64 inside the theater.
And for the record, we now have "inversion" (it's warmer outside than inside) at 69 degrees, but it took 2 1/2 hours to go from 64 to 69, so I'm thinking it's going to be one of those "spiky heat" days (reasonable 'til 1 or 2, then stupid), which are far easier to deal with than the slow, steady, "It's 9:00 am and you already know it's going to be an oven" days...

NobodysHome |
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Ah, the little frustrations of life!
There's a woman who's calling me with a different scam every morning. It's kind of amazing; she's using a number randomizer to bypass call blocking, but she's got the same voice and the same cheerful refusal to be interrupted.
So, it turns out my router doesn't have incoming IP logging, so if I wanted to track her down I'd have to install a packet sniffer, wait for her to call, read the packets, and do a reverse IP lookup. And I could get her general location, her specific IP address, and turn that over to the FCC and the police...
...and it would accomplish exactly diddly-squat, because such scams are so ubiquitous that they don't even bother prosecuting any more.
I mean yeah, I can ignore her. But the fact that she has the time to call me every single morning in person means that she's scamming somebody, and the fact that I can't nail her to the wall for it just frustrates me no end.
I shoulda been an IT cop!

Freehold DM |
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Next I suppose you'll tell me Freehold doesn't actually want me to visit, Tacticslion has been giving me wrong addresses on purpose, and that's not really Sharoth camping out on our couch. :-(
Wait...aren't I supposed to be visiting you? Milkmaids? Hot wives? That kinda thing? Or am i getting you confused with Tacticslion?