Tacticslion |
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Ice Bear starts plotting.
I'm watching you, bear.
*points fingers to own eyes, then to bear, then back to own eyes, then back to bear*

NobodysHome |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, I'm back.
And was the worst part of the trip:
- Seeing a cherished childhood memory razed to the ground?
- Learning that a 23-year hiatus in backpacking is murder on the body to the point that a hike that we would have considered a trivial morning outing back then (3.6 miles, 400' up, with a 45 lb. pack) was actually strenuous?
- Having to abandon our second day because we knew none of us (with the possible exception of Impus Major) could manage the trivial-sounding 2-mile, 800' climb to the next lake?
- Learning firsthand that our four-man tent was no longer waterproof, during a downpour?
It was the fricking paper-thin walls at Kit Carson Lodge.
I swear, who the heck says, "I want to get back to nature! So let's get a shared cabin out in the woods, get totally schnockered, and then stay up 'til 1 in the morning gossiping about nothing whatsoever?"
Get yourselves a solo cabin, nitwits!
Fortunately, their gossip wasn't salacious enough to offend the Impii's ears, but after having to listen to it for 2 1/2 hour solid, 10 pm blissfully rolled along and I dutifully knocked on their door and reminded them of the lodge's "quiet time" rules and they were very nice in acceding.
But as I told Impus Major, the whole reason I prefer backpacking to camping or staying in cabins is that backpackers actually have the decency to go to bed once it gets dark, rather than cranking up their generators and their radios because filling the woods with light and music is what nature intended.
Or something like that.
Me, I prefer dirt and darkness.

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, I'm back.
And was the worst part of the trip:
- Seeing a cherished childhood memory razed to the ground?
- Learning that a 23-year hiatus in backpacking is murder on the body to the point that a hike that we would have considered a trivial morning outing back then (3.6 miles, 400' up, with a 45 lb. pack) was actually strenuous?
- Having to abandon our second day because we knew none of us (with the possible exception of Impus Major) could manage the trivial-sounding 2-mile, 800' climb to the next lake?
- Learning firsthand that our four-man tent was no longer waterproof, during a downpour?Nope.
It was the fricking paper-thin walls at Kit Carson Lodge.
I swear, who the heck says, "I want to get back to nature! So let's get a shared cabin out in the woods, get totally schnockered, and then stay up 'til 1 in the morning gossiping about nothing whatsoever?"
Get yourselves a solo cabin, nitwits!
Fortunately, their gossip wasn't salacious enough to offend the Impii's ears, but after having to listen to it for 2 1/2 hour solid, 10 pm blissfully rolled along and I dutifully knocked on their door and reminded them of the lodge's "quiet time" rules and they were very nice in acceding.
But as I told Impus Major, the whole reason I prefer backpacking to camping or staying in cabins is that backpackers actually have the decency to go to bed once it gets dark, rather than cranking up their generators and their radios because filling the woods with light and music is what nature intended.
Or something like that.
Me, I prefer dirt and darkness.
I thought people went up there to do it.
People don't go up there to do it?
Cuz that's what I would do, surrounded by so much nature with no Wi-Fi or electricity.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:Well, I'm back.
And was the worst part of the trip:
- Seeing a cherished childhood memory razed to the ground?
- Learning that a 23-year hiatus in backpacking is murder on the body to the point that a hike that we would have considered a trivial morning outing back then (3.6 miles, 400' up, with a 45 lb. pack) was actually strenuous?
- Having to abandon our second day because we knew none of us (with the possible exception of Impus Major) could manage the trivial-sounding 2-mile, 800' climb to the next lake?
- Learning firsthand that our four-man tent was no longer waterproof, during a downpour?Nope.
It was the fricking paper-thin walls at Kit Carson Lodge.
I swear, who the heck says, "I want to get back to nature! So let's get a shared cabin out in the woods, get totally schnockered, and then stay up 'til 1 in the morning gossiping about nothing whatsoever?"
Get yourselves a solo cabin, nitwits!
Fortunately, their gossip wasn't salacious enough to offend the Impii's ears, but after having to listen to it for 2 1/2 hour solid, 10 pm blissfully rolled along and I dutifully knocked on their door and reminded them of the lodge's "quiet time" rules and they were very nice in acceding.
But as I told Impus Major, the whole reason I prefer backpacking to camping or staying in cabins is that backpackers actually have the decency to go to bed once it gets dark, rather than cranking up their generators and their radios because filling the woods with light and music is what nature intended.
Or something like that.
Me, I prefer dirt and darkness.
I thought people went up there to do it.
People don't go up there to do it?
Cuz that's what I would do, surrounded by so much nature with no Wi-Fi or electricity.
See... that's a nighttime activity I would wholeheartedly support. And skinny dipping. Lots and lots of skinny dipping. Unfortunately, most of them are male, but at least they're mostly young twentysomethings with ripped bods that just make you think, "Yeah, if I looked like that I'd be running through the woods naked, too...". And sometimes they get their girlfriends to participate, so can't complain TOO much...
EDIT: True story: My friend and I were wading in the outlet of Fourth Recess Lake one year, looking for frogs or fish to catch. We might have been 11 or 12. A gang of about 15-20 absolutely starkers guys came roaring up the stream, hooting and hollering, splashing water on each other, very politely did NOT bowl us over in their exuberance, then proceeded up the river into the lake. My friend turned to me, looked me in the eye, and said, "Well, I didn't expect to see THAT!"

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:my GOD man, WHAT ARE YOU TURNING DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THE MAN SOME HOT WHEELSWhy do I hate working on Thursday night.
"Is there anything my mom can do to convince you to check in back for any boxes of Hot Wheels" - Hot Wheels collector
"Oh yes, anything" - His mom.
I'm married.

lisamarlene |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:I'm married.captain yesterday wrote:my GOD man, WHAT ARE YOU TURNING DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THE MAN SOME HOT WHEELSWhy do I hate working on Thursday night.
"Is there anything my mom can do to convince you to check in back for any boxes of Hot Wheels" - Hot Wheels collector
"Oh yes, anything" - His mom.
Who said the "anything" has to be skeezy?
Me? I'd hand the other person my car keys and say, "Great! I've got a problem with melted crayons fused to my car upholstery. See what you can do, and I will personally go through every single blessed box in the store room until I find the ones your kid wants."
She did say "anything".

gran rey de los mono |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Little Johnny is walking a cow through the town square when the mayor sees him. The mayor says "Hey, Little Johnny, where are you taking that cow?" Johnny says "I'm taking her to the Smith's bull so she will get pregnant." The mayor says "Shouldn't your dad be doing that?" Johnny thinks for a minute and says "Nah, I think it's probably best if the bull does it."

Limeylongears |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:my GOD man, WHAT ARE YOU TURNING DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THE MAN SOME HOT WHEELSWhy do I hate working on Thursday night.
"Is there anything my mom can do to convince you to check in back for any boxes of Hot Wheels" - Hot Wheels collector
"Oh yes, anything" - His mom.
Because that is how you end up getting turned into a vampire spawn.

captain yesterday |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Freehold DM wrote:I'm married.captain yesterday wrote:my GOD man, WHAT ARE YOU TURNING DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THE MAN SOME HOT WHEELSWhy do I hate working on Thursday night.
"Is there anything my mom can do to convince you to check in back for any boxes of Hot Wheels" - Hot Wheels collector
"Oh yes, anything" - His mom.
Who said the "anything" has to be skeezy?
Me? I'd hand the other person my car keys and say, "Great! I've got a problem with melted crayons fused to my car upholstery. See what you can do, and I will personally go through every single blessed box in the store room until I find the ones your kid wants."
She did say "anything".
Captain Yesterday is incorruptible, much like Elliott Ness, or Lex Luther.

gran rey de los mono |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
"Why are men such saps?"
"Well, I can't speak for every man, though I have given this a lot of thought, as society's afforded me the opportunity on several occasions, and this is what I decided. There's so many beautiful women in this world that when a man commits to one, it is necessary for him to believe that he found his destiny. Otherwise he would be powerless in the face of so many, many vaginas."
Sirens, Season 2 Episode 3

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:I'm married.captain yesterday wrote:my GOD man, WHAT ARE YOU TURNING DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THE MAN SOME HOT WHEELSWhy do I hate working on Thursday night.
"Is there anything my mom can do to convince you to check in back for any boxes of Hot Wheels" - Hot Wheels collector
"Oh yes, anything" - His mom.

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Freehold DM wrote:I'm married.captain yesterday wrote:my GOD man, WHAT ARE YOU TURNING DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THE MAN SOME HOT WHEELSWhy do I hate working on Thursday night.
"Is there anything my mom can do to convince you to check in back for any boxes of Hot Wheels" - Hot Wheels collector
"Oh yes, anything" - His mom.
Who said the "anything" has to be skeezy?
Me? I'd hand the other person my car keys and say, "Great! I've got a problem with melted crayons fused to my car upholstery. See what you can do, and I will personally go through every single blessed box in the store room until I find the ones your kid wants."
She did say "anything".
remind me to strongly resist any attempts at seduction on your part -I will likely end up being tricked into cleaning your gutters for you.

lisamarlene |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

lisamarlene wrote:remind me to strongly resist any attempts at seduction on your part -I will likely end up being tricked into cleaning your gutters for you.captain yesterday wrote:Freehold DM wrote:I'm married.captain yesterday wrote:my GOD man, WHAT ARE YOU TURNING DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THE MAN SOME HOT WHEELSWhy do I hate working on Thursday night.
"Is there anything my mom can do to convince you to check in back for any boxes of Hot Wheels" - Hot Wheels collector
"Oh yes, anything" - His mom.
Who said the "anything" has to be skeezy?
Me? I'd hand the other person my car keys and say, "Great! I've got a problem with melted crayons fused to my car upholstery. See what you can do, and I will personally go through every single blessed box in the store room until I find the ones your kid wants."
She did say "anything".
Well, NH *has* called me out as Chaotic Evil.
He's wrong, of course, but consider yourself warned.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:Clean her gutters? Is that a euphemism? Because it sounds kinda dirty....
remind me to strongly resist any attempts at seduction on your part -I will likely end up being tricked into cleaning your gutters for you.
im always up for cleaning gutters.
Just not in the literal sense.

captain yesterday |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Freehold DM wrote:I'm married.captain yesterday wrote:my GOD man, WHAT ARE YOU TURNING DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THE MAN SOME HOT WHEELSWhy do I hate working on Thursday night.
"Is there anything my mom can do to convince you to check in back for any boxes of Hot Wheels" - Hot Wheels collector
"Oh yes, anything" - His mom.
A) It wasn't a once in a lifetime opportunity, need I remind everyone we live in Wisconsin, most moms here don't look like Aunt May in Spider-Man Homecoming.
B) They were super specific about getting fired for taking bribes in orientation.
C) I don't need that level of complications for a part time job.
D) Besides, we didn't have any. :-)

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM wrote:captain yesterday wrote:Freehold DM wrote:I'm married.captain yesterday wrote:my GOD man, WHAT ARE YOU TURNING DOWN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THE MAN SOME HOT WHEELSWhy do I hate working on Thursday night.
"Is there anything my mom can do to convince you to check in back for any boxes of Hot Wheels" - Hot Wheels collector
"Oh yes, anything" - His mom.
A) It wasn't a once in a lifetime opportunity, need I remind everyone we live in Wisconsin, most moms here don't look like Aunt May in Spider-Man Homecoming.
B) They were super specific about getting fired for taking bribes in orientation.
C) I don't need that level of complications for a part time job.
D) Besides, we didn't have any. :-)
weeps quietly

gran rey de los mono |