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Chuck Norris is so well-endowed that long-distance relationships aren't a problem.
Yes, he can be nekkid.
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Chuck Norris keeps a diary. It's called the Guinness Book of World Records.
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When Chuck Norris was born he drove his mother home from the hospital.
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Chuck Norris once went skydiving and his parachute failed to open. So he went back to the store and demanded a refund.
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Chuck Norris was born to his aunt because everyone was too afraid to date his mother.
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When monsters go to sleep, they check under the bed for Chuck Norris.
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Chuck Norris once went back in time and uppercutted a horse. That's why we now have giraffes.
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Chuck Norris can strangle you with a wireless phone.
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Chuck Norris has a Grizzly Bear rug. The bear is still alive, it's just too scared to move.
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Chuck Norris can magic a hat out of a rabbit.
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Chuck Norris is the only person who can actually kill time.
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Chuck Norris killed the Dead Sea.
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Some people pee their name into the snow. Chuck Norris pees his name into concrete.
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The Holy Grail has never been recovered because everyone is too afraid to ask Chuck Norris if they can have his favorite coffee mug.
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Re: Spanking.
We humans are emotion junkies. The things that fire us up sexually are things that evoke an emotional response. Which stimuli do that is different for everyone. However, the key here is that ALL emotions can give a sexual buzz, perhaps especially the negative emotions, such as shame, fear and such. If the sexual thrill wasn't secondary to our emotions, it would be very difficult to understand fetishes focused on modern objects, for example.
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Two balloons are floating through the desert. One calls out "Look out! There's a pfffffffffffttttttttt!"
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Random question for anyone who has their Starfinder book now. How many stamina points does one heal from spending a resolve point? and can you do that in between every combat or just once per day? can you do it multiple times in between combat?
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The Game Hamster wrote: Okay, so my marathon lasted an hour, but I'm tired, and the beautiful landscapes nearly brought me to tears... Seriously, though... this is some great stuff and redeems any past grievance I may have had with Zelda stuff, and the controls are intuitive. Like, I learned them in a dark room, devoid of any light save my switch intuitive. Confessions of a ZELDA addict; #1:
I couldn't sleep till I finished the great plateau.
It wasn't quite as stinking huge as I thought it would be, but it was about a third the size in length and width of THE TOTALITY of Skyrim's map, maybe a fourth. AND that's just the first, and smallest area on the map. and the second is easily twice as large as the first, and is about the second smallest area Link needs to explore!
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Yay for paperless school enrollment!!!
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Vidmaster7 wrote: Random question for anyone who has their Starfinder book now. How many stamina points does one heal from spending a resolve point? and can you do that in between every combat or just once per day? can you do it multiple times in between combat? I'm waiting to look through most of the rules until I get the physical book, I hate reading technical stuff on my phone.
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I have misplaced my shorts.
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I'll never understand why people think Chuck Norris is so tough.
Not only is he a piece of s*$+, he sucks at martial arts.
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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Good afternoon, everyone.
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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote: How are you, John? Doing okay. Had a bad headache last night, that settled down to a dull ache, right now. How are you?
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Steadily working up to a berserker rage.
Not sure if the bullets or blown gaskets will kill me first.
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Keeping an eye on the mail has taken an unexpected toll.
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Syrus Terrigan wrote: Steadily working up to a berserker rage.
Not sure if the bullets or blown gaskets will kill me first.
I am sorry to hear that life has been rough with you, Syrus. I hope that things improve soon.
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It'll get better. Been in a rough patch the last several months. I'm not a fan of being mad . . . .
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. . . but sometimes it's downright lovely!!
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IT CAME!!!!!!!!
Loads kids and dog into starship.
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1 person marked this as a favorite.
The threads seem to have slowed down. I guess I'll go home. Good night, everyone.

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Breath of the Wild Addict wrote: The Game Hamster wrote: Okay, so my marathon lasted an hour, but I'm tired, and the beautiful landscapes nearly brought me to tears... Seriously, though... this is some great stuff and redeems any past grievance I may have had with Zelda stuff, and the controls are intuitive. Like, I learned them in a dark room, devoid of any light save my switch intuitive. Confessions of a ZELDA addict; #1:
I couldn't sleep till I finished the great plateau.
It wasn't quite as stinking huge as I thought it would be, but it was about a third the size in length and width of THE TOTALITY of Skyrim's map, maybe a fourth. AND that's just the first, and smallest area on the map. and the second is easily twice as large as the first, and is about the second smallest area Link needs to explore!
YOU CAN CLIMB UP CLIFFS!! Confessions of a ZELDA addict #2:
I discovered horse riding.
It is surprisingly accurate, as someone who has ridden horses and worked with horses. Not for wild ones of course, but it is an accurate depiction of horses that don't want to cooperate.
Also, I may have played on it for almost three hours today.
Edit: I may or may not take this thing on a trip with me this Friday.
Additionally, the second section of land is much larger than I thought it was.
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Gotta love San Francisco. Order pizza delivered to work in super congested tourist district, pizza comes within 30 minutes by bicycle.
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I'm so glad I got the pawns too.
Which, being a nonsubscription item is what delayed it's shipment until the second week.

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Today was a rough day, but a damned good day.
My dad died nine years ago, but for various reasons (the lack of a body and the fact that it happened in international waters being key factors) it took us four years to get a death certificate issued.
Five years ago, we were able to sell his house in Florida and get the estate agent who had been renting it out for him to load up the last of his possessions, which were in a storage shed on the property, and send them out via freight truck to the west coast, where they ended up in my mom's garage.
Today, after putting it off and putting it off and putting it off, my sister and I finally cleaned out the entire garage, went through every single box and every single file folder. Over half of it is in the back of the truck ready to go to the dump tomorrow, a quarter of it is destined for the Friends of the Library book sale, and a quarter of it is worth keeping (a few books, but mostly his research and writings). Then we swept it all out and scrubbed the walls and the floor.
And, I'm not kidding, throwing away all Dad's trash was the best therapy I have ever had.
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Sorry about your Dad, but glad to hear that you got through all that.
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Oh, and all I have to say is...
Cancer SUCKS!!!
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I'm sorry for the difficulties, but I'm glad you're through it! And I'm glad it helped! Better days to come! :D
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I kind of really super want to play an illithid.
That's a lich (a "real" one, not their weird special template; I'd be hyped for the PF psychic variant, though).
With a mostly humanoid form; so shape-changing, or possibly a vetala vampire instead (to take the corpses of my evil foes as mine own new (albeit temporary) body; loooots of mending and unguent of timelessness will be used).
And a shade-like template.
With the thrallherd class.
Also acceptable: illithid savant, with factotum and/or chameleon, semi-preferably updated to PF.
In a drow/underdark-themed game.
That's mythic.
And non-evil.
Dang it.
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I want to play Fievel, with a death wish and cheeks filled with grenades.
Now, I can!
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I have a stupid question. I need a hostel room in Paris. I arrive in Paris 10AM 1st January. I depart Paris 11AM 10th January. I must book a room for the duration of this stay. What dates do I book the room from? Last time I did this, I screwed up and booked an extra day.
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Usually you book date of arrival and date of departure. That makes it easier. However, think of hotel service as a night followed by breakfast. This means, if you arrive on the 1st and leave on the 2nd, that is one day. So, I would say nine days, starting on the 1st. Seems appropriate?
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captain yesterday wrote: I'll never understand why people think Chuck Norris is so tough.
Not only is he a piece of s#+$, he sucks at martial arts.
I just think the jokes are funny. I've never really payed any attention to him otherwise.
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The fact that he does suck at MA is the reason for all the jokes.
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Eh, anyways, here are some more.
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We finally know for certain why the universe is expanding. It's trying to get away from Chuck Norris.