gran rey de los mono |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:Why did the Pilgrim's pants keep falling down? His belt was on his hat.Also I wonder if that is why they did silly things their belt was on to tight. (also anyone know was that belt their to keep their hat from falling off? Seems like it would be real uncomfortable.)
I've heard that it was just fashion. Which seems kind of odd, since they are usually thought of as dour and serious people.

Vidmaster7 |
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Vidmaster7 wrote:I've heard that it was just fashion. Which seems kind of odd, since they are usually thought of as dour and serious people.gran rey de los mono wrote:Why did the Pilgrim's pants keep falling down? His belt was on his hat.Also I wonder if that is why they did silly things their belt was on to tight. (also anyone know was that belt their to keep their hat from falling off? Seems like it would be real uncomfortable.)
Well now I have to bring hat belts back.

gran rey de los mono |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:Well now I have to bring hat belts back.Vidmaster7 wrote:I've heard that it was just fashion. Which seems kind of odd, since they are usually thought of as dour and serious people.gran rey de los mono wrote:Why did the Pilgrim's pants keep falling down? His belt was on his hat.Also I wonder if that is why they did silly things their belt was on to tight. (also anyone know was that belt their to keep their hat from falling off? Seems like it would be real uncomfortable.)
I'm sure you can get some hipsters into it.

Trinam |
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So the standoff went off without a hitch (except the party left early and still hasn't gotten to the reactor), and the party android wound up trying to save Meyanda via a sanctuary spell because it was the first other android they'd ever seen...
Which was a ????? moment for literally the entire party (and the boss herself), but considering that she was just there to save some guy's wizdad and light a torch and just met them all earlier she didn't owe them favors.
Except then the party was like 'dude just say to take her alive next time??' and the android was like 'oh yeah do that then' and they tackled her and choked her out via soft grenades and grappling.
The android made the encounter easier because she WAS just going to channel negative energy a whole lot but this way she wound up going 'uh... I think I will just accept your generous offer and run.'
So yes. That was pretty darn cool. Hardness 10 on an enemy seems to be a major issue to overcome for a party, though, especially this early on.

Red Reya |
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Red Reya wrote:You can wear the barbarian's outfit so long as you occasionally pretend to be a barbarian. You know, rage-sing and things like that.Punniculus wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Perhaps you would be interested in seeing the outfit I have in mind should I ever recruit a barbarian.Punniculus wrote:I think I am need of a rogue to join my throng. A rogue named Nikki Jiggleitalittleit'llopen.
And she can wear this.
savage land rogue...
Puberty sinks its claws into me once more...Calling for me? Multiclass Bard/Rogue (whatever that means)!
I am a free spirit, but if you let me wear the last outfit we can talk about it...
Whoops!!! I have a bard obsession, haven't I?
I wanted to say multiclass Barbarian/Rogue.
I can't sing even if my life depended on it.
But if my life depends on it, I'll yell on the ear of whoever is threatening my life until his brain melts.
Or just cut his head off.
Probably the last thing. It's faster.

Punniculus |
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Punniculus wrote:Red Reya wrote:You can wear the barbarian's outfit so long as you occasionally pretend to be a barbarian. You know, rage-sing and things like that.Punniculus wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Perhaps you would be interested in seeing the outfit I have in mind should I ever recruit a barbarian.Punniculus wrote:I think I am need of a rogue to join my throng. A rogue named Nikki Jiggleitalittleit'llopen.
And she can wear this.
savage land rogue...
Puberty sinks its claws into me once more...Calling for me? Multiclass Bard/Rogue (whatever that means)!
I am a free spirit, but if you let me wear the last outfit we can talk about it...
Whoops!!! I have a bard obsession, haven't I?
I wanted to say multiclass Barbarian/Rogue.
I can't sing even if my life depended on it.
But if my life depends on it, I'll yell on the ear of whoever is threatening my life until his brain melts.
Or just cut his head off.
Probably the last thing. It's faster.
Ahh, barbarian/rogue. Maybe we can fuse the two outfits somehow? Or you can wear one for everyday and have the other for special occasions. Perhaps you can use your opponents' heads like bongo drums to inspire your comrades.
And you could use the same word to refer to your multi-classedness and your accent: Brogue.

Punniculus |
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Just in case we wind in some sort of Mad Max style, post-apocalyptic scenario, I'll leave this here for inspiration.

Vidmaster7 |
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Just in case we wind in some sort of Mad Max style, post-apocalyptic scenario, I'll leave this here for inspiration.
looks like a female version of road hog (overwatch) and of course a lot skinnier

gran rey de los mono |
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Punniculus wrote:Just in case we wind in some sort of Mad Max style, post-apocalyptic scenario, I'll leave this here for inspiration.looks like a female version of road hog (overwatch) and of course a lot skinnier
You are correct. (That picture, and several of the previous ones, are Jessica Nigri. If anyone was wondering.)

gran rey de los mono |
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I am very good at doing accents! I can make a next to perfect impersonation of a Silvanesti elf... That's why Va'ardalia chose me to be her bodyguard and pose as her in dangerous situations.
That thing of the bongo head sounds like a fun thing to do!
There was a setting for DnD 3.0 called Kingdoms of Kalamar that had a variant of the bard called a Basiran Dancer. They danced instead of singing or playing music, and had some different abilities. There was a prestige class for it called, I think, the Orcish Stomper. They "danced" on their enemies' heads. There was a quote in the book that went something like "What you call stomping on heads, I call dancing. Don't annoy me, or I'll dance on you!"
There was also a quote from a human merchant referring to seeing a performance by a troupe of female Dwarf dancers that went something like "I'll never forget that sight as long as I live. They were graceful, but the beards. Gods, the beards!"

Tacticslion |
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When you want to be a bad boy, but you're really a Hufflepuff.
... so basically me.
(To be fair, I'd loooove to be Ravenclaw, but... I'm a Hufflepuff.)
EDIT: now that I've watched that... wow. That kid is... desperate to be bad! >.<

Tacticslion |
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Taking a sanity break from the kidlet's birthday party. Not that he'll miss me. He's too busy beating his dad at racing games. Dave and Busters is so LOUD. Oh well. He's having fun :)
Hard to believe the kidlet is already fourteen. He just keeps getting older, darn it! He needs to slow that down! ;P
Happy his birthday! Woo~!