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Ah, the irony.

After growing up in droughts so bad that we have pictures of my brother and I standing under Yosemite Falls as it trickled onto our heads, then enduring a prolonged drought over the last few years, I decided to go to Tuolumne Meadows for my 50th birthday.

So of course, after this year's bumper crop of rain, the road is closed due to avalanche danger. In June.

So I'm just going to toodle up to Crane Flat, talk to the rangers, and see whether there's a make-up hike I can do. Probably Tuolumne Grove.

Ah, well. At least I don't have birthdays at bad as Captain Yesterday's... yet...

EDIT: BIRTHDAY SUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fun, but exhausting days:
- Thursday: late drive through a minor monsoon to grandparents
- Friday: grandparents day! Lots of yard and house time and some pool stuff
- Saturday: swimming pool all day at Grandparent's, then Moana
- Sunday Father's Day/12th Anniversary; both sets of grandparents present for excitement! Left kids with grandparents! W00t!
- Monday TKD and day with only Lady Firedove and I; date day (Wonder Woman and sushi!); that's today!
- Tuesday: another date day!
- Wednesday: date and drive back to grandparents' day!
- Thursday: drive to Disney with kids and brother-in-law

Yay! ... guh! Tired! More to come!

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Happy Birthday!

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I remember dating. Sigh...

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Did I mention when I was fourteen and got up the gumption to ask an older girl I had a crush on out and she and her boyfriend laughed at me.

And then her boyfriend's friends chased me through the woods for five blocks (on the plus side, I learned Yo-Yo's can be weaponized, the down side, I lost my favorite Yo-Yo).

And then again at church the next Sunday.

And that was my worst birthday ever.

Happy birthday NobodysHome!

Remember, despite what everyone says age is just a number.

Look at me, I barely even remember which pain I complained about this morning. :-)

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Happy anniversary Tacticslion!

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Shadow Lodge

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NobodysHome wrote:
The older I get, the more I learn that subtlety is lost on most people. Just to use my last example, I'm having a MUCH easier time with Crimson Throne because right there at the table I say, "Don't do that because it pisses me off."

*takes notes*

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Happy birthday NH :)

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Happy anniversary TL :)

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

"Since our hiring managers are audit managers, please allow several weeks for them to review your packet due to our audit deadlines."

Whelp, if I'm still looking then, I'll be desperate enough to take it. :P

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NobodysHome wrote:

Ah, the irony.

After growing up in droughts so bad that we have pictures of my brother and I standing under Yosemite Falls as it trickled onto our heads, then enduring a prolonged drought over the last few years, I decided to go to Tuolumne Meadows for my 50th birthday.

So of course, after this year's bumper crop of rain, the road is closed due to avalanche danger. In June.

So I'm just going to toodle up to Crane Flat, talk to the rangers, and see whether there's a make-up hike I can do. Probably Tuolumne Grove.

Ah, well. At least I don't have birthdays at bad as Captain Yesterday's... yet...

EDIT: BIRTHDAY SUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is the trail around Hetch Hetchy passable? Not exactly what you were hoping for, but could be quite pretty.

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I woke up six minutes before the alarm...

Comparing it to waking up an hour or half of hours before alarm, I call it a moderate success... Though the real success would be getting a source of revenue that would not require me to get up at 5:30 am...

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And here I am envious of those who wake up at 5:30 to go to work.

The early bird gets dibs on the skid loader attachments. :-)

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Good morning, everybody!

And happy birthday, NH, and anniversary, TL!

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NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, gods. I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed.

Both lisamarlene and I have told legends of "Whingy Wizard"'s play style, which is essentially:
(1) "I am a coward, and will protect my own PC's skin above all else, even if it means abandoning my fellow PCs to certain death."
(2) "I will horn in on every PC-NPC interaction that ever occurs, and will attempt to ruin that relationship, no matter how convivial or beneficial, solely for my own amusement and to prove that I can."
(3) "I will take at least 10 minutes per round deciding what I want to do, and if you try to rush me, I will threaten to leave the game."
(4) "I will rules lawyer every possible ambiguity, up to and including the meaning of the word 'command', always to my benefit, and I will resent any implication that this is in any way, shape, or form, any kind of 'power gaming' or 'cheating'." (Favorite moment from Saturday: He rolled, got a 9, and then said, "Oh, I can take 10 on this can't I? I do that!" When I asked him not to roll and then tell me he took 10, he got VERY upset at me for impugning his honesty. So, let's be honest: I have no idea what he was thinking when he rolled the die, so I could be being unfair. But I'm afraid I still believe if that 9 was a 19, he wouldn't have asked about taking 10.)

So apparently I played up Scarwall a bit too much.

In the first 4 books, loot distribution was remarkably even, though the departure of two low-wealth PCs in favor of WBL replacements skews that a bit.

Along came Scarwall, I convinced them that it was a dangerous, dangerous place, and Whingy Wizard has laid claim to over 140k of the roughly 180k found so far, even going so far as to argue that his wizard needed the +3 glamoured chainmail they found.

The whole, "I pocket the Scarab of Protection in spite of the fact that there are other PCs who need it more" has sent the rest of the players into a tizzy, so I'm going to dutifully send out a loot list along with who took what.

It's a good thing...

...which is why my knee-jerk response is to ignore the loot lists and say, "Yeah, no, I'm good here."

Except for then I worry that the GM will think I don't give a crap and am ungrateful, so then I try to look over the list and pick something at random.

Incidentally, I started teaching my children the "Litany Against Whinge" yesterday:
I must not whinge; whinge is the mind-killer.
Whinge is the little-sulk that brings total isolation.

Sharoth wrote:
There is no substitute for caffeine and sugar.

Tell me about it!

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Kileanna wrote:
My body seems to produce its own sugar and caffeine, feeding it more gets me to a point that I look like I was into more strong substances xD

Hah! Tell me about it!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I have a friend like that (the same one that tells never ending stories about nothing).

I know! It's so much fun to do so! I'm so glad you like them so mu-

Vidmaster7 wrote:
You know those drugs they give to you before they drill into your teeth. After they hit him with those He became the most normal person until they wore off.

... ah, deeeeefinitely different friend then.

How nice: you get to hear those stories twice~! :D

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Tacticslion wrote:
Kileanna wrote:
My body seems to produce its own sugar and caffeine, feeding it more gets me to a point that I look like I was into more strong substances xD

Hah! Tell me about it!

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I have a friend like that (the same one that tells never ending stories about nothing).

I know! It's so much fun to do so! I'm so glad you like them so mu-

Vidmaster7 wrote:
You know those drugs they give to you before they drill into your teeth. After they hit him with those He became the most normal person until they wore off.

... ah, deeeeefinitely different friend then.

How nice: you get to hear those stories twice~! :D


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My raise finally went through, only took them a month to process it. 3%. It's what I expected, although I was hoping for more since when we discussed it the manager had said it would be either 3 or 3.5. Oh well, more money for the same work is always good.

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And speaking of paychecks, how about some jokes!

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Yay joke time.

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The best part about working in an office is that if you ever forget you just got a haircut, plenty of people will point it out to you.

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People don't get my puns. They think they're funny.

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To be a real Don Juan, you must learn to dress tastefully and very quickly.

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I heard their going to release a new Steve Jobs biopic on IMAX. Actually, it's the same movie as before, just with a bigger screen.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Yay joke time.

Is that sarcasm in your text?

gran rey de los mono wrote:
People don't get my puns. They think they're funny.

Well, I don't know about "people" - but I do... often enough, anyway. :D

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If I ever want to get trapped in a scary maze, I'll wander into my teenage niece's bedroom.

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Say what you want about deaf people...

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I woke up early to go for a run, and I got as far as still laying here.

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My teenage angst has lasted 25 years.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Yay joke time.
Is that sarcasm in your text?

I prefer to leave you guessing on that one.

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My favorite part of grocery shopping is rushing home to look at the list I left on the kitchen counter to see what I forgot to buy.

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You ever have one of those days where you just can't decide which room to not clean first?

Edit: I should really type slower and maybe I'll miss fewer words.

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I like older women because they've gotten used to life's little disappointments. Which means they are ready for me.

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Tacticslion wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
People don't get my puns. They think they're funny.
Well, I don't know about "people" - but I do... often enough, anyway. :D

Then you might not be people.

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Definitely not being sarcastic wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Yay joke time.
Is that sarcasm in your text?
I prefer to leave you guessing on that one.

I'm just gonna assume 'no'.

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Ya know, Hitler might not have been all that bad. After all, he did kill Hitler.

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Jesus fed 5,000 people with two fish and a loaf of bread. No, not Jesus Christ. Jesus, the guy who runs the tapas bar.

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I took a test to see how logical I was. I lost to a random number generator.

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I read a survey that said 82% of people like to cuddle, but if this bus is a representative sample I'd say the real number is closer to 0%.

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My grandfather lived to be 96 years old and never needed glasses. No sir, he would drink straight from the bottle.

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According to many studies, people's number one fear is public speaking with death following at number 2. That means most people would rather be the guy in the coffin at a funeral than the one giving the eulogy.

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My life is like a fairy tale. A poorly written one in which the protagonist dies at the end.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
According to many studies, people's number one fear is public speaking with death following at number 2. That means most people would rather be the guy in the coffin at a funeral than the one giving the eulogy.


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It used to be that only death and taxes were inevitable. But now you also have to figure in shipping and handling.

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You know you're getting old when you walk past a cemetery and the grave diggers attack you with their shovels, shouting "Zombie!! ZOmbie!!!!"

gran rey de los mono wrote:
You ever have one of those days where you just can't decide which to not clean first?

Only every day.

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How many snowboarders does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 50. 3 to die trying, 1 to actually do it, and 46 more to say "Ffft. I could have done that."

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