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2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
If there's anything more obnoxious then a helicopter parent on the last day of school I haven't seen it.

A helicopter parent on the morning of a multi-day field trip, delaying both buses from leaving until he/she has ALL of their concerns addressed.

Especially when standing around in the pre-dawn hours nekkid. Gets chilly.

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It is... raining!?!?!?!

Rain in June or July in the Bay Area is one of those, "Once per 5-6 years" things. I was planning on biking to get the Celica this evening, assuming it's ready. I may have to change my plans. (After a near-miss many years ago I will no longer bike on wet pavement. It's just just, "Oh, *I* have to be more careful," it's, "Oh, other people *aren't* going to be more careful, and that's dangerous to *me*.")

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Anyone else noticed that fresh-baked bread disappears about three times as fast as store-bought?

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79 sunny with a moderate breeze here.

Saturday onward is going to be something though 90+ degrees through the middle of next week, at least.

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Shifting between hot and sunny, windy and sunny, hot and wet, and intermittent showers. So June weather, basically.

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According to Fargo purgatory is a bowling alley.

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NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
If there's anything more obnoxious then a helicopter parent on the last day of school I haven't seen it.

A helicopter parent on the morning of a multi-day field trip, delaying both buses from leaving until he/she has ALL of their concerns addressed.

Especially when standing around in the pre-dawn hours nekkid. Gets chilly.

You'd be grumpy too if you'd just given birth to a Boeing CH-47 Chinook.

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So... The Big Lebowski is about purgatory? *thinks* Yeah, I could buy that.

I mean, it's not, but it's as good an explanation as any I've seen.

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NobodysHome wrote:

It is... raining!?!?!?!

Rain in June or July in the Bay Area is one of those, "Once per 5-6 years" things. I was planning on biking to get the Celica this evening, assuming it's ready. I may have to change my plans. (After a near-miss many years ago I will no longer bike on wet pavement. It's just just, "Oh, *I* have to be more careful," it's, "Oh, other people *aren't* going to be more careful, and that's dangerous to *me*.")

I can give you a lift after 5 if you need it.

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lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

It is... raining!?!?!?!

Rain in June or July in the Bay Area is one of those, "Once per 5-6 years" things. I was planning on biking to get the Celica this evening, assuming it's ready. I may have to change my plans. (After a near-miss many years ago I will no longer bike on wet pavement. It's just just, "Oh, *I* have to be more careful," it's, "Oh, other people *aren't* going to be more careful, and that's dangerous to *me*.")

I can give you a lift after 5 if you need it.

I appreciate it, but it depends on where you are at the time. They have a shuttle service and you'd better believe I'll use it. It's just pretty slow because it's one poor guy driving half a dozen people wherever they want to go in the Richmond/El Cerrito/Albany/Berkeley/Oakland area. He's a nice guy and all, but he's just one guy.

And I doubt they'll have the car ready today. They were already ordering a new front axle, and then I said, "Go ahead and replace everything", so they're getting Toyota-manufactured distributor caps, timing belts, wiring harnesses, etc. for a 1996 Celica. I suspect a lot of my parts need to be shipped from Japan (rumor has it that the Celica was the last 100% made in Japan Toyota that got shipped to the U.S.), so it may be next week before I see my car again...

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It's so sad -- Impus Minor's final choir concert is tonight, and NobodysWife has been feeling extreme guilt about missing so many of the kids' concerts this year, but getting off work in San Francisco at 5 and then trying to take public transportation home, get a bite to eat, relax, and then walk over to the school by 6:30 pm is... hard.

So she's bound and determined to make it tonight.

So of course they're holding it in the middle school gym, home of the most uncomfortable bleacher seats ever manufactured. (Seriously -- 12" polished pine benches, then a 12" drop x 12" for leg room, then the next 12" pine board. The whole thing was designed for people 4' and under, which even middle schoolers are NOT.)

So poor NobodysWife is going to ride the bus home in insanely bad traffic ("There is water falling from the sky!!!! Aaaaaaah!!!!"), not even have a moment to eat, and have to wander over to the middle school to sit on unbearable seats for 2 1/2 hours just to see Impus Minor perform 3-4 songs.

Yeah, I've been going to every show, but I have no life, and I love watching kids perform. I'm "that creepy guy in the stands" that shows up at ALL high school and middle school shows. Watch for me at a school near you!

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Whoo hoo summer break starts now!!

Most people would take this opportunity to link Alice Cooper. I'm not that guy (not that there's anything wrong with Alice Cooper).

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Just got a call from the dealership. "So, it looks like your car is going to be ready tomorrow afternoon (after a week in the shop). Is it OK with you if we wash it first?"

Yes, the Celica was a wee bit dirty.

But it's the first time any shop has asked me whether it's OK for them to wash my car. :-P

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Maybe they don't want to get sued if it suddenly melts away like the Wicked Witch of the West.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Maybe they don't want to get sued if it suddenly melts away like the Wicked Witch of the West.

Why is it that MULTIPLE PEOPLE HAVE SAID THAT after I mentioned it?

Was my car really THAT dirty?

Was it?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Time for a jungle cruise!

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NobodysHome wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Maybe they don't want to get sued if it suddenly melts away like the Wicked Witch of the West.

Why is it that MULTIPLE PEOPLE HAVE SAID THAT after I mentioned it?

Was my car really THAT dirty?

Was it?

Perhaps not. After a near-rebuild, the shop probably decided to make the car look as new as possible. But then, this is only a guess on my part.

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Generally it's more of a rust cliche then cleanliness.

My brother had a Datsun he was afraid of washing because of the rust. The bumper fell off going over a brand new train crossing.

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Yeah, Shiro's player and I are taking bets on what they've replaced. I've paid for 30k and 60k service before, and this is a LOT more, even taking into account the new tires and axle.

So... I'm going to get an itemized list of everything they did. And we're wondering, "Just how many original parts will be left in the car at the end of this?"

Time will tell...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Why do smart people do dumb things.

My brothers want a family inner tubing trip. Down one of the most notorious rivers for drowning.

But the kicker is, they said I could send my kids with if we didn't want to go.

Yeah, none of that is going to happen.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Why do smart people do dumb things.

My brothers want a family inner tubing trip. Down one of the most notorious rivers for drowning.

But the kicker is, they said I could send my kids with if we didn't want to go.

Yeah, none of that is going to happen.


Not really sure the proper way to respond to that level of stupidity. Sarcastic and snarky would be my first instinct, but in this case I'm pretty sure yelling works too and is probably called for...

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I think I'll wait awhile then politely decline. :-)

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Of course now that it's summer I have to remember to put the trash out the night before, because Tiny T-Rex will wake up early for no reason at all.

Alas, planning ahead and developing routines are not my forte.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Man, sometimes working for Global Megacorporations sucks!

The software we currently develop training for is so overwhelmingly huge that we rely on another group to provide it to us. And they have a loooooooong history of tinkering, tweaking, poking, and otherwise providing inconsistent images, all the while telling us, "That's impossible! All of these images are clones of one another, so obviously YOU did something wrong!"

So an instructor is trying to record one of my classes, and everything's exploded. It exactly matches a ticket I filed two weeks before I did my end-to-end testing, that they labeled as "resolved" and that both I and a guy from their team said was "resolved".

So, obviously it didn't get resolved.

And of course, the image team is trying to throw me and my manager under the bus for it, and it's a high-profile fail.

This is gonna get ugly...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yard is mown, grill is starting. Steak time soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Steak consumed. So good.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

I'm tired.

I'm sick. (So is my wife.)

I hurt in my everywhere.

I was totally wrecked by a young college girl.


Does your wife know about this?

She watched!

... much like lynora found out with the oil incident, the reality is far less kinky or enticing than it sounds.

lynora wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

I'm tired.

I'm sick. (So is my wife.)

I hurt in my everywhere.

I was totally wrecked by a young college girl.

My son's violin and Wednesday TKD schedules are cause for a whole mess of headaches.

My shin has an oval about as long as a softball is wide on it for some unfathomable reason. It's been hurting after a clash since before the tournament. And my TKD master told me to stop for the day, because I was "done" - his words, not mine. Those are things kind of bitter to hear, even if delivered in kindness.



... but my wife, and Eldest are both taking TKD with me, and my wife, on her second day ever, fully finished memorizing all five of her tapes, and received them, doing so well that the Master is trying to think of "fair" ways to test her out of White Belt.

Over-all, it's a good, good day.

I hope you and your wife feel better soon.

Extracurricular scheduling is pretty much always a pain, yeah.

Use Epsom salts on that shin. It will help. Trust me. Also ice it. Preferably right after giving it a soak in a hot epsom salt bath. That combination is the best for quicker healing.

Glad to hear that your wife is doing so well at TKD. :)

Hah! My master gave me the ice-down advice, and the pharmicist just today recommended the salts! Thanks! XD

(Also ibuprofen!)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My shift's about done. Almost time to go home. So very tired right now, so don't expect me to post anything when I get home. So, I'll just say,

Good night, everybody.

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Drejk, the necromancy consultant

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A dung beetle walks into a bar and says "Is this stool taken?"

3 people marked this as a favorite.

A man walks into a bar and orders a shot of whiskey. He slams it back and orders another. He pounds that shot down, and orders a third. The bartender asks "You ok, pal?" The guy gulps down the shot and says "Buddy, if you had what I have, you'd drink fast too. Give me another." The bartender pours the fourth shot and says "What do you have?" The guy drinks the fourth shot, says "75 cents," and runs out the door.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A Roman walks into a bar and tells the bartender "Give me a bottle of whiskey, I need to get over my ex." The bartender hands over the bottle and says "Your ten what?"

2 people marked this as a favorite.

An angry man storms into a bar and shouts "All lawyers are stupid idiots!" A drunk in the back of the bar shouts back "Hey! I take offense to that." "Why?" asks the angry man. "Are you a lawyer?" The drunk replies "No, I'm a stupid idiot."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A bartender was setting up for the night's business when a pink and purple giraffe, a neon blue rhinoceros, and a green tiger walk in. He says "You guys are early. Bill's not here yet."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A guy walks into a doctor's office with a penguin on his head. The doctor says "Can I help you?" The penguin says "I hope so. Can you get this guy off me feet?"

2 people marked this as a favorite.

A painter limps into a bar, covered with cuts, scrapes, and bruises. The bartender says "What happened to you?" The painter says "I fell off a 50' ladder." The bartender says "Wow, you're lucky to be alive!" The painter says "Not really. I was only on the first rung."

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Did you know that many medical research labs are replacing rats with lawyers? Seems lawyers are more plentiful, the researchers get less attached to the lawyers than the rats, and lawyers will do things that rats flat out refuse to.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Julius Ceaser walks into a bar and says "I'll have a martinus, please." Bartender says "You mean 'martini'?" Ceaser says "If I wanted two of them, I would have asked for two of them."

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A koala walks into a bar. The bartender says "We don't serve beer to bears here." The koala says "That's fine. I'm a marsupial and I want a martini."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
lynora wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

I'm tired.

I'm sick. (So is my wife.)

I hurt in my everywhere.

I was totally wrecked by a young college girl.

My son's violin and Wednesday TKD schedules are cause for a whole mess of headaches.

My shin has an oval about as long as a softball is wide on it for some unfathomable reason. It's been hurting after a clash since before the tournament. And my TKD master told me to stop for the day, because I was "done" - his words, not mine. Those are things kind of bitter to hear, even if delivered in kindness.



... but my wife, and Eldest are both taking TKD with me, and my wife, on her second day ever, fully finished memorizing all five of her tapes, and received them, doing so well that the Master is trying to think of "fair" ways to test her out of White Belt.

Over-all, it's a good, good day.

I hope you and your wife feel better soon.

Extracurricular scheduling is pretty much always a pain, yeah.

Use Epsom salts on that shin. It will help. Trust me. Also ice it. Preferably right after giving it a soak in a hot epsom salt bath. That combination is the best for quicker healing.

Glad to hear that your wife is doing so well at TKD. :)

Hah! My master gave me the ice-down advice, and the pharmicist just today recommended the salts! Thanks! XD

(Also ibuprofen!)

Ibuprofen gel is the tops for bruises, as it that freezy gel you can get.

Epsom salts I will try the next time someone tenderises my thighs with a longsword.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Considering I'm awake at 4:30 a.m. I'm willing to concede I might have a cold.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
lynora wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

I'm tired.

I'm sick. (So is my wife.)

I hurt in my everywhere.

I was totally wrecked by a young college girl.

My son's violin and Wednesday TKD schedules are cause for a whole mess of headaches.

My shin has an oval about as long as a softball is wide on it for some unfathomable reason. It's been hurting after a clash since before the tournament. And my TKD master told me to stop for the day, because I was "done" - his words, not mine. Those are things kind of bitter to hear, even if delivered in kindness.



... but my wife, and Eldest are both taking TKD with me, and my wife, on her second day ever, fully finished memorizing all five of her tapes, and received them, doing so well that the Master is trying to think of "fair" ways to test her out of White Belt.

Over-all, it's a good, good day.

I hope you and your wife feel better soon.

Extracurricular scheduling is pretty much always a pain, yeah.

Use Epsom salts on that shin. It will help. Trust me. Also ice it. Preferably right after giving it a soak in a hot epsom salt bath. That combination is the best for quicker healing.

Glad to hear that your wife is doing so well at TKD. :)

Hah! My master gave me the ice-down advice, and the pharmicist just today recommended the salts! Thanks! XD

(Also ibuprofen!)

Ibuprofen gel is the tops for bruises, as it that freezy gel you can get.

Epsom salts I will try the next time someone tenderises my thighs with a longsword.


Nothing compared to salonpas.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Pain is your friend, embrace it.

Wait! That doesn't sound right. I think it was the glaive saying that, never mind!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Shelyn, The Eternal Rose wrote:

Pain is your friend, embrace it.

Wait! That doesn't sound right. I think it was the glaive saying that, never mind!

Hello hello! eyebrow waggle

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Oh good, Tiny T-Rex has figured out how to turn the fridge off.

Now, to explain why he shouldn't turn the fridge off. :-)

At least it was discovered before too much damage besides unusually warm milk could occur.

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Ah, classic "last day of school" blues. I shall not tirade yet again about teachers assigning mountains of homework and major projects during "dead week", but of course:

  • Last night Impus Major said he wasn't feeling great and measured his own temperature at 99.5, so he skipped Impus Minor's performance. By the time we got home he was at 101.5. He's still over 100, but his Spanish final is today so I have to send him to school anyway...
  • ...speaking of finals, why the <expletive> do teachers think it's OK to give finals during dead week?!?!?! Brendan had not one, not two, but THREE of his finals this week! Including a critical final in history that he had to do well on in order to avoid summer school that he didn't end up studying for at all because when he heard that the final was on "Thursday", he (perfectly reasonably) assumed that she meant "Thursday of finals week". Silly him!
    So now we just have to cross our fingers and hope that he did well enough to pass an exam that he didn't get a chance to study for at all.
  • And of course, Impus Minor, hearing that Impus Major wasn't feeling well, immediately didn't feel well himself. I believe him; he's complaining of a sore throat. But with 15 absences on the year (with only 10 allowed before you get called in to explain your horrible parenting to the school board), I had to send him in anyway.
  • Add the idiocy at work and it's just not shaping up to be a great morning...

  • 2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Damn. Hopefully your kids spit in the face of adversity. This seems mightily unfair.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    So far this year, the bunnies are winning. I don't know what the owl is doing, but it sure as f~!# isn't protecting my bell peppers. And the rubber snakes aren't holding their own. :-(

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Ah, classic "last day of school" blues. I shall not tirade yet again about teachers assigning mountains of homework and major projects during "dead week", but of course:

  • Last night Impus Major said he wasn't feeling great and measured his own temperature at 99.5, so he skipped Impus Minor's performance. By the time we got home he was at 101.5. He's still over 100, but his Spanish final is today so I have to send him to school anyway...
  • ...speaking of finals, why the <expletive> do teachers think it's OK to give finals during dead week?!?!?! Brendan had not one, not two, but THREE of his finals this week! Including a critical final in history that he had to do well on in order to avoid summer school that he didn't end up studying for at all because when he heard that the final was on "Thursday", he (perfectly reasonably) assumed that she meant "Thursday of finals week". Silly him!
    So now we just have to cross our fingers and hope that he did well enough to pass an exam that he didn't get a chance to study for at all.
  • And of course, Impus Minor, hearing that Impus Major wasn't feeling well, immediately didn't feel well himself. I believe him; he's complaining of a sore throat. But with 15 absences on the year (with only 10 allowed before you get called in to explain your horrible parenting to the school board), I had to send him in anyway.
  • Add the idiocy at work and it's just not shaping up to be a great morning...

  • S~!$ like that pisses me off. It gives teachers a bad name and it certainly doesn't encourage anyone to want to be a teacher.

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