Kileanna |
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Kileanna wrote:I don't know a lot of jokes in English, bur I had an English teacher who loved this one:
My neighbor is a mortician. I've never liked the way he says to me «good mourning».
*Run up to kileanna and clutches her skirt*
Auntie Kile!, Auntie Kile! The other kids in the thread are making pun of me!
Pure envy, I tell you.

Freehold DM |
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(I'm competing, and so is my Eldest.)
((This... won't end well for us.))
I'll enter the tournament.
Crush you utterly in front of your son.
He will watch and burn the defeat into his mind.
He will face me and lose after give him a permanent scar.
He will leave the dojo after that.
He will go to the beach instead.
Where he will run everyday.
No matter the weather.
He will do pushups on top of the hill.
And then he will run into the ocean.
He will run underwater.
And do squats while fully submerged.
He will think of you the entire time.
A year to the day he will push you in your wheelchair to see his first competition since the incident.
You will have not spoken a word since the incident.
But the fire will be in your eyes.
Eventually it will be your son facing me in the finals.
I will taunt him by pointing to you before the match.
He will not rise to the bait, being calm.
The competition will begin.
Your son will eschew pads and helm.
I will advance on him, thinking this will be easy.
He will stay perfectly still.
Outside, a rainstorm will begin.
Everything that has happened will return to your son in that moment.
A flash of lightning will make the world as bright as noon.
And you will call out his name, the first word you have spoken since that fateful day.
He will smile at you.
My body will hit the floor unconscious after the new world record for fastest kick is set by your son.
You will get out of your wheelchair and embrace him as he claims the championship.
He will jump in the air in celebration.
And then suddenly stop, in mid air as music plays, and backwards words appear in front of all of you.
That is where things get too weird for everyone, and they quietly leave.

Kileanna |
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Actually, not the first time that topic is discussed here xD
In my case it is also a matter of comfort. I feel so free when wearing light clothes or no clothes. I don't wear jewelry or make up because I feel constrained by anything that I'm wearing. I hate cold and I have to wear so many layers of clothes at winter. So I love to spend the few hot months of the year wearing the less clothes that I can.
Actually, when I am at home in the summer I'm naked 90% of the time. Just because I can.

Kjeldorn |
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Actually, not the first time that topic is discussed here xD
Kileanna wrote:In my case it is also a matter of comfort. I feel so free when wearing light clothes or no clothes. I don't wear jewelry or make up because I feel constrained by anything that I'm wearing. I hate cold and I have to wear so many layers of clothes at winter. So I love to spend the few hot months of the year wearing the less clothes that I can.
Actually, when I am at home in the summer I'm naked 90% of the time. Just because I can.
*Faints with a happy smile on his face*

Freehold DM |
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Actually, not the first time that topic is discussed here xD
Kileanna wrote:In my case it is also a matter of comfort. I feel so free when wearing light clothes or no clothes. I don't wear jewelry or make up because I feel constrained by anything that I'm wearing. I hate cold and I have to wear so many layers of clothes at winter. So I love to spend the few hot months of the year wearing the less clothes that I can.
Actually, when I am at home in the summer I'm naked 90% of the time. Just because I can.
updates passport

Kjeldorn |
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First society game done. My character is a male Ulfen Ranger, favored enemy undead.
Thorleif Kranieknuser? (Thorleif Skull-crusher)
Erik Sjælehyrde? (Erik Shephard-of-Souls)
Valdemar Atterdag (Valdemar Towards-Brighter-Days*. - Also a former king of Denmark)
Just Spit-balling some Danish names, which would be appropriate for a Ulfen ^^.
Oh and it good that you have found a regular gaming group.
* Or if you are among the scholars, that think it was more of an ironic name, the meaning would be closer to "Oh what a time we're living in"

Limeylongears |
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Wow, you're up late. You don't work the weekends?
I do not - Mon-Fri, 9-5, most of the time.
Today, I went to look at the old swords in the museum again - some sort of weird Caucasian thing, a really old (1600s) backsword, a cavalry sabre, two sword-canes, two bayonets and a couple of knives/daggers - then went to the pub. So much pub.

captain yesterday |
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A couple of firsts tonight, at work.
Saw my first kid wearing a muzzle. That's right, a muzzle. It was professional too, they obviously spent good money on it. Had leather strap, very nice padding and some sort of reinforced steel mouth cage. The father called me over to discuss sippy cups with straws and his wife is holding (I assume) their somewhere around two to three year old with the muzzle. He's all "which one is better?" And my brain is all "what the f%%+ man!"
Also, someone asked for one of those helicopter propeller beanies.
I said "this isn't the forties, sir"

Tacticslion |
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(I'm competing, and so is my Eldest.)
((This... won't end well for us.))
I was at least partially very wrong! My Eldest walked away with three gold medals and one of the four "best student" trophies for our TKD school trophies!
I walked away completely wrecked and with three bronze... and definitely not an MVP trophy!
Awesome experience!
Thank you all for the well-wishes and fan fiction!

Kjeldorn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

(I'm competing, and so is my Eldest.)
((This... won't end well for us.))
I was at least partially very wrong! My Eldest walked away with three gold medals and one of the four "best student" trophies for our TKD school trophies!
I walked away completely wrecked and with three bronze... and definitely not an MVP trophy!
Awesome experience!
Thank you all for the well-wishes and fan fiction!
Ahh the pupil has surpassed the master ^^

Kjeldorn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A couple of firsts tonight, at work.
Saw my first kid wearing a muzzle. That's right, a muzzle. It was professional too, they obviously spent good money on it. Had leather strap, very nice padding and some sort of reinforced steel mouth cage. The father called me over to discuss sippy cups with straws and his wife is holding (I assume) their somewhere around two to three year old with the muzzle. He's all "which one is better?" And my brain is all "what the f%~+ man!"
Also, someone asked for one of those helicopter propeller beanies.
I said "this isn't the forties, sir"
Actually, my parents bought me a helicopter beanie, when I was something like 5 or 6 years old.
Although, far more traumatically my brother wore it too. when he was of the same age...in the 90's.And a muzzle?! seriously? That must have been peculiar...

Sharoth |
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I blame Freehold DM. Because he likes it so much, I picked up Dead Space , Dead Space 2, and Dead Space 3 from Planet Fun here in Savannah, GA.

John Napier 698 |
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John Napier 698 wrote:First society game done. My character is a male Ulfen Ranger, favored enemy undead.Thorleif Kranieknuser? (Thorleif Skull-crusher)
Erik Sjælehyrde? (Erik Shephard-of-Souls)
Valdemar Atterdag (Valdemar Towards-Brighter-Days*. - Also a former king of Denmark)
Just Spit-balling some Danish names, which would be appropriate for a Ulfen ^^.
Oh and it good that you have found a regular gaming group.
* Or if you are among the scholars, that think it was more of an ironic name, the meaning would be closer to "Oh what a time we're living in"
Acutally, I chose "Kjel Haefstägg of Jol." I'm home now, and winding down for bed.

Tacticslion |
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So daggum tired. Difficult to even type. I hurt everywhere.
Sometimes falling asleep, sometimes restless, thinking over what I could have done better.
Though I'm frustrated by my own lack of health or coordination, in truth, the only disappointment for me, really, was Poomse (that is, the forms): not because I didn't win, but because I got distracted by my Eldest's Poomse in my head, and my body forgot which one I was doing (a very surreal experience, when your mind is telling you to do X, but your body starts to do Y) - totally frustrating to me.
The breaking wasn't bad.
The sparring was brutal, but the guys were good guys. I gave it my all, and apparently used an exotic (well, exotic for me) kick that really exists in TKD, and did so well. What killed me was my stamina. I might not have won if I'd had more, but I got to a point where my body just stopped responding.
"... I'll think about it."
"No, sir."
"HURK: Kiiiiiiick!"
"Okay, you big baby. Stop whining." *dink goes a pathetic tap with big scream* "There: you satisfied?"
"NO: Kiiiiiick!"
"Okay, you know what, Mr. Greedypants, I compromised so it's your turn: I kicked, now I get a 12-hour break!"
"Okay, I'm out. I can't work with him."
*And thus TL stands there, unable to move, as the opponents scores three points, his arms uselessly flailing about in a futile effort to make up for legs that just stand there.*
(I got in a few more shots, but was stumbling around by the time we were done, unable to breathe and so dehydrated that I couldn't swallow. Bah.)
Next time, though!
(And engaging myself them uh typing like this has woken me a bit: good, since I need to finish stuff for my Eldest!)
As for my Eldest: super-proud! Given his performance In this one, though, I suspect he will be recategorized next time, which will make it muuuuuch harder. Here's hoping!

Kajehase |
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Terry by Kirsty MacColl and Gavin Povey
Why’d you never listen to me?
I could be invisible to you
Anyway it doesn’t matter now
‘Cos I have met somebody new
Sorry if your heart is broken
Why’s your mouth just hanging open?
Don’t look so surprised
I found another guy
Terry wants my photograph
Terry says our love will last forever
And he should know
That boy Terry’s not the kind
To mess around and change his mind
Terry is as tough as Marlon Brando
Now he’s waiting for me
I just had to break the news to you
You’d better hide your face a while
If he gets mad there’s no telling what he’ll do
You can see the door is open
So if you don’t want your nose broken
You had better go away
‘Cos Terry’s coming round today
Terry wants my photograph
Terry says our love will last forever
And he should know
(Terry said he’ll never let me go)
That boy Terry’s not the kind
To mess around and change his mind
Terry is as tough as Marlon Brando
He’s been making eyes at me
It started long ago
So when he said he loved me
I just had to say “I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know”
You thought you were such a smartie
But Terry knows about karate
There’s other things he’s good at too
Terry’s not a bit like you
And Terry wants my photograph
Terry says our love will last forever
And he should know
(Terry said he’ll never let me go)
That boy Terry’s not the kind
To mess around and change his mind
Terry is as tough as Marlon Brando

Rosita the Riveter |
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It seems my taco making strategy of "fling every spice in my spice box that I know is common in Mexican cuisine into an overfull pan of ground beef that was sitting in my freezer for who knows how long with no attention paid to the amount or proportions of these spices or appropriateness to the dish" was actually pretty successful.