Deep 6 FaWtL

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"What's Up Doc?" is a terrible party game. Especially if you're Doc.

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That's... That's horrible.

Dark Archive

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American voice actor and comedian Mel Blanc went into a coma in 1961, his doctors were unable to get a response from him. Until one doctor attempted by addressing him as Bugs Bunny saying "What's Up Doc?"

Blanc responded in character.

Dark Archive

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Improvise. With humor.

Dark Archive

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Space is unimaginably vast. I know there is a space battle going on somewhere.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Space is unimaginably vast. I know there is a space battle going on somewhere.

The big question is where are they and how close are they and how many are in this galaxy.

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Baron, have you watched any of Isaac Arthur's videos?

Dark Archive

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Impressive. Most impressive. (cosplay)

Dark Archive

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Sharoth wrote:
Baron, have you watched any of Isaac Arthur's videos?

I will now! Thank you magical tin awkward flying lizard!

edit Seems interesting. I'm actually checking this man's credentials.

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The Great War A week by week breakdown of World War One.

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So, do I tell the kids every school in a hundred miles has cancelled school today, EXCEPT their school district.

I gain strength from their misery, isn't that how it works...

Dark Archive

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Cookie Monster, Philosopher

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Cap Yesterday, Mister Mom Dude wrote:
I gain strength from their misery, isn't that how it works...

Strong in the Darkside, have you become. No flufffy hugs from me, will you recieve.

Dark Archive

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questioning rabbit wrote:
ehh what's up doc?

Every Bunny was Kung Fu fighting

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Rysky wrote:
questioning rabbit wrote:
ehh what's up doc?
Nothing much, you?

*Narrows eyes*

But are you reeeeaaaally a doctor?

Are you? Are you?

Silver Crusade

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Limeylongears wrote:
Rysky wrote:
questioning rabbit wrote:
ehh what's up doc?
Nothing much, you?

*Narrows eyes*

But are you reeeeaaaally a doctor?

Are you? Are you?

What definition of doctor are we going with?

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Is that something that can be defined...

Silver Crusade

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Dr. Kreiger wrote:
Is that something that can be defined...


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John Napier 698 wrote:
So, I just sent an introduction email to the new RPG department head. I should receive a reply in a day or two.

Or, about 8 hours later.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Dr. Kreiger wrote:
Is that something that can be defined...

Not the way I do it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, help me out here. The spine, is that supposed to go on the outside...

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dr. Kreiger wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Dr. Kreiger wrote:
Is that something that can be defined...
Not the way I do it.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Ugh. The pain of a Christmas budget fake-out sucker-punch, plus unexpected Dr. Visit bills is one of those things that is hard to put into words. Absolutely necessary, but emotionally (not logically) frustrating when the doctor tells you what you already knew, and you get charged $80.00 for it, when you already can't go out to eat this month 'cause budget fail!

Unrelated: you three dragons* that hang out around here: is there any particular time of day your hordes sit completely open and unguarded? Just curious.

* Sharoth, Drejk, and captain yesterday. What? Don't give me that look. You and I both know that he either has a dragon alias or has used a dragon picture at some point in his career and if he hasn't, he might as well have.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Dr. Kreiger wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Dr. Kreiger wrote:
Is that something that can be defined...
Not the way I do it.

And now she expects us to read! The nerve!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Only the best dragon alias!

Captain Yesterday fun fact: which may or may not have been the nickname the General used for me in her racy notes she'd write me when we dated in high school.

Edit: reggae was very popular when we were in high school.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Rysky wrote:
questioning rabbit wrote:
ehh what's up doc?
Nothing much, you?

*Narrows eyes*

But are you reeeeaaaally a doctor?

Are you? Are you?

What definition of doctor are we going with?

Do 'ee 'ave a brass plaque on yer cabin door reading, 'GET YER RUM 'N' SRIRACHA SAUCE ENEMAS 'ERE, SHIPMATES' ?

A speculum instead of a hook on yer left 'and?

A range of good excuses fer rummagin' around in complete strangers' britches?

If so, arrh matey, yer a doctor.

Dark Archive

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Tacticslion wrote:
* Sharoth, Drejk, and captain yesterday. What? Don't give me that look. You and I both know that he either has a dragon alias or has used a dragon picture at some point in his career and if he hasn't, he might as well have.

To be fair, aren't we all just aliases of Capt Yesterday?

[twilight zone music] We are all in his beautiful mind. [/twilight zone music]

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Ugh. The pain of a Christmas budget fake-out sucker-punch, plus unexpected Dr. Visit bills is one of those things that is hard to put into words. Absolutely necessary, but emotionally (not logically) frustrating when the doctor tells you what you already knew, and you get charged $80.00 for it, when you already can't go out to eat this month 'cause budget fail!

Unrelated: you three dragons* that hang out around here: is there any particular time of day your hordes sit completely open and unguarded? Just curious.

* Sharoth, Drejk, and captain yesterday. What? Don't give me that look. You and I both know that he either has a dragon alias or has used a dragon picture at some point in his career and if he hasn't, he might as well have.

Just get the family together, drive to California, and we'll feed you.

I just picture the Beverly Hillbillies. Except with lion heads. And from Florida.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm sorry to hear that, Tacticslion. Very frustrating indeed.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Ugh. The pain of a Christmas budget fake-out sucker-punch, plus unexpected Dr. Visit bills is one of those things that is hard to put into words. Absolutely necessary, but emotionally (not logically) frustrating when the doctor tells you what you already knew, and you get charged $80.00 for it, when you already can't go out to eat this month 'cause budget fail!

Unrelated: you three dragons* that hang out around here: is there any particular time of day your hordes sit completely open and unguarded? Just curious.

* Sharoth, Drejk, and captain yesterday. What? Don't give me that look. You and I both know that he either has a dragon alias or has used a dragon picture at some point in his career and if he hasn't, he might as well have.

Just get the family together, drive to California, and we'll feed you.

I just picture the Beverly Hillbillies. Except with lion heads. And from Florida.

the Orlando Swamp-lions?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Daggummit, FaWtL, you guys are basically the best.

I wish it to be known that we are well and all is good.

I am frustrated because my eldest longs to go to Taco Bell and is trying to be really good so he can earn a privilege I don't know if we're currently able to afford.

(Also, dang it, I wish to live the life to which I've become accustomed!)

I was mostly just venting. I actually really appreciate the doctors checking out our son, and am very glad that he's totally fine. I'm kind of embarrassed.

You guys are all incredibly sweet.

(But, you know, if you guys happen to know about a dragon horde that is just left ungarded and unlooted... >.> ... preferably not a vindictive dragon, and maybe one that's already dead...)

If you're really curious about TMI:
Basically, we knew we were cutting it close, but figured that it was fine; we were keeping an eye on our account, after all. Hadn't realized that the next month's paycheck came in a month early, and wouldn't be in this one, so when the bill hit with no expected income... wwwwwwhhhhheeeeeee~!

No one's fault but ours - and mostly mine - but you guys are all awesome.

I heart you FaWtL.

Tacticslion wrote:

Ugh. The pain of a Christmas budget fake-out sucker-punch, plus unexpected Dr. Visit bills is one of those things that is hard to put into words. Absolutely necessary, but emotionally (not logically) frustrating when the doctor tells you what you already knew, and you get charged $80.00 for it, when you already can't go out to eat this month 'cause budget fail!

Unrelated: you three dragons* that hang out around here: is there any particular time of day your hordes sit completely open and unguarded? Just curious.

* Sharoth, Drejk, and captain yesterday. What? Don't give me that look. You and I both know that he either has a dragon alias or has used a dragon picture at some point in his career and if he hasn't, he might as well have.

NobodysHome wrote:

Just get the family together, drive to California, and we'll feed you.

I just picture the Beverly Hillbillies. Except with lion heads. And from Florida.

Freehold DM wrote:
the Orlando Swamp-lions?

Ah, the famed Orlando swamp-lions! Our secret identity and carefully* has been found out!

* Eh, we have Windows. No matter what I do, I'm sure it's not too carefully guarded. HEY-O, SHOTS FIRED~!

Tacticslion wrote:
* Sharoth, Drejk, and captain yesterday. What? Don't give me that look. You and I both know that he either has a dragon alias or has used a dragon picture at some point in his career and if he hasn't, he might as well have.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

To be fair, aren't we all just aliases of Capt Yesterday?

[twilight zone music] We are all in his beautiful mind. [/twilight zone music]

Yeah, probably.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday James Earl Jones! From stutterer to Dark Lord: How he found his voice (link)

Also thanks Rysky

Dark Archive

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Those of us who have one Heart you too Tacticslion.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know how that is.

Silver Crusade

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Np, Baron :3

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Happy Birthday James Earl Jones! From stutterer to Dark Lord: How he found his voice (link)

James Earl Jones tells a redneck Jedi joke.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, different worlds and all that, but last year we managed to spend ourselves into such a corner that we had $60 in immediate liquid assets as of December 30 (2015).

It's never a good feeling, even when we knew that we were getting our combined paychecks the next day to get quite a bit of "breathing room".

Thoughts are with you, TL!

Dark Archive

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Fun Fact

Proponents of the Mandela Effect (Google it) use James Earl Jones quote and our own universal memory of that great scene from The Empire Strikes Back as proof of the theory.

What we and millions remember:

'Luke, I am your father!'

What was really said on screen:

'NO! I am your father!'

Dark Archive

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A very old school Star Wars Canon.

Darth Vader, being among the greatest warriors in the Galaxy, and being ''mostly machine now' was ambidextrous.

In the Original Trilogy, when using The Force, you see him motion with his left had as often as he does with his right.

For example, in The Empire Strikes Back he blocks Hans blaster bolts with his right hand, gestures with his left, and catches the blaster with his right.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I know how that is.

So do I.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Fun Fact

Proponents of the Mandela Effect (Google it) use James Earl Jones quote and our own universal memory of that great scene from The Empire Strikes Back as proof of the theory.

What we and millions remember:

'Luke, I am your father!'

What was really said on screen:

'NO! I am your father!'

I suspect that this happens as a method to give ourselves context.

For example, "No! I am your father!" Is, really, in the end, just a generic set of sentences, that could be said by approximately half the population to approximately half the population. However, when combining it with an iconic element that does not appear within the generic statement itself, that extra added element becomes an anchor, of sorts, that enables the mind to place the quote within context. Far fewer people are named Luke, then the number of people that have fathers, and, there is far less reason for people to say that they are the fathers princesses or other parental units), and so between those two events tied together, it becomes a defining anchor for the just of the memory, rather than the specifics. Thus the anchor, and the jest, is retained, even as the actual quote is misplaced. But that's just a guess.

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About to leave for work. Everyone have a good day.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

TKD! TKD! Woo!

Let's hope I don't slip on my own pants sleeve and fall in my backside/hip this time!

(I still have a bruise the size of a softball from last week!) XD

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Fun Fact

Proponents of the Mandela Effect (Google it) use James Earl Jones quote and our own universal memory of that great scene from The Empire Strikes Back as proof of the theory.

What we and millions remember:

'Luke, I am your father!'

What was really said on screen:

'NO! I am your father!'

I suspect that this happens as a method to give ourselves context.

For example, "No! I am your father!" Is, really, in the end, just a generic set of sentences, that could be said by approximately half the population to approximately half the population. However, when combining it with an iconic element that does not appear within the generic statement itself, that extra added element becomes an anchor, of sorts, that enables the mind to place the quote within context. Far fewer people are named Luke, then the number of people that have fathers, and, there is far less reason for people to say that they are the fathers princesses or other parental units), and so between those two events tied together, it becomes a defining anchor for the just of the memory, rather than the specifics. Thus the anchor, and the jest, is retained, even as the actual quote is misplaced. But that's just a guess.

I just do it that way to annoy my brothers.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
* Sharoth, Drejk, and captain yesterday. What? Don't give me that look. You and I both know that he either has a dragon alias or has used a dragon picture at some point in his career and if he hasn't, he might as well have.

To be fair, aren't we all just aliases of Capt Yesterday?

[twilight zone music] We are all in his beautiful mind. [/twilight zone music]

Maybe you.

I am feverish delusion of malfunctioning brain of someone completely different than CY.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Ugh. The pain of a Christmas budget fake-out sucker-punch, plus unexpected Dr. Visit bills is one of those things that is hard to put into words. Absolutely necessary, but emotionally (not logically) frustrating when the doctor tells you what you already knew, and you get charged $80.00 for it, when you already can't go out to eat this month 'cause budget fail!

Unrelated: you three dragons* that hang out around here: is there any particular time of day your hordes sit completely open and unguarded? Just curious.

* Sharoth, Drejk, and captain yesterday. What? Don't give me that look. You and I both know that he either has a dragon alias or has used a dragon picture at some point in his career and if he hasn't, he might as well have.

It's downstairs in the cellar. You will go down the stairs (first light switch is on the right wall) from the entrance to the building, turn to your right (second light switch is on the right just behind the corner) , go to the end of a very short corridor, and it will be the wooden door to your left. Remember that my hoard is masked with an illusion that makes it all look like a pile of trash so take absolutely everything. You can dispel the illusion later and enjoy your trash spoils when you are safe from my gratitude for cleaning my cellar wrath for stealing my hoard!

Oh, if I will know when you won't be coming to clean my trash steal my hoard I can take the padlock for... Uh, cleaning. Yeah. It'd a shame if it was broken, it's decent padlock.

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Drejk wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
* Sharoth, Drejk, and captain yesterday. What? Don't give me that look. You and I both know that he either has a dragon alias or has used a dragon picture at some point in his career and if he hasn't, he might as well have.

To be fair, aren't we all just aliases of Capt Yesterday?

[twilight zone music] We are all in his beautiful mind. [/twilight zone music]

Maybe you.

I am feverish delusion of malfunctioning brain of someone completely different than CY.

My brain isn't feverish, it's well ravaged.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, I think this combines sports AND politics, so they cancel each other out, and Freehold will be happy, right?

Why NobodysHome is no longer a sports fan:
So, Cal Berkeley is losing massive ticket sales because their lucrative TV contract has them playing games at ridiculous times. Friday nights, 7:30 pm (or later) starts, no notice until a few days before the game what time the game will even start...

And the numbers make it clear who the administration will listen to:
Total ticket revenue: $9.3 million
TV contract revenue: $25 million

So it's honestly better for them to do whatever the TV sponsors tell them to do, and play in front of an empty stadium.


Dark Archive

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While I like soccer and surfing, I am not a lover of most sports.

That being said, I would have a torid and filthy affair with most any sport before I would enter politics.

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True story: I am so fed up with local politics I will run for office...
...the moment I'm not raising two kids, running 3 campaigns, and trying to repair a house that has used the rains as an excuse to reveal its true and horrifying nature.

Heck if I'll ever join a party, though, so I doubt I'll ever get beyond Albany...

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