The Freehold Inquisition |
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{pops on a magic snowman hat} Happy Birthday, TOZ!
Hello, Mrs. Yesterday? Yes, it's...a concerned citizen. Yes. I just wanted to let you know your husband is in the living room, not doing anything at all. Yes, this may be a good time for him to clean out the gutters. May I suggest he do so without a jacket? Yes, it's good for building character. Speaking of, did you know he still refers to you as the General to his friends? Yeah. Wow, cleaning the gutters with no shirt at all? Yeah I think that would build even more character...
{erases, then pencils in change on character sheet} Ummm, I think this was enough to shift our alignment definitely into Evil.
Edit: Now I want to start a new "Am I Evil? (Yes, I Am.)" thread in the Forum Games section, but with the goal of converting FaWtLies/Treeforters and other notable messageboard denizens into Mirror Universe Evil Counterparts.
Edit 2: Nekkid birthday greetings?! Sweet Christmas!

Morty, the Littlest Otyugh |
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...Another severely smelly table at the shop last Saturday. One of the players at my table threatened to go to the dollar store next door, buy deodorant, and hand it out to people.
WTF is wrong with people? Showers take like five minutes! This is Florida, and it's ALREADY hot again, how are people not self aware and capable of basic minimum grooming?
It might not be the sole cause, but diet can have a lot to do with it too. I knew a dude like this; he wasn't eating nearly enough fresh fruits and veggies, and he were hydrating themselves almost solely on Diet Dew. It took a few high DC Diplomacy checks by me and his sister to convince him to eat and drink better. The sister also persuaded him to try taking chlorophyllin supplements. The combination seemed to work very well (along with the usual showers and deodorant), but then again, it's only a sample size of one.

gran rey de los mono |
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Edit: Now I want to start a new "Am I Evil? (Yes, I Am.)" thread in the Forum Games section, but with the goal of converting FaWtLies/Treeforters and other notable messageboard denizens into Mirror Universe Evil Counterparts.
What if I am my Mirror Universe Evil Counterpart?

Sharoth |
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The Freehold Inquisition wrote:Edit: Now I want to start a new "Am I Evil? (Yes, I Am.)" thread in the Forum Games section, but with the goal of converting FaWtLies/Treeforters and other notable messageboard denizens into Mirror Universe Evil Counterparts.What if I am my Mirror Universe Evil Counterpart?
That is not good.

gran rey de los mono |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:That is not good.The Freehold Inquisition wrote:Edit: Now I want to start a new "Am I Evil? (Yes, I Am.)" thread in the Forum Games section, but with the goal of converting FaWtLies/Treeforters and other notable messageboard denizens into Mirror Universe Evil Counterparts.What if I am my Mirror Universe Evil Counterpart?
Of course not. It's Evil. Says so in the name--"Mirror Universe Evil Counterpart".

Freehold DM |
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{pops on a magic snowman hat} Happy Birthday, TOZ!
Freehold DM wrote:Hello, Mrs. Yesterday? Yes, it's...a concerned citizen. Yes. I just wanted to let you know your husband is in the living room, not doing anything at all. Yes, this may be a good time for him to clean out the gutters. May I suggest he do so without a jacket? Yes, it's good for building character. Speaking of, did you know he still refers to you as the General to his friends? Yeah. Wow, cleaning the gutters with no shirt at all? Yeah I think that would build even more character...{erases, then pencils in change on character sheet} Ummm, I think this was enough to shift our alignment definitely into Evil.
Edit: Now I want to start a new "Am I Evil? (Yes, I Am.)" thread in the Forum Games section, but with the goal of converting FaWtLies/Treeforters and other notable messageboard denizens into Mirror Universe Evil Counterparts.
Edit 2: Nekkid birthday greetings?! Sweet Christmas!
nonsense. That was a chaotic act, not an evil one. Which we already are, thanks to the Slaad headcold we seem to have picked up.
Waitaminute. How did I get this cold? Am I still talking to myself?

Bizarro Freehold |
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{pops on a magic snowman hat} Happy Birthday, TOZ!
Freehold DM wrote:Hello, Mrs. Yesterday? Yes, it's...a concerned citizen. Yes. I just wanted to let you know your husband is in the living room, not doing anything at all. Yes, this may be a good time for him to clean out the gutters. May I suggest he do so without a jacket? Yes, it's good for building character. Speaking of, did you know he still refers to you as the General to his friends? Yeah. Wow, cleaning the gutters with no shirt at all? Yeah I think that would build even more character...{erases, then pencils in change on character sheet} Ummm, I think this was enough to shift our alignment definitely into Evil.
Edit: Now I want to start a new "Am I Evil? (Yes, I Am.)" thread in the Forum Games section, but with the goal of converting FaWtLies/Treeforters and other notable messageboard denizens into Mirror Universe Evil Counterparts.
This is the Darkest Timeline.

Freehold DM |
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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:It might not be the sole cause, but diet can have a lot to do with it too. I knew a dude like this; he wasn't eating nearly enough fresh fruits and veggies, and he were hydrating themselves almost solely on Diet Dew. It took a few high DC Diplomacy checks by me and his sister to convince him to eat and drink better. The sister also persuaded him to try taking chlorophyllin supplements. The combination seemed to work very well (along with the usual showers and deodorant), but then again, it's only a sample size of one....Another severely smelly table at the shop last Saturday. One of the players at my table threatened to go to the dollar store next door, buy deodorant, and hand it out to people.
WTF is wrong with people? Showers take like five minutes! This is Florida, and it's ALREADY hot again, how are people not self aware and capable of basic minimum grooming?
also, this. When this is someones main social event, they tend to treat it like a luncheon as well. When people whip out foods that are almost entirely processed and don't drink water, that stuff is going to be sweated out.

NobodysHome |
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I sure am glad I work tonight.
I might even haggle over a bike.
But I doubt it.
Haggle upwards. It's always awesome to see how long it takes someone to realize you're doing it, and then try to figure out what's going on.
"I can't sell you that bike for a penny under $150.""I'll give you $120."
"OK, you look like a nice guy. Maybe I can make it $160."
"No; I won't go a penny over $130."
"OK. $170 it is, but that's my final offer."
"Wait a minute..."

Tequila Sunrise |
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Happy birthday, TOZ!
Quite suddenly, I've found myself looking forward to two weekends of in-person gaming with new groups! Pretty sure one of them isn't going to work out long-term, for scheduling reasons. But hey, they're both 4e groups!!!
This Sunday's game was great fun. Everyone was fun, engaged, and pleasant, with brief exceptions. (See below.) My character was gloriously foolhardy, and ended up delivering the killing blow to a dragon at session's end. There were only two flies in my pudding.
Despite being freshly bathed and de-odorized, I probably ended up smelling of less than roses. I for some reason just could not get my blood sugar down, despite eating nothing for hours. Ugh! Also, I am a New Yorker in Arizona. So I was quite sweaty by session's end.
And the host did a couple of things to his wife and daughter that put me off. The kind of things that may be less-than-idealistic-but-understandable-in-a-family-context-which-I-don't-k now, or may be signs of serious abuse. None of the other players seemed surprised or phased by them, and I don't make a habit of judging people based on brief and half-aware observations, so none of us commented and the game went on. I probably won't be rejoining this group for scheduling reasons, but I can't help but wonder how this group would play out if I continued gaming with them.

Orthos |
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I'm not sure how I feel about the latest website update. On the one hand, the lack of new post alerts on the left side of the screen will make me less likely to slip out of the few threads I consider tolerable. On the other, there are some of those threads that I actually did care about, and it was nice seeing when they were updated, or the occasional potential "Ooh that title looks interesting" thread I hadn't seen before.

Rosita the Riveter |
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Playing Assassin's Creed Syndicate. Need to kidnap a dude in the middle of a building courtyard who's surrounded by cops, and there's cops at the entrance, and the bonus goal is to not kill any cops. Thing is, I'm playing Jacob, and I have him ill statted out for stealth. So what do I do? I take a more direct option. I stand outside the building, pull out my revolver, and fire a shot into the air. This attracts the attention of the cops, who whistle loudly upon seeing me, summoning the rest of the cops and sending the guy I need to kidnap running the other direction to get a carriage and escape. Then I use the grappling hook to scale the building, leaving the cops on the ground, and run across the roof to the other side, drop down, steal a carriage, and bolt before the cops catch up. After that, just had to run the dude I wanted to kidnap down, jump on his carriage and hijack it, then jump off and tackle him. Way more fun than a standard stealth run.

Freehold DM |
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Playing Assassin's Creed Syndicate. Need to kidnap a dude in the middle of a building courtyard who's surrounded by cops, and there's cops at the entrance, and the bonus goal is to not kill any cops. Thing is, I'm playing Jacob, and I have him ill statted out for stealth. So what do I do? I take a more direct option. I stand outside the building, pull out my revolver, and fire a shot into the air. This attracts the attention of the cops, who whistle loudly upon seeing me, summoning the rest of the cops and sending the guy I need to kidnap running the other direction to get a carriage and escape. Then I use the grappling hook to scale the building, leaving the cops on the ground, and run across the roof to the other side, drop down, steal a carriage, and bolt before the cops catch up. After that, just had to run the dude I wanted to kidnap down, jump on his carriage and hijack it, then jump off and tackle him. Way more fun than a standard stealth run.

Rosita the Riveter |
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I'm irritated with my mother and stepfather right now. I was thinking of staying at their place over the summer to save money, but it doesn't work for them because things in that house are, as usual, completely FUBAR. Mom couldn't tell me this. She told me it would be fine, then dispatched my sister to tell me otherwise two days later (And she makes my sister do everything. "Girl, parent your siblings every single weekend you aren't with your father." "Girl, slap your sibling, you can reach easier." "Girl, deal with all the affairs of the dead dragon b*++& grandma lady." "Girl, be my therapist and always reliable sibling instead of my child." It's kinda ridiculous, and it's no wonder my sister and I never got along.). Anyway, she couldn't just tell me herself (And I would have understood that it isn't doable), she had to lead me on for two days and then have someone else tell me. And she told my sister she did it because my stepdad's angry I can't come over and it'd spark a fight because he can't be an adult and admit things he doesn't like and loses his temper instead.

Centauri |
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Playing Assassin's Creed Syndicate. Need to kidnap a dude in the middle of a building courtyard who's surrounded by cops, and there's cops at the entrance, and the bonus goal is to not kill any cops. Thing is, I'm playing Jacob, and I have him ill statted out for stealth. So what do I do? I take a more direct option. I stand outside the building, pull out my revolver, and fire a shot into the air. This attracts the attention of the cops, who whistle loudly upon seeing me, summoning the rest of the cops and sending the guy I need to kidnap running the other direction to get a carriage and escape. Then I use the grappling hook to scale the building, leaving the cops on the ground, and run across the roof to the other side, drop down, steal a carriage, and bolt before the cops catch up. After that, just had to run the dude I wanted to kidnap down, jump on his carriage and hijack it, then jump off and tackle him. Way more fun than a standard stealth run.
{opens app, makes note of highly-qualified possible recruit}

Tacticslion |

I'm not sure how I feel about the latest website update. On the one hand, the lack of new post alerts on the left side of the screen will make me less likely to slip out of the few threads I consider tolerable. On the other, there are some of those threads that I actually did care about, and it was nice seeing when they were updated, or the occasional potential "Ooh that title looks interesting" thread I hadn't seen before.
You mean to tell me that was intentional?
Edit: Considering some other issues I'm noticing crop up, I don't believe it was.
It looks like it was not. I'm glad my shopping cart is back to where it belongs, though. :)

Sharoth |
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I am in such a bad mood now. First my mother can't even find the respect to tell me things directly, then my roommate comes in, sees the oven preheating for my dinner, asks me if I'm cooking, gets a yes, goes "okay", and decides to throw his food in the oven anyway. I'm pretty heated now.
I would calmly take your roommate's food out and set it aside, then put your food in. If he gets mad, tell him "at least I did not throw it out, you rude bastard."

Rosita the Riveter |
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In more Assassin's Creed events, British police are apparently really easy to lead on pointless and foolish chases that impinge upon their duties. Bunch of coppers guarding the Prime Bloody Minister's carriage. I walk right out into the street, they be all like "YOU CAN'T BE HERE", and then they all abandon the important dude they are supposed to be guarding to chase me, leaving their charge defenseless. Naturally, I ran them into a whole mess of gang members, which kept them mighty distracted while I made my way back to the Prime Bloody Minister. Buncha muppets.

Freehold DM |
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In more Assassin's Creed events, British police are apparently really easy to lead on pointless and foolish chases that impinge upon their duties. Bunch of coppers guarding the Prime Bloody Minister's carriage. I walk right out into the street, they be all like "YOU CAN'T BE HERE", and then they all abandon the important dude they are supposed to be guarding to chase me, leaving their charge defenseless. Naturally, I ran them into a whole mess of gang members, which kept them mighty distracted while I made my way back to the Prime Bloody Minister. Buncha muppets.
They also attack out of nowhere, with little provocation, just like every other guard in assassins creed.