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Not a tree climber. But mom loathed me visiting other people's homes, I would leave as soon as I was unnoticed and explore the whole house. .

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I was only naked once.

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captain yesterday wrote:

How is Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter?

The book.

The Wife loved the movie.

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I am loving the "Ice Ice Bunny" episode of Wabbit.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Overheard in Limey's office part 2:

"It only broke because my boob got stuck in it"

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Gr. My Word documents won't open for some reason. >:I

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captain yesterday wrote:

How is Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter?

The book.

Sorry -- we watched the movie, expected completely hopeless cheesy shlock, and were rewarded with same.

We really enjoyed it. But it's really, really bad. You have to love bad movies to like it at all.

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Or be seven. My nephew thought it was AMAZING.

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I'd heard the book was better than the movie, they have the book at our local thrift store, that's why I asked. :-)

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Thrift shop books are, what, a quarter? Even if it sucks you are only out a quarter.

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Thrift shop books are, what, a quarter? Even if it sucks you are only out a quarter.

Depends on the shop.

And it depends on your house space.

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They're actually 75 cents, and I know, it's always nice to hear what other people think, that is all. :-)

Edit: also what Tacticslion said, space can be a premium, when the walls are slowly closing in...

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Just because you buy it doesn't mean you have to keep it. Re-donate it when you're done.

I used to hoard books, by then I realized I only reread about 1/3 of them.

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I do that yes, all the time actually. :-)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Someone donated their entire dragonlance collection, and they had the entire Twilight series, in collectible hardcover, I got the first book for Scruffy, thus forcing someone else to have to search endlessly to complete the collection.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Oooooo, 1d4 ⇒ 3 goblin babies love this show! {sing (badly):}

They're Golarion's most fearsome fighting team
They're heroes in exoskel's and they're Garundi
When Alton or Whedon attack
These spider PCs don't cut him no slack!

Teeny Pointbuy Ninja Araneas
Teeny Pointbuy Ninja Araneas

Freehold raised them on anime and bubble teas
Mastophora lassos, Portia always schemes
Celaenia looks like poop
Archaeidae is a long-necked dude

Teeny Pointbuy Ninja Araneas
Teeny Pointbuy Ninja Araneas
Teeny Pointbuy Ninja Araneas
Heroes in exoskel's
Spider power!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Stabbyface wants's bubble tea.

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"Why on earth you'd want to use butt paper, rather then your own tongue is beyond me. Still, I found my own uses for the butt paper" - a cat narrating unspooling the toilet paper in some cat food commercial on YouTube.

Shadow Lodge

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
I used to hoard books, by then I realized I only reread about 1/3 of them.

Then what do you display?

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Family photos, videogames, movie collections (my wife rewatches some stuff a LOT like the BBC Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth and just Will not move onto streaming despite my requests), CDs of our church's previous sermons, art my wife painted or drew or crafted, art purchased from the art market from local artists (I like blown glass, particularly)...

A LOT of space is taken by craft supplies for my wife. We have an entire room devoted to it. Marry an artist and this is what happens.

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Oh my god! The craft supplies! So many craft supplies!

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But yeah we still have tons of books (6 bookshelves, with another needed) and DVDs, I'm with your wife, streaming is good and all, but what happens if they take it off their site, you're screwed that's what. :-)

Dark Archive

6 people marked this as a favorite.

My interpretation of how Freehold's subconscious mind works.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
But yeah we still have tons of books (6 bookshelves, with another needed) and DVDs, I'm with your wife, streaming is good and all, but what happens if they take it off their site, you're screwed that's what. :-)

Six? Amateur!

We are in "packed" mode, with most of our books in storage in cardboard boxes, and we've donated two carloads of books to the local library, and that's reduced us to.. 7...
Our entire family runs about 20 bookcases per house. And they aren't big houses. Every room just gets a couple of feet narrower with bookcases lining every wall...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Someone donated their entire dragonlance collection, and they had the entire Twilight series, in collectible hardcover, I got the first book for Scruffy, thus forcing someone else to have to search endlessly to complete the collection.

I used to like the DL novels. But then I reread the first couple of chapters of The Chronicles as an adult.

Baaaaaad idea.

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One of the advantages to shoveling snow for over a decade, is I'm way more fun to ride with when it snows then my wife is.

On account of driving through every single snowfall to the shop to get my truck, and then spending another 10-40 hours driving around shoveling off the movie megaplex and 25-32 houses I was in charge of.

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The upside to NOT shoveling snow anymore is I don't have to pack a forty hour work week into 2 days. :-)

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So, if they made the Legend of Drizz't into a (series of) movie(s), directed by Joss Whedon. We all know Chris Hemsworth is the obvious choice for Wulfgar, and whoever played Gimli is a shoe-in for Bruenor, but who will play Regis, Cattie-Brie, Artemis Entreri, and Drizz't.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
So, if they made the Legend of Drizz't into a (series of) movie(s), directed by Joss Whedon. We all know Chris Hemsworth is the obvious choice for Wulfgar, and whoever played Gimli is a shoe-in for Bruenor, but who will play Regis, Cattie-Brie, Artemis Entreri, and Drizz't.

I for one demand nothing less than Alton Brown for Entreri.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

What about Viggo Mortensen.

He's got the look down. :-)

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
So, if they made the Legend of Drizz't into a (series of) movie(s), directed by Joss Whedon. We all know Chris Hemsworth is the obvious choice for Wulfgar, and whoever played Gimli is a shoe-in for Bruenor, but who will play Regis, Cattie-Brie, Artemis Entreri, and Drizz't.

Please show respect for the cornucopia of talent that is John Rhys-Davies

5 people marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
My interpretation of how Freehold's subconscious mind works.

...I can neither confirm nor deny this theory.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.

My short list for Cattie-Brie

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So, i guess Cattie-Brie might come down to Jennifer Lawrence (established as being handy with a bow, and talking about the emotions of using said bow) and Scarlett Johannson (established as kicking ass, and tolerating Joss Whedon).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Someone donated their entire dragonlance collection, and they had the entire Twilight series, in collectible hardcover, I got the first book for Scruffy, thus forcing someone else to have to search endlessly to complete the collection.

I used to like the DL novels. But then I reread the first couple of chapters of The Chronicles as an adult.

Baaaaaad idea.

quiet, you.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
So, if they made the Legend of Drizz't into a (series of) movie(s), directed by Joss Whedon. We all know Chris Hemsworth is the obvious choice for Wulfgar, and whoever played Gimli is a shoe-in for Bruenor, but who will play Regis, Cattie-Brie, Artemis Entreri, and Drizz't.

Potato, broccoli, celery, spring onion.

Not necessarily in that order.

Forgotten Realms Vegetable Puppet Theatre was my idea, should Jossiepooz be reading this

2 people marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
So, if they made the Legend of Drizz't into a (series of) movie(s), directed by Joss Whedon. We all know Chris Hemsworth is the obvious choice for Wulfgar, and whoever played Gimli is a shoe-in for Bruenor, but who will play Regis, Cattie-Brie, Artemis Entreri, and Drizz't.
Please show respect for the cornucopia of talent that is John Rhys-Davies

My apologies, i didn't have the movie handy, i loved him in Lord of the Rings, thanks for the link, as always baron. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
mourge40k wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
So, if they made the Legend of Drizz't into a (series of) movie(s), directed by Joss Whedon. We all know Chris Hemsworth is the obvious choice for Wulfgar, and whoever played Gimli is a shoe-in for Bruenor, but who will play Regis, Cattie-Brie, Artemis Entreri, and Drizz't.
I for one demand nothing less than Alton Brown for Entreri.

Indeed. My hate demands nothing less.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
So, if they made the Legend of Drizz't into a (series of) movie(s), directed by Joss Whedon. We all know Chris Hemsworth is the obvious choice for Wulfgar, and whoever played Gimli is a shoe-in for Bruenor, but who will play Regis, Cattie-Brie, Artemis Entreri, and Drizz't.
Please show respect for the cornucopia of talent that is John Rhys-Davies
My apologies, i didn't have the movie handy, i loved him in Lord of the Rings, thanks for the link, as always baron. :-)

he truly is an amazing actor.

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Alton Brown should be Dendybar the Mottled then, he dies by being strangled by his own over inflated hubris and creation.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
So, if they made the Legend of Drizz't into a (series of) movie(s), directed by Joss Whedon. We all know Chris Hemsworth is the obvious choice for Wulfgar, and whoever played Gimli is a shoe-in for Bruenor, but who will play Regis, Cattie-Brie, Artemis Entreri, and Drizz't.

OK, now that I'm not really joking anymore, I think I have an actual list.

Regis - Cuba Gooding Junior. And not just because he's from my hometown either!

Cattie-Brie - List is already done by my fellow Fawtlites.

Artemis Entreri - ... If Entreri wasn't so damned hard to kill, I'd say Sean Bean. Just fits my mental picture of him.

Drizz't - No idea.

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I think Idris Elba could do enteri the complex character for the layers he has, and his voice would be perfect to exude the creepy required.

Regis and Cattibrie didn't really have personality, IMO. They just seemed to exist to full racial requirements and give Drizzt a generic love interest. Insert unknown actors A and B. (Cadderly's wife was way cooler to me, or even the elf Drizzt tags in the new books with the staff and PTSD from throwing her rape baby off a cliff.)

Drizzt is a tough one. Gonna go with Ed Norton. He plays characters way more badass than him physique belies, and has the acting chops to handle the internal narrative struggle etc.

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Emma Stone or Isla Fisher or Bryce Dallas Howard for Cattie-Brie?

Tyrion Lannister Peter Dinklage for Regis?
... actually, although Peter is a great actor, because Regis hails from Calimshan originally (as I recall?) I might suggest Chinedu Ikedieze or Osita Iheme; Chinedu, I think, would be solid for his more "cherubic face" (from what I can tell from the pictures) which I think Regis was supposed to have had.
Mikey Post looks rather cherubic (though not very Calamshite), as well.

Wentworth Miller certainly looks like he could be an awesome swordsman/assassin, and thanks to his roles in The Flash we know he can do villains.

As for Drizzt, Omari Hardwick just looks like a super-hero, though his 5'10" is a rather bit large for an elf, as is his frame. (But just look at that man! Hero!)
For a more elf-like look, DJ Qualls might be your man.
Elijah Woods, Orlando Bloom, or these guys all seem to have appropriately "elfin" features.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

I think Idris Elba could do enteri the complex character for the layers he has, and his voice would be perfect to exude the creepy required.


Drizzt is a tough one. Gonna go with Ed Norton. He plays characters way more badass than him physique belies, and has the acting chops to handle the internal narrative struggle etc.

Ooh, these are goooooooooooooooooood.

Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Regis and Cattibrie didn't really have personality, IMO. They just seemed to exist to full racial requirements and give Drizzt a generic love interest. Insert unknown actors A and B. (Cadderly's wife was way cooler to me, or even the elf Drizzt tags in the new books with the staff and PTSD from throwing her rape baby off a cliff.)

Both actually definitively had personality, however, Regis' was useless, and Catti-brie's was "start out useless, then become fairly awesome, only to be killed for stupid reasons, later" as she became a better "ranger" than Drizzt (not hard, given that Drizzt was more fighter and barbarian than ranger) before getting PLOT WOUND and starting her retraining as a wizard juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssst in time to get brain fried by 4E's advent. Yes, I'm still bitter. No, I don't like the new girl.

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Ooooh, I think you may have the winner for Entreri there, Tacticslion.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
My short list for Cattie-Brie


baron arem heshvaun wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
So, if they made the Legend of Drizz't into a (series of) movie(s), directed by Joss Whedon. We all know Chris Hemsworth is the obvious choice for Wulfgar, and whoever played Gimli is a shoe-in for Bruenor, but who will play Regis, Cattie-Brie, Artemis Entreri, and Drizz't.
Please show respect for the cornucopia of talent that is John Rhys-Davies

Rys-Davies REPRESENT! :D

mourge40k wrote:
Ooooh, I think you may have the winner for Entreri there, Tacticslion.

Man, I got so very ninja'd trying to research most of this, that I'd better have some good ideas somewhere in that mess! :D

5 people marked this as a favorite.
mourge40k wrote:
Artemis Entreri - ... If Entreri wasn't so damned hard to kill, I'd say Sean Bean. Just fits my mental picture of him.

*cough* Sharpe

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Wentworth Miller certainly looks like he could be an awesome swordsman/assassin, and thanks to his roles in The Flash we know he can do villains.

If you had Miller as Entreri and Idris Elba as Jarlaxle in a buddy/road movie together, would you even need Drizzt and the Companions of the Hall?

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