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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Strange behavior of the windows... Are you using laptop with a touch pad? I keep the touch pad turned off because I often accidentally touched it triggering various similar problems.
Nope, USB mouse. I hate touchpads so much.

I use mouse too. I had to turn off touch pad because I was accidentally messing with touchpad while writing, often with my sleeves, thumb, or lower end of my palm.

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I love using my mouse so much!

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Is that third time in a row? Yup, it is.

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Put some clothes on!

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Sorry to hear that, Lynora.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I turn off the trackpad for my laptops as well. I hate typing and then all of the sudden I'm interacting with another window. I've got cats for that.

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You too huh?

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Playing Uncharted. Nate gets into fight on cargo plane, baddie opens rear ramp. I see this all the time in media. I don't think people understand that the pressure change actually is very bad for the pilot to deal with. Worse if heavy stuff falls out. Cargo like a vehicle shifting in flight is enough to take an airplane out of the sky because it screws with the entire center of balance. It's killed at least one flight crew in Afghanistan, and that's just at the top of my head.

Edit: And the cargo just got ejected, but is hanging outside the plan by a couple cables. That plane should be going nose up, then losing aerodynamic stability.

Editedit: Speaking of planes reacting to things unrealistically, in Call of Duty an EMP knocks out all the power, aircraft lose their engines, and fighter jets spin like tops as they move towards a crash. I've heard it said that without engines they should be gliding to a crash landing, but this is not quite correct. Modern fighter jets are inherently unstable, and can only maintain a straight heading with a computer making thousands of minor course corrections a minute. Kill the engines, and it won't glide in a straight line. I'm not sure enough about how the plane loses stability to call spinning like a top the most likely reaction, but some sort of spinning, tumbling, or corkscrewing is going to happen. So Call of Duty gets some credit on this one.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
It's killed at least one flight crew in Afghanistan, and that's just at the top of my head.

I saw that video. Still makes me ill to think of it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
It's killed at least one flight crew in Afghanistan, and that's just at the top of my head.
I saw that video. Still makes me ill to think of it.

What got me was the way it basically just lost any semblance of being aerodynamic.

1 person marked this as a favorite. guys do know I am getting on a plane in exactly one week, right?

Grand Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

And now you know why baggage limits are important!

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Freehold DM wrote: guys do know I am getting on a plane in exactly one week, right?

As long as you don't shove any vehicles out of the rear ramp, open any cargo ramps in flight, or experience any electrical failures while in a fighter jet, you should be fine. I wouldn't be worried about any of those scenarios on a civilian passenger plane.

And if you somehow do experience a total systems failure in a fighter jet and lose all stability, your ejection seat will continue to function, so your chances of survival are good.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Great. Now I'll never be able to use my fighter jet to machine gun-open the cargo ramp hatch on a passenger plane.

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And for the love of god, watch for snakes and sharks, which may seem an odd thing to say, but it's the world we live in.

Also beware Ian Ziering.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote: guys do know I am getting on a plane in exactly one week, right?

Just leave the flaming bikes at home and you will be fine.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Freehold DM wrote: guys do know I am getting on a plane in exactly one week, right?

As long as you don't shove any vehicles out of the rear ramp, open any cargo ramps in flight, or experience any electrical failures while in a fighter jet, you should be fine. I wouldn't be worried about any of those scenarios on a civilian passenger plane.

And if you somehow do experience a total systems failure in a fighter jet and lose all stability, your ejection seat will continue to function, so your chances of survival are good.

My old company did the software for the ejection seats.

Gotta love, "Our requirement is a one millisecond boot time for your operating system."
"No problem."

Gods, I miss working on real time software...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
I think... it might be time to stop trying to integrate with the people of Earth, and to return to my home planet. The experiment has been a failure.
The day after the premier episode of Third Rock from the Sun, my best friend at work came in and said, "Did you see that show? That's YOU!" She was right.
which character? I love that show.

Harrry. D:

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Somebody hit my car in the parking lot and didn't leave a note. Their vehicle must be really jacked up because it missed the bumper and hit about one foot onto the hood proper. Now I am afraid to unlatch the hood and afraid it will pop open on the highway. I don't have money for body work and fear insurance will raise rates if I turn it in.

I hope there is a special place in hell for hit-and-run drivers.

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The main menu for Uncharted 3 prominently displays a gun sticking out of the sand, and marketing prominently displays Drake holding the same gun over one shoulder. In a cutscene, Drake makes something of a show of grabbing this very gun. Then loses it before ever using it. Which makes me wonder why it is so prominently displayed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
I think... it might be time to stop trying to integrate with the people of Earth, and to return to my home planet. The experiment has been a failure.
The day after the premier episode of Third Rock from the Sun, my best friend at work came in and said, "Did you see that show? That's YOU!" She was right.
which character? I love that show.
Harrry. D:

I thougt you had the whole thread blacklisted?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
The main menu for Uncharted 3 prominently displays a gun sticking out of the sand, and marketing prominently displays Drake holding the same gun over one shoulder. In a cutscene, Drake makes something of a show of grabbing this very gun. Then loses it before ever using it. Which makes me wonder why it is so prominently displayed.

Meh, probably just a Chekov model. Try not to worry about it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:

Somebody hit my car in the parking lot and didn't leave a note. Their vehicle must be really jacked up because it missed the bumper and hit about one foot onto the hood proper. Now I am afraid to unlatch the hood and afraid it will pop open on the highway. I don't have money for body work and fear insurance will raise rates if I turn it in.

I hope there is a special place in hell for hit-and-run drivers.

Insurance will raise your rates over something clearly not your fault?

Speaking of hit and runs, my Dad and I have both been hit by cars while bicycling, and the drivers didn't bother to stop for either of us.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Insurance companies raise rates over weird stuff. I had windshield nicks repaired instead of replacing the windshield. 2 $50 claims in 2 years instead of one $500 claim, and they dropped me for excessive claims. Those were my only claims in 8 years. I no longer trust them.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
I think... it might be time to stop trying to integrate with the people of Earth, and to return to my home planet. The experiment has been a failure.
The day after the premier episode of Third Rock from the Sun, my best friend at work came in and said, "Did you see that show? That's YOU!" She was right.
which character? I love that show.
Harrry. D:
I thougt you had the whole thread blacklisted?

Hee heeeeeeeeeeeeee.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rosita wrote:
Seaking of hit and runs, my Dad and I have both been hit by cars while bicycling, and the drivers didn't bother to stop for either of us.

Jerks! wtf?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Rosita wrote:
Seaking of hit and runs, my Dad and I have both been hit by cars while bicycling, and the drivers didn't bother to stop for either of us.
Jerks! wtf?

I know, right? I didn't have to go to the hospital (My Dad really should have, but didn't because he couldn't afford it), so we're lucky in that respect, but my Dad's bike was totaled and that ate into his food budget. My bike survived because the car had just started moving, but I'm kinda pissed that the driver saw me riding and still pulled forward (The car wasn't backing up, it was starting at an intersection where I rode through at a green light, then the light went from green to red with maybe half a second of yellow and the cars started driving through with me trapped in the middle of the intersection and I got hit). As an urban planning student, I want to know just what was wrong with that traffic light interval. That is in no way normal, even if you aren't expecting cyclists (Cyclists? Exiting a college? That never happens.).

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

Anyone else ever wonder what happens when kids given hyphenated last names by parents who can't make up their minds about whose name the kids get themselves have kids with other hyphen kids to said grandkids of the original parties? Do you hyphen all four? Does that continue, so that a few generations into yuppie parents you have kids that have names like the gnomes in Dragonlance?

I mean aside from a child developing a serious complex because their full name (which probably features first names like Taylur or Codi or Jazmynn some garbage like that) takes longer to spell than most sentences?

The best thing to do before marrying would be to carefully consider what acronym the ultra-hyphenated surname would spell.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Somebody hit my car in the parking lot and didn't leave a note. Their vehicle must be really jacked up because it missed the bumper and hit about one foot onto the hood proper. Now I am afraid to unlatch the hood and afraid it will pop open on the highway. I don't have money for body work and fear insurance will raise rates if I turn it in.

I hope there is a special place in hell for hit-and-run drivers.

Insurance will raise your rates over something clearly not your fault?

Speaking of hit and runs, my Dad and I have both been hit by cars while bicycling, and the drivers didn't bother to stop for either of us.

Yes. Yes they will. It's simple. Cost them money, they raise your rates. Fault has nothing to do with it.

Insurance companies are mostly Lawful Evil. Some stray into Neutral Evil. But none make it to Lawful Neutral.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm not really

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wow... it's January, and we already have the "Most %&^$&$&-ed up moment of the Year" for 2016. And probably of the last few years.

As most of you know, NobodysWife's (step)father passed away very suddenly in September of liver cancer. Under 6 weeks from initial diagnosis to death. Unpleasant, to say the least, and his widow (my mother-in-law) was devastated beyond belief. She still breaks down crying almost every day.

So tomorrow they were supposed to sail out and spread his ashes in the same place my mother-in-law's father's ashes were spread.

Unfortunately, a storm is blowing in. So the captain of the boat decided to go out today and spread them. They dutifully called everyone, but my mother-in-law was out, and didn't get the message until 3 in the afternoon, after they had dumped the ashes.

She missed her own husband's ash-spreading. After spending WEEKS on the phone planning it.

Yeah, there are no words to describe how upset she is.

So what the ****. You're the captain of a boat that spreads ashes. You have to go out a day early. You fail to contact one of the families. What do you do?

Personally, I KEEP THE %&^&%*ING ASHES until the next time I go out! I don't spread them without the family members!!!!!

Just a wee bit peeved right now...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, where! Where for art thou Cattie-Brie, I seeketh consort, and a dwarf is nary comfort on yonder coldeth tundra. Verily, I say!

NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... it's January, and we already have the "Most %&^$&$&-ed up moment of the Year" for 2016. And probably of the last few years.

As most of you know, NobodysWife's (step)father passed away very suddenly in September of liver cancer. Under 6 weeks from initial diagnosis to death. Unpleasant, to say the least, and his widow (my mother-in-law) was devastated beyond belief. She still breaks down crying almost every day.

So tomorrow they were supposed to sail out and spread his ashes in the same place my mother-in-law's father's ashes were spread.

Unfortunately, a storm is blowing in. So the captain of the boat decided to go out today and spread them. They dutifully called everyone, but my mother-in-law was out, and didn't get the message until 3 in the afternoon, after they had dumped the ashes.

She missed her own husband's ash-spreading. After spending WEEKS on the phone planning it.

Yeah, there are no words to describe how upset she is.

So what the ****. You're the captain of a boat that spreads ashes. You have to go out a day early. You fail to contact one of the families. What do you do?

Personally, I KEEP THE %&^&%*ING ASHES until the next time I go out! I don't spread them without the family members!!!!!

Just a wee bit peeved right now...

Take him to court if he doesn't refund what he charged.

Silver Crusade

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I need to yell at my roommate for washing beans, small vegetables, fat, and cereal down the drain constantly. The pipes can't handle it, and when we have to call the university plumber, everybody in the apartment has to pay for it. In fact, we may already need a plumber.

You could try pouring boiling water down the drain. If they put fat down the drain, the hot water will melt it and flush it out. If that doesn't work, then it may be all the food that is to blame.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I need to yell at my roommate for washing beans, small vegetables, fat, and cereal down the drain constantly. The pipes can't handle it, and when we have to call the university plumber, everybody in the apartment has to pay for it. In fact, we may already need a plumber.
You could try pouring boiling water down the drain. If they put fat down the drain, the hot water will melt it and flush it out. If that doesn't work, then it may be all the food that is to blame.

I'll try that.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

That is awful, NH.

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Sorry NobodysHome, that's super f++%ed up :-(

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, Treppa, the car damage is very s~~+ty. People can be s&$@ty sometimes.

Silver Crusade

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Also, my best friend is going through complications from a ruptured, hemorrhaging ovarian cyst. Positive waves appreciated.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

G@+~@$n s%$*ty f@*%ing a+~+##&s!!

Well I let a whole mess of people across the street with a bus behind me, including a nice old lady that was trying to catch the bus behind me.

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*looks at the last few posts*

I have no idea where to send the positive waves first. And I knew I should have picked up Extra Channel!

Shadow Lodge

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... it's January, and we already have the "Most %&^$&$&-ed up moment of the Year" for 2016. And probably of the last few years.

As most of you know, NobodysWife's (step)father passed away very suddenly in September of liver cancer. Under 6 weeks from initial diagnosis to death. Unpleasant, to say the least, and his widow (my mother-in-law) was devastated beyond belief. She still breaks down crying almost every day.

So tomorrow they were supposed to sail out and spread his ashes in the same place my mother-in-law's father's ashes were spread.

Unfortunately, a storm is blowing in. So the captain of the boat decided to go out today and spread them. They dutifully called everyone, but my mother-in-law was out, and didn't get the message until 3 in the afternoon, after they had dumped the ashes.

She missed her own husband's ash-spreading. After spending WEEKS on the phone planning it.

Yeah, there are no words to describe how upset she is.

So what the ****. You're the captain of a boat that spreads ashes. You have to go out a day early. You fail to contact one of the families. What do you do?

Personally, I KEEP THE %&^&%*ING ASHES until the next time I go out! I don't spread them without the family members!!!!!

Just a wee bit peeved right now...

Take him to court if he doesn't refund what he charged.

Yeah, I'm the only family member with an on-call lawyer (company perk. And at $32/month, who wouldn't?), and I have no standing (not a blood relative, not on any inheritances). So I suspect he's going to get away with it.

<obscenity deleted>

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
I think... it might be time to stop trying to integrate with the people of Earth, and to return to my home planet. The experiment has been a failure.
The day after the premier episode of Third Rock from the Sun, my best friend at work came in and said, "Did you see that show? That's YOU!" She was right.
which character? I love that show.
Harrry. D:

considering Harrys carnal prowess, history, and overall desirability in the show, I'm thinking a visit to your home town is in order.

As an aside, did you know Carrie fisher named her dog Gary? eyebrow waggle

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
I think... it might be time to stop trying to integrate with the people of Earth, and to return to my home planet. The experiment has been a failure.
The day after the premier episode of Third Rock from the Sun, my best friend at work came in and said, "Did you see that show? That's YOU!" She was right.
which character? I love that show.
Harrry. D:
I thougt you had the whole thread blacklisted?

this makes me worry that fawtl is nothing more than an ed, edd, and eddy-esque hallucination on Treppa's part.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Treppa wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
I think... it might be time to stop trying to integrate with the people of Earth, and to return to my home planet. The experiment has been a failure.
The day after the premier episode of Third Rock from the Sun, my best friend at work came in and said, "Did you see that show? That's YOU!" She was right.
which character? I love that show.
Harrry. D:
I thougt you had the whole thread blacklisted?
Hee heeeeeeeeeeeeee.

hugs plank tighter

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Somebody hit my car in the parking lot and didn't leave a note. Their vehicle must be really jacked up because it missed the bumper and hit about one foot onto the hood proper. Now I am afraid to unlatch the hood and afraid it will pop open on the highway. I don't have money for body work and fear insurance will raise rates if I turn it in.

I hope there is a special place in hell for hit-and-run drivers.

Insurance will raise your rates over something clearly not your fault?

Speaking of hit and runs, my Dad and I have both been hit by cars while bicycling, and the drivers didn't bother to stop for either of us.

foams at mouth, attacks first car he sees

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Treppa wrote:
Insurance companies raise rates over weird stuff. I had windshield nicks repaired instead of replacing the windshield. 2 $50 claims in 2 years instead of one $500 claim, and they dropped me for excessive claims. Those were my only claims in 8 years. I no longer trust them.


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Drizz'ts Panther wrote:

go away.

You are the one cat I never liked.

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