Deep 6 FaWtL

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Celestial Healer wrote:
That's actually a common theme in my dreams - looking for some everyday thing and not finding it. I'm sure there's some significance, but it doesn't change the fact that my dreams are fantastically boring.

When I was in the corporate world and extremely busy, I'd get up in the morning, go to work, spend hours clearing out my inbox and checking things off my to-do list... then wake up and have to really do it. I used to cry some mornings.

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Then I'd get dressed. o_O

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Treppa wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
That's actually a common theme in my dreams - looking for some everyday thing and not finding it. I'm sure there's some significance, but it doesn't change the fact that my dreams are fantastically boring.
When I was in the corporate world and extremely busy, I'd get up in the morning, go to work, spend hours clearing out my inbox and checking things off my to-do list... then wake up and have to really do it. I used to cry some mornings.

I've had those dreams.

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Got to bring home one puppy today. Even though it's only one, it's good to have him here. Will look for a place that will allow both and perfect happiness will result. <3

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Woo! I am over 40k words! Only 10k more to go!!!!
Even better, this means I am out of the mid-book doldrums and moving steadily towards the conclusion. The end is in sight!

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Good writing day, Lots of snow on the ground, finished a knitting project and got yarn for the next one....pretty good day overall here. :)

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So far Marvel's Jessica Jones has been REALLY good.

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My guitar makes me look like a giant.

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Saw Bridge Under Fire play a show on Thursday. Probably alone in this, but I for one am stoked as hell for when their new record comes out.

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Oh, shiznitz. The ex-roommate I like says the ex-roommate I don't like got arrested on something involving weed. Here't the thing: we don't do simple possession arrests for weed where I live. You get written a ticket for that. If cuffs are being slapped on, you either had saleable quantities, or it's something beyond just having weed. He done borked up. And I don't know my new roommate. He only comes here to sleep, it seems, and he doesn't like to talk. Which works, since we never get on each other's nerves.

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So, who wasn't to play Five Nights at Freddy's like this?

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I am a lucid dreamer. It is an odd talent controlling dreams. First I have to realize I am dreaming. In my case as a child I had this recurring nightmare. I was left in the car with my brother while my parents left us alone to go shopping. But I always got in an argument with him and left the car only to get lost all alone in the miles of jungle that surrounded the parking lot. It was then that the animals would chase me. So I ran and ran and ran and just as they were about to catch and eat me I would fall off a cliff to die on the rocks below.

I had this dream over and over sometimes multiple times in a single night. At one point in the dream I just snapped. I refused to die when I hit the rocks below. Instead I somehow rewound time to the start of the fall and changed the rocks to pillows. I never had that nightmare again.

Now every time I die in a dream I instinctively gain control of the dream instead. It's my trigger to let me know it's a dream. My dreams are SO real it's like I am actually there. The only nightmares that have the power to haunt me now are the ones I can't die in, usually involving endless frustration. I actually look forward to dying in my dreams now. They give me such an amazing look into whatever place I was dreaming about.

I was dreaming once about a Rifts character of mine who thought she was a demon... crazy stuff. In my dream I was cornered and killed in the Burbs by a dog pack and coalition soldiers. And after gaining control I was able to explore Chi Town in first person like I was really there inside the body of my character. I could open locked doors with a simple dream edit or escape the soldiers at every twist. Such amazing architecture and the people were fascinating.

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Limeylongears wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
As long as I don't have to wear a cravat, I'd be totally fine with this style coming back into fashion.
I'll take the cravat over the breeches and tights. I've had to wear those for period operas, and they're not the greatest.
Standard fencing gear (long socks & (padded) breeches, anyway). Adding a cravat, or maybe a ruff, could only improve things.

Adding neckwear never helps with anything.

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Sissyl wrote:

Eeeeeexcept there are things the narrator of 300 was not present for.

But I do agree. Work of art. There is a place for ridiculously over the top muscle action with lots of yelling and slomo.

And in the case of 300, that place is a thrash compactor.

WHat kind of self-respecting online movie-store hasn't got a copy of Dog Day Afternoon?

A bad one!

So much for my Sidney Lumet/Al Pacino double-bill christmas gift for my youngest brother.

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Nonono. Three meter tall disco Xerxes, ridiculous testo poisoning, hilariously bad dialogue, and slomo doesn't belong in a trash compactor. You need such movies to heckle from time to time. I maintain, it's a work of art.

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Here comes nothing. Application to CD Project Red sent.

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Drejk wrote:
Here comes nothing. Application to CD Project Red sent.

And faaailll!

Too much English, so I wrote the name of the company as Project instead of correct Polish form Projekt... In the server name while sending the mail. It's good I have checked a few minutes later after a back message from the server notified me that it could not deliver the mail.

Ok, trying again with correct e-mail. I hope.

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A thrash compactor is seriously metal.

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Evidently i can't post on my phone this morning as it says Paizo is "not secure or possibly under attack"

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Turns out, it was my fault, somehow my date and time option thingy doodad got turned off.

Big laugh!

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Treppa wrote:
A thrash compactor is seriously metal.

A Chop Saw with a diamond tipped saw blade for me, you haven't lived until you've wielded the capability of literally cutting through anything.

After that, trash compactors just don't do it for me anymore.

Silver Crusade

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Treppa wrote:
A thrash compactor is seriously metal.

Mammoth Riders...That's f&@!in metal

Love that album!

You are talking about Clutch aren't you?

Silver Crusade

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No I'm talking about the class in Paizo.

Yeah, they're pretty bad ass, I like The beast rider cavalier archetype as well.

If you can, check out The Elephant Riders (I was so close!) by Clutch, especially The Soapmakers, The Elephant Riders, and The Dragonfly, all great songs!

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Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:
Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:

Watch For Falling Rocks

Quote pyramid was getting too tall to handle. =)

Folding the Fork
Shall We Dance?
Seeker of Secrets
Cold Shoulder
Running in Circles
A Walk in the Park
Jacob's Ladder
From Sea to Shining Sea
Murder on the High Seas

Turn Off the Dark

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For you food loving types out there, one of my wife's exceptional cakes yes, it tastes better then it looks.

And for our draconic overlords, she made this

Silver Crusade

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Now I want cake.

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Sea to Shining Sea: REPRESENT! (Illumina for the wiiiiiiin~!)

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So, every box of stuffed animals, it turns out, comes with step by step illustrated instructions on how to hug, cuddle and fluff them before putting them on the shelves.


Edit: God have mercy, should anyone skip the second step.

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Friend was giving us ride back after session of Star Wars... The car radio started to play Star Wars music.

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Luminars, a glowing humanoids from far away moon.

Now time to bed.

Silver Crusade

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I was off seeing my niece before she is off to NY, She changed her mind and is going to Pearson college as opposed to Pratt. She will be living in queens 1 block from the subway with a 25 minute train ride to school.

450 sq ft for $1,450, I guess it's a little cheaper than brooklyn.

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Q: What did grandpa say right before he kicked the bucket?

"Hey, watch how far I can kick this bucket."

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:

I was off seeing my niece before she is off to NY, She changed her mind and is going to Pearson college as opposed to Pratt. She will be living in queens 1 block from the subway with a 25 minute train ride to school.

450 sq ft for $1,450, I guess it's a little cheaper than brooklyn.

that's a ways away from me, more in CH's direction in general. I'm sure she will be fine.

Dark Archive

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Drejk wrote:
Friend was giving us ride back after session of Star Wars... The car radio started to play Star Wars music.

Has the car owner been acting weird(er) lately? Is he or she starting to physically transform into a Wookie (or Rodian, Jawa, Droid, Gungan, etc.)? Was George Lucas ever the car's former owner? Be very careful.

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Murder on the High Seas: I'm not a purist, but I've come to like my steak medium, though no rarer - that said, I highly enjoy anything, all the way up to well done, depending on... how well the more "done" version is made! *badumtish*
In other words, good steak is good steak; bad steak is bad. Some places do less well done better, and some do more well done better.

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Turn off the Dark: daggum, was that nerve-wracking, considering you lost your full revive. Fwhew. Glad you made it through!

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6 am is going to be here too soon. I KNEW I shouldn't have clicked Netflix and started watching Jessica Jones.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Murder on the High Seas: I'm not a purist, but I've come to like my steak medium, though no rarer - that said, I highly enjoy anything, all the way up to well done, depending on... how well the more "done" version is made! *badumtish*

In other words, good steak is good steak; bad steak is bad. Some places do less well done better, and some do more well done better.

I've gotten a lot of flak from a lot of people - including some in my own family - for not liking steak rare. Usually accompanied by lines like "cooking out all the flavor" and "why don't you just have a block of char instead".

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I hate steak.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I dreamed last night that I worked in an embassy - either the US embassy in Russia or worked for the Russian embassy in the US. I was trying to get dressed in the morning but all I could find were sweatpants, which I couldn't wear to work. I knew I had just done laundry, so dress pants should have been in my closet, laundry room, or (for some reason) the back of my car, but they weren't there. When my car pool arrived, I had to stop at the store and buy dress pants and be late for work.

Embassy coworkers and I were screening a Fallout-style film about the Russian menace when the light bulb turned on: the Russians had stolen my pants because they didn't want me going to work! I told my boss and started an international espionage investigation. About my pants.


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Da! Da! *sob* *whimper*

Is true. Only vith Treppa's pants vill ve preserve security of Glorious People's Soviet Republic of Russia. Is necessary to achieve Trouser Parity vit United States of America.

Autumn comes. Slow runs the Vistula and in silence of Russian forest, leaves turn brown and die.

Am sad.

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Everyone is sad when their fistula is running.

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I dreamed last night that I was Jessica Jones... I kept dealing with random mind controlled people trying to screw up my life... I guess i shouldn't have watched it before bed.

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I dreamed last night that I was in this desolate frigid Midwestern wasteland with nothing but cold, quiet and snow in every direction.

I haven't decided if that's because I watched Fargo last night, or if it's because I looked out the window before bed.

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I dreamt nothing last night.

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