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Silver Crusade

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NobodysHome wrote:

Well, that's the thing. For me, just the threat of having to fast has been enough. 43 days in now, down almost 15 pounds, and not a single day of fasting.

Knowing how much it will suck is 3/4 of the battle... it encourages you to avoid food beforehand.

Have you eliminated anything from your diet besides excess sugar, or is it more about portion control?

Silver Crusade

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I took my clothes off and lost 7 pounds..Yeah me

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The Freehold Inquisition wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Fellow central/western New York State people may appreciate this one.

I understood that reference!
A WHEDON movie quote!!! {shakes head disappointedly} -20 points House Freehold.

one of the few endearing parts of that film.

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, that's the thing. For me, just the threat of having to fast has been enough. 43 days in now, down almost 15 pounds, and not a single day of fasting.

Knowing how much it will suck is 3/4 of the battle... it encourages you to avoid food beforehand.

Have you eliminated anything from your diet besides excess sugar, or is it more about portion control?

I was already at about 2 meals a day plus "snacks". I eliminated the snacks. And it turned out they were the lion's share of what I ate. You'd be amazed what idle nibbling does to your waistline.

Try just 3 meals a day with no snacks in between. I bet that does everything you want.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I drank all the wine. The whole bottle. And I'm still coherent. And can still play Guitar Hero. Not Rock Band, though. Rock Band is b$*~@*$$ hard compared to Guitar Hero. Or I'm drunk. I dunno. How come I can spell and talk straight? Do I need to break into my beer and sake stocks? But they maybe I can't play Guitar Hero.
why is all the wine gone?

Because I drank it all. And then a bottle of sake. And I'm not hungover, or at least only minorly hungover. I can't actually differentiate a hangover and a caffeine headache.

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I'm glad your succeeding NH. Dieting has always been a major pain for me.

Particularly since, when I was young, I had the metabolism of a hummingbird. AND my mother trained me that I HAD to clean my plate. ;P
(She said that to get me to eat the yucky vegetables, but still) :)

Now, At (Not-quite) 50, my metabolism is closer to the sloth than the hummingbird. But i STILL want to eat as I did when I was 20!
Not cool for the waistline. :P

Still, I am far from 'obese' I don't CARE what the BMI index BS says. :/
However, I AM at the point where if I lost a few pounds (My Dr and I disagree on how many, I'd be happy with 10, and giddy for 20. HE wants 50!) My borderline medical problems would likely vanish.
(I am 'borderline', but 'officially' diabetic and high blood pressure)

Sadly, the best method I found for losing weight I do not recommend. :/

When I had two surgeries, (first to remove kidney cancer) I lost weight both times! It was amazing.
And frightening. I would eat Half a can of chunky soup, (Depending on which soup, a mere 90-120 calories) and I would be full. I felt stuffed. And that was AFTER I stopped taking the pain meds because I didn't like the way they made me feel. I Lost over 10 lbs rapidly. And I felt good! (As good as you can after a surgery!) Unfortunately as my recovery progressed, so did my appetite. :(

For me, eating 'right' is not as much of the problem as eating too much. I can like healthy food, even rabbit food as long as lettuce isn't ALL I get. I can be good for breakfast, I can be good for lunch. But by the time Dinner rolls around, My body is telling me it's starving, (I know it's not! but still,) and instead of one serving of dinner, I eat 2 or 3. All good work for day gone. :P
Although, I've never yet tried to threaten myself with punishment of fasting. :/

MY respect to those with more willpower than I, And please keep posting of your success. Hopefully I'll re-invogorate my own willpower! :D

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Dieting is not something I have ever had to do, not really. But then it was usually the meat they had trouble getting me to finish not the yummy veggies.

Silver Crusade

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Particularly since, when I was young, I had the metabolism of a hummingbird. AND my mother trained me that I HAD to clean my plate. ;P

(She said that to get me to eat the yucky vegetables, but still) :)

I used to whack down 10 tacos from Taco Hell and never gain a pound...and then I turned 30

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Aranna wrote:
Dieting is not something I have ever had to do, not really. But then it was usually the meat they had trouble getting me to finish not the yummy veggies.

Yummy veggies?!?

What kind of a sicko are you?!?!?

(Just Kidding!,... MOstly) ;P

I've been called a 'Meat and potatoes' guy.
But truth be told, you can have my baked potato, If I can have your steak!
(Or burger, or chicken, or ribs, or pork chop, or,... you get the idea.) :)

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Ragadolf wrote:

For me, eating 'right' is not as much of the problem as eating too much. I can like healthy food, even rabbit food as long as lettuce isn't ALL I get. I can be good for breakfast, I can be good for lunch. But by the time Dinner rolls around, My body is telling me it's starving, (I know it's not! but still,) and instead of one serving of dinner, I eat 2 or 3. All good work for day gone. :P

Although, I've never yet tried to threaten myself with punishment of fasting. :/

MY respect to those with more willpower than I, And please keep posting of your success. Hopefully I'll re-invogorate my own willpower! :D

This is me to a T. I may not eat the healthiest meals perhaps, but my habit of eating too much is far bigger a problem for me than the content of my food.

I just really like food.

Aranna wrote:
But then it was usually the meat they had trouble getting me to finish not the yummy veggies.

This is the problem my niece is giving her parents right now. "No you can't have more broccoli, now finish your meat."

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I used to average lifting 120 pounds every minute.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I used to average lifting 120 pounds every minute.

LOL. Martial arts'll kill you that way. I *know* that we used to line up against the wall doing handstands and then do 100 handstand push-ups before every class.

These days, I wonder whether I could just do a handstand against the wall for that long...

And yeah, back in '89 when I was doing 22+ hours of martial arts, including 7+ hours of full-contact sparring, I could wolf down 6000-7000 calories a day and not even think about it...

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My brother works out, and is a 3rd or 4th degree black belt or whatever.

He worked with me for one day and was flabbergasted I did that every day year after year, and actually liked it. :-)

By the way, I'm the most annoying of landscape foreman, the high energy lead by example kind:-D

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My daily lunch I took with me, 2 PB&J sandwiches on whole wheat, 4 string cheese, 1 Apple and a gallon of water.

Edit: If it got over 88 degrees I added another gallon of water and 2 cheese sticks.

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captain yesterday wrote:

My daily lunch I took with me, 2 PB&J sandwiches on whole wheat, 4 string cheese, 1 Apple and a gallon of water.

Edit: If it got over 88 degrees I added another gallon of water and 2 cheese sticks.

I used to eat similarly when I was fighting ready.

2 hard boiled eggs, 2 apples, homemade white rice with spinach cooked in oyster sauce[or black beans cooked in sofrito, or some other vegetable with sauce], pb and j sandwich for dessert, cheese for snack.

Daily exercise was 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats, 100 leg raises+butterfly free weight presses, martial arts exercises plus Tai chi.

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And water. Lots and lots of water.

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Pea Bear had a fever so I had to go pick her up, now my carefully orchestrated day of errands and shenanigans is wiped out.

Time to put on my Mr. Mom-dad overalls and practice my concerned sighing accompanied by puppy dog eyes.

"Oh! *sigh* here try this it'll help you feel better, is there anything else?.. okay!"

Yeah, I'm pretty good.

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The Onion's Our Dumb World describes Wisconsin (keep in mind, The Onion started in Madison)

Wisconsin >> Clogged Artery of the Heartland.

"Once the fattest people in the country, wisconsinites have slimmed down dramatically in recent years by adhering to a strict diet of just one basket of cheese curds at every meal, and no more than 18 servings of Miller Lite a day.

Many exercise regularly by jumping up and power walking to the kitchen for Bratwurst between snacks. They also count calories with sensible deep-fried salads for dinner.

Children are taught the importance of eating a balanced meal that includes all five fast food groups, and are encouraged to lick clean every last inch of their George Foreman Grill drip trays.

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Orthos wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

For me, eating 'right' is not as much of the problem as eating too much. I can like healthy food, even rabbit food as long as lettuce isn't ALL I get. I can be good for breakfast, I can be good for lunch. But by the time Dinner rolls around, My body is telling me it's starving, (I know it's not! but still,) and instead of one serving of dinner, I eat 2 or 3. All good work for day gone. :P

Although, I've never yet tried to threaten myself with punishment of fasting. :/

MY respect to those with more willpower than I, And please keep posting of your success. Hopefully I'll re-invogorate my own willpower! :D

This is me to a T. I may not eat the healthiest meals perhaps, but my habit of eating too much is far bigger a problem for me than the content of my food.

I just really like food.

Aranna wrote:
But then it was usually the meat they had trouble getting me to finish not the yummy veggies.
This is the problem my niece is giving her parents right now. "No you can't have more broccoli, now finish your meat."

LOL! I wish I had that problem with my kids!

My sister on the other hand, won't let her kids eat what I call 'real food'. Only fruits and veggies and such. So when they get to stay with grandma, she takes them to McDonalds and Red Robin! :)

I really like food too.
It also did not help that MY generation INVENTED the freakin' All you can eat Buffet! ;P
Seriously, we started with Pizza buffets, then Chinese food, then it went everywhere. You have my generation to thank for your overindulging and weight gain.

Your welcome! :)

(Admit it, who doesn't want to pay $10 for an all you can eat, instead of $12-15 for a single plate lunch?!?) :P

Or is that just me?!? :/

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Ponderosa had the best all you can eat buffet when I was a kid.

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It also did not help that MY generation INVENTED the freakin' All you can eat Buffet! ;P

Seriously, we started with Pizza buffets, then Chinese food, then it went everywhere. You have my generation to thank for your overindulging and weight gain.

Your welcome! :)

(Admit it, who doesn't want to pay $10 for an all you can eat, instead of $12-15 for a single plate lunch?!?) :P

Or is that just me?!? :/

There are three of those - two Chinese, one Indian - within lunch break driving distance from work. I visit them semi-regularly.

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Washington >> So over this whole statehood thing

"With their cultural center in Seattle, and everything else centering around themselves, the disinterested people of Washington have been too cool to have any nationwide relevance since musician Kurt Cobain left the state for good in 1994.

After decades of elitism, Washingtonians have learned to underappreciate the finer things in life, cultivating a sophisticated hatred for all music that does not come from Seattle, for most music that does, and also for everything else.

Residents simply could not live without their morning coffee, their afternoon coffee, their late afternoon coffee, their coffee coffee, some coffee before, during, and after dinner, and a nice little coffee for a nightcap. But it's not like it's a big deal or anything."

Dark Archive

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An all you can eat buffet for $10? I'd be putting on weight like crazy. :P Thankfully I only enjoy them when on holidays in the States. :) Non-existent here.

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Orthos wrote:

Or is that just me?!? :/
There are three of those - two Chinese, one Indian - within lunch break driving distance from work. I visit them semi-regularly.

Ah yes, So did I,... Many pounds ago,... ;P

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LordSynos wrote:
An all you can eat buffet for $10? I'd be putting on weight like crazy. :P Thankfully I only enjoy them when on holidays in the States. :) Non-existent here.

See above post. :(


Yes, NOT having the temptation available is also a good thing!

CY- I do remember Ponderosa! Vaguely, but I do recall it.
Anything that provided Steak for me to eat is remembered with fondness.

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My wife's school's girl team just won 6-0!

Harsh for the other team, but awesome for us - especially when her students were instrumental in several of our team's goals!

And so far our boys team looks to be following suit with their early lead! ... though I might not find out tonight, as my eldest is telling us it's time to go (four year olds are not known for their patience). Still. We will see.

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Whoo hoo!! Go sport's ball!!

Hah! Sorry: soccer (or "football" for the European FaWtLians)! :D

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Oh wait, no sports in Fawtl.


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Down with zucchini! Buy more cabbages!!

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I assumed so, great job! Are you a coach or just unruly spectator:-D

Obviously the tactically inclined kitty pride are the very definition of good sportsmanship :-)

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Freehold DM wrote:


Oh wait, no sports in Fawtl.


Is it really sports tho when the players are all 6 and under?

Coach Tacticslion (patient, as always): yup, the forward is picking his nose... hold up guys, the striker has to go wee wee... well, now the goalie won't play unless she can have Teddy Boo Fluffy Ears...

captain yesterday wrote:

I assumed so, great job! Are you a coach or just unruly spectator:-D

Obviously the tactically inclined kitty pride are the very definition of good sportsmanship :-)

We're the latter, though I've been the former for U.P.W.A.R.D.S. Soccer - we were undefeated that season, even though U.P.W.A.R.D.S. not only doesn't emphasize victory, and instead focuses on the concept of Team Building and Good Sportsmanship. I... may have broken something, back then. >.>

And with that, I'll stop talking sports here. Sorry! I forgot!

Go zucchini! Go cabbages! No seriously: go away. I don't really like either of you, as food (with a few exceptions being "okay"), despite honestly liking most vegetables. :/

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Did the goalie get to keep Teddy Boo Fluffy Ears?

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Commandant Happy Hour wrote:

My nineteenth birthday I drank 20 beers out of a case then went to Great America first thing in the morning and finished off the day with a trip to White Castle before heading home.

I did not get sick once.

A personal triumph of mine. :-)

Simultaneously pathetic and impressive:
At my friend's wedding this past summer, I pounded at least 15 hard lemonades, plus 10-20 beers and half a handle of Philadelphia whiskey (if you're wondering as to quality, it came in a plastic bottle). I don't remember anything past the band starting their set, but apparently, I was coherent enough to 1) attempt to start a mosh pit at a wedding, then change my mind and start dancing like Commander Shepard, 2) hold a 30-minute conversation on the Roman Empire in Britain, and 3) stay after the bride and groom had left in order to help clean up. According to the guy who drove me home, I insisted on loading the U-Haul van myself, gashed my hand open on a metal fan, didn't notice, and then fell into the dumpster taking out the trash. The next morning, my phone inbox was inundated with messages asking if I was OK. I wasn't even hung over.

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LordSynos wrote:
I must have driven over every inch of every planet, every time I play Mass Effect. I could certainly get frustrated with the Mako, but never so much that it stopped me. Besides, it was a killing machine. :D

Just remember that you get way less xp when you blow something up with the Mako than if you get out and kill it yourself.

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The Freehold Inquisition wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Fellow central/western New York State people may appreciate this one.

I understood that reference!
A WHEDON movie quote!!! {shakes head disappointedly} -20 points House Freehold.

Shame! Shame!

Silver Crusade

My diet weakness is sweets. Damn pastries and desserts...

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David M Mallon wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
I must have driven over every inch of every planet, every time I play Mass Effect. I could certainly get frustrated with the Mako, but never so much that it stopped me. Besides, it was a killing machine. :D
Just remember that you get way less xp when you blow something up with the Mako than if you get out and kill it yourself.

What!? Dammit!

Silver Crusade

12 people marked this as a favorite.

So we've set a date. December 4, 2016.

Really charming Art Deco reception hall. We are excited :)

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Treppa wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
I must have driven over every inch of every planet, every time I play Mass Effect. I could certainly get frustrated with the Mako, but never so much that it stopped me. Besides, it was a killing machine. :D
Just remember that you get way less xp when you blow something up with the Mako than if you get out and kill it yourself.

What!? Dammit!

Mass Effect Wikia wrote:
Experience awards while in the Mako, regardless of whether the Mako damaged the target or not, are severely penalized at 50% on Normal level (and lower difficulties) and 60% (granting only 40% xp gain) on Hardcore and Insanity Combat Difficulty. Using damage-over-time effects like Warp, Sabotage, Chemical Rounds, Inferno Rounds and so forth, or pushing the target over a fatal drop, still incur a penalty if you are inside the Mako when the target dies. By leaving the Mako, it is possible to get much more experience points for fighting on planets. The important thing here is the kill, so a good tactic (especially for bigger enemies) is to fight with the Mako's weapons until the enemy has only little health left - then leave the vehicle and kill it.

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Celestial Healer wrote:

So we've set a date. December 4, 2016.

Really charming Art Deco reception hall. We are excited :)


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Celestial Healer wrote:

So we've set a date. December 4, 2016.

Really charming Art Deco reception hall. We are excited :)

That's how Tammy would do it.

Tammy's excited too.

captain yesterday wrote:
Did the goalie get to keep Teddy Boo Fluffy Ears?

I am really lost as to what this might actually mean. Sorry.

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Tacticslion wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Did the goalie get to keep Teddy Boo Fluffy Ears?
I am really lost as to what this might actually mean. Sorry.

It was part of my jokes above it, I was walking the dog so I can usually do better. :-)

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Work story for the day:
I work with a guy who we'll call Bob (that's not his real name, but bear with me). Bob is around 50, hella rough around the edges, but a really good dude. He's also basically a real-life cartoon character, specifically Popeye the Sailor Man. Seriously, the guy is a dead ringer.

Our foreman (who we'll call Frank-- also not his real name) is a good friend of Bob's from way back, and they take the piss out of each other constantly. Yesterday, while Bob was in the porta-john, Frank drew a little anchor on Bob's hard hat. It took Bob about an hour to figure out what everyone was laughing at. Today, Frank brought in a #10 can of spinach and stuck it behind Bob's lunch pail in the storage area that serves as our break room.

When Bob discovered the giant can of spinach, he flew into a mostly-mock rage, and Frank dissolved into wheezing laughter for about fifteen minutes. As we were leaving the storage room to go back to work, Bob and I were last to file out. As we walked back to where we'd left off, Bob turned to me and said, "You know what the most f%$#ed-up part about that whole thing was? Buttered spinach greens are probably my favorite food. Don't tell nobody, though."

I'm like 99% sure he was serious.

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My wife and daughter would eat buttered spinach greens all day if you let them. :-)

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Treppa wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
I must have driven over every inch of every planet, every time I play Mass Effect. I could certainly get frustrated with the Mako, but never so much that it stopped me. Besides, it was a killing machine. :D
Just remember that you get way less xp when you blow something up with the Mako than if you get out and kill it yourself.

What!? Dammit!

You can cheat a little by softening up tough targets with a barrage of death from the Mako, just make sure to stop when the target has just a few HP left. The you can hide the Mako behind a rock, get out, and finish the poor bastard with a sniper rifle. This is especially helpful if you want full XP on toxic planets where getting outside for long stretches is a bad idea.

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Speaking of weird things ME... I heard you can get a combat bonus in ME 3 by getting Kelly to go on a date with you in ME 2. How? The paddle fish isn't available in ME 3 but you can keep it from ME 2, and if you do keep it from ME 2 it grants the combat bonus. So how do you keep it? That's where Kelly comes in. If you get her onto a date she will feed your fish for you. And more importantly when you lose the ship between 2 and 3 she will take your fish and keep them alive. How did I hear this... By doing fish research after learning the auto feeder was only in ME 3 on FaWTL.

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