Aranna |

So a douchebag DM threw a temper tantrum because a PC killed a monster efficiently, and killed said PC in an incredibly unfair way to get revenge.
Just another day....
Reminds me of Sexist GM. He always underestimated me and got angry. One time I made a tiny pixie barbarian and single handedly killed a giant dog creature, he was SO angry that he killed my character every session for a month.

Tacticslion |

Speaking of mind flayers and FFT (which I was, earlier), the squad-heads represent one of the best in-game resources there are, for one of the greatest (and most tedious) non-cheat exploits in gaming history: the level up/down trick.
Daggum it. I just realized I can't get assassins in FFT without an editor, which Ent work on the latest versions... :/
Oh well, their stats actually kind of sick anyway... QQ

Tacticslion |

Orthos wrote:Reminds me of Sexist GM. He always underestimated me and got angry. One time I made a tiny pixie barbarian and single handedly killed a giant dog creature, he was SO angry that he killed my character every session for a month.So a douchebag DM threw a temper tantrum because a PC killed a monster efficiently, and killed said PC in an incredibly unfair way to get revenge.
Just another day....
I'd make a joke about named fairies or something, but that's ridiculous, and confusing as to why you'd even play.

Drejk |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Celestial Healer wrote:Also, am I the only one who thinks cheesecake is an abomination?Mediocre cheesecake is an abomination.
Good cheesecake is bliss.If you end up on the left coast I'll have NobodysWife create her raspberry-and-sour cream cheesecake and you may pass judgement...
*Starts inflating a pontoon*

Drejk |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Pea Bear's best friend is having a birthday party tonight, Pea Bear got the invitation 3 weeks ago, we first saw and heard about it last night at 5 p.m. The General was not happy.
Pea Bear: So, can I go?
General Yesteryear: I don't know honestly, it's a lot of work, first we have to go out get a present, someone has to drive you over and pick you up, an R.S.V.P. need a to be sent, you're inconveniencing the whole family.
Pea Bear: Not the whole family, just Dad.
General Yesteryear: good point, ask your father.
Captain Yesterday: Wait, what?
Guess what I'm doing tonight. :-)
Ugh. I think it's a rite of childhood.
Impus Minor (at 5:00 pm): SO, are you guys coming to my choir concert tonight?
Us: WHAT choir concert?
IM: The one I'm in. I've known about it for weeks!
Us: Did you think to tell US about it?
IM: Oh...
And so the childhood belief in the parental omniscience was shattered...

Aranna |
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Aranna wrote:I'd make a joke about named fairies or something, but that's ridiculous, and confusing as to why you'd even play.Orthos wrote:Reminds me of Sexist GM. He always underestimated me and got angry. One time I made a tiny pixie barbarian and single handedly killed a giant dog creature, he was SO angry that he killed my character every session for a month.So a douchebag DM threw a temper tantrum because a PC killed a monster efficiently, and killed said PC in an incredibly unfair way to get revenge.
Just another day....
Well he is a known game developer, very very creative with amazing settings and fun scenarios. And it was a bit of pride on my part that I was able to be the only girl he ever let play at his play test table. So yes I played with him.

Kajehase |
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Now the streets were full of people; men of all ages in black robes, scurrying about as though they were rats set free from a trap. The big bell must have released them. They didn’t see anything wrong with pushing to get where they were going, either. Micah really, really hated being pushed, or even being brushed, by strangers.
She tried going back the way she’d come, but the black-clad rats wouldn’t let her. She was scared, now. She counted backwards from two hundred and fifteen by numbers divisible by three. That usually helped. But people kept bumping into her. She couldn’t see where the street ended so she couldn’t tell where to turn. She was losing her numbers. She was losing her maps—
Micah sat at the same table in the Blackbird’s Nest as she had the first time that Rafe brought her—in back, near the kitchens. It was a good table: away from the crowd by the bar and the rowdier gamblers. During an early afternoon on a market day, the low-roofed, tallow-lit room was full, but Micah could still think around the beer smells and kitchen noises and gamblers’ patter. All she had to do was keep her eyes on the worn cards in her hand, and the fascinating pattern of the ancient wood grain beneath them.
“Call,” said the long-haired student sitting across from her. He tossed the last of his minnows casually on the pile at the center of the table. Micah calculated that the pot now held enough for two and a half tomato pies and two ginger beers. Or two tomato pies and three ginger beers. Micah frowned, trying to decide which she would prefer, and decided that it would depend on how hungry Rafe was. She had come here on her own today because all the money was gone from the chest in their rooms and she had wanted something more than a roasted potato. And now she could buy tomato pies for herself and Rafe, to thank him for the place to sleep. And the equations. The equations were very nice.
Micah didn’t have a good hand—just a pair of Suns—but the long-haired student couldn’t have any card higher than a Beast and the older man in a dockworker’s clothes had held a three-of-a-kind that would have beat either of their hands, but he had folded for reasons that still escaped Micah, though she had learned to accept them, like the weather.
“All right,” Micah said, and held his gaze. Joshua had told her that this unnerved the other players, and so she had learned to do it for a few seconds at a time. She didn’t much like it either, but they almost always looked away first.
The other players put down their cards. The student scowled at his hand while Micah busily arranged her winnings in stacks ordered by the size and value of the coins.
“Another hand,” said the student, with a funny sort of lift in his voice. Micah decided that she should ask Joshua what it meant when their voices got tight like that, and their eyebrows started wandering up their foreheads like caterpillars. Joshua was better at that sort of thing than Rafe. Rafe was better at talking.
She was trying to decide if it was worth waiting out her next good hand when a crowd of students pushed in through the narrow front door.
“They’re meeting now, the bastards!”
“Who’s meeting, Dickson?”
“The governors! Word is they could even take the vote!”Micah, putting the last five-minnow in its stack, had been trying to ignore the noisy intruders. But then the student with the wandering eyebrows stood abruptly and smacked his fist on the table, toppling her careful piles. The shouting grew very loud. In a sudden panic, Micah shoved the coins into the inside pocket of her jerkin. Losing the coins would be worse than jumbling them up, and she could put them in good order later. She was still very hungry. She should certainly leave. But when she looked up, all she saw was a smear, noise and high emotion blurring the angry faces before her into a mob.
So I'm basically going to spend the next three months worrying about Micah, it seems...

Freehold DM |
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Speaking of mind flayers and FFT (which I was, earlier), the squad-heads represent one of the best in-game resources there are, for one of the greatest (and most tedious) non-cheat exploits in gaming history: the level up/down trick.
Daggum it. I just realized I can't get assassins in FFT without an editor, which Ent work on the latest versions... :/
Oh well, their stats actually kind of sick anyway... QQ
explain, tactics-loving friend.

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:explain, tactics-loving friend.Speaking of mind flayers and FFT (which I was, earlier), the squad-heads represent one of the best in-game resources there are, for one of the greatest (and most tedious) non-cheat exploits in gaming history: the level up/down trick.
Daggum it. I just realized I can't get assassins in FFT without an editor, which Ent work on the latest versions... :/
Oh well, their stats actually kind of sick anyway... QQ
Well, the level up/down trick is pretty sweet, but slooooooooooooowwwwww.
I'll give you the basics. There are methods of optimization, however.
It can only be done with non-monsters.
Take a male character who's base class does not have uber-stats (so, generic characters, Mustadio, or worthlessMcGee Malak), and work their class choices so they get up to bard and one (or both of) of: ninja or mime. Make sure they have the Beastmaster support ability, and probably either black mage (for the Frog-in-ing) or mystic/oracle (for getting everyone stone'd).
Do the same for a female character with a similar stat array (so: not Reis), except replace "bard" with "dancer".
Acquire a Mindflayer. (Probably by taming or recruiting a Piscodaemon, or maybe a Squidraken.)
Alt: find a Degenerator trap. The Mindflayer is cooler, though.
If you're a low level, start with the "good" class - either mime (for most everything) or ninja (for XTREME speed). The simple thing is: level up to 99. Easy.
(A rather quick way is by having Adrenaline Surge reaction, and Ramza constantly increasing their speed, with Gained Exp Up, and Accrue Exp/Move Get Exp ability while they use the Focus ability from the Squire's Fundaments. This only works for a while, but it works pretty well while it's active.)
If you're at a high level, start with the lousy class (either Bard or Dancer) with the Beastmaster Support ability. Go into battle with the Mindflayer (or Degenerator Trap). Make everyone else frogs or stone statues, and then use Level Drain on the bard/dancer until s/he is level 1.
Lather, rinse, repeat until you're character's stats are redonkulous, or you're really, really, really bored.
As for the other thing (such as acquiring the impossible classes), you need an editor, and the willingness to use it. I think it exists for the Android version (yours), but the iOS version has been made incompatible with such things. You'll find everything you need for such effects at the editor itself, I'd imagine.

Tacticslion |

I looked some stuff up.
Mindflayer (FF Wikia)
Stat Growth (FF Wikia)
Optimization Guide (Game Faqs)
If you want to follow those, feel free!
Oh yeah! If you really wanna go crazy (you don't, but, hey, I'll mention just in case), you can raise some boars until you get the uber rare ones with the Bequeath Bacon special ability (they only have it with the Beast Master support equipped). Raise a metric ton of these.
I forget what it's called.
Get someone with a level 8 Onion Knight class (by mastering the other jobs). Enter a battle, win except for that one bad guy who's terribly wounded, and then use all your boars to Bequeath their Bacon to your Onion Knight bypassing the restriction that it can't level up in that class. The boar ceases to exist, the Onion Knight gains the best level up in the game. Only do this with level 8 Onion Knights, however.

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Celestial Healer wrote:Also, am I the only one who thinks cheesecake is an abomination?No, you don't think that. You were mislead, probably by some subpar American product that does not hold a candle to proper cheesecake.
I have eaten a lot of cheesecake over the years, including many touted as "the best" by cheesecake aficionados. It is still heavy, cheesy, and has an unacceptable consistency.

Freehold DM |

Drejk wrote:I have eaten a lot of cheesecake over the years, including many touted as "the best" by cheesecake aficionados. It is still heavy, cheesy, and has an unacceptable consistency.Celestial Healer wrote:Also, am I the only one who thinks cheesecake is an abomination?No, you don't think that. You were mislead, probably by some subpar American product that does not hold a candle to proper cheesecake.
have you had juniors cheesecake?

Orthos |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

That said, if anyone wants to try to change my mind, you are welcome to. You may even get some cheesecake out of the deal, as I will almost certainly push my plate away after 3 or 4 bites and let you finish it.
I will happily take the unwanted excess off your hands.
I've never really understood why people get upset when someone doesn't love this food that they happen to really like. Doesn't that just mean more for the person who likes it? Less they have to share?

Tacticslion |

Orthos |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos's Themes for the Runelords:
Karzoug 1 | Karzoug 2
Belimarius 1 | Belimarius 2

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Orthos's Themes for the Runelords:
Karzoug 1 | Karzoug 2
Belimarius 1 | Belimarius 2
That's really cool, I like some background music when I'm playing. I usualy go for these guys

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Blackmore's Night is pretty awesome.
I have a habit of using video game OST titles for the quest events in my storylines for NWN GMing. For example, I'm nearing the end of a series based on the Cult of the Dragon, Dance of Pales, where all the events' titles came from Castlevania songs.
So since I was assigning songs and names to the various Runelord plots anyway, it wasn't hard to pick out a song from each soundtrack that best suited the antagonist. =)

Rosita the Riveter |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

>Is signed up to get texts from Muni (public transit agency) about any transit delays
>Typically rides subway to Powell, Montgomery, or Embarcadero station and transfers to vintage streetcar line to get to work at Fisherman's Wharf
>Wakes up, sees alerts about blockage at Civic Center. Cleared before leaving home but residual delays, unworried but leave home 15 minutes early
>Go to train station, train ten minutes behind schedule
>Get text, stalled train near Church
>Check Twitter, delays getting worse
>Enter subway, no internet reception
>Debate getting off at Castro station to get streetcar and avoid further subway problems but have a longer commute, versus staying in subway in hopes of going faster
>Get out at Castro, check Twitter
>Delays getting worse
>Grab streetcar
>Entire subway jams, train gets stuck in tunnel for almost an hour
>Is comfortable rolling through Market with window down in the meantime

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Celestial Healer wrote:have you had juniors cheesecake?Drejk wrote:I have eaten a lot of cheesecake over the years, including many touted as "the best" by cheesecake aficionados. It is still heavy, cheesy, and has an unacceptable consistency.Celestial Healer wrote:Also, am I the only one who thinks cheesecake is an abomination?No, you don't think that. You were mislead, probably by some subpar American product that does not hold a candle to proper cheesecake.
I don't recall.
If we go there, are there alternatives like delicious pie in the event that you have to finish my cheesecake?

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Never heard of it before today myself. Doesn't seem like it's all that often sold or prepared stateside.
Never heard of it.
Looks like whipped cream with stuff on top in a pie crust. Is that what it is
Okay, first you start with a base, right? Either a nice pastry one, or the kind of crumbly biscuit base a cheesecake might have. I prefer the biscuit base myself, but each to their own. (Warning: Music video)
Then you got a chunk of delicious sticky toffee.... Not hard toffee, obviously, cause that wouldn't really work with a pie. You have soft toffee too, right? Anyways, you put this slab of deliciousness on your base.
Then you slice bananas on top, giving it a banana layer, which, if you like bananas, is win. And you top it all off with a dollop of freshly whipped cream.
I'm kinda surprised, I thought it was more universal.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Orthos wrote:Never heard of it before today myself. Doesn't seem like it's all that often sold or prepared stateside.Freehold DM wrote:Never heard of it.
Looks like whipped cream with stuff on top in a pie crust. Is that what it is
Okay, first you start with a base, right? Either a nice pastry one, or the kind of crumbly biscuit base a cheesecake might have. I prefer the biscuit base myself, but each to their own. (Warning: Music video)
Then you got a chunk of delicious sticky toffee.... Not hard toffee, obviously, cause that wouldn't really work with a pie. You have soft toffee too, right? Anyways, you put this slab of deliciousness on your base.
Then you slice bananas on top, giving it a banana layer, which, if you like bananas, is win. And you top it all off with a dollop of freshly whipped cream.
I'm kinda surprised, I thought it was more universal.
this sounds impossible to find in America. And delicious.

![]() |
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LordSynos, have any of those games been claimed? I might be interested in a few of them.
Of course, of course, step into my office.
motions to spoiler
Ah, you are a discerning dragon, I can see. I will let you peruse in peace. Please, help yourself to The List.
I think that claimed games are removed from the list so go ahead.
Our friend dragon is mostly correctly. At times of great busyness, it can fall into disrepair, but generally speaking, if it's on there, it's up for grabs.

NobodysHome |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Well, I won £4.20 on Killgleen Lee and have had four freenpints of Guinness. Result!
Just don't post a selfie of yourself with your winning ticket on Facebook!

David M Mallon |
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Gamersgate.com appears to be down. And people wonder WHY I prefer to have a hardcopy of my games and books.
The company I work for is going paperless, and when I mentioned that I keep hard copies of everything, everyone looked at me like I was a two-headed Martian.

David M Mallon |
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Yeah, this epitomizes the Bay Area for me.
One of my best friends grew up in Oakland. He moved to Chicago in 2009, then to Syracuse in 2010 and Brooklyn in 2013. Now he's sick of the East Coast, but when he looked at apartment prices, he realized that he literally can't afford to move back to his hometown. That's pretty f~!@ed up.

David M Mallon |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Also why hasn't this been done yet
Because people have started to realize that, despite his contributions to and support of the fantasy genre, R.A. Salvatore isn't very good at writing things.

David M Mallon |
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I'm half way thru being level 37 and my game has developed a really annoying quirk of occasionally and with increasing frequency to all of a sudden transport me to the great lift of myzitsclift or whatever, in a dungeon, fighting people, doesn't matter bam! Long load screen back at the lift (for added quirkiness always with a stray dog in tow) I deleted all previous saves and it did it again!
Is this a thing, should I just start over?
If I had to guess, it's a corrupted save. If you deleted all previous saves, you're likely kind of boned. Sorry duder.

David M Mallon |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

My corrupted save story from Skyrim:
One day, as I was playing, every time I returned to my house, things would start disappearing. It was little things at first, like books and cups and plates and stuff. They were still there, because you could run into them and make that annoying clanking sound that EVERYTHING in Skyrim makes when you knock it over. After a little while, the furniture started disappearing. Then my character's wife became invisible. And then the walls disappeared. Reloading the save did nothing. Finally, after the entire city of Whiterun became invisible, my character fell through the ground and died, and the game crashed.

Id Vicious |

Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer |
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Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:Cold ShoulderXenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:Seeker of SecretsXenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:Shall We Dance?Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:Folding the ForkQuote pyramid was getting too tall to handle. =)

Sharoth |
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Come November 10th, 2015, I will be MIA for a few "days". Send search parties for me if you do not hear from me in a month or two.