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...and gorram my nakedness too.

*Runs off to find clothes.*

NobodysHome wrote:
Orthos wrote:

It was raining and storming last year on Halloween so I didn't have any kids come by.

Though I honestly don't know if there ARE any kids at my apartment complex who go around and do Halloween. I'm thinking of grabbing a little Halloween-themed door-hanger thing sometime this week to let people know I'm giving out candy.

Apartment complexes are rough. Even when we were in a 4-plex we got maybe a dozen kids a year.

My mother's in an apartment building in Albany, and she tried giving out candy once, then promptly decided she'd come to our place from now on. The first year we moved back was rough because there's an annual block party on the street behind us and no one on our street was giving out candy. But I determinedly gave out full-sized candy bars to those as came, that attracted more kids, and that convinced more of the homeowners to open up for Halloween. Our street is still pretty bad at under 50% participation, but those of us who are participating are trying to compete with the block party, so it's rich pickings for kids smart enough to know to come by...

EDIT: And with two kids in Albany schools, word has gotten out pretty fast that our block has 3-4 houses that give out full-sized bars...

I'm hoping a combination of better weather and some decor will attract at least a little attention, but as my apartment complex is right by a school, I imagine that if there's anything going on nearby, it's keeping the attention firmly away from the apartment complexes.

EDIT 2: When I was a kid, it wasn't the brand on the package, it was the size of the bar. I doubt times have changed...

Oh definitely.

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The Doomkitten wrote:

Does anybody know if No Man's Sky will release on Xbox One?

I want to get a PS4, but alas... money.

Ugh. We hate hate HATE our PS4. The usual "classic epic stupidity" in the name of "style". Instead of a power button, it's got a power sensor. That tends to trip if you walk through the room between it and the window, so it turns on at random times. And ejects its disk at random times, including mid-game. Half the time when you shut down, even if you choose "Shut down" from the menu, it decides that you shut it down incorrectly and it beeps. Incessantly. Forever. Until you unplug the d**ned thing.

The kids have some PS4 games. They won't play on them any more "because the PS4 is too hard to deal with, and keeps ejecting our disks".

I'll just say that when you're a PlayStation Plus member, and the kids can download free games every month, and they don't even bother checking because the console is too buggy to use, there's a problem...

EDIT: Honestly, we have a PS2, PS3, and PS4 connected to the same TV (along with a Sega Genesis and one of those Target Atari emulators). When we want to watch a DVD, we use the PS3 instead of the PS4 because we KNOW the PS4 will stop the replay mid-movie for... reasons. It says a TON when the kids prefer the PS2 and the Genesis, we use the PS3 for movies, and the PS4 just sits around collecting dust.

Man I am so not missing anything then. Good to know.

I learned the difference between climate and weather in FIFTH GRADE. And you're teaching it in an even more inane manner than that year.


And they wonder why I'm screwing around on the internet and not doing the work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Considering my Xbox 360 is 8 years old and still going strong I'll stick with Xbox :-)

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
The Doomkitten wrote:

Does anybody know if No Man's Sky will release on Xbox One?

I want to get a PS4, but alas... money.

Ugh. We hate hate HATE our PS4. The usual "classic epic stupidity" in the name of "style". Instead of a power button, it's got a power sensor. That tends to trip if you walk through the room between it and the window, so it turns on at random times. And ejects its disk at random times, including mid-game. Half the time when you shut down, even if you choose "Shut down" from the menu, it decides that you shut it down incorrectly and it beeps. Incessantly. Forever. Until you unplug the d**ned thing.

The kids have some PS4 games. They won't play on them any more "because the PS4 is too hard to deal with, and keeps ejecting our disks".

I'll just say that when you're a PlayStation Plus member, and the kids can download free games every month, and they don't even bother checking because the console is too buggy to use, there's a problem...

EDIT: Honestly, we have a PS2, PS3, and PS4 connected to the same TV (along with a Sega Genesis and one of those Target Atari emulators). When we want to watch a DVD, we use the PS3 instead of the PS4 because we KNOW the PS4 will stop the replay mid-movie for... reasons. It says a TON when the kids prefer the PS2 and the Genesis, we use the PS3 for movies, and the PS4 just sits around collecting dust.

A good argument to wait to pick up a later generation PS4...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, here's the "political stuff" I managed to avoid the first time... I blame Captain Yesterday, as always.

** spoiler omitted **

throws bike wrapped in toilet paper(it's a mummy)

Kajehase wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

I am drinking

** spoiler omitted **

Come out and quaff me like a man.

Show your wife how you drank Stella down in Flanders?
I don't understand how hard cider is a girly drink, it has more alcohol than most beers. Tastes better too.

Because real men only drink beer and hard liquor.

*sips his French cidraie and flicks a V at the real men*

flicking what now?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, here's the "political stuff" I managed to avoid the first time... I blame Captain Yesterday, as always.

** spoiler omitted **
throws bike wrapped in toilet paper(it's a mummy)


Just go ahead launch the single mummy, no thought about what we have to go thru, just leave the kids with their dad, well guess what Mum-Ra isn't good with kids!

Got lots of candy (mostly chocolate) for Halloween. Doing devils night at my best friends as usual, but it's on a Friday this year so I may stay later or party harder-who knows?

Lived in apartment complexes most of my life. Well put a note in elevator saying is okay to come to my place for candy. Kids without costumes will be laughed at unless they are the unfortunate older sibling/big kid escorting the rest of the kids (have done that before- It sucks). Anyone getting upset because they didn't get candy due to lack of costume will be told to leave, anyone trying to hustle candy will be physically booted.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Single Mummy wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Well, here's the "political stuff" I managed to avoid the first time... I blame Captain Yesterday, as always.

** spoiler omitted **
throws bike wrapped in toilet paper(it's a mummy)


Just go ahead launch the single mummy, no thought about what we have to go thru, just leave the kids with their dad, well guess what Mum-Ra isn't good with kids!

Babe! C'mon I told you I've been having troubles with the alley cats, I swear next time will be different.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

I am drinking

** spoiler omitted **

Come out and quaff me like a man.

Show your wife how you drank Stella down in Flanders?
I don't understand how hard cider is a girly drink, it has more alcohol than most beers. Tastes better too.

Because real men only drink beer and hard liquor.

*sips his French cidraie and flicks a V at the real men*

flicking what now?

Ask your Uncle Winston

This is an insulting gesture in mine 'n' Kajehase's part of the world. Some people say that it dates from when the French used to cut off longbowmen's fingers, so the longbowmen liked to stick two fingers up at the French before shooting them to show that Alphonse hadn't got to them yet

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

I am drinking

** spoiler omitted **

Come out and quaff me like a man.

Show your wife how you drank Stella down in Flanders?
I don't understand how hard cider is a girly drink, it has more alcohol than most beers. Tastes better too.

Because real men only drink beer and hard liquor.

*sips his French cidraie and flicks a V at the real men*

flicking what now?

Ask your Uncle Winston

This is an insulting gesture in mine 'n' Kajehase's part of the world. Some people say that it dates from when the French used to cut off longbowmen's fingers, so the longbowmen liked to stick two fingers up at the French before shooting them to show that Alphonse hadn't got to them yet

See? Longbowmen had style!

Have any of you guys played Sword Coast Legends? What do you think of it?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe it is time for a road trip.

Road trip!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:
Have any of you guys played Sword Coast Legends? What do you think of it?

Quotes from the players on my NWN server about it:


-Single-player campaign can be 1 person controlling the party or 4-person Co-op. It is very much the modern-day Baldur's Gate. There will be temporary allies in certain quests, but also companions much like Mass Effect/Dragon Age/BG that follow you throughout the game. Last I heard, there was no permadeath. There'll probably be a hardcore mode or something that adds it.

-DM "light orb" can be turned off.
-Threat meter isn't a 5e mechanic, it's a mechanic specifically implemented for this game to encourage the DM to continue to challenge players, not just make pubstomps or Tomb of Horrors.
-Cooldowns are also something implemented for the game specifically, and aren't really existent in 5e outside of what older editions had. Most of the abilities in-game are also not existent in the PnP 5e.
-If you haven't played 5e yet, do it.
-There will be on-the-fly dungeon crawls for multiplayer that use randomly generated dungeons based on the enemies and tilesets you select. Dungeon crawls can go from anywhere from ~20 minutes to ~2 hours, depending on group speed and how long you wish the dungeon to be (you can select different lengths).
-DMs also have the ability to create full-fledged campaigns in a toolset, much like NWN (something I feel didn't shine as much in NWN. Then again, I never made it past chapter 1 of the campaign). They'll be able to create their own cities, dungeons, lighting, monsters, etc., with a surprising amount of depth.

It's not the new NWN, there will probably never be a new NWN. But it's designed to be a tabletop experience on PC, and could provide that if you can look past the mechanics.

--Currently, multiplayer is more like Diablo II than anything else

--Multiplayer is rife with ninja-looting, so casters are screwed. No current plans to implement Need/Greed system.

--Dying is more effective than using potions since they're so wildly expensive, but everyone can use a healers kit that stabilizes you with a portion of your HP.

--Limited conversation options for module builders--seems like this will probably be expanded later. Problem is more or less alleviated if you're playing with a live DM.

--No triggers. Once again, module builders are screwed here. No announced plans to implement them. In fact, there seems to be very little post-launch support aside from some bug-fixes, balancing, and plans for DLC. Also more or less alleviated with a live DM

--You can opt to play modules solo with AI allies though.

--Some have said it doesn't really feel like D&D. More or less a re-skinned Diablo II. The single-player/co-op campaign has not been open for play yet, though they boast 40+ hours of gameplay. However, that seems to include all of the sidequests, meaning the main story may only be 20 hours or so. There's also the fact they opted for a skill tree and upgrades more akin to Dragon Age (not necessarily a bad thing) that use cooldowns, as opposed to the classic D&D spells/abilities. It keeps things a little more fast-paced when you're not using pause-and-play for the difficult encounters.

The big "solution" I've seen to all of these issues is to play with friends. The comradery, the dungeon crawling, and playing with a live DM all enhance the feel of the game. The problem is it should be able to feel like that anyway. The main story campaign still has some hope and if your play multiplayer exclusively with friends, your experiences should remain pleasant. This goes for running the quick/long dungeon crawls, or if your DM is making their own module.

There's some positive reviews of people who love the game, but most of it seems like people were sold something they weren't expecting, it doesn't feel right, or that the project was too big for this small dev team. While they've been very involved with the community and taking feedback, it's a bit more than they could chew. People crying for refunds willy-nilly. Lesson learned, don't pre-order.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
So any big plans planned for Halloween, we're looting the city of candy and having Pea Bear's friends over for a "sleep over" (11-12 year old girls don't sleep in groups, they giggle) anyway both me and the General are off work from Thursday thru Tuesday so yay!

Halloween is my sister's wedding. How's that for passionate about the holiday?

Limeylongears wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

I am drinking

** spoiler omitted **

Come out and quaff me like a man.

Show your wife how you drank Stella down in Flanders?
I don't understand how hard cider is a girly drink, it has more alcohol than most beers. Tastes better too.

Because real men only drink beer and hard liquor.

*sips his French cidraie and flicks a V at the real men*

flicking what now?

Ask your Uncle Winston

This is an insulting gesture in mine 'n' Kajehase's part of the world. Some people say that it dates from when the French used to cut off longbowmen's fingers, so the longbowmen liked to stick two fingers up at the French before shooting them to show that Alphonse hadn't got to them yet


7 people marked this as a favorite.

Enthusiastic young manager in training: Captain Yesterday can you show the new trainee around
Me: Isn't that your job?
Enthusiastic young manager in training: I thought you'd like more responsibility.
Me: Nope.

Cage Bingo is the hot seller in games right now, I'm guessing senior centers are stocking up for winter.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
C Yesterday's Autumn Melancholy wrote:
Cage Bingo is the hot seller in games right now, I'm guessing senior centers are stocking up for winter.

Is that where they lock a bunch of geriatric octogenarians together in an iron cage, and none of them get to get out to use the bathroom until one gets Bingo?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No, alas it's the cage ball thingy they put at the front of the room as a location focus, but not to worry I hear Hulk Hogan's Octogenarian Death Cube is going to replace The Apprentice next spring.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hallos FaWtL. I hope everyone had a good weekend, and that their week is off to a good start. :)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Despite living in a family house in a residential area, we just don't get trick or treaters here. Halloween is more an adult's drinking holiday than a kid's holiday. Then again, that feels like every holiday here.

Silver Crusade

Nothing like bein sick while you're in a business trip.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, boo to that. Sorry to hear it.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
I also tend to get my Halloween candy from Aldi. Much cheaper, and the chocolate bars are larger, which I imagine makes the kids happy. Sure the brands are weird and unfamiliar (and, if Thursday Next is to be trusted, potentially the products of an alternate timeline reality)

That mythic land of Europe?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Here All Hallows Eve is a rather dour holiday of visiting graves of family members. Lots of people are even travelling across Poland to visit graves of their family members.

I am mostly meh about that. I'll will visit grandparent's grave and my sister grave to lit a candle with a minimum of formalities and fuss.

Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I also tend to get my Halloween candy from Aldi. Much cheaper, and the chocolate bars are larger, which I imagine makes the kids happy. Sure the brands are weird and unfamiliar (and, if Thursday Next is to be trusted, potentially the products of an alternate timeline reality)
That mythic land of Europe?

That's a made up place.

Europe? I think I have that campaign setting here somewhere...

Cheryl Tunt wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I also tend to get my Halloween candy from Aldi. Much cheaper, and the chocolate bars are larger, which I imagine makes the kids happy. Sure the brands are weird and unfamiliar (and, if Thursday Next is to be trusted, potentially the products of an alternate timeline reality)
That mythic land of Europe?
That's a made up place.

Europe? By Jove, in my day, Europe was a bright light of civilization in a world of darkness. Pity about those Huns, though, and worse, Germans. I never thought I'd live to see the day when those savages would run their own chain of grocery stores...

Silver Crusade

Treppa wrote:

Well, boo to that. Sorry to hear it.

I think my fever has broken...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Well, boo to that. Sorry to hear it.

I think my fever has broken...

Oh no! Quick, get that angel some super glue!

Don't worry, we'll get that fever fixed real soon.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hola folks. So the new job is running me ragged. It's not bad work, and the pay is good, but I've been working for 2 weeks straight without a day off. Thankfully get Halloween off. If all goes well, I'll get Friday off also.

On the subject of Halloween, I get to take the little one trick-or-treating this year. I'm dressing as Link, my wife is Malon, and our daughter is going as Navi.

I think I just died a little bit inside.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

~looks at article~
(date 3.5 years ago)

~looks at MMS website~
(it has very little science beyond disproving the claim that it is the same as straight chlorine)
(it is sold as a cure for malaria not autism)
(it is poisonous to the malaria parasite)

~looks at autism wiki~
(caused by genetics, with increased risk factors from harmful chemicals, heavy metals, or infectious diseases)

Verdict: MMS might help in a tiny number of cases where malaria or a similar infectious disease would increase the risk factor for autism. In all other cases it would either be ineffective or potentially harmful.

Recommendation: Avoid MMS unless you are suffering from malaria.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What is truly, awesomely scary about autism is that the anti-vacc parents don't manage to see the disorder before the kids are more than four years old.

I understand that mild forms may be hard to distinguish... But the rest??? Those are kids who do not talk, or interact, or only do one thing, or act very strangely. How does one not understand that before they are four?

Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I also tend to get my Halloween candy from Aldi. Much cheaper, and the chocolate bars are larger, which I imagine makes the kids happy. Sure the brands are weird and unfamiliar (and, if Thursday Next is to be trusted, potentially the products of an alternate timeline reality)
That mythic land of Europe?

Funny enough, the books are set in Britain, so apparently even European Aldi branches still manage to end up with brands that are unfamiliar to the locals. Or at least enough to be something of a stereotype.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Nothing like bein sick while you're in a business trip.

I told you not to go...bubble tea from saint alps would have cured you, but now you must suffer the travel fever!

LordSynos wrote:
Despite living in a family house in a residential area, we just don't get trick or treaters here. Halloween is more an adult's drinking holiday than a kid's holiday. Then again, that feels like every holiday here.

unfortunate. Nothing for the kids at all?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I also tend to get my Halloween candy from Aldi. Much cheaper, and the chocolate bars are larger, which I imagine makes the kids happy. Sure the brands are weird and unfamiliar (and, if Thursday Next is to be trusted, potentially the products of an alternate timeline reality)
That mythic land of Europe?

so that's why everything there is so weird....

Drejk wrote:

Here All Hallows Eve is a rather dour holiday of visiting graves of family members. Lots of people are even travelling across Poland to visit graves of their family members.

I am mostly meh about that. I'll will visit grandparent's grave and my sister grave to lit a candle with a minimum of formalities and fuss.

may they rest peacefully.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Europe? I think I have that campaign setting here somewhere...

you mean every setting that isn't dark sun or spelljammer?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I think I just died a little bit inside.

worry not. This is clearly bubkis.

Dark Archive

Orthos wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I also tend to get my Halloween candy from Aldi. Much cheaper, and the chocolate bars are larger, which I imagine makes the kids happy. Sure the brands are weird and unfamiliar (and, if Thursday Next is to be trusted, potentially the products of an alternate timeline reality)
That mythic land of Europe?
Funny enough, the books are set in Britain, so apparently even European Aldi branches still manage to end up with brands that are unfamiliar to the locals. Or at least enough to be something of a stereotype.

That's cause Aldi/Lidl stock a lot of own brand products, so it's impossible to be familiar with them until they show up. I find they're just as good as the brand stuff, for the most part.

Sissyl wrote:

What is truly, awesomely scary about autism is that the anti-vacc parents don't manage to see the disorder before the kids are more than four years old.

I understand that mild forms may be hard to distinguish... But the rest??? Those are kids who do not talk, or interact, or only do one thing, or act very strangely. How does one not understand that before they are four?

some people can be blind to such things in their children.

The Doomkitten wrote:

hopefully, such vile language will be added to the profanity filter.

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