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Off-Topic Discussions

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Tacticslion wrote:

Hm. Went searching for another thread, and found nothing verboten in the Scriptures about cannibalism. There are several places where it is implied that because people are wicked enough, they will be put into a situation in which they are desperate enough to engage in cannibalism, but nothing explicitly forbids it.

What is forbidden is killing anyone else, and the clear implication is that only those desperate enough would stoop to such behavior.

This is especially interesting in light of the fact that many in Jesus' time left off from following Him because of His statements of eating His flesh and drinking His blood. They left because they considered it "proof" that He was not following the scriptures, when, in fact, He had not broken the Law at all by such statements. And, relating cannibalism to the desperate act of those who, mired in their own sinfulness, have come to such a low state as to be able to survive in no other way... well. Huh. Scripture just gained new respect in my eyes in a way that I'd never seen it before.

** spoiler omitted **[/spoiler]...

this might be better placed in the alternate histories thread.

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Which is, coincidentally, where I left my clothes.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Goodbye 20lbs of winter layers, hello shorts and skinned knees, I missed you.

good god,cover up!

ebon_fyre wrote:


FINALLY moved out of my parents place. The "temporary" living arrangement lasted 6+ years, and was ruining relationships.

Kiddo has her own room for the first time ever.

We have our bedroom to ourselves for the first time in 3 years.

Life is good.


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Orthos wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Is... is it sad that my first reaction to such things is to really want to request a special in-character quest to eventually become a (good) Shade...?

(I'm not going to. I'm a newb and haven't even kicked off RPing properly, and have spent NOWHERE near the amount of time I'd need to in-character for that sort of thing. I wouldn't actually want to right now, considering he's just struck out on his own! It's still my initial reaction, though. :D)

Hahah. I think we've approved all of one Shade in the ten years the server has existed, and maybe three regular old Shadovar (basically just Humans with Darkvision). It's probably the toughest race to get approved, or possibly second to Fey'ri, because of the server's lore and the setting starting with the City of Shade and Cormyr at war (which has happened twice now).

Good Shades tend to end up dead, or no longer Shades, since their abilities are tied very strongly to Shar. I'm not sure we'd ever allow that; I imagine it would end up something like a reverse Dragonborn, where shifting too far away from the base alignment allowed would result in the template undoing itself, reverting the character to their original form.


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It'll just end up with Shar and a Pipe-smoking Elminster in a bed amidst the rubble:-)

Anthony Beevor and Artemis Cooper wrote:
about the liberation of Paris: What Simone de Beauvoir described had described as fraternal excesses during the day now became just excesses. Not many soldiers went to bed alone that night.

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captain yesterday wrote:
It'll just end up with Shar and a Pipe-smoking Elminster in a bed amidst the rubble:-)

Nah. She'll throw him away out of her bed after not interested in him staying any longer. She won't even bother with remembering what-was-his-name?

And then she learns it was a simulacrum the whole time...

(Though, <slightly more> seriously, I think she actually had an avatar of hers literally and figuratively try and seduce him one time to make a kid.)

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Is... is it sad that my first reaction to such things is to really want to request a special in-character quest to eventually become a (good) Shade...?

(I'm not going to. I'm a newb and haven't even kicked off RPing properly, and have spent NOWHERE near the amount of time I'd need to in-character for that sort of thing. I wouldn't actually want to right now, considering he's just struck out on his own! It's still my initial reaction, though. :D)

Hahah. I think we've approved all of one Shade in the ten years the server has existed, and maybe three regular old Shadovar (basically just Humans with Darkvision). It's probably the toughest race to get approved, or possibly second to Fey'ri, because of the server's lore and the setting starting with the City of Shade and Cormyr at war (which has happened twice now).

Good Shades tend to end up dead, or no longer Shades, since their abilities are tied very strongly to Shar. I'm not sure we'd ever allow that; I imagine it would end up something like a reverse Dragonborn, where shifting too far away from the base alignment allowed would result in the template undoing itself, reverting the character to their original form.


Yeaaaah, not a huge Shar fan. I find her one of the more boring and unfun Faerun deities. Especially compared to some of the other options for evil.

David Bruce noted that it was impossible to turn down the bottles the inhabitants had hidden away with an almost religious zeal in anticipation of the liberation, and which they now pushed on the soldiers. "The combination was enough to ruin one's constitution," he wrote. "During the afternoon we drank beer, cider, white and red Bordeaux, white and red Bourgogne, champagne, rum, cognac, armagnac, and calvados."

Tacticslion wrote:

And then she learns it was a simulacrum the whole time...

(Though, <slightly more> seriously, I think she actually had an avatar of hers literally and figuratively try and seduce him one time to make a kid.)

Found it!

Some information

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Balrog wrote:
60s/70s here this week, if rainy. Huzzah!


In Saint-Germain black American soldiers were welcomed by Parisians starved for jazz, and the warm welcome made several of them wonder if they shouldn't stay in France rather than return to the United States.

Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Is... is it sad that my first reaction to such things is to really want to request a special in-character quest to eventually become a (good) Shade...?

(I'm not going to. I'm a newb and haven't even kicked off RPing properly, and have spent NOWHERE near the amount of time I'd need to in-character for that sort of thing. I wouldn't actually want to right now, considering he's just struck out on his own! It's still my initial reaction, though. :D)

Hahah. I think we've approved all of one Shade in the ten years the server has existed, and maybe three regular old Shadovar (basically just Humans with Darkvision). It's probably the toughest race to get approved, or possibly second to Fey'ri, because of the server's lore and the setting starting with the City of Shade and Cormyr at war (which has happened twice now).

Good Shades tend to end up dead, or no longer Shades, since their abilities are tied very strongly to Shar. I'm not sure we'd ever allow that; I imagine it would end up something like a reverse Dragonborn, where shifting too far away from the base alignment allowed would result in the template undoing itself, reverting the character to their original form.

Yeaaaah, not a huge Shar fan. I find her one of the more boring and unfun Faerun deities. Especially compared to some of the other options for evil.


But she wants to destroy all that is(on Toril) could that be bad?

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Orthos wrote:
For Freehold

What is dead can never die....

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Sharoth wrote:
Orthos wrote:
For Freehold

laugh now, I'll see to it that is your lawn next winter!

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Muwahahahahah! You say that, but I, I am in the middle of Florida in a world that science tells me is GETTING WARMER! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH~!

*taunt, taunt*

Dude, you missed us this year! How's my wife supposed to get snow-days off of work if we don't get any snow?!

*continues to taunt in hopes of home time next winter*

The collaborationist newspaper Je suis partout (I'm everywhere) started to be called Je suis parti (I'm gone).

Is this the right thread for all those, Kajehase? I mean, it's definitely cool to know, but I follow that other thread for a reason, and I kinda figured others did, too. They are missing your knowledge!

EDIT: Realized how this came out, and I wish to clarify: ^ this is not me suggesting you don't post here. This is me suggesting you also post this stuff in the "Did you know?" thread, as it's a bunch of stuff I didn't know!

I think it was for the thread right next door.

I have to apologize to you, Orthos. Three times within the last 24 hrs., I've tried to go to the Cormyr server. I've ended up futzing about in Hordes instead. LOOK I HAVE ADD! I... I forget things sometimes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hahah, no worries dude.

Because of the red hat bands, French Communists often mistook the British staff-officers for Soviet officers, and it made the British officers both embarrased and furious when they were greeted by clenched fists and approving words about the Red Army.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
But she wants to destroy all that is(on Toril) could that be bad?

Because she's boring about it.

Seriously. Sharrans are either emo mopey types who have some sadness in their backstory and want to make everyone else unhappy because of it or unemotional nihilists.

Contrast with Talos, the literal god of destruction, who is a full-on scenery-chewing B-movie villain and all the hammy hilarity that implies, as are most of his priests and followers. He's equally one-note, but his one note is FUN. He is, quite plainly, the god of maniacal laughter and random pointless chaos. Not the most compelling villain, sure, but who couldn't love that at least on a time-to-time basis?


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Tacticslion wrote:

Is this the right thread for all those, Kajehase? I mean, it's definitely cool to know, but I follow that other thread for a reason, and I kinda figured others did, too. They are missing your knowledge!

EDIT: Realized how this came out, and I wish to clarify: ^ this is not me suggesting you don't post here. This is me suggesting you also post this stuff in the "Did you know?" thread, as it's a bunch of stuff I didn't know!

I see these more as colourful anecdotes than Did You know fodder. There may be a few titbits for that too, though.

I only found one priest of talos that was even remotely interesting. I hate hammy gods/priests.

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Tacticslion wrote:

see, now Beshaba I can get behind.


Kajehase wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Is this the right thread for all those, Kajehase? I mean, it's definitely cool to know, but I follow that other thread for a reason, and I kinda figured others did, too. They are missing your knowledge!

EDIT: Realized how this came out, and I wish to clarify: ^ this is not me suggesting you don't post here. This is me suggesting you also post this stuff in the "Did you know?" thread, as it's a bunch of stuff I didn't know!

I see these more as colourful anecdotes than Did You know fodder. There may be a few titbits for that too, though.

they may come too close to politics for some, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I did like the Sharrans in the novel Dave Gross and Don Basingthwaithe wrote. But other thsn that they tend to come off as pretty bland.

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Kajehase wrote:
I did like the Sharrans in the novel Dave Gross and Don Basingthwaithe wrote. But other thsn that they tend to come off as pretty bland.

you need to read Paul s. Kemp. Shar is...awwwweeeeeessssssoooommmeeee there.

And I kinda figured the Nazis were acceptable targets.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I only found one priest of talos that was even remotely interesting. I hate hammy gods/priests.

Why am I not surprised.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We had a quiet but very destructive Cleric of Talos in a Planescape-inspired campaign once.

He wrecked most encounters once he got his buffs up, and figured his actions were the best kind of prayers.

Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
I did like the Sharrans in the novel Dave Gross and Don Basingthwaithe wrote. But other thsn that they tend to come off as pretty bland.
you need to read Paul s. Kemp. Shar is...awwwweeeeeessssssoooommmeeee there.

I have a problem with the heroes in those (and going into that would be political).

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Tacticslion wrote:

Beshabans can be a lot of fun, yes.

Admittedly, my Beshaban theurge is CN and definitely more into the chaos and dispensing random bits of bad luck parts of her dogma than the evil vindictive parts. Also her personality is pretty heavily based on this guy. I just turn all my filters off and go on full stream-of-consciousness. If it pops in my head, she says it. So, yeah, oh man, that's fun. =)

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Icyshadow wrote:

We had a quiet but very destructive Cleric of Talos in a Planescape-inspired campaign once.

He wrecked most encounters once he got his buffs up, and figured his actions were the best kind of prayers.

now that's a priest of talos I could get behind!

No, not literally....they would view that as an attack!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Icyshadow wrote:

We had a quiet but very destructive Cleric of Talos in a Planescape-inspired campaign once.

He wrecked most encounters once he got his buffs up, and figured his actions were the best kind of prayers.

As much as I love hammy Talos as a villain, yeah my actual PC cleric of his was more like this. She was definitely not a talker, compared to the assassin she tended to travel with (Ebon's character), and was much more of a "my actions speak louder and better than my words" type.

She got her fair bits of maniacal laughter in though, from time to time.

Kajehase wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
I did like the Sharrans in the novel Dave Gross and Don Basingthwaithe wrote. But other thsn that they tend to come off as pretty bland.
you need to read Paul s. Kemp. Shar is...awwwweeeeeessssssoooommmeeee there.
I have a problem with the heroes in those (and going into that would be political).

I see...okay, then Shar is going to be a bit monochromatic, then.

Orthos wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:

We had a quiet but very destructive Cleric of Talos in a Planescape-inspired campaign once.

He wrecked most encounters once he got his buffs up, and figured his actions were the best kind of prayers.

As much as I love hammy Talos as a villain, yeah my actual PC cleric of his was more like this. She was definitely not a talker, compared to the assassin she tended to travel with (Ebon's character), and was much more of a "my actions speak louder and better than my words" type.

She got her fair bits of maniacal laughter in though, from time to time.

No maniacal laughs off my friend's character. Just some very unnerving grins.

Icyshadow wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:

We had a quiet but very destructive Cleric of Talos in a Planescape-inspired campaign once.

He wrecked most encounters once he got his buffs up, and figured his actions were the best kind of prayers.

As much as I love hammy Talos as a villain, yeah my actual PC cleric of his was more like this. She was definitely not a talker, compared to the assassin she tended to travel with (Ebon's character), and was much more of a "my actions speak louder and better than my words" type.

She got her fair bits of maniacal laughter in though, from time to time.

No maniacal laughs off my friend's character. Just some very unnerving grins.

I as a player enjoy it too much. It's the one rule of the Evil Overlord List I'd never be able to follow.

Freehold DM wrote:
I only found one priest of talos that was even remotely interesting. I hate hammy gods/priests.

In 2e, specialty priests of Talos were known as Shatners.

Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Is this the right thread for all those, Kajehase? I mean, it's definitely cool to know, but I follow that other thread for a reason, and I kinda figured others did, too. They are missing your knowledge!

EDIT: Realized how this came out, and I wish to clarify: ^ this is not me suggesting you don't post here. This is me suggesting you also post this stuff in the "Did you know?" thread, as it's a bunch of stuff I didn't know!

I see these more as colourful anecdotes than Did You know fodder. There may be a few titbits for that too, though.
they may come too close to politics for some, though.

Ridiculous. It's 1944.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

Good news everyone! I'm apparently Forum Hitler, guilty of "thought and forum tyranny", and the reason a certain special someone no longer plays in our beloved community.

Any artist who can get me a picture of Kefka with a Hitler Stache would be greatly appreciated.

You need a tattoo of Hitler Stache on your pinky, so you can brandish it on cue in front of your upper lip when confronting Special Snowflake Entitled Douchebags.

Then when the SSED refuses to back down, you brandish your middle finger emblazoned with the Ron Swanson SDF1-mustache tattoo before dropping Mew Mew the Banhammer on his eggshell cranium.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


The SDF-1 is holy ground...

Freehold DM wrote:
<snip> Shar is going to be a bit monochromatic, then.

D'ohohohohoh~! I c wat u did thar!

heckle me all you want but i liked Cyric, i totally rooted for him the time of troubles books:-)

My all-time favorite forgotten realms books characters however are Olive Ruskettle and Giogioni Wyvernspur, both are pure gold:-)

Also you can't go wrong with the shear bad-assery of Bruenor F+&!ing Battlehammer!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:


The SDF-1 is holy ground...

The Ron Swanson mustache is the wave motion gun of facial hair-based weapons. It requires a dedicated bacon singularity just to power it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
heckle me all you want but i liked Cyric, i totally rooted for him the time of troubles books:-)

Cyric is kind of like the Joker. Good in small doses but not to be overused.

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