Deep 6 FaWtL

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Sorry about the job but I understand about the pole climbing.

Pole dancing is where the real money is anyway.

Or so I've been told.

Shake your moneymaker!


Apparently my apartment is located in a Comcast-exclusive area according to Charter. Going to still try AT&T and see if I can get something there before defaulting to the wretchedness.

Hate Hate Hate Hate HATE!!!!

Silver Crusade

I have had fairly good luck with DirectTv

Does DirecTV have an internet-only option? I'm not seeing one on their website, and I don't want TV.

Well, managed to get through with AT&T, thankfully. They wanted pretty stiff prices for a modem though, so I'll have to go purchase that one on my own.

Either way, it's going to be another week before I can connect - estimated activation time will be 9/12. Bluh.

A week with no home internet. Well, I'll get some books read and some games played, at least.

Finish my replay of FFVI, maybe get back to playing some of the other games I've left untouched. Or start Bravely Default, finally.

Bravely Default is a fun game. I've been enjoying it a lot so far.

Silver Crusade

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I have a dilemma. The lady at the cookie shop wound up giving me two maple-bacon cookies. When I pointed out that I had only ordered one, she allowed me to keep the second one.

Now the dilemma: on one hand, I really should not be eating two maple-bacon cookies on the same day. On the other, maple-bacon cookies are delicious.

Silver Crusade

Orthos wrote:
Does DirecTV have an internet-only option? I'm not seeing one on their website, and I don't want TV.

Oh crap, sorry I misunderstood your wants, In the case of internet I have AT&T and have had no issues

Will want to save all the guides I've been using onto the computer before I lose internet, obviously.

lynora wrote:
Bravely Default is a fun game. I've been enjoying it a lot so far.

That's what everyone I've talked to about it has said. It's just a matter of me getting started on it =)

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Does DirecTV have an internet-only option? I'm not seeing one on their website, and I don't want TV.
Oh crap, sorry I misunderstood your wants, In the case of internet I have AT&T and have had no issues

Yeah figured it was something like that, no worries =)

I just gotta wait at this point, and pick up a good modem somewhere within the next few days.

Think I'll swing by Best Buy after work today and see what they have available.

Rawr! wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Sorry about the job but I understand about the pole climbing.

Pole dancing is where the real money is anyway.

Or so I've been told.

I have an interesting story about this.

EDIT: not about me personally, of course.

Do tell...

In person sometime. ;)

Kajehase wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Sorry about the job but I understand about the pole climbing.

Pole dancing is where the real money is anyway.

Or so I've been told.

Shake your moneymaker!

Classic ToP! :)

Orthos wrote:
Apparently my apartment is located in a Comcast-exclusive area according to Charter. Going to still try AT&T and see if I can get something there before defaulting to the wretchedness.

Ouch. Sorry to hear that.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Apparently my apartment is located in a Comcast-exclusive area according to Charter. Going to still try AT&T and see if I can get something there before defaulting to the wretchedness.
Ouch. Sorry to hear that.

Yeah. Charter was the one I really wanted, and the people on the phone seemed very friendly and cooperative. We'll see how AT&T does, though. Can't be worse than Comcast.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:

I have a dilemma. The lady at the cookie shop wound up giving me two maple-bacon cookies. When I pointed out that I had only ordered one, she allowed me to keep the second one.

Now the dilemma: on one hand, I really should not be eating two maple-bacon cookies on the same day. On the other, maple-bacon cookies are delicious.

rides across Brooklyn Bridge to CH's office

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Sorry about the job but I understand about the pole climbing.

Pole dancing is where the real money is anyway.

Or so I've been told.

I have an interesting story about this.

EDIT: not about me personally, of course.

Do tell...
In person sometime. ;)

selects strong beer in advance for the BT pole-dancing session

Shadow Lodge

Hmm, I should call Century Link today and get the internet turned out at the new house. Hopefully by next week.

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:

I have a dilemma. The lady at the cookie shop wound up giving me two maple-bacon cookies. When I pointed out that I had only ordered one, she allowed me to keep the second one.

Now the dilemma: on one hand, I really should not be eating two maple-bacon cookies on the same day. On the other, maple-bacon cookies are delicious.

Take one home to John and say "Look what I picked up for you"

edit: They are eaten already aren't they

Rawr! wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Sorry about the job but I understand about the pole climbing.

Pole dancing is where the real money is anyway.

Or so I've been told.

Pole dance teachers might earn good money from women that want to learn pole dancing.

After crappy option available in Norwich, I am enjoying my Polish cable connection so much.

Installation of LOTRO (19+ GB, not counting patches) and patching took just a few hours so I could start playing it before I went to bed after coming back.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I have a dilemma. The lady at the cookie shop wound up giving me two maple-bacon cookies. When I pointed out that I had only ordered one, she allowed me to keep the second one.

Now the dilemma: on one hand, I really should not be eating two maple-bacon cookies on the same day. On the other, maple-bacon cookies are delicious.

Take one home to John and say "Look what I picked up for you"

edit: They are eaten already aren't they

Believe it or not, the cookie is still here, staring at me. If my willpower holds up, I may follow your suggestion.

Unless, of course, FHDM gets his handsome butt over here.

But then you will have explain to John why you shared his cookie with FHDM... :P

Drejk wrote:
But then you will have explain to John why you shared his cookie with FHDM... :P

I'm willing to brown chicken brown cow for a cookie.

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

You know, somehow Liz was always able to share her cookies through the Paizo site. I'm wondering why I'm not seeing any virtual maple - bacon cookies that I can savor here right now.

* tummy begins to rumble * (not virtually)

Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
But then you will have explain to John why you shared his cookie with FHDM... :P
I'm willing to brown chicken brown cow for a cookie.


Silver Crusade

Drejk wrote:
But then you will have explain to John why you shared his cookie with FHDM... :P

John doesn't know about the cookie yet...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am overfilled with pizza and pizza. Primavera (cheese, salami, mushrooms) and Fromaggio (cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese). There are a few pieces left for tomorrow.

No writing or exercises done today.

I should get to bed earlier and go tomorrow and do a few things.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Pizza is good.

My party spent thirty minutes arguing about what to do with a defeated Behemoth that they couldn't wish dead. One party member wanted to keep it and try to train it, since she could communicate with animals and magical beasts. One wanted to offer it as a gift to one of the fey queens in exchange for something. And one just wanted to get rid of it, and ended up plane shifting it to The World's Shadow while the others debated.

I just wanted to get rid of it as well. And as long as we were moving it, why not present it as a gift so it wouldn't be mistreated on the Shadow?

Dark Archive

Morning FaWtL's. Hope everyone is doing well today, has had a good week and has a good weekend ahead.

Dark Archive

No game last night, alas, and the other players weren't free for the game I was thinking of running (PFS scenarios on weeks where the GM wasn't up to running but might feel like playing). Ended up playing some GW 2 with the True Mage and another friend. I should really go back to playing GW 2. It's the best MMO I've played.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

If peas were a Pathfinder race, they'd have a racial bonus to Escape Artist checks. Similarly with corn and grapple checks.

Dark Archive

There's times I wish I lived in the States, and there's times I'm glad I don't. Good luck getting a stable, reliable connection with positive costumer feedback to Orthos.


I had a lot of dreams. In one of them I cut my finger on something.

When I woke up and went to bathroom I discovered that my finger is cut.

I probably raised my hand and stuck the metal tangle that supports the upper bunk.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm starting to lose my patience with my roommate's spending. He owes me quite a sum of money, and now told me he doesn't have enough to pay his half of the rent. So, I'm planning on issuing him an ultimatum. Start saving up your damned cash (and learn some impulse control) or I'll have to take drastic action. I do not know what this entails just yet, but either I kick him out or I move into a new apartment, leaving him to deal with his own mess.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yum-yum... Cold pizza!

LordSynos wrote:
Morning FaWtL's. Hope everyone is doing well today, has had a good week and has a good weekend ahead.

Thanks! I hope the same for you.

Drejk wrote:


I had a lot of dreams. In one of them I cut my finger on something.

When I woke up and went to bathroom I discovered that my finger is cut.

** spoiler omitted **


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Icyshadow wrote:
I'm starting to lose my patience with my roommate's spending. He owes me quite a sum of money, and now told me he doesn't have enough to pay his half of the rent. So, I'm planning on issuing him an ultimatum. Start saving up your damned cash (and learn some impulse control) or I'll have to take drastic action. I do not know what this entails just yet, but either I kick him out or I move into a new apartment, leaving him to deal with his own mess.

You're right laying down the law. I hope your roommate gets his act together.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
I'm starting to lose my patience with my roommate's spending. He owes me quite a sum of money, and now told me he doesn't have enough to pay his half of the rent. So, I'm planning on issuing him an ultimatum. Start saving up your damned cash (and learn some impulse control) or I'll have to take drastic action. I do not know what this entails just yet, but either I kick him out or I move into a new apartment, leaving him to deal with his own mess.
You're right laying down the law. I hope your roommate gets his act together.

+1. Sometimes this sort of thing needs doing.

Guh. Got the confirmation email. Internet at the apartment won't be active until the 17th. Nearly two weeks with no internet. Bluuuh.

At least I'll be able to get some games played, some writing done, and/or some prep finished for further Kingmaker stuff.

Dark Archive

Gah. Two weeks? That's frustrating. Here's hoping the two weeks pass quickly for you and there are no further issues with getting set up.

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