Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Speaking of BTTH ...

Lifts up shirt ...

... nah, you don't want these.

As a side note before I disappear, it's nice to see some familiar aliases and I have to admit, there's a handful I don't recognize. Or I'm getting senile.

Scarab Sages

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Urizen wrote:
As a side note before I disappear, it's nice to see some familiar aliases and I have to admit, there's a handful I don't recognize. Or I'm getting senile.


It's pretty outside. Too warm for my taste, and it makes me sneeze, but it looks pretty. All the tulips and daffodils are in bloom and the trees are all blossoming. (Yes, I know, spring arrived earlier in other parts of the country, but I live in Michigan...we have less warm season...I think this is a good thing.)

And now that I'm done with classes I'm actually noticing stuff that isn't textbooks. ^.^

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lynora wrote:

(Yes, I know, spring arrived earlier in other parts of the country, but I live in Michigan...we have less warm season...I think this is a good thing.)

Finally, someone with sense!

Silver Crusade

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This month is kicking my ass. Too much to do.

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Celestial Healer wrote:

Speaking of Fawesome...



Sovereign Court

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Bitter Thorn wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:

2762 missed. Y'all are slowing down.

I hope everyone is doing well.

I had to bolt from my project in AZ because Dad is in ICU. Hopefully he will be upgraded soon, but he is looking at a long hard recovery at best.

Take care all!

Dad went in to get some fluid drained for early congestive heart failure, and blew out an ulcer nobody knew he had. It's lucky he was in the hospital, but He was minutes away from dying.

I'm trying to work the problems with my sister.

We are both exhausted.

I"m sorry to hear this, BT. Take care!

Houston Chamber of Gamers wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Speaking of Fawesome...



You know they won't let you go away once you come to them?

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Drejk wrote:
Houston Chamber of Gamers wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Speaking of Fawesome...


You know they won't let you go away once you come to them?

♪ "Plenty of room at the Hotel PlanetHouston.

Any time of year (Any time of year)
You'll find FaWTLies here." ♫

Puts cotton wads in her ears so she doesn't have to hear Alanis' screeching, ere, singing.

Agreed. I had a rough night and I hate the f#%*in' Eagles, man!

*Parks A Led Zapplin on the Dude Lebowski*

Silver Crusade

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Houston Chamber of Gamers wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Speaking of Fawesome...



It will be Fawesome if this comes together. I talked to the bosses again today, and so far they seem down with me conducting the business I need to in Houston on Monday June 9. If that holds up, I will plan to fly down on Saturday the 7th to hang out.

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And Raging Swan project sent in. A bit closer to the due date than I'd prefer, but between surprise work overtime and sudden sinus infection there wasn't too much I could do about that. Hopefully if/when another project comes along I won't have those interruptions to contend with.

Silver Crusade

Speaking of interruptions, Trina is up ;)


The dice, they love me again!

Drejk wrote:

That's me. Hello!

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So, who here was missing Frightful Fridays!?


5 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, you lovely insect you, there's a new monster up! Even better, it features art by Mairkurion's talented daughter!


Alanis Morissette wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Houston Chamber of Gamers wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Speaking of Fawesome...


You know they won't let you go away once you come to them?

♪ "Plenty of room at the Hotel PlanetHouston.

Any time of year (Any time of year)
You'll find FaWTLies here." ♫

There's a lot of firearms in Texas.

Spoilered for personal drama / angry frustration / wall of text:

I f&~&ing hate personal drama. Especially with close friends. And for some f#+@ing reason, I've managed to get involved in situations that have irreparably damaged two friendships over the course of two weeks. Neither of them were about anything earth-shatteringly important, either.

Case 1: Two weeks ago, after a Pathfinder game, our GM called me on the phone in order to cuss me out for an hour about how I was trying to "undermine his authority as a gamemaster" by following the rules (the incident in question involved him telling me that he felt the need to deliberately change the rules at random because I was a more experienced player than him and he wanted to throw me off balance. because that's fun, apparently). I told him he was being paranoid, after which he told me he didn't want me to be a part of the group anymore.

Case 2: My best friend of over a decade decided that since a woman he has had an unrequited interest in for a few years wants to talk to me instead of him, I shouldn't be allowed to talk to her because it would be "unfair." Bear in mind, this is a 25-year-old grown-ass man we're talking about, not a high school kid. He was pretty hammered when we had our "discussion" (I'd had one drink), and took the opportunity to fly into a screaming rage and take a swing at me. We were three days into a road trip, and I ended up having to spend $100 on a train ticket home. He called me a couple days later to apologize (sort of), but given the fact that he'd react to something so minor with such childish anger makes me wonder if I still want to be friends with the guy.

So, I lost one friend over Pathfinder, and another over a girl that neither of us was dating. I'll never understand humans. Half the time I feel like an anthropologist on an alien planet.

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David M Mallon wrote:

Spoilered for personal drama / angry frustration / wall of text:

** spoiler omitted **

That sucks Shiny

Spoilered commiseration:

I think a lot of this sort of stuff happens around the midpoint of your Twenties. At least I found it that way. The transition from child to adult is harder for some, and they often lash out. You begin to wonder WTF is wrong with these people. The sad part is, some never get over it. As you travel along in life you will discover the true friends who are mutually supportive and happy for you successes, even if they have had failures. Those who don't support you, or who expect your friendship to be selfless while they demand favors constantly, or who are envious of your life for whatever reason ... Well you have to ask yourself. With friends like that, who needs enemies? I know it's sucky to lose a friend, but if they are not acting like your friend anyway, what is the loss, really?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:

Well, you lovely insect you, there's a new monster up! Even better, it features art by Mairkurion's talented daughter!


Rush of viewers from your kaida to Maikurion daughter's site have broken deviant art...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yay new kaida!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:

Spoilered for personal drama / angry frustration / wall of text:

** spoiler omitted **

Cripes! That really sucks, Shiny.

Drejk wrote:
Rawr! wrote:

Well, you lovely insect you, there's a new monster up! Even better, it features art by Mairkurion's talented daughter!


Rush of viewers from your kaida to Maikurion daughter's site have broken deviant art...

DevArt works fine if you go directly there, something about her page does not >_<

Weird. I can get there through the link.

I just tested it to make sure I didn't break something in the post.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Saturday! I hope all is well with y'all. It's looking to be a beautiful day here, if only a little warm. Busy day ahead. Gonna hit the grocery store early, then meet my brother and nephew for the boy's birthday viewing of Captain America. Then afterward it's a family crawfish boil. Huzzah!

Scarab Sages

Rawr! wrote:

I just tested it to make sure I didn't break something in the post.

Hey! Why did my lights just go out?!?

Scarab Sages

David M Mallon wrote:

Spoilered for personal drama / angry frustration / wall of text:

** spoiler omitted **

That sucks nuts, dude. Sounds like they need to get there heads removed from their asses.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Woke up to my little princess clawing at my face. It would be cute, if her nails weren't so damned sharp.

At least she doesn't have the coordination to do two claw attacks......yet.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, I've become convinced toddlers are actually the larval form of tornados.

Scarab Sages

It's my new breakfast of champions.

Scarab Sages

I continue to be impressed by Marvel's new Moon Knight. Three issues. Three single, self-contained stories. Sadly, that's become old school in the comics industry. These days it's all about multi-issue stories so they can put them into a trade paperback.

Sad. But I also think it's because there are a lot of comic book writers who just might not have the talent to write single issue stories.

Scarab Sages

All right, time for more coffee, then face the day.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm sure it's like other kinds of writers: some can rock the short story format, others need a twelve-novel behemoth to tell their tale

Orthos wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Rawr! wrote:

Well, you lovely insect you, there's a new monster up! Even better, it features art by Mairkurion's talented daughter!


Rush of viewers from your kaida to Maikurion daughter's site have broken deviant art...
DevArt works fine if you go directly there, something about her page does not >_<

I could't get to my page either through the bookmark. I had to go to to get to my page...


With spring comes the annual grass rebellions. My automated rebel beheader failed me and is being serviced. I now have to go to my dads and borrow his. Thank the Maker for autocratic family dynasties!


Patrick Curtin wrote:
I'm sure it's like other kinds of writers: some can rock the short story format, others need a twelve-novel behemoth to tell their tale

I am very much in the latter. I have a lot of trouble with short, self-contained stories - if I make the world big enough to set a respectable story in with all sufficient flavor and setting and surroundings, I inevitably lay too many crumbs for future plots and events that I'm driven to expand on to leave it be.

Drejk wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Rawr! wrote:

Well, you lovely insect you, there's a new monster up! Even better, it features art by Mairkurion's talented daughter!


Rush of viewers from your kaida to Maikurion daughter's site have broken deviant art...
DevArt works fine if you go directly there, something about her page does not >_<
I could't get to my page either through the bookmark. I had to go to to get to my page...

I got it to load finally, not sure what went wrong.

Aberzombie wrote:

Woke up to my little princess clawing at my face. It would be cute, if her nails weren't so damned sharp.

At least she doesn't have the coordination to do two claw attacks......yet.

Think what she could do if she had rend!

Clawed zombieling?

*makes notes*

Actually it would resemble my idea for dreadling if I would picked a route I didn't choose (undead halfling instead of monstrous humanoid)...

Silver Crusade

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Rawr! wrote:

Well, you lovely insect you, there's a new monster up! Even better, it features art by Mairkurion's talented daughter!


Awesome! I love the critter and I love love love the artwork!

She made a fantastic rendering of the little ghost dragon.

Glad to see you back on the monster-making scene =) I need to get back to working on my own blog soonish, once I'm caught up on other things.

Do you still take requests/suggestions for FFs or are you good up on inspirations for now?

Orthos wrote:

Glad to see you back on the monster-making scene =) I need to get back to working on my own blog soonish, once I'm caught up on other things.

Do you still take requests/suggestions for FFs or are you good up on inspirations for now?

Thanks and I look forward to seeing your blogposts!

I'm always open for requests, so fire away. :)

My PayPal account is whinning from being emptied regularly... I hope that <redacted> will deal with the <redacted> soon so the <redacted> will be released soon. And I get paid for it adding a bit to my PayPal.

Should I get Avernum and DROD in mean time or not? :/

hi everyFaWtL,,

mrgh, I have a sligth cold

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