Deep 6 FaWtL

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Actually, I like the idea that their energy is somehow finite as an idea. Maybe a superstition. It would give a reason for why the late lamented jack t. chance, and hannu and the hawt purple ninja girl to be good at fisticuffs and wizard lanterns to use magic and the newest Lantern to use guns and the like. As an actual story point? No.

Actually, I like my nudity. Maybe as a superstition. It would give me a reason to be good at fisticuffs, use magic and guns and the like. As an actual story point? No.

Well it could be an interesting idea, that apathy is spreading throughout the Universe. Slowly everything is becoming more mundane and dull....

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I!... am Groot.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
DSXMachina wrote:
Well it could be an interesting idea, that apathy is spreading throughout the Universe. Slowly everything is becoming more mundane and dull....

That's not interesting. Of course, nothing is interesting.... *yawn*

You are just tempting me to make a "Rainbow/Flamboyant Man" alias. Whose mission is to brighten up peoples lives with cheer and colour.

Sovereign Court

Aberzombie wrote:
Also, f&&# you again, iPhone. You, and Sprint, and your lack of proper connectivity. F@$! YOU, I say.

when my contract is up, I am going to a Windows phone. Apple has royally pissed me off with poor music support in iOS 7.

Screw you, apple. If you can't provide a reasonable UI, I'm going to at least enjoy the convenience of all my electronics having OS from the same manufacturer.

Thats right boycott Apple!!

I haven't used the windows phone but I have a friend with a windows tablet he has no complaints. I have a google nexus phone and nexus 7 FHD tablet and they are both awesome.

Drejk wrote:
And when writing <redacted> I need to open one-two files on Google Drive and two or three PRD pages... I practically stopped using d20pfsrd because it contains ads that make the opening pages unbearable :(

Get either NoScript or AdBlock add-ons for your browser. Makes ad-flooded pages MUCH more bearable.

Grand Lodge

I should try a Windows tablet since my iPad is so out of date. Still works though, even as a first gen model.

Also it's snowing pretty thoroughly here (Damn you Freehold!) and some people are leaving the office early.

Yeah its not snowing here (KY) but it is single digits cold for the 3rd week in a row. Thank god lol when it snows in KY people lose their minds.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@toz: I recommend the google nexus 7. Cheap reliable and the screen is just large enough to view PDFs on without squinting.

Grand Lodge

Thanks, I'll consider it. I'm spending too much money on minis right now as it is.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's not snowing enough here, and it's going to melt tomorrow.

*bribes Freehold with kinky MLP gear*

Send her our snow! She can have it! There's already one wreck on the route I use going home.

Crimson Jester wrote:
I say we retconn the entire DC verse into something Sane. By ignoring everything that ever happened and ... Oh wait

You mean that DC verse contains anything beyond Sandman (with family), Hellblazer and Books Of Magic?!

DSXMachina wrote:
You are just tempting me to make a "Rainbow/Flamboyant Man" alias. Whose mission is to brighten up peoples lives with cheer and colour.

Fabulous Man. A superhero alter ego of Ian MacKellen.

Meh I like the new 52 DC universe...most likely because I never read anything before it lol.

DSXMachina wrote:
You are just tempting me to make a "Rainbow/Flamboyant Man" alias. Whose mission is to brighten up peoples lives with cheer and colour.

{farts cheer and color}

*Looks at the cat*

Neat trick.

Drejk wrote:
** Spoiler related to the Baratheons **

...hey, Stannis has his good traits too (and so do I)!

And tragically enough, I actually might go bald before my older brother does.

The UK #1 the last time Everton beat Liverpool at Anfield Road.

That last 'S' on Stones's shirt could be a 'D' the way he's defending tonight.

Silver Crusade

Afternoon, all. What did I miss?

Bad news: Pete Seeger died.

Good news: Slowdive is getting back together for a tour.

Orthos wrote:
Also it's snowing pretty thoroughly here (Damn you Freehold!) and some people are leaving the office early.

Get someone half a day off and this is how they thank you....

Treppa wrote:

It's not snowing enough here, and it's going to melt tomorrow.

*bribes Freehold with kinky MLP gear*


wunian snow dance with extra pelvic thrusts in Treppas direction

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Also it's snowing pretty thoroughly here (Damn you Freehold!) and some people are leaving the office early.
Get someone half a day off and this is how they thank you....

It's not a half a day off if I spend it all in my car going 20 or less.

Three and a half hours. No less than three wrecks. An entire street of half-ditched cars. I hate snow.

Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate!!

Silver Crusade

The feeling is mutual Orthos.

Let's see: only reason I went to town today was to pick up the weekly food donations for the animal shelter I volunteer. Get out there and the people in charge of getting the donations ready either didn't show up today or left a lot earlier (I got there at 11).

1 hour drive in. 2 1/2 hour drive out.

Lost track of all the wrecks I saw but I did hear there was a 16 car pile up on the road I decided not to take out of town. *phew*

A slightly funny one though, I was waiting for cars to go by at a T intersection so I could turn right when from the a left a car going over 30mphs turns on its right turn signal. These were back roads that hadn't been salted either. Watched as said car started to turn without slowing down and proceeded to spin out and twirl down the road a good 100ft or so before hitting a snowbank.

I began waving the moment the turn signal came on.

People use turn signals for you? Lucky. Got stuck behind no less than four people who decided to wedge the brakes for a last minute unsignaled turn....or turned on their signal after they had already begun turning.

Scarab Sages

Ruick wrote:
Meh I like the new 52 DC universe...most likely because I never read anything before it lol.

quietly adds the new guy to the list of People to be Devoured During the First Few Days of the Zombiepocalypse

Scarab Sages

I really don't know what bad weather you folks are complaining about. It was a little cold here, but not too bad otherwise.

Aberzombie wrote:
...Wally West Flash being memory holed.

It seems the Speed Force and tons of fan pressure are good at helping a speedster escape the event horizon of a memory hole.

(Ponders possibility of Freehold being the New52's Reverse Flash. Or at least Captain Cold.)

Always loved captain cold. Even the weird live action flash one.

I also love the idea of being a rogue. Really liked the short lived captain boomerang 2.

Man, I wanna be a down on my luck supervillain!

What's going on with Max mercury? I always thought he was kinda cool.

Also loved the tornado twins, but that's because I'm a legionnaire.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It has been -15 F or less the past few mornings. Looks like we will be in the mid 20s tomorrow. Fun for all our visitors from California at the office.

Justin Franklin wrote:
It has been -15 F or less the past few mornings. Looks like we will be in the mid 20s tomorrow. Fun for all our visitors from California at the office.


Okay if I join the convo? If not, I won't post further.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
MagusJanus wrote:
Okay if I join the convo? If not, I won't post further.

We accept all comers, even Cosmo.

I will admit it's a bit chilly in my area as well. The squirrels took to setting themselves on fire to keep warm back in December. I keep having to chisel the frozen flames off them so I can move them off my porch.

Meant to be purely comedy, but it certainly feels that cold. Especially with those biting winds.

Who's the new guy? Should we fetch the tar and feathers?

YAAR, mehtinks he should walk tha plank.

*clicks stopwatch*

1 hour, 43 minutes. I think I set a new personal record on how long before they suggest tarring and feathering me. Well, at least the plank will help loosen some of the tar...

Not, uh, that I know from personal experience...

Morning everyone, and you MagusJanus.

Dark Archive

Morning FAWTLY folk, one and all. I hope ye all have a good day today. And if ye want to export any of that there snow, we never get any here in Ireland, send it this way!

Bloody hell, that was windy!

LordSynos wrote:
Morning FAWTLY folk, one and all. I hope ye all have a good day today. And if ye want to export any of that there snow, we never get any here in Ireland, send it this way!

Trade you some for a bottle of Bushmills or Redbreast?

But for now - pizza, followed by a hot bath.

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