Freehold DM |

Then again I'm also taking physics this term to get it back on my transcript. And this should hopefully finish out those things that got messed up during my first attempt at college. Long story short I made stupid decisions about my education when I was 18.
It's a journey, not a destination. College is a strange place, it often doesn't make sense until ones second or third time around.

aeglos |

stressful day. we thought that today we could get the info when the boy can come home but, alas no info
best case scenario would be home tomorrow, worst case would be feb.10 :-/
today Sabine and I where really fewling the stress of child in hospital, unpacking for her mum and grandma, preepering home for baby and filling all the forms for Parental-Benefit, Child-Benefit, Motherhood-Benfit, self-Care-Benefit, Parental-Leave, etc.
I should not complain, all this allows Sabine to stay home 2 years and me 2 month , while still getting money, job-garanty BUT WHY SO MANY GOODDAM DIFFERENT FORMS TO FILL???!!!!!????
sorry for the rant (esp. because it is borderlone political)

Orthos |

Aww, my post on the last page went unnoticed :C
I saw it but I was working on my song at the time >_> Sorry!
I think the most difficult thing to decide about that would be where does s/he fit in their new hierarchy - are they the demons' new punching toy, or have they exerted their might against the rabble and formed themselves a demonic legion under their control?

Pyromaniac |

The bureaucracy always demands more forms. And then forms to clarify the original forms. And then forms to make sure the forms that clarify the original forms are clear. Ad ininitum.
::flicks lighter::
I have a solution...
i totally had to look up the spelling of "bureaucracy"...
I concur.

Icyshadow |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Icyshadow wrote:Aww, my post on the last page went unnoticed :CI saw it but I was working on my song at the time >_> Sorry!
I think the most difficult thing to decide about that would be where does s/he fit in their new hierarchy - are they the demons' new punching toy, or have they exerted their might against the rabble and formed themselves a demonic legion under their control?
That is something I am going to explore in the story, actually~

Drejk |

I wonder if the base premise of a tale of a fallen angel living among demons sounds any good.
Of course, there's also the fact that fallen angels are sometimes classified as demons to worry about...
I would direct you to a few books about angels, fallen and not, demons and some others of multiple authors but as far as I know they were never translated from Polish into any other language :/

Drejk |

Back from an another day of training. This time we finally got to disassemble and reassemble phones...
Samsung Galaxy 3 (Samsung GT-i9300).
Which was a bit of hell for me because I have no idea about how to use it: "I don't think that keytones are working... I turned them on in the settings but there is no sound when I select numbers on keypad" "You should go (...) and find system volume control... Ok, it's working now, I hear it from here" "Oh, I was expecting something more ringing instead of that splashing sound."

Justin Franklin |

gran rey de los mono wrote:I did see that in my FLGS on sale (I believe), let us know if it's any good. :DGot a new game today. Now I just need to have a chance to play it.
Sorry, Freehold, you're not invited.
It's actually really fun, we played it at GenCon and now have a copy.

Justin Franklin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Also my hockey game on Friday night is being shown live, and will be available after on the same site AHA Hockey Network.

Treppa |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Why Not to Have Dogs
So, I was having a nice morning when I got up from the computer to go to the kitchen and heard an odd, moist noise. In the hallway, the girl dog was
Stick with budgies.

Rawr! |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Why Not to Have Dogs
So, I was having a nice morning when I got up from the computer to go to the kitchen and heard an odd, moist noise. In the hallway, the girl dog was
** spoiler omitted ** As I drew nearer, I noticed ** spoiler omitted ** and realized that she was ** spoiler omitted ** Nearly retching, I hustled her outside where she ** spoiler omitted ** I chased her away and cleaned everything up and even let her inside again but will never let her lick me again.Stick with budgies.
The worst thing my dog does is retrieve "treats" out of the cat litter box.

Rawr! |

Hellknight's Feast suffers from that.
At GenCon, my daughter played at a different table than the one I GMed. After the game, I asked her how it went, and she described a scenario that had the same elements as the scenario I ran, but couldn't have been the same scenario. I showed her in the PDF where things went off the rails at her table, and she wasn't very happy to see that the GM didn't run things correctly. At least it wasn't her character that died, though, thanks to one of those mistakes. :S

gran rey de los mono |
gran rey de los mono wrote:I did see that in my FLGS on sale (I believe), let us know if it's any good. :DGot a new game today. Now I just need to have a chance to play it.
Sorry, Freehold, you're not invited.
Just finished a solo game (you get 20 turns to try and complete one of 3 goals). I enjoyed it, and managed to win with 3 turns to go. Would be better with a couple of other people to play with. Actually, it was my second go at it. The first time I got to turn 11 and had no money, no fuel, two warrants, and half my crew were disgruntled. I just called it there and started over. The second time I had much better luck with finding useful things for sale, and even more important I had better luck with rolls. Next time I'll add the new cards from the expansion pack in (I would have tonight, but left them at home), and look forward to the next expansion. It should be out in April, adds two new ships and new mechanics for increased player interaction. Possible more, since no info has really been released yet.