Deep 6 FaWtL

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Scarab Sages

I shall say good bye for now. There is a turd I must dispose of.

Scarab Sages

nekkid goodbyes!

Aberzombie wrote:
I shall say good bye for now. There is a turd I must dispose of.


Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Yesterday, I witnessed the following things:

1. A pair of large Polynesian men with suits and backpacks, possibly missionaries, walking down the sidewalk. One was beatboxing and the other was freestyling to the beat.

2. In a gas station at 1 AM, a possibly mentally-challenged girl repeating the same un-funny Family Guy joke over and over again while her caretaker stared at me without blinking for several minutes.

It's official, I no longer live in the Twilight Zone. I live in a David Lynch movie.

Aberzombie wrote:
You are all, of course, welcome to stop by anytime. In fact, if you make it around for dinner, that'd be great......

What are you having for dinner?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Friday!

I did a bit of nostalgia cooking back to my short-order cooking days and made myself a home-made steak&cheese sub. In true Greek pizzeria style I put a bit of feta cheese in with the American. Oh so good

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

ebon_fyre wrote:
In other news, Eureka is an awesome show. Too bad I didn't discover that out before it was cancelled.

Have you also tried Warehouse 13 and Alphas?

Both are set in the same shared world as Eureka. Alphas was canceled after two seasons (which was a real shame because it was an amazing show) and this current season will be Warehouse 13's last.

My Saturday breakfast: Strawberries. Om-nom-nom!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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My Saturday lunch: Meat Pies. Om-nom-nom!

good morning FaWtL

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Kajehase wrote:
My Saturday breakfast: Strawberries. Om-nom-nom!

my saturday breakfast: classic german: bred rolls in different forms (with crunchy crusts, not soft like americans) self made jams, Nutella, Honey, butter, 2 soft-boiled eggs, coffee and orange juice

Sabine is visiting her mum over the weekend, so I breakfasted (is that a word?) with my dad


Last of today's dreams: castle siege. Or rather series of sieges over multiple fortifications. I am not sure if it was a video game or a grand board game with miniatures or a true thing. Those distinctions are sometimes fluid in my dreams.

I think the mockingbirds have learned to imitate car alarms. It is too early for this.

Scarab Sages

Big Juicy Brain wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
You are all, of course, welcome to stop by anytime. In fact, if you make it around for dinner, that'd be great......
What are you having for dinner?


Scarab Sages

Also, good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Saturday! It's gonna be a bright, sunshiny day here in Philly. Hopefully I can make it as or more productive than yesterday! Despite sleeping late.

Scarab Sages

I was more tired than I had originally realized.

Scarab Sages

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Anyway, the wife is in the shower, so I'm gonna go hang with the boy and watch cartoons.

I wanna watch cartoons!

But no, at work, mentally preparing (IE=bracing) myself for the latest horde of dancing persons.

Personally, I'd rather face a horde of zombies. :/

But that's ok! My next day off is,...

July 1st.

Well,... crud.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

At work too.

Is birthday though so tonight will be good.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

nom nom nom!

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Yesterday, I witnessed the following things:

1. A pair of large Polynesian men with suits and backpacks, possibly missionaries, walking down the sidewalk. One was beatboxing and the other was freestyling to the beat.

2. In a gas station at 1 AM, a possibly mentally-challenged girl repeating the same un-funny Family Guy joke over and over again while her caretaker stared at me without blinking for several minutes.

It's official, I no longer live in the Twilight Zone. I live in a David Lynch movie.

So, she was telling any Family Guy joke?

Say hi to Agent Cooper for me.

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Happy birthday, Orthos!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday, man.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

At work too.

Is birthday though so tonight will be good.

DUDE! Why didn't you say anything! Happy birthday!!!

flash_cxxi wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:
In other news, Eureka is an awesome show. Too bad I didn't discover that out before it was cancelled.

Have you also tried Warehouse 13 and Alphas?

Both are set in the same shared world as Eureka. Alphas was canceled after two seasons (which was a real shame because it was an amazing show) and this current season will be Warehouse 13's last.

I truly love syfys shared universe. People b$@@# and complain about crap on syfy but don't support the good stuff. I love continuum, can't wait to watch a few eps.

Not sure how I feel about falling skies. Enjoyed the first season, absolutely hated what I saw of the second. The third seems interesting but I have a bad taste from second season.

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

At work too.

Is birthday though so tonight will be good.

DUDE! Why didn't you say anything! Happy birthday!!!

I just did? =)

Mostly don't advertise it beyond maybe a one-off mention like that because it seems too much like bragging/attention-whoring to me, is all >_>

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday Orthos.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

At work too.

Is birthday though so tonight will be good.

DUDE! Why didn't you say anything! Happy birthday!!!

I just did? =)

Mostly don't advertise it beyond maybe a one-off mention like that because it seems too much like bragging/attention-whoring to me, is all >_>

What? It's your birthday. You're supposed to get attention today. And cake. And presents!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I got one present at least. Scint was awesome and got me Monkey Island 1 and 2 on Steam =D

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Woooo scint!

In other news:

Kingmaker group found King Hargulka's lair on Thursday. If they'd waited another month he'd have finished forming his army and sent them to attack their city on the Yuletide Solstice. Instead, they get to make the first move. Meaning we're one, maybe two sessions from the end of Rivers Run Red. =)

Been a long chapter! We ended Stolen Land and started RRR at the beginning of October. As of June 1 the game's been running for a year total. (So 4 months for Chapter 1 and 8 for Chapter 2.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday Orthos!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Freehold DM wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:
In other news, Eureka is an awesome show. Too bad I didn't discover that out before it was cancelled.

Have you also tried Warehouse 13 and Alphas?

Both are set in the same shared world as Eureka. Alphas was canceled after two seasons (which was a real shame because it was an amazing show) and this current season will be Warehouse 13's last.
I truly love syfys shared universe. People b~~+@ and complain about crap on syfy but don't support the good stuff. I love continuum, can't wait to watch a few eps.

Have you tried Defiance yet? It's not unbelievably brilliant, but it's a pretty cool watch. And Doc Yewell is super awesome! :D

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday Orthos! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

happy birthday Orthos

flash_cxxi wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:
In other news, Eureka is an awesome show. Too bad I didn't discover that out before it was cancelled.

Have you also tried Warehouse 13 and Alphas?

Both are set in the same shared world as Eureka. Alphas was canceled after two seasons (which was a real shame because it was an amazing show) and this current season will be Warehouse 13's last.
I truly love syfys shared universe. People b~~+@ and complain about crap on syfy but don't support the good stuff. I love continuum, can't wait to watch a few eps.
Have you tried Defiance yet? It's not unbelievably brilliant, but it's a pretty cool watch. And Doc Yewell is super awesome! :D

interestingly enough I didn't get into it. One of my best friends loves the show though. Both she and my wife love the doc.

Silver Crusade

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Happy Birthday, Orthos!

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Sometimes, it's the little things that pick you up.

For a variety of reasons, last month was a very expensive month for me. I was grumbling about the cost of going for a haircut, and then realized that I have one of those cards where after 12 haircuts, the 13th is free, and it is full! Huzzah for free haircuts!

Rawr! wrote:
doctor_wu wrote:
Graduating soon but want to play pathfinder to celebrate graduation.

You should!



1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Happy Birthday, Orthos!


Have fun!

Freehold DM wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:

The Heat. 108 feels like 114. And it's not even the weekend yet.

Have a chilly frosty weekend FaWtL-folks.

hugs winter


It was 95f and ~%50 humidity when I left Corpus.

Aberzombie wrote:

Good evening FAWTLY Folk! A very rainy Friday to you. Stayed home today, but I got a good bit done, despite the nasty weather.

Also, the wife and I have secured a domicile in Houston - a rental house just down the street from my younger brother's place. Hilarity will, of course, ensue.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Yesterday, I witnessed the following things:

1. A pair of large Polynesian men with suits and backpacks, possibly missionaries, walking down the sidewalk. One was beatboxing and the other was freestyling to the beat.

2. In a gas station at 1 AM, a possibly mentally-challenged girl repeating the same un-funny Family Guy joke over and over again while her caretaker stared at me without blinking for several minutes.

It's official, I no longer live in the Twilight Zone. I live in a David Lynch movie.

At least when it's all over there will be really interesting stories at your wake! I can relate.

flash_cxxi wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:
In other news, Eureka is an awesome show. Too bad I didn't discover that out before it was cancelled.

Have you also tried Warehouse 13 and Alphas?

Both are set in the same shared world as Eureka. Alphas was canceled after two seasons (which was a real shame because it was an amazing show) and this current season will be Warehouse 13's last.


I didn't know Alphas shared that setting.

I actually watched Alphas before Eureka. I have yet to get started watching Warehouse 13.

flash_cxxi wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
ebon_fyre wrote:
In other news, Eureka is an awesome show. Too bad I didn't discover that out before it was cancelled.

Have you also tried Warehouse 13 and Alphas?

Both are set in the same shared world as Eureka. Alphas was canceled after two seasons (which was a real shame because it was an amazing show) and this current season will be Warehouse 13's last.
I truly love syfys shared universe. People b~~+@ and complain about crap on syfy but don't support the good stuff. I love continuum, can't wait to watch a few eps.
Have you tried Defiance yet? It's not unbelievably brilliant, but it's a pretty cool watch. And Doc Yewell is super awesome! :D


Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Words to live by:

"Mars is essentially in the same orbit as Earth. Mars is somewhat the same distance from the sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If there's oxygen, that means we can breathe."
- James Danforth Quayle

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday Orthos, to you and all your Paizo personalities.

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