Nymph advancement


Hey guys!

This is my first post ever and I was wondering if you could help me. Nymphs have been a favourite of mine since I read about them and I would love to play one and I'm a druid lover.

And my new GM (which is kinda pervy) has told me he could allow me to play one reviewing the stats and abilities.

My main question is:

1) A Nymph casts spells as a 7th level druid. If I advance her levels into druid what would I get/lose.

1.1) Would I lose animal companion?
1.2) Would I gain spells as a 8 level druid?
1.3) Would I have wyld shape when I'm Nymph 7/Druid 4 and cast spells as a 11th druid?

2) Do the abilities remain if I play a Nymph? I mean Charisma 25?

Please help me understand! :D

Thank you!

You only cast spells as a 7th level druid, you get no other class features unless it says so. If you advance as a druid your spellcasting would stack, but the other features would be appropriate to your actual druid level. you subtract 10 from the races stats and round down to the nearest even number and add those to your stats as normal.

Kierato wrote:
You only cast spells as a 7th level druid, you get no other class features unless it says so. If you advance as a druid your spellcasting would stack, but the other features would be appropriate to your actual druid level. you subtract 10 from the races stats and round down to the nearest even number and add those to your stats as normal.

I dont understand substracting 10 from the stats. You mean like adding them all and substractiong 10 and then rearranging them?

A nymphs base stats would be +10 Dex, +6 Con, +6 Int, +6 Wis, +14 Cha. You add these to however your DM determines starting attribute scores (point buy, dice roll, etc).

Nymphs start at CR 7, so your GM ought not let you play one until everyone is at least level 7. That said, you would actually gain potentially higher stats, based on your GM's preferred stat generation method.

The base array for all creatures in the bestiary are 10s and 11s across the board. Knowing that, the nymph has +10 Dex, +8 Con, +6 Int, +6 Wis, +14 Cha. So, potentially, you could have a Cha higher than 25.

In regards to gaining druid levels, make sure to read the Monsters as PCs rules. You would stack your druid levels with your Nymph CL in regards to your effective druid casting level. So, taking a single level of druid would let you cast as an 8th level druid.

In regards to all other druid abilities, you would base them solely off your druid level. This includes animal companions and wild shape abilities.

Remember that, when the rest of the party hits level 10, you should gain an additional druid level (assuming you stay true classed druid). This would continue (gaining an additional class level after a third level) two more times. Ultimately you could have 16 levels of druid (or any other combination of class levels). This is when everyone else who started with a PC race is at level 20.

Ah, Mauril's right, +8 con. Sorry.

Mauril wrote:

Nymphs start at CR 7, so your GM ought not let you play one until everyone is at least level 7. That said, you would actually gain potentially higher stats, based on your GM's preferred stat generation method.

The base array for all creatures in the bestiary are 10s and 11s across the board. Knowing that, the nymph has +10 Dex, +8 Con, +6 Int, +6 Wis, +14 Cha. So, potentially, you could have a Cha higher than 25.

In regards to gaining druid levels, make sure to read the Monsters as PCs rules. You would stack your druid levels with your Nymph CL in regards to your effective druid casting level. So, taking a single level of druid would let you cast as an 8th level druid.

In regards to all other druid abilities, you would base them solely off your druid level. This includes animal companions and wild shape abilities.

Remember that, when the rest of the party hits level 10, you should gain an additional druid level (assuming you stay true classed druid). This would continue (gaining an additional class level after a third level) two more times. Ultimately you could have 16 levels of druid (or any other combination of class levels). This is when everyone else who started with a PC race is at level 20.

Excellent I just got it perfect, thank you very much! Yey Nymph PC! :P

Liberty's Edge

Welcome to Paizo rathwulf.

A nymph character would have a +0 modifier to strength, +10 to dexterity, +8 to constitution, +6 to intelligence, +6 to wisdom and +14 to charisma.

For a nymph who takes druid levels, her druid levels would stack with her nymph spell casting ability in terms of spells known and spells per day, and also with her wild empathy ability, but not for other druid class features.

So a nymph druid 1 would cast druid spells as an 8th level druid (but would only be able to use her spontaneous casting ability for 1st level spells), would use wild empathy as a 9th level druid (with an additional +6 racial bonus), but her animal companion (if she chooses this option with nature bond) would be treated as if she was a 1st level druid.

A nymph druid 4 would cast spells as an 11th level druid (could spontaneously cast 1st and 2nd level summon natures ally spells), use wild empathy as a 12th level druid, treat her animal companion, wild shape and use all other druid class features as if she was a 4th level druid.

EDIT: ninjad several times over!

There's something crucial being neglected here and that is Effective Class Level is not solely the level adjustment, it's level adjustment plus number of hit dice. A nymph has level adjustment +7 and 6 hit dice. That means a nymph would be equal to a level 13 character, not 7. The stats and abilities for a nymph greatly outweigh that of 7th level character, the trade off is that you have only 6 hit dice for a 13th level character.

Of course for two more levels ECL 15 you could give her fiendish or celestial template, that would boost here resistances to a lot of types of attacks, but you wouldn't gain any extra hit dice.

Spazboy, level adjustment was discarded with the move from 3.5 to Pathfinder. In the bestiary, the suggestion is to use CR as a rough estimate of ECL. LA buyoff rules, or a very close facsimile thereof, are printed in the bestiary under "Monsters as PCs".

You can find those rules in the PRD here.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
spazboy wrote:
There's something crucial being neglected here and that is Effective Class Level is not solely the level adjustment, it's level adjustment plus number of hit dice. A nymph has level adjustment +7 and 6 hit dice. That means a nymph would be equal to a level 13 character, not 7. The stats and abilities for a nymph greatly outweigh that of 7th level character, the trade off is that you have only 6 hit dice for a 13th level character.

This is not true in Pathfinder (although it was in DnD 3.5). Please see the section in the Bestiary entitled Using Monsters as Player Classes, or something similar... It's in the back near the feats.

Edit: ninga'd... and with more precise directions :)

...I now want to make an awakened gorilla ninja. And obviously buy him Wings of Flying.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Necromancers of the Northwest did a 20-level nymph racial class on their website. It advances Druid spellcasting up to about the same as a 16th level druid, along with more powerful nymph abilities.

So, it is time. My druid was killed by a freaking mother of oblivion while I was trapped in a Resilient Sphere casted by the mage in our party and that monster entered the space and ripped me up to -50 hp.

So. My DM pitched the idea to play with a Nymph but (he has the no same class after you die rule-his rule) forbade me to play druid.

So, IMO I'm thinking:
1) Nymph/Ranger (might be interesting for class abilities)
2) Nymph/Ranger 4 - Nature Warden (super cool nature guardian yey!)
3) Nymph/Sorcerer - Mystic Theurge (sounds cool)
4) Nymph/Wizard - Mystic Theurge (tricky)
5) Nymph/Bard (sound cool and sexy)

Input please! hehe

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Are you playing the Kingmaker AP, by any chance? Maybe see if your GM will let you try out the Fochlucan Lyricist PrC from the D&D 3.5 Complete Adventurer. Druid/Bard/Rogue multiclass, essentially.

Kvantum wrote:
Are you playing the Kingmaker AP, by any chance? Maybe see if your GM will let you try out the Fochlucan Lyricist PrC from the D&D 3.5 Complete Adventurer. Druid/Bard/Rogue multiclass, essentially.

We are playing Rise of the Runelords, and he is not allowing 3.5 classes just official paizo stuff to avoid converison mess. :D

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
rathwulf wrote:
Kvantum wrote:
Are you playing the Kingmaker AP, by any chance? Maybe see if your GM will let you try out the Fochlucan Lyricist PrC from the D&D 3.5 Complete Adventurer. Druid/Bard/Rogue multiclass, essentially.
We are playing Rise of the Runelords, and he is not allowing 3.5 classes just official paizo stuff to avoid converison mess. :D

OK, never mind then. One of the class combinations you mentioned

Kingmaker AP players - do not read:
shows up in a major role in Kingmaker.

I'd think Nymph/Bard could be interesting, myself. Your save DCs for Bardic Performance would sure be insane thanks to your absurd Cha score.

Bard does seem like the best/most interesting choice, aside from the obvious Druid.

Paizo Employee Developer

Paladin gets CHA to saves twice. One is racial, the other is untyped. A nymph paladin could be... well disgusting, even without the save thing.

Alorha wrote:
Paladin gets CHA to saves twice. One is racial, the other is untyped. A nymph paladin could be... well disgusting, even without the save thing.

Nymph paladin with Force Of Personality. Cha to will save three times.

Paizo Employee Developer

Umbral Reaver wrote:

Nymph paladin with Force Of Personality. Cha to will save three times.

And immune to fear... just to add insult to injury.

I've been looking for a way to incorporate an nymph antipaladin villain for some time. It's really only super effective at CR 10 or higher. I won't say too much more on this villain, though, as some of my players reads these boards. Oh, they've recently hit 11... hmmm

I don't know, A clerical nymph that channels negative energy and attempts to control undead with massive CHA score...

Grand Lodge

Nymphs make awesome Antipaladins.

I actually would recommend Summoner. You get a cool melee pet and all your stuff is CHA based.

Failing that, Bard's a good fallback imo.

Why try to get every single detail of a nymph as part of your character? Instead, you could use the Advanced Race Guide to make a half-nymph template or a fledgeling nymph template. Or you could be a reincarnated nymph. Then you can be about the same power as everyone else, and rock 20 levels of Druid.

Low light vision; +1 to all saves; +2 or maybe +4 charisma; skill focus for knowledge nature and/or survival; +2 to wild empathy checks; add Blindness to any spellcasting spell list.

That retains most of the flavor and isnt totally out of line with other PC races. I didnt use the ARG here, just listed some flavor essentials that seem reasonable.

Anyway, just an alternate suggestion.

necro of almost 2 year old thread bender. grats.

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