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Sovereign Court

It’s shrink-flayshun.

Sovereign Court

That would explain why you can’t purchase a pork pie fused with aniseed liquorice sweets, too costly nowadays.

Pork pie fusion is not yet a reality, sadly. We have to make do with the fission reaction that occurs when two pies of equal wait are slammed together.

Guys, do you know how Gary died? Illness, accident? I have a hole in my heart.

Sovereign Court

Who the *BLEEP!* is Gary?! Some old flame of yours, perhaps?

The guy who made your avatar.

Tensor wrote:

Guys, do you know how Gary died? Illness, accident? I have a hole in my heart.

Afraid not, and this is the wrong thread for such a discussion, really. Again, if Paizo haven't announced a cause, it's presumably because his family want it kept private, which is understandable

Sovereign Court

Ah, that Gary, sorry for my alias’ ignorance.

NGSS = Next Generation Science Standards

Sovereign Court

Let’s change the subject matter, I have an idea that might be interesting:

What sort of situation, in terms of campaigns, would you - as the GM - decide to make natural 20s really bad and natural 1s really good?

At the same time as I bring back THAC0, and the other two Animaniacs, too.

Sovereign Court

Roll 2d6 to hit. Add the number of monkeys found in Nebraska on a Tuesday. If you get ten thousand four hundred twenty eight and a half monkeys or greater, it’s a hit.

Fish-Malkovich wrote:

Let’s change the subject matter, I have an idea that might be interesting:

What sort of situation, in terms of campaigns, would you - as the GM - decide to make natural 20s really bad and natural 1s really good?

Oh wait. I misread your post.

Um ….

Only when making a unique decision based on a 5% probability. For example, CLERIC is falling into a spike pit. He and I may negotiate due to his plate armor no spikes will be able to pierce his armor. I could say, “ok, I’ll give you a %5 chance for that. Make it a 1 on a d20, but if you roll a 20 it;s a crit for one spike on you “.

So basically I’m saying whenever I need an ad hoc roll based on pure probability (bets).

Edit: now that I think more about the CLERIC’s situation I would prefer a d6. 1 = no pierce, and 6=crit. Because each of the d6’s pips occurs with 17%. Although a fair game, that extra weight given to the crit will make the CLERIC”s roll more exciting.

Sovereign Court

Awesome ideas, everyone, keep them coming as I look forward to seeing more. :-)

Now, to add some of my own, as it is only fair that I should share my ideas as well.

If a player gets a Nat 20 when intimidating a city guard, I would have the guard be so intimidated that he runs to get help.

Similarly, if a player gets a Nat 1 when rolling to attack a dragon, I would say that even though the player’s weapon has fallen from their hands it flies through the air and critically wounds the dragon or outright kills it (especially if the player has been getting a lot of bad dice rolls).

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