Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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Grand Lodge

I did say almost. I'm just missing an O, and that's not my job in finding.

Scarab Sages

I've sometimes entertained the thought of the vowels as being a bit like the original Power Rangers of the alphabet. Y is the Green Ranger.

Grand Lodge

Would that make E the Pink Ranger, considering that it's the most abused letter, and yet when it's missing, no one really cares?

Power rangers are antiques, new topic:
Will we, and by we i mean the generations from the '70 and further, see the end of all fossil fuel?

Scarab Sages

We're kind of in trouble if we don't.

Feed me Taco Bell and I'll supply enough gas for everyone.

Sovereign Court

Oh no you don't! I'm not having a general go from being called Ferocious George, one minute and Lord Farticus the next!

*raises hand* I am Farticus!

I am Farticus!

you both nuts

DERE YOU ARE!!!! *starts trying to stomp Poog again*

Nooooo! *jump*...*roll*...*dodge*....counters with burning hands.....*skips away from danger*.

Sovereign Court

Don't give up, my new general, you have almost got the blighter! Oh and if you've got time, give Tiny (Triphoppenskip) a smack on the head.


*cuffs Tiny on the head then stomps after Poog* C'MERE YA BURNY LIL RUNT!!!!

Chuckles at Teiphoppenskip getting cuffed.

Teheehee....troll-man not fast enough.

*drops lots of caltrops while running from MBT*

OWIE!!!! *hits tiny again because this is somehow his fault*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No, is Cosmo's fault, thread in gamer talk, blame [whatever issue] on Cosmo.

Byebye troll-man

*shakes fist in the air* COOOOSSSSSMMMMMOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Quick someone give MBT a nanner.

Sovereign Court

Well, go on then CAPTAIN Bean (Molten Dragon), give him a disgusting banana already! Don't make me have to get GENERAL Ferocious George to give you a smack on the head as well!

Dark Archive

Hops away from Molten Dragon
"I AM MY OWN.......Win?"

Aye, Aye your gorilla-ness. *holds banana out at arm's length, squinting eyes shut*

NANNER!!!!! *chomps down, Captain Bean may want to count his fingers*

Cr500cricket wrote:

Hops away from Molten Dragon

"I AM MY OWN.......Win?"

Wait...there's a game going on?

Sovereign Court

Brilliant! Now my soldiers, choose your targets (and no, you can't pick me or each other) and either bring the saps to me alive or tear them apart!


Hmmmm... I'll take the robot then I guess.

Sovereign Court

Just to be clear, that order is for the following people:

Private Tiny (Triphoppenskip),

Captain Bean (Molten Dragon)

And General Ferocious George (Message board troll)

Message Board Troll wrote:



Birdcruncherrrrss, aim for big troll-man,......FIRE!!!!

*lots, lots of fire arrows fly at MBT*

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Sovereign Court

Don't worry, so did I!!!

*An army of gorillas, that outnumbers the goblin army 100 to 1, appears from over the horizon along with Bean and Tiny.*

Apes...Together... Strong! Now, ATTACK!!!

Ape-Grodd make mistake, if over horizon, they far, far, far away still.

Birdcruncherrrss, shootz more at Troll-man with fiery arrowz, then hide for operation BOOM!


<<<<< Is viewing the entire scene with a modified Scry.

Is viewing adult movies involving halflings and goliaths.

Grand Lodge

:throws marbles into the fray:

I win!

Cr500cricket wrote:

Hops away from Molten Dragon

"I AM MY OWN.......When?"

There, I fixed that for you.

Sorry, was napping. What are we doing?


Grand Lodge


Yeah, though we're still awaiting the result of the confrontation between Molten Dragon & Triphoppenskip vs IHIYC & William Harrison.

Is giant epic battle over? Did we win? I was on fire for most of it so I don't know.

Nah man, those goblins are good at hiding, who knows what they're up to.
Ow, hey, look! The apes are on the move, entering the valley.

*Grabs a pepsi and snacks*

Can I have a Pepsi? Being set on fire makes me thirsty.

Here you go *hands a cooled can of pepsi to MBT*

Private Tiny, Captain Bean youse guys go on ahead Imma hang back and drink my Pepsi. Epic battles make me sleepy.

Silver Crusade

As the massive gorilla army mills about anxiously below, a lone figure appears on the hillside....

*Look Listen Fine Animal Gorilla No Hurt Gorilla Love*

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