If I was in the Top 32 I would submit...

RPG Superstar™ 2011 General Discussion

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Shadow Lodge

I found that designing a cleric archetype was challenging because I think people often weigh the value of healing abilities very differently. It's hard to "balance" a replacement ability for healing when there isn't a clear consensus on it's "worth." Just in the small group of gamers I ran this by there were some who thought it might be overpowered (including myself) and others who thought it was too weak to sacrifice channel energy and spntaneous casting. Anyway, because of that fact I'm throwing it out there now for opinions.


Harbingers portend the approach of divine forces, like a wave crashing onto the shores of awareness. Acting as living conduits, harbingers manifest the power of their deity in such a way that the mundane world around them is distorted into a tangible reflection of their powerful beliefs. This revelatory display bolsters her allies and chastens her enemies. The burning pure radiance of love, the heart-breaking awe of flawless beauty, the soul-chilling terror of oblivion -- any of these may be found in the presence of a harbinger.

Divine Conduit (Su): At 1st level, each round on her turn a harbinger can generate a supernatural aura as a standard action. This aura is an emanation with a range of 30 feet, centered on the harbinger. This aura may only be active for a total number of rounds per day equal to the harbinger’s level. These rounds need not be consecutive. A harbinger must be able to present her holy symbol to use this ability.

The physical manifestation of this aura varies greatly depending on deity; a harbinger of a goddess of beauty might produce an aura of ghostly rose petals, while the smell of spilled blood might fill the air around the harbinger of a war god. These displays are ephemeral however and have no actual effect on the harbinger, her allies, or the environment in any way.

Enemies within the aura at the end of a harbinger’s move are subject to a swarm attack (Bestiary pg. 313). For purposes of determining swarm attack damage dice and the save DC for distraction, use the harbinger’s level in place of hit dice and her Wisdom modifier in place of Constitution where appropriate.

This ability replaces Channel Energy.

Portents (Su): At 1st level, a harbinger can use her aura to alter the nature of reality within it in limited ways known as portents. A harbinger has a pool of points equal to ½ her level plus her Wisdom modifier. This reserve replenishes each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation. Manifesting a portent is a swift action. Portents can only affect creatures within the range of the harbinger’s active Divine Conduit. A harbinger may select from the following portents (point cost in parentheses):

Defiance: All enemies (including flying creatures) treat the aura as difficult terrain for one round (2 points).

Enmity: Extend the duration of a single enemy’s nauseated condition by one round (3 points).

Health: All allies gain fast healing 5 for one round (1 point).

Victory: Swarm attack is treated as magic and matches your alignment on the good/evil axis for purposes of damage reduction for one round. (2 points)

This ability replaces Spontaneous Casting.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the feedback Thomas

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Aid Another (Ex): Too many skills get a bonus.

I felt that this would be limited enough & situational enough that 4 skills wouldn't be a problem -- in most cases the ovate would likely be the best character to be making those checks, so being able to provide an additional +2 to 4 fairly niche skills on a few rare occassions felt okay to me.

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Natural Lore (Ex): Again too many skills getting a bonus for what was dropped.

I absolutely get where you're coming from, I considered paring it back, but my take was that for the first 2 levels they're getting a lower (+1 rather than +2) benefit to more (6 rather than 2) skills, and that by the time the bonus is up to +3 we're in Wild Shape/Genius Loci territory, with Genius Loci being significantly weaker (broadly speaking) than Wild Shape.

I recognise that I'm front-loading a little bit though.

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Sense the Abhorrent (Su): Why outsiders? Aberrations would be better. Why get blindndsight so quickly, too strong at the level. What ability was traded for this?

SRD>An aberration has a bizarre anatomy, strange abilities, an alien mindset, or any combination of the three.

SRD>An outsider is at least partially composed of the essence (but not necessarily the material) of some plane other than the Material Plane

Outsiders, by their very nature, aren't part of the natural world. Aberrations are weird, but they may be part of the natural order of things -- they're not neccesarily alien abominations (though obviously some are); this is the big problem with aberrations -- they're composed of everything that dosn't fit into another box; they're the weird left-overs.

I considered including aberrations, and magical beasts, dragons, or fey as well, but wanted to avoid taking in too many types, and felt that outsiders & undead were the two most unnatural.

Are they getting blindsight too early? Maybe, not sure, but it's very situational -- you need two things (i) a target that you can't see, and (ii) that target to be undead or an outsider.

There's no specific ability traded for it, my understanding is there dosn't need to be a 1-2-1 correspondance to which base ability is traded for which archetype ability. As with natural lore, the ability is becoming more powerful (switching to blindsight) at the point (6th level) where a vanilla druid is able to wild shape into a large creature twice a day; in most situations the vanilla druid ability will be stronger than the ovate one.

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Genius Loci (Sp): Why not a bonus to the terrain type the druid is in during the meditation? Why reduced for being underground? Stacking with Nature Lore is way overpowered.

Not sure what you're advocating by a "bonus to the terrain type the druid is in"; something like gaining a horizon walker type ability according to the terrain? The reduction in range when underground is down to wanting to keep it in line with how `commune with nature` works. Lastly, it explicitly dosn't stack with Nature Lore, the description states that it overlaps.

Thanks again for the comments.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9 aka Dementrius

Here's the one I was kicking around in preparation:

Heretic (Inquisitor)
Heretics challenge the existing order, extolling unorthodox and subversive ideas. Radical schismatists, supplicants to decaying gods or pseudodivine entities, devout atheists, prayer-thieves, and demagogues fuelled by the pulsating mob often wear the mantle of heretic. A heretic has the following class features.

Alignment: A heretic may be of any alignment and need not worship an existent deity.

Sacrilegious Rites (Su): At 1st level the heretic uses unorthodox rituals, such as cleromancy, lithomancy, lecanomancy, or blood sacrifice to cast spells. The casting time of the heretic’s standard action inquisitor spells increase to 1 round. For these spells, the heretic ignores one spell level increase when applying metamagic feats. At 12th level, the heretic may ignore two spell level increases when applying metamagic feats.

This ability replaces monster lore, bane and greater bane.

Forceful Conviction (Ex): At 1st level, the heretic’s enchantment spells from the inquisitor list are treated as extraordinary abilities.

This ability replaces stern gaze.

Apostasy (Su): At 2nd level, the heretic denounces the cosmic order. She benefits from corruption resistance keyed to her opposition alignments. If the heretic is neutral on an alignment axis she may choose the warded alignment. Once this choice is made it cannot be reversed.

If slain, the heretic requires a limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection to restore her to life.

This ability replaces detect alignment.

Demagogue (Ex): At 2nd level, the heretic adds her Wisdom modifier to Diplomacy checks in addition to her Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces track.

Incite (Sp): At 5th level, after successfully using a Diplomacy check to improve creatures’ attitudes, the heretic may bestow calm emotions or rage on the creatures. The caster level is equal to her heretic level. The DC to resist these effects is 10 + 1/2 the heretic’s level + the heretic’s Wisdom modifier.

This ability replaces discern lies.

Metamagic Feats: At 6th, 12th, and 18th level the heretic receives a metamagic feat. These feats replace the heretic’s normal teamwork feats at those levels.

Proselytize (Ex): At 14th level, the heretic can request a creature change its alignment by one step using the Diplomacy skill. This Diplomacy check requires 1 hour of continuous interaction and suffers a -20 penalty. This alignment change is permanent unless the creature makes a successful Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the heretic’s level + the heretic’s Wisdom modifier) 24 hours later. Further attempts to change a creature’s alignment suffer a cumulative -20 penalty. This ability does not work on outsiders or creatures unable to change alignments.

This ability replaces exploit weakness.

Prophet (Sp): At 20th level, once per day the heretic may grant a miracle to another creature.

This ability replaces true judgement.

Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Below is an archetype I was originally working on for the competition. I fairly quickly realized that it wasn't suitable. It's a Bard archetype that replaces bardic performance altogether (more ballsy than I was probably willing to be), and it's way too long besides. Still, I got really attached to what I was building and decided to finish it. It's called the Mimic, and it's supposed to fill the niche that classes such as the Chameleon, Factotum and Master of Masks attempted to fill in 3.5. Before you tell me so, I know that a couple of the abilities are slightly more powerful than the ability they are replacing. My hope was that the class maintained balance overall, while serving its intended purpose. If I was going to submit it in some official capacity, I would probably snazz up the names of some things and clean up the language here and there. Honestly though, the whole thing got so complicated that I wanted to post it for review here first just to see if I'm going down a foolish path altogether. I could really use some feedback. Will this dog hunt?

Mimic (Bard)
Though not a performer, the mimic shares his fellow bards' thirst for knowledge. A true jack of all trades, he has studied countless martial styles and esoteric traditions. His only problem is keeping them all in his head at one time.

Area of Focus (Ex): Once per day, the mimic can spend ten minutes in concentration in order to focus his mind on one area of his training. Doing so grants him a +1 insight bonus to certain rolls, checks or statistics, which increases by one for every six class levels the mimic possesses. The particular scores or rolls to which the insight bonus applies vary depending on which area of focus the mimic chooses. Additionally, each area of focus grants certain additional abilities, as detailed below. The mimic has access to one area of focus at level one, and gains access to an additional area of focus of his choice at every third class level. Starting at 8th level, the mimic can focus one additional time per day (but he can still only have one area of focus active at a time). Starting at 15th level, he can focus three times a day. From 12th level on, he can maintain two areas of focus simultaneously. Starting at 13th level he can focus as a standard action, and from 16th level on he can focus as a swift action. This ability replaces bardic performance.

Bonus: Spellcraft and Use Magic Device checks.
Special: When the mimic spends a mimicry point to use arcane substitution (see below), he adds the chosen spell to his known spells list at its original level, not a level higher.

Bonus: Weapon attack and damage rolls.
Special: Gains proficiency with all martial weapons.

Bonus: Channel energy rolls and Heal checks.
Special: When the mimic spends a mimicry point to use divine substitution (see below), he adds the chosen spell to his known spells list at its original level, not a level higher.

Bonus: Disable Device and Stealth checks.
Special: Gains trapfinding as a rogue of his class level and a number of sneak attack dice equal to the insight bonus granted.

Martial Arts
Bonus: Acrobatics checks, Combat Maneuver Bonus and unarmored AC.
Special: Gains the unarmed strike, unarmed damage and unarmored speed of a monk of his class level.

Bonus: Survival checks.
Special: Gains the Track feat and wild empathy class feature. Also, when the mimic spends a mimicry point to use wild substitution (see below), he adds the chosen spell to his known spells list at its original level, not a level higher.

Mimicry Pool (Su): At third level, the mimic gains a pool of mimicry points equal to 1/2 his class level plus his Intelligence modifier. The mimicry pool is replenished each morning after eight hours of rest; the hours do not need to be consecutive. When he gains the mimicry pool, and every three levels thereafter, the mimic chooses one of the effects listed below. He can spend a point from his mimicry pool to enact any of the chosen effects.

Arcane Substitution: As a swift action, the mimic chooses a spell from the sorcerer/wizard list, with a maximum level equal to 1/3 his class level. He adds this spell to his list of known spells, at a level one higher than its position on the sorcerer/wizard list. The added spell leaves his known spell list immediately after he casts it, or at the beginning of his next turn, whichever comes first.
Channel Energy: As a standard action, the mimic spends a mimicry point to channel energy as the cleric ability. He deals or heals 1d6 points of damage, plus 1d6 per five class levels he possesses.
Divine Substitution: As arcane substitution, but the mimic chooses a spell from the cleric spell list.
Evasion: When he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, the mimic can spend one mimicry point as an immediate action in order to take no damage instead. If the mimic is tenth level or higher, he can also use this ability to take half damage on a failed Reflex save.
Rage: As a swift action, the mimic can spend one mimicry point to enter a rage as the barbarian ability. The rage lasts for three rounds or until the mimic chooses to end it (a free action). As long as he is in the rage, the mimic can spend a mimicry point as a swift action to extend the rage's duration by three rounds. Each time the mimic enters a rage using this power, he may choose one rage power for every five class levels he possesses. He is considered to have the chosen rage powers until the rage ends.
Sneak Attack: The mimic can spend one mimicry point as a swift action to add precision damage to all attacks he makes until the start of his next turn against opponents that are denied their dexterity bonus to AC, as the sneak attack rogue class feature. The additional damage is equal to 1d6, plus 1d6 per five class levels the mimic possesses.
Wild Substitution: As arcane substitution, but the mimic chooses a spell from the druid spell list.

Multifeat (Ex): At second level, the mimic gains a bonus feat. He must meet all the prerequisites for this feat. Each time he chooses an area of focus, the mimic may change this bonus feat. This ability replaces well-versed.

Knowledge is Power (Ex): As the bard ability Versatile Performance except that the mimic can substitute his bonus in various Knowledge skills for other skill checks, rather than his bonus in different types of Perform. The Knowledges the mimic can choose for this ability and their associated skills are: Arcana (Spellcraft, Use Magic Device), Dungeoneering (Climb, Swim), Engineering (Disable Device, Escape Artist), Geography (Diplomacy, Survival), History (Linguistics, Sense Motive), Local (Diplomacy, Disguise), Nature (Handle Animal, Survival), Nobility (Appraise, Diplomacy), Planes (Spellcraft, Survival) and Religion (Heal, Spellcraft). This ability replaces versatile performance.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Peasant Staffman (Fighter) by Nazard
Good flavor text.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Goes with the theme.

Simpler Background (Ex): He starts play with 2d6x10 gp. Maybe he gains the ability of the dodge feat as long as weapon is on his proficiency list. I like how he gains TWF w/ quarterstaff to help make up for reduced weapon list. I like how he can disarm and trip. But maybe he gains improved dirty trick for his class weapons?

Surprise Trick (Ex): This ability is overpowered. And the sunder doesn't fit with the concept.

Strong Second (Ex): Damage for armor training which doesnt mean much or this class is not equal.

Weapon Training (Ex): I like this.

Debilitating Combos (Ex): Again a damage ability for useless armor.

Swipe and Thrust (Ex): And more damage for armor.

Weapon Mastery (Ex): ...

Here is the Archetype I whipped up that conforms to the training standards, with one exception: It is not completely polished, which means that it has received way less editing passes than it would otherwise have.

Fortuneteller (Bard)
Fortunetellers are sources of advice, help and knowledge, but rather than relying on tomes and libraries for research they have more esoteric and mystical sources. As masters in the art of reading and guiding people some fortunetellers use their abilities mainly for entertainment or even fraud and subterfuge, but these are often frowned upon by those who take the arts more seriously. Whether they travel around the countryside or tend to their communities all fortunetellers share a strong believe in the powers of fate and omens.

Bardic Performance: A fortuneteller gains the following types of bardic performance.

Blessing of Fortune (Su) At 1st level a fortuneteller can use performance to invoke a brief blessing on an ally, bolstering his morale and confidence in succeeding at any task . The target of this performance gains the ability to reroll one d20 roll before the result of the roll is revealed. This ability lasts for one hour per round of bardic performance spend on invoking the blessing or until it is used, whatever comes first. This is a mind-affecting effect that requires audible and visual components. This ability replaces distraction.

Fatebound (Ex) At 1st level a fortuneteller gains the fate subdomain. He may cast the domain spells as if they were on his list of spells known at the appropriate level. This ability replaces Bardic Knowledge and Lore Master.

Supportive Expertise (Ex) At 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter a fortuneteller may select one of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge(local), Knowledge(arcana), Linguistics, Profession(fortunetelling), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand or Use Magic Device. He can then use his bonus in Perform(fortunetelling) instead of the selected skill's bonus. This ability replaces Versatile Performance.

Inspiring Presence (Ex) The fortuneteller may use his perform(fortunetelling) skill to use the aid another action to support any action, even if you would normally need another skill to do so.
This ability replaces well versed.

Expanded Repertoire The fortuneteller adds the following spells to his spelllist:
1st :ill omen 2: augury 3: borrow fortune 4:divination 5: contact other plane 6: vision

I will write up some more archetypes (4-6) in the next few days, that (except maybe for small judges input parts) will also follow the "roleplay" of an actual submission

Dark Archive

Thanks for the response, some of my comments would be as per my response above to Thomas's post.

The Red Ninja wrote:


Overall: I actually kind of like this, but I don't think a lot of people would. I like Sense the Abhorrent, but why doesn't it replace anything? Also, Genius Loci/Prophetic Insight is a way less fun (and less powerful) ability than Wild Shape. And it should probably last longer. What are you going to do with your skill bonuses in 10 minutes? I guess somebody who just plain didn't want their Druid to change forms would appreciate receiving at least some kind of compensation for not using Wild Shape. If anything, this archetype seems a little underpowered, which is better than the reverse.

Less powerfull than wild shape... yep. If you're getting into a fight don't rely on cloistered clerics & diviners mixing it up on the front line. The point of ovate was to get rid of wild shape & pare back the combat abilities of a nature priest.

IMO the druid, as a class, is dominated by wild shape; and to me that's a problem -- there ought to be a non-grizzly-bear-punching-you-in-the-head type of druid. Is ovate weaker than a vanilla druid? Certainly. Is it too weak? I don't think so, others may well disagree.

As for the 10 minute skill bonuses -- for those 10 minutes the ovate is likely as stealthy as the party rogue or ranger and significantly more perceptive, as well as being almost certain to succeed at any survival or knowledge checks concerning the local area.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

HARBINGER (CLERIC) by Andoran Crowface
Great flavor text

Divine Conduit (Su): Put the flavor, then the rules. Just list the damage die type per level and the save (10 + 1/2 level + Wis modifier). Also a single damage die with no limit on enemy type is WAY overpowered.

Portents (Su): I like this alot. Defiance costs too much, health costs too little, and victory is too cheap. This combined with the previous ability , again way overpowered.

Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Callum, I totally agree with you that it's a shame that the druid class is so largely defined by Wild Shape. I completely sympathize with your reasons for creating the Ovate. Pragmatically speaking though, it's worth pointing out that a lot of people don't share those sentiments.

I agree with Thomas that you're giving a few too many skill bonuses.

Regarding the 10 minute thing- yes, your ovate gets cool for 10 minutes. No, that's not useless. But I read something one of the big designers (actually, it might have been Sean) said once about spell durations. He said in his mind hour/level duration means one day, round/level duration means one fight and minute/level duration...is just annoying. It lasts longer than one encounter but usually not long enough to get you to the next encounter, which also tends to lead to that phenomenon of people wanting to rush through the dungeon just so they can keep those spells going. I agreed with his statements. Personally, I almost always try to balance things I create towards round based or hour based durations. But that may just be a personal preference thing. In my experience, though, minute/level durations tend to just be frustrating.

Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Callum, in the last post I forgot to mention a couple of things. I know you don't technically need to replace abilities on a one for one basis. But Sense the Abhorrent just seemed like a nice, compact ability that it would actually be easy to do that with. I don't think that your not having replaced anything with StA (or, for that matter, the excess skill bonuses) actually make the class overpowered. They just make it feel slightly sloppier than it otherwise would.
Also, I agree again with Thomas that aberrations would be a better fit for that ability than outsiders.

Ok, just did a quick editing pass on something I did write up during the Summoner playtest ( before there even were Archetypes, do I get extra points for that?). The pass was mostly adjustments for the changes from the beta and to make it conform to the provided template and word count.
So aside from the fact that this was posted on the boards before This would have been a viable submission.

Hordecaller (Summoner)
Some summoners focus on bringing hordes of monsters to the battlefield rather than forming a strong bond with their eidolon. These summoners are called hordecallers.

Summoners Link (Su): This works as the normal life link power, but the hordecaller can't spent hit points to prevent his eidolon from dying. And he can commune telepathically with all creatures he summons.This replaces life link.

Otherworldly Vigor (Ex) Every creature summoned by a hordecallers conjuration(summoning) spells gains fast healing 1 per 3 levels you posses (max 5 at 15th level) this does not stack with any fast healing the creature might posses. This replaces bond senses.

Augument Summoning (Ex) At 4th level a hordecaller gain Augment Summoning as a bonus feat. This replaces shield ally.

Replacing Trick (Su) At 8th level, as a standard action a hordecaller may dismiss a creature summoned by his Summon Monster SLA to teleport him to the creatures location. This ability is useable 1/day + 1 addititonal time for every 4 levels beyond 6th. This replaces transposition.

Bening Inhabitation (Sp) At 10th level the hordecaller may, as a standard action expend one of his daily uses of his Summon Monster ability to grant himself or a willing creature he is touching 2 points worth of evolutions for 1 minute per level. At 18th Level the inhabited creature gains 6 evolution points instead. This replaces aspect and greater aspect.

Legion (Ex) At 12th level a hordecaller chooses one non-neutral aligment component not opposed to his own. Every time he summons one or more creatures with that alignment component, an additional creature of that type is summoned. This replaces greater shield ally.

Sifon Life (Su) At 14th level a hordecaller can, as a standard action dismiss a creature summoned by his summon monster ability to heal 1 hit point for every 3 hit points the creature had left. This replaces life bond.

Exchange Trick (Su) 1/day at 16th level a hordecaller may summon his eidolon as a standard action for 1 round per level, even if he has another summon active at the time. The eidolon appears in the hordecallers square and he is trapped in an extradimensional space for the duration of the effect. This replaces merge forms.

Baleful Inhabitation (Sp)
At 20th Level a hordecaller may use your benign Inhabitation class feature even on an Enemy creature. He must succeed at a touch attack and the creature can avoid the effect successful Will save (DC 20+ his Charisma modifier). If the creature fails the saving throw it gains the evolution points, but is also controlled as with a dominate monster spell. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. This replaces twin form.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Heretic (Inquisitor) by David Posener
Great flavor text.

Alignment: Then how can you be considered a heretic and what is the source of power?

Sacrilegious Rites (Su): Ok, seems balanced by what you are giving up, but not too sure.

Forceful Conviction (Ex): I want to say overpowered, maybe increase the time to use to a full round action. detect alignment is lost latter and so is discern lies...

Apostasy (Su): corruption resistance?

Demagogue (Ex): not bad

Incite (Sp): overpowered

Metamagic Feats: not bad

Proselytize (Ex): What is the base DC? Would suck if an NPC did this to a player cleric or paladin.

Prophet (Sp): This one is ok as long as the powerful miracles can't be used.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Mimic (Bard) by The Red Ninja
OK flavor text.

Area of Focus (Ex): Wording needs improved, could be shortened. Most of the abilities are too powerful and giving the bard too much breath of expertise.

Mimicry Pool (Su): Eh, too many points especially with how powerful the benefits are.

Multifeat (Ex): Changing the feat is overkill.

Knowledge is Power (Ex): Fair trade.

I think this archetype is superoverpowered. You took the jack of trades idea too far. Maybe if the abilities were at 1/2 of the base class.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Fortuneteller (Bard) by Azmahel
Very good flavor text.

Bardic Performance: good

Fatebound (Ex) Overpowered, losing some skill abilities for spells and domain powers.

Supportive Expertise (Ex) Ok, most of the skills work, but Know (arcana), Linguistics, Perform (Fortunetelling), Sense Motive, or Use Magic Device don't make sense.

Inspiring Presence (Ex) Again doesn't jive well.

Expanded Repertoire More free spells.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8

“Fey”vored Druid (Druid) (haha, get it?! …ugh, I disgust even myself)

Vassals of the first keepers of the land, the feyvored are druids who gain strange powers from their time spent among the ancient and enigmatic fey.

Nature Bond: A feyvored druid who chooses a domain must select from the Chaos, Charm, Liberation, or Trickery domains.

Fey Quality: At 4th level, a feyvored druid gains the ability to adopt the qualities of various fey creatures once per day. The effect lasts for 1 round per druid level or until she chooses to end it. Using this ability is a move action and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. A feyvored druid can change between the fey qualities she has adopted while using this ability, but doing so requires a move action. A feyvored druid can use this ability an additional time per day at 6th level and every two levels thereafter, for a total of eight times at 18th level. At 20th level, a druid can use fey quality at will, though she can only adopt one fey quality at a time. The fey qualities that the feyvored druid may choose from are as follows:

Dryad’s Skin: The feyvored druid’s skin becomes as hard to pierce as tree bark, granting her damage reduction 5/cold iron. This damage reduction increases to 10/cold iron at 12th level.

Nymph’s Beauty: As a standard action, a feyvored druid who has adopted a nymph’s beauty can stun a creature within 30 feet with a look. The target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ the druid’s level + her Charisma modifier) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Satyr’s Music: As a standard action, a feyvored druid who has adopted a satyr’s music can sing, whistle, or play a tune that enchants those who hear it. When using this ability, all creatures within a 30 foot radius who can hear the feyvored druid must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the druid’s level + her Charisma modifier) or be affected by charm person, deep slumber, or fear.

Mite’s Vermin: The feyvored druid becomes swathed in a churning mass of vermin, which lashes out against nearby enemies. Adjacent opponents that hit the feyvored druid with a melee attack while she has this quality adopted take damage as if they were in a space occupied by a swarm with HD equal to twice the character’s druid level.

Pixie’s Guile: The feyvored druid disappears from sight, granting her the effects of an invisibility spell. At 12th level, she instead gains the benefits of greater invisibility.

This ability replaces wild shape.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8

Dilettante (Bard)
By collecting the odd bit of lore from here and there, the dilettante possesses a formidable array of abilities; favoring versatility and skill over musical performance.

Bardic Performance: At each level after 1st, a dilettante can only use bardic performance 1 additional round every day, instead of 2.

Knack (Ex): At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a dilettante gains a knack; an ability that expands upon his familiarity with the talents common to other adventurers. He may choose any knack multiple times, but cannot take the same knack twice in a row. The knacks are:

Combat Knack: The dilettante gains a combat feat of his choice for which he meets all prerequisites.

Faith Knack: The dilettante adds a spell from the cleric or druid spell lists to his list of spells known. The spell selected must be at least one level lower than the highest level spell the dilettante can cast.

Magic Knack: The dilettante adds a spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list to his list of spells known. The spell selected must be at least one level lower than the highest level spell the dilettante can cast.

Mischief Knack: The dilettante gains a rogue talent. The dilettante cannot select an advanced talent as a knack.

This ability replaces countersong, distraction, suggestion, dirge of doom, inspire greatness, soothing tune, frightening tune, and mass suggestion.

Jack of All Trades (Ex): At 5th level, a dilettante can use any skill, even if the skill normally requires him to be trained. At 11th level, he considers all skills to be class skills, and at 17th level he can take 10 on any skill check, even if it is not normally allowed. This ability replaces lore master.

Master of All Trades (Ex): At 20th level, a dilettante becomes a master of all trades and fully realizes the value of putting versatility before specialization. He gains a +2 inherent bonus to two different ability scores of his choice. This ability replaces deadly performance.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Hordecaller (Summoner) by Azmahel
Hmm, interesting.

Summoners Link (Su): Good, maybe add something for the loss of HP transfer. But getting the telepathy is kinda strong.

Otherworldly Vigor (Ex) Changing a sense ability for healing summoned creatures, overpowered.

Augument Summoning (Ex) OK

Replacing Trick (Su) OK

Bening Inhabitation (Sp) OK, bening?

Legion (Ex) Overpowered

Sifon Life (Su) Cool, seen this in a PrC somewhere.

Exchange Trick (Su) Very cool, but since they are linked and he is in extradimensional space, how does he keep control of eidolon and summoned monster?

Baleful Inhabitation (Sp) Inhabitation? You mean Twin Eidolon?
Super Over Powered !!!

Where is the horde? I thought you might get many smaller eidilons with a few evolutions each... I going to do that I think.

Dedicated Voter Season 6

Flame Spinner (Bard) (445 words)
Few things captivate and terrify like fire, and none wield fire like a flame spinner. Whether she is hypnotizing an audience with poi and fan or spinning across a battlefield with blazing steel, fire follows her like a lover’s caress.
Spark the Blaze (Ex): At 1st level, a flame spinner may set up to two held weapons ablaze as a standard action, adding 1 point of fire damage to each attack. She may do this once per day per flame spinner level. Weapons burn for 5 minutes or until they leave the flame spinner’s hands, shedding light as a torch. This ability replaces bardic knowledge.
Dance of Flames (Ex): At 2nd level, a flame spinner wielding two light weapons while wearing light or no armor is treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. If she wields a single spiked chain, she is instead treated as having the Weapon Finesse feat. This ability replaces well-versed.
Ember Weave (Ex): At 4th level, a flame spinner may cast spells with somatic components while wielding burning weapons or poi in both hands. This ability replaces lore master.
Hungry Flames (Su) At 6th level, a foe taking fire damage from the flame spinner’s attacks must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the flame spinner’s level + the flame spinner’s Cha modifier) for each hit or catch on fire (see the Core Rulebook p. 444). This ability replaces suggestion.

Bardic Performance: A flame spinner gains the following types of bardic performance.
Fan the Inferno (Su): A flame spinner of 12th level or higher can use her performance to create a conflagration of flame. This ability requires four rounds of continuous performance. On the fourth round, all creatures within 30 feet take 1d6 points of fire damage per two levels of the flame spinner, and catch on fire unless they make a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the flame spinner’s level + the flame spinner’s Cha modifier) for half damage. This ability replaces soothing performance.
Sunfire (Su): At 20th level, a flame spinner may use her performance to cause one burning target to flare into white-hot incandescence, inflicting 20d6 points of fire damage and permanent blindness. This extinguishes the target. The flame spinner must have a line of sight to the target and remain within 30 feet for 1 full round of performance before sunfire takes effect. While the performance lasts the target cannot stop burning, even if doused in water. The target receives a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the flame spinner’s level + the flame spinner’s Cha modifier) to halve the damage and negate blindness. This ability replaces deadly performance.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka SmiloDan

Black Dow wrote:
SmiloDan wrote:

Lunatic Berserker Barbarian Archetype

Lunatic berserkers channel the insane instincts of the wild hunt, the madness of battle, the glory of the full moon. Many venerate lycanthropes.

Lunatic Rage (Ex): Under the night sky, when the lunatic berserker uses rage, he gains +6 to Strength, +6 to Constitution, and +3 on Will Saves. Otherwise (underground, during the day, etc.), when the lunatic berserker rages, he only gains +2 to Strength, +2 to Constitution, and +1 on Will Saves. These bonuses increase by +2/+2/+1 when the lunatic berserker gains Greater Rage and Mighty Rage. This ability replaces the barbarian’s standard Rage ability.

Lunacy (Ex): The lunatic berserker applies his Charisma modifier in place of his Wisdom modifier to his Will Saves. This ability replaces the barbarian’s Fast Movement ability.

Lunatic Will (Ex): Beginning at 2nd level, whenever the lunatic berserker fails a Will save, the next round, the lunatic berserker may reroll the Will Save as a free action; during this round, the lunatic berserker is confused. The lunatic berserker must take the result of the second roll, even if it is worse. The lunatic grows more insane, gaining a +2 bonus to Charisma but suffering a -2 penalty to Wisdom. This ability replaces the barbarian’s Uncanny Dodge ability.

Lunar Senses (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, the lunatic berserker gains low-light vision. At 9th level the lunatic berserker gains superior low-light vision and can see 3 times as far as normal in shadowy illumination. At 15th level, the lunatic berserker can see 4 times as far as normal in shadowy illumination. At 6th level, the lunatic berserker gains darkvision with a range 30 feet (or increases the range of his darkvision by 30 feet if he already has darkvision). At 12th level and 18th level, the range of his darkvision increases by 30 feet. This ability replaces the barbarian’s Trap Sense ability.

Moonstruck Will (Ex): Beginning at 5th level, the lunatic berserker’s Lunatic Will


Hahahaha!!!! I'm actually finishing up "The Last Arguement of Kings."

I have a whole bunch of archetypes I'll probably post in a few...

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Dilettante (Bard) by Mikael Sebag
bland flavor

Bardic Performance: Why is this weakened?

Knack (Ex): A little weak. Faith and Magic knack should be 1/day instead of added to spell list.

Jack of All Trades (Ex): Interesting change. Maybe this is why there are less bardic performances.

Master of All Trades (Ex): Lose a death effect for 2 inherent +2 bonuses. Not sure if it is worth it.

Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Thomas, I really appreciate you taking a look at my archetype. I hate to belabor it too much, but it's a really complex build and kind of requires close scrutiny. You said that the Mimic archetype is "super overpowered" and that "Most of the abilities are...giving the bard too much breath of expertise." Well, it doesn't give the Bard any greater breadth of expertise than classes that have come before like the Chameleon, Factotum or Master of Masks. As for power, I accept that the Mimic may be overpowered (that's why I'm posting it), but I think it's a big overstatement to say it's "super overpowered." I feel like I have to defend it a little. You have to consider what the class is doing. If you consider their class features item by item, the Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster are "super overpowered" too. But they're not overpowered when you look at the complete package, because these classes require a character to split his focus between two ability sets. The Mimic is, by definition, splitting his focus between lots of ability sets, which diminishes the overall power of his class abilities considerably. Let me break it down and then see if you still think it's very overpowered. Let's consider a tenth level Mimic. He's chosen access to the arcane, battle, infiltration and martial arts areas of focus. He's picked the arcane substitution, evasion, rage and sneak attack powers for his mimicry pool. We'll assume he has 10 mimicry points (which is actually generous). Here's what he can do, depending on what he uses:

Areas of Focus (only one active at a time)

+2 to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device

+2 to weapon attack and damage rolls; proficiency w/martial weapons

+2 to Disable Device and Stealth; +5 to Perception checks to locate traps; +2d6 sneak attack

Martial Arts
+2 to Acrobatics checks; 1d10 unarmed damage; +2 to CMB; +2 unarmored AC; +30 feet to speed

Mimicry Pool (10 points/day)

Arcane Substitution- cast any 3rd level or lower spell from the sorcerer/wizard list as a bard spell of one level higher (or equal level if arcane focused)

Evasion- gain improved evasion for one round

Rage- rage for three rounds with any two rage powers

Sneak Attack- gain +3d6 sneak attack for one round

So, on four different days he decides to mimic a Barbarian, a Monk, a Rogue and a Sorcerer, respectively. Here's how it breaks down:

Day 1 (Barbarian)- He chooses battle focus and spends all of his mimicry pool to rage for 30 rounds that day (with two rage powers). Not considering feat choices and ability scores, his attack bonus is one less than a 10th level Barbarian and his damage bonus is two higher (a wash). They can rage for an approximately equal amount of time. So, basically he has imitated a Barbarian minus uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, DR 2/-, trap sense, fast movement, three rage powers and (at least) 20 hit points. In place of these things he has the spellcasting of a 10th level bard, but of course he's dividing his actions between melee and casting.

Day 2 (Monk)- He chooses martial arts focus and divides his mimicry pool up between uses of improved evasion, rage and sneak attack. Sure, he probably only needs to use evasion a couple of times, so he has successfully copied a 10th level monk's class ability on that front. But other than that? Not considering feats and ability scores, he has equal movement and does equal unarmed damage, but has a lower unarmored AC, a lower CMB and a lower attack bonus (on full attacks). If he uses his remaining mimicry points on rage and sneak attack (to keep up with the Monk using his ki pool on AC bonuses and extra attacks), he's still minus slow fall, still mind, high jump, purity of body, wholeness of body and five feats. In place of these he has, of course, a 10th level Bard's spellcasting.

Day 3 (Rogue)- He chooses infiltration focus and spends his mimicry pool giving himself +3d6 sneak attack (on top of the 2d6 his focus gives him) for a total of ten rounds that day. Let's say he didn't need to make more than 10 rounds worth of sneak attacks that day (that's 2-3 rounds' worth per encounter, on average). So he has equaled the 10th level Rogue's +5d6 sneak attack. So today he has been like a 10th level Rogue minus evasion, uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, trap sense and five rogue talents. Again, he also has a 10th level Bard's spellcasting.

Day 4 (Sorcerer)- He chooses arcane focus and spends all of his mimicry points casting sorcerer/wizard spells with 10 of his 17 or so daily Bard spell slots. So today he has been like a 10th level Sorcerer with around 10 more hit points and a much wider spell selection, but minus bloodline abilities and with considerably fewer spell slots and lower level spell access (something like 6/5/4/2 rather than 8/7/6/5/4).

So basically our 10th level Mimic has the luxury of being whatever he most needs to be from day to day, but always winds up being a sub-par version of whatever he's mimicking. Furthermore, the above examples don't take into account the considerable MAD (multiple ability dependency) the Mimic has to deal with, nor the general disadvantage that someone trying to specialize broadly is at when selecting feats. On the whole, isn't this about where you want the balance for a class like this to be?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka SmiloDan

War Wizard:

War Wizard Archetype

Arcane Bond. You must select the weapon option for your Arcane Bond class feature. You are proficient in the selected weapon type.

Arcane War Talents (Su): At 1st level, 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, you select an Arcane War Talent or feat. You must meet any requirements of the selected Arcane War Talent or feat. This class ability replaces the wizard’s bonus feats.

Arcane Aegis (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain an insight bonus to AC and CMD equal to the level of the spell slot for 24 hours).

Arcane Armor Mastery. If you choose this feat as an Arcane War Talent, you also gain Medium Armor Proficiency.

Arcane Armor Training. If you choose this feat as an Arcane War Talent, you also gain Light Armor Proficiency.

Arcane Blast. If you choose this feat as an Arcane War Talent, you can use it with a 0 level spell.

Arcane Celerity (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain a 10 foot enhancement bonus to your speed per level of the sacrificed spell slot for 24 hours).

Arcane Durability (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain DR/magic equal to the level of the spell slot for 24 hours).

Arcane Purity (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain a resistance bonus to all saving throws equal to the level of the sacrificed spell slot for 24 hours)

Arcane Puissance (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain a bonus to your attack rolls and your CMB equal to the level of the spell slot for 24 hours).

Arcane Resistance (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain energy resistance 5 per level of the spell slot against one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic, for 24 hours).

Arcane Shield. If you choose this feat as an Arcane War Talent, its duration increases to a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence bonus.

Arcane Strike. If you choose this feat as an Arcane War Talent, you can activate it as a free action instead of a swift action.

Arcane Swiftness (you can cast any spell that targets yourself and has a duration other than instantaneous as a swift action, but the spell’s duration is reduced to 1 round. This does not affect the level of the spell).

Arcane Toughness (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain temporary hit points equal to the level of the slot multiplied by your caster level for 24 hours).

Arcane Vengeance (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and for 24 hours cause 1d6 points of arcane energy damage per level of the spell slot to any opponent that strikes you in melee with a natural attack, unarmed strike, or non-reach weapon.)

War Witch:

War Witch Archetype

Arcane War Talents (Su): At 1st level, 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, you select an Arcane War Talent or feat. You must meet any requirements of the selected Arcane War Talent or feat. This class ability replaces the witch‘s hex ability.

Arcane Aegis (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain an insight bonus to AC and CMD equal to the level of the spell slot for 24 hours).

Arcane Armor Mastery. If you choose this feat as an Arcane War Talent, you also gain Medium Armor Proficiency.

Arcane Armor Training. If you choose this feat as an Arcane War Talent, you also gain Light Armor Proficiency.

Arcane Blast. If you choose this feat as an Arcane War Talent, you can use it with a 0 level spell.

Arcane Celerity (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain a 10 foot enhancement bonus to your speed per level of the sacrificed spell slot for 24 hours).

Arcane Durability (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain DR/magic equal to the level of the spell slot for 24 hours).

Arcane Purity (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain a resistance bonus to all saving throws equal to the level of the sacrificed spell slot for 24 hours)

Arcane Puissance (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain a bonus to your attack rolls and your CMB equal to the level of the spell slot for 24 hours).

Arcane Resistance (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain energy resistance 5 per level of the spell slot against one of the following energy types: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic, for 24 hours).

Arcane Shield. If you choose this feat as an Arcane War Talent, its duration increases to a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence bonus.

Arcane Strike. If you choose this feat as an Arcane War Talent, you can activate it as a free action instead of a swift action.

Arcane Swiftness (you can cast any spell that targets yourself and has a duration other than instantaneous as a swift action, but the spell’s duration is reduced to 1 round. This does not affect the spell‘s level).

Arcane Toughness (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain temporary hit points equal to the level of the slot multiplied by your caster level for 24 hours).

Arcane Vengeance (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and for 24 hours cause 1d6 points of arcane energy damage per level of the spell slot to any opponent that strikes you in melee with a natural attack, unarmed strike, or non-reach weapon.)

Arcane Weapon Mastery (sacrifice a prepared spell slot and gain a number of Martial Weapon proficiencies equal to that spell‘s level for 24 hours.)

Spirit Shaman:


The Spirit Shaman remove Knowledge geography and add Knowledge planes and Knowledge religion to their list of class skills.

1. Spirit Bond, Spirit Sense, Spiritual Empathy
2. Spirit Shield
3. Spirit Walk
4. Shape Spirit 1/day, Spirit Sight
6. Shape Spirit 2/day
8. Shape Spirit 3/day (2 shapes)
9. Strong Spirit
10. Shape Spirit 4/day
12. Shape Spirit 5/day (3 shapes)
13. Ghost Face
14. Shape Spirit 6/day
15. Empty Body
16. Shape Spirit 7/day (4 shapes)
18. Shape Spirit 8/day
20. Shape Spirit (at will) (5 shapes)

Spirit Bond (Sp): When the spirit shaman casts summon nature’s ally spells, he may choose at the time of casting to grant the creatures he summons the incorporeal quality. This ability replaces the standard druid’s nature bond ability.

Spirit Sense (Ex): The spirit shaman gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge planes and Knowledge religion skill checks.

Spiritual Empathy (Ex): The spirit shaman adds half his level (minimum +1) on Charisma checks to influence incorporeal creatures.
This ability replaces the standard druid’s Wild Empathy ability.

Spirit Shield (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, the spirit shaman applies his armor, natural armor, and shield bonuses to his AC against incorporeal touch attacks.
This ability replaces the standard druid’s Woodland Stride ability.

Spirit Walk (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, the spirit shaman becomes partially incorporeal whenever he moves. The spirit shaman ignores difficult terrain and does not leave a trail when he moves. The spirit shaman adds his Charisma modifier (minimum +1) as a deflection bonus to his AC against attacks of opportunity he may provoke due to his movement.
This ability replaces the standard druid’s Trackless Step ability.

Shape Spirit (Su): Beginning at 4th level, the spirit shaman can enhance the nature of the creatures he summons using his summon nature’s ally. The spirit shaman learns a number of different enhancements equal to ½ his level. The spirit shaman can enhance the creatures he summons once per day at 4th level, plus one additional time per day for every 2 levels thereafter; at 20th level, the spirit shaman can use his Shape Spirit ability once per round at will. The spirit shaman applies a number of enhancements to the creatures they summon equal to ¼ his class level. The enhancements must be selected from the following list:

1. +4 Dexterity
2. +4 Constitution
3. +4 Charisma
4. +5 feet of reach
5. +10 feet of speed
6. Fast Healing 5
7. Energy Resistance 10
8. Increase natural weapon damage by 1 die size
9. DR 5/-
10. Additional Creatures (+1 additional creature if the creatures summoned are selected from the list 1 level lower than the spell, +2 additional creatures if the creatures summoned are selected from the list 2 or more levels lower than the spell).
11. Gain 1 Bonus Feat
12. +4 Armor bonus to AC; this is a force effect.
13. Swift Haste (use Haste for 1d4 rounds as a swift action)
14. Shield of Forceful Retribution (any creature that strikes the summoned creature with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or non-reach melee weapon takes 5 points of force damage)
15. Sneak Attack +1d6
16. Retributive Dismissal (cause 1d6 points of damage per 2 HD to adjacent creatures, Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + ½ HD + Con modifier), when the summoned creature is dismissed, reduced to below 1 hit point, or at the end of the duration of the spell that summoned it.
17. Spawning Split (whenever the summoned creature is damaged, it splits into 2, with each resulting creature possessing half of the original creature’s remaining hit points (if this would result in less than 1 hit point, the creature does not split).
18. Gain Greater Magic Fang
19. Gain Align Fang
20. Use Shield Other with spirit shaman.

This ability replaces the standard druid’s wild shape ability.

Spirit Sight (Sp): At 4th level, the spirit shaman can spend one of his daily uses of Shape Spirit as a swift action and gain the ability to see invisibility for a number of rounds equal to his level. At 14th level, this ability improves and the spirit shaman gains the ability to use true seeing in place of see invisibility.
This ability replaces the standard druid’s resist nature’s lure ability.

Strong Spirit (Ex): At 9th level, the spirit shaman gains a morale bonus on saves against all death spells and magical death effects equal to ½ his class level; and he is allowed a save to negate such effects even if one is not normally allowed. The spirit shaman is immune to energy drain and any negative energy effects, including channeled negative energy.
This ability replaces the standard druid’s venom immunity.

Ghost Face (Su): At 13th level, the spirit shaman can spend one use of his Shape Spirit ability and gain a ghost’s Corrupting Gaze special attack for a number of rounds equal to his class level. The Save DC is 10 + ½ the spirit shaman’s HD + the spirit shaman’s Charisma modifier.
This ability replaces the standard druid’s thousand faces ability.

Empty Body (Sp): At 15th level, the spirit shaman can spend one use of his Shape Spirit ability and become incorporeal for 1 round per level.
This ability replaces the standard druid’s ageless body ability.



Fighter Archetype

Rakish Skills. The Rake removes the skills Handle Animal, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (engineering), Ride, and Survival from his list of class skills. The Rake adds the skills Acrobatics, Bluff, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), and Sense Motive to his list of class skills.

Rakish Wit. The Rake adds his Intelligence bonus as a Dodge bonus to his AC and CMD while wearing light armor or no armor and when carrying no more than a light load. This ability replaces the Rake’s Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, and Shield proficiencies.

Bonus Feats. The Rake must select Weapon Finesse as his bonus feat at 1st level.

Rakish Celerity. The Rake increases his base speed by +5 at 2nd level. This increases by 5 feet at 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter. This ability replaces the Bravery class feature.

Rakish Defense. At 3rd level, the Rake increases the Dodge bonus to AC he gets while wearing light armor or no armor by +1. This bonus increases by +1 at levels 7, 11, and 15. This replaces the Rake’s Armor Training I-IV class features.

Rakish Weapon Training. At 5th level, the Rake must select Light Blades as the weapon group he gains Weapon Training in.

Rakish Weapon Training II. At 9th level, the Rake adds his Intelligence bonus, if any, to his damage rolls and CMB with Light Blades. This replaces Weapon Training II.

Rakish Weapon Training III. At 13th level, the Rake increases the threat range of any Light Blade he wields by 2. This increase is applied after any doubling of the weapon’s threat range from Improved Critical, keen weapon, or the like. This ability replaces Weapon Training III.

Elegant Strike. At 17th level, the Rake adds his Dexterity bonus, if any, to his damage rolls with Light Blades. This replaces Weapon Training IV.

Rakish Evasion. At 19th level, whenever the Rake is struck in melee, he may make a Reflex Save with a DC equal to the attack roll that hit him. If the Reflex Save is successful, the Rake negates the hit.

Weapon Mastery. At 20th level, the Rake must select a Light Blade as the weapon he applies his Weapon Mastery ability to.

Spell Saboteur Rogue Archetype:


Spell Disruption (Ex): At 1st level, the spell saboteur adds the number of sneak attack dice he has to the DC of Concentration checks of adjacent spellcasters. In addition, any spellcaster he sneak attacks adds the number of sneak attack dice he as to the DC of Concentration checks for a number of rounds equal to the spell saboteur’s level.
This replaces the rogue’s Trapfinding class ability.

Spell Sense (Ex): At 3rd level, the spell saboteur gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. This improves by +1 at 6th level, and every 3 levels thereafter.
This replaces the rogue’s Trap Sense class ability.

Spell Negation (Ex): At 4th level, the spell saboteur can interrupt the casting of an opponent’s spells. The spell saboteur readies an action to counter spell an opponent within 30 feet and makes a Use Magic Device skill check with a DC of 15 + the opponent’s caster level + the level of the spell being cast, and if successful, counters the casting of the opponent’s spell. The spell saboteur can also use this ability to cancel a single use of a spell completion or spell activation magic item by readying an action to counter spell and making a Use Magic Device skill check with a DC of 15 + the caster level of the magic item + the level of the spell.
This replaces the rogue’s Uncanny Dodge class ability.

Spell Suppression (Ex): At 8th level, the spell saboteur subtracts the number of sneak attack dice he has to the caster level of adjacent spellcasters. In addition, any spellcaster he sneak attacks subtracts the number of sneak attack dice he as to their caster level checks for a number of rounds equal to the spell saboteur’s level.
This replaces the rogue’s Improved Uncanny Dodge class ability.

Kraken Knight:


Kraken Knights are proficient in all Simple and Martial weapons. Kraken Knights are not proficient in any armor, but they are proficient in all Shields, including Tower Shields.

Kraken Ink Armor (Su): At 1st level, the Kraken Knight adds his Constitution bonus as an armor bonus to his AC.
This ability replaces the fighter’s proficiency in Light, Medium, and Heavy armor.

Kraken Ink Tattoo (Su): At level 1, 2, and every 2 levels thereafter, the Kraken Knight gains a magical tattoo distilled from the ink of a kraken. Each tattoo takes up a space on the Kraken Knight’s body that is normally dedicated to one of the following magic item slots: belt, body, chest, eyes, feet, hands, head, headband, neck, shoulders, or wrists. The Kraken Knight treats his fighter level as his caster level for the purposes of determining the level of the item he can have tattooed on him. The Kraken Knight must pay the cost of the magic item to be tattooed; the Kraken Knight does not need to pay for the first tattoo he gets at 1st level. The Kraken Knight uses the Craft (tattoo) skill in place of the magic item’s usual Craft, Knowledge, Profession, or Spellcraft skill. At each level, the Kraken Knight can choose to replace 1 or more of his tattoos.
This ability replaces the fighter’s bonus feats.

Coils of the Kraken (Ex): At 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Kraken Knight gains a +1 bonus on his CMB and CMD on grapple checks.

Kraken Ink Defense (Su): At 3rd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Kraken Knight’s armor bonus from his Kraken Ink Armor ability increases by 1.
This ability replaces the fighter’s Armor Training 1, 2, 3, and 4 class abilities.

Claws of the Kraken (Ex): At 5th level, the Kraken Knight’s base unarmed damage when grappling increases to 1d4 (1d3 if Small). At 9th level, the Kraken Knight’s base unarmed damage when grappling increases to 1d6 (1d4 if Small). At 13th level, the Kraken Knight’s base unarmed damage when grappling increases to 1d8 (1d6 if Small). At 17th level, the Kraken Knight’s base unarmed damage when grappling increases to 1d10 (1d8 if Small).
This ability replaces the fighter’s Weapon Training 1 class ability.

Tattoo Mastery (Ex): The Kraken Knight gains DR 5/-.
This ability replaces the fighter’s Armor Mastery class ability.

Weapon Mastery (Ex): At 20th level, the Kraken Knight must choose his unarmed strike for his Weapon Mastery class feature.

Invoker Cleric Archetypes:


Replace Channel Energy with Invoke Blessing.

A cleric may invoke a blessing a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. As a swift action, the cleric can invoke a blessing that affects all allies within 30 feet of her. At 1st level, the cleric knows 3 blessings; she gains an additional blessing at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter. At 1st level, the cleric’s blessing provides a +1 bonus; this increases to +2 at 5th level and by an additional +1 every 5 levels thereafter. The cleric’s blessing persists for a number of minutes equal to her Charisma modifier.


Awareness: Initiative and Perception skill checks x2
Celerity: x5 feet
Combat: Attack Rolls and CMB
Concealment: 10% miss chance per plus.
Durability: DR/Good or DR/Evil
Favor: Skill Checks
Focus: Save DC
Fortification: 20% chance to negate extra damage from a critical hit or sneak attack
per plus.
Magic: Caster Level Checks and Concentration Checks
Power: Damage Rolls
Purity: Ability Damage and Ability Drain resistance
Resistance: Energy Resistance 5
Retribution: 1d6
Safety: Saving Throws
Shield: AC and CMD
Toughness: Temporary Hit Points x10
Vigor: Fast Healing 1
Vitality: Negative Level Resistance
Ward: Spell Resistance 5 + 5 per plus


Replace Channel Energy with Invoke Curse.

A cleric may invoke a curse a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. As a swift action, the cleric can invoke a curse that affects all opponents within 30 feet of her. At 1st level, the cleric knows 3 curses; she gains an additional curse at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter. At 1st level, the cleric’s curse inflicts a +1 penalty; this increases to +2 at 5th level and by an additional +1 every 5 levels thereafter. The cleric’s curse persists for a number of minutes equal to her Charisma modifier; targets of the cleric’s curse can make a Will Save with a DC of 10 + ½ the cleric’s level + her Charisma modifier to reduce the duration to 1 round.


Afflicted: Reduce Spell Resistance by 5 per plus.
Blood: Bleed Damage
Clouded Vision: 10% miss chance per plus
Clumsy: Dexterity penalty -2 per plus
Corruption: 1 ½ times normal ability damage and ability drain
Disruption: -1 on Caster Level Checks and Concentration Checks
Enervation: temporary negative level
Fragility: Constitution penalty -2 per plus
Futility: -1 on Skill Checks
Lethargy: -5 feet of speed per plus
Lunacy: Wisdom penalty -2 per plus
Peril: -1 to Saving Throws
Repulsion: Charisma penalty -2 per plus
Stupefy: Intelligence penalty -2 per plus
Targeted: -1 to AC and CMD
Vulnerability: Increase selected energy damage amount by ½ per plus.
Weakened: Strength penalty -2 per plus

Combat Tactician Fighter Archetype:

Combat Tactician Fighter Archetype

Combat Tactics (Ex): At 1st level, the combat tactician gains the use of one combat feat for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Intelligence modifier. At 2nd level, and every level thereafter, the combat tactician increases the number of rounds he can use this ability by 2. These rounds do not need to be consecutive and the combat tactician can change the feat chosen each time he uses this ability. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the number of feats the combat tactician gains when using this ability increases by 1, to a maximum of 6 feats at 20th level. He must meet the prerequisites of these feats; the combat tactician can use one or more of his temporary feats to qualify for more advanced temporary feats. This ability replaces the fighter’s Bonus Feats.

Maneuver Mastery (Ex): At 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the combat tactician gains a +1 bonus to his CMB and CMD. This ability replaces the fighter’s Bravery ability.

Boneknight Fanggunner:


Fighter Archetype

BAB: +1
Good Saves: Fortitude
Hit Dice: 1d10

Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Knowledge (engineering), Profession, Ride, Survival, Swim.

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Boneknight Fanggunner is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with the fang gun. Boneknight Fanggunners are proficient with light and medium armor, but not with shields.


1. Bone Armor, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (fang gun), Fang Gun.
2. Bonus Feat, Bloodward
3. Bone Armor Training +1
4. Bonus Feat
5. Fang Gun Weapon Training
6. Bonus Feat
7. Bone Armor Training +2
8. Bonus Feat
9. Fang Gun Weapon Enhancement
10. Bonus Feat
11. Bone Armor Training +3
12. Bonus Feat
13. Fang Gun Special Ability
14. Bonus Feat
15. Bone Armor Training +4
16. Bonus Feat
17. Fang Gun Improvement
18. Bonus Feat
19. Bone Armor Mastery
20. Bonus Feat, Fang Gun Mastery

Bone Armor (Ex): Boneknight Fanggunners grow bony spurs and plates through their skin. This gives the Boneknight Fanggunner an armor bonus equal to his Constitution modifier (minimum +1). The Boneknight Fanggunner’s bone armor is treated as medium armor with a maximum Dexterity bonus of +4, an armor check penalty of -4, an arcane spell failure chance of 20%, and reduces the Boneknight Fanggunner’s base speed by 10 feet (5 feet if the Boneknight Fanggunner‘s base speed is 20 feet). This armor cannot be sundered or removed from the Boneknight Fanggunner and increase‘s the Boneknight Fanggunner‘s weight by 20 pounds (10 pounds if Small), but this weight does encumber the Boneknight Fanggunner. This class feature replaces the fighter’s heavy armor and shield proficiencies.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (fang gun): The Boneknight Fanggunner is proficient in the fang gun. This class feature replaces the bonus feat the fighter normally gets at 1st level.

Fang Gun (Ex): The fang gun is an exotic ranged weapon. The Boneknight Fanggunners begin 1st level with one fang gun. The fang gun is a bone firearm that shoots teeth. The wielder can choose to cause lethal or non-lethal damage without penalty. The fang gun has 32 units of seedteeth ammunition and reloads automatically as a free action. Once a fang gun has fired 32 times, it ceases to function.

New fang guns are not built; they are created from a process called Seedtooth Germination. When a fang gun scores a critical hit against a Tiny or larger creature, the target creature must make a Fortitude Save with a DC equal to the critical attack roll or have one of its bones transform into a fang gun as the seedtooth bullet borrows into one of its bones; dead creatures automatically fail this saving throw. Seedtooth Germination takes 4d6 hours and causes 1 point of Constitution drain for every 4 hours of the transformation process. Creatures that lack bones, such as most constructs, elementals, oozes, plants, incorporeal undead, and vermin, are immune to this effect. A new fang gun has 32 units of seedteeth ammunition.

Cost: --
Damage: 1d8 (Small), 1d10 (Medium)
Critical: 19-20/x3
Range: 90 feet
Weight: 5 pounds
Type: B/P/S
Special: optional non-lethal damage, Seedtooth Germination.

Bloodward (Ex): At 2nd level, the Boneknight Fanggunner gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against necromancy effects and reduces any bleed damage he suffers by 1. At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, these benefits increase by 1. This replaces the fighter’s Bravery class feature.

Bonus Feat: At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the Boneknight Fanggunner gains a bonus combat feat. He must meet all requirements of the selected feat.

Bone Armor Training (Ex): At 3rd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Boneknight Fanggunner’s increases his Bone Armor bonus by 1, reduces his Armor Check Penalty by 1, and increases his Maximum Dexterity bonus by 1. At 3rd level, the Boneknight Fanggunner’s penalty to speed due to his Bone Armor is negated. This replaces the fighter’s Armor Training class features.

Fang Gun Weapon Training (Ex): At 5th level, the Boneknight Fanggunner must select his fang gun for the weapon group he gets Weapon Training in.

Fang Gun Enhancement (Su): At 9th level, the Boneknight Fanggunner grants any fang gun he creates using Seedtooth Germination a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. This bonus increase by 1 at 12th level, and every 3 levels thereafter. This ability replaces the fighter’s Weapon Training 2 class feature.

Fang Gun Special Ability (Su): At 13th level, the Boneknight Fanggunner gains the ability to add Magic Weapon Special Abilities to any fang gun he creates using Seedtooth Germination. At 13th level, he can add a Magic Weapon Special Ability that has a cost of +1. At 15th level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the Boneknight Fanggunner increases the amount of Magic Weapon Special Abilities he can make by 1. This ability replaces the fighter’s Weapon Training 3 class feature.

Fang Gun Improvement (Ex): At 17th level, the Boneknight Fanggunners increases the base damage he causes when using a fang gun by 1 die (from 1d10 to 2d8 for Medium sized Boneknight Fanggunners, from 1d8 to 2d6 for Small sized Boneknight Fanggunners). In addition, Boneknight Fanggunners of 17th level or higher no longer provoke Attacks of Opportunity when they using fang guns in melee and treat fang guns as if they were light weapons instead of one-handed weapons for the purposes of determining the attack roll penalty when using two weapon fighting.

Bone Armor Mastery (Ex): At 19th level, the Boneknight Fanggunner increases his Bone Armor bonus by 1 and gains DR 10/bludgeoning. This replaces the fighter’s Armor Mastery class feature.

Fang Gun Mastery (Ex): At 20th level, the Boneknight Fanggunner must select his fang gun for his Weapon Mastery.

Arcane Knight Fighter Archetype:


Arcane Knowledge (Sp): At 1st level, 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, you may choose to learn 2 cantrips that you may cast at will or 1 arcane spell from the Sorcerer/Wizard list of spells you can cast twice per day. The level of the arcane spell selected cannot exceed ¼ your fighter level. Your caster level is equal to your fighter level. The Save DC of your spells is 10 + the spell level + your Charisma modifier. You must have a Charisma score of 10 + the level of the spell to cast a spell. This ability replaces the bonus feats that fighters gain at 1st level, 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter.

Arcane Power (Su): At 2nd level, you gain a +1 bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks against opponents you strike in melee within the last 24 hours. At 6th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1. The ability replaces the Bravery class ability.

Arcane Spell Failure Reduction (Ex): At 3rd level, you reduce the arcane spell failure of the spells you cast by 10%. At 7th level, 11th level, and 15th level, you reduce your chance of arcane spell failure by an additional 10%. This ability replaces Armor Training 1-4.

Arcane Strike (Su): At 5th level, you gain Arcane Strike as a bonus feat. If you already have Arcane Strike, you may select any Combat feat as a bonus feat instead. This ability replaces Weapon Training 1.

Improved Arcane Strike (Su): At 9th level, you may sacrifice a spell slot you haven’t cast yet as a swift action and cause an additional 1d6 points of damage per level of the sacrificed spell on your next melee attack. This ability replaces Weapon Training 2.

Greater Arcane Strike (Su): At 13th level, you may sacrifice a spell slot you haven’t cast yet as a swift action and cause an additional 1d6 points of damage per level of the sacrificed spell on all your melee attacks for 1 round. This ability replaces Weapon Training 3.

Swift Spells (Sp): At 17th level, you may cast any Arcane Knight spell that normally has a casting time of 1 round or less as a swift action.

Arcane Retribution (Su): At 19th level, you cause 5d6 points of arcane energy damage to any opponent that strikes you in melee with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or non-reach melee weapon. This ability replaces Armor Mastery.

Arcane Weapon Mastery (Su): At 20th level, you automatically overcome the spell resistance of any creature you have struck in melee within the last 24 hours. This ability replaces Weapon Mastery.

Apothecary Alchemist Archetype:


BAB: +¾
Good Saves: Fortitude and Reflex
Hit Dice: 1d8

Class Skills: Appraise, Craft, Disable Device, Fly, Heal, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), Perception, Profession, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Survival, Use Magic Device.

1. Alchemy, Brew Potion, Brilliant Surgeon, Medicine, mutagen, Surgery 1d6, Venomous Touch 1d4
2. Discovery, poison resistance +2, poison use
3. Surgery 2d6, swift alchemy
4. Discovery
5. Surgery 3d6, poison resistance +4, Venomous Touch 1d6
6. Discovery, swift poisoning
7. Surgery 4d6
8. Discovery, poison resistance +6
9. Surgery 5d6, Venomous Touch 1d8
10. Discovery, poison immunity
11. Surgery 6d6
12. Discovery
13. Surgery 7d6, Venomous Touch 1d10
14. Discovery, persistent mutagen
15. Surgery 8d6
16. Discovery
17. Surgery 9d6, Venomous Touch 1d12
18. Discovery, Instant Alchemy
19. Surgery 10d6
20. Grand Discovery

Brilliant Surgeon (Ex): At 1st level, the apothecary adds his Intelligence bonus to any Heal skill check he makes. This class feature replaces Throw Anything.

Medicine (Ex): At 1st level, an apothecary can use his Medicine ability a number of times per day equal to his class level + his Intelligence modifier. The apothecary can use his Medicine ability to perform Surgery or use a Venomous Touch. This ability replaces the alchemist’s Bomb ability.

Surgery (Ex): When the apothecary uses the Heal skill to Treat Deadly Wounds, he can use one of his daily uses of Medicine and restore a number of hit points equal to the patient’s hit dice + apothecary’s Intelligence bonus + the apothecary’s Surgery dice total. A creature can benefit from an apothecary’s Surgery ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + its Constitution bonus (if any). He can revivify a dead creature by making a DC 40 Heal check within a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence modifier of the creature’s death; this restores the creature to 1 hit point.
Apothecaries can learn new types of Surgery as discoveries (see the Discovery ability) as they level up.

Venomous Touch (Ex): The apothecary can use one of his daily uses of Medicine as a swift action declare his next attack will be a Venomous Touch. The apothecary can choose to envenom a melee weapon, natural weapon, unarmed strike, a single unit of ammunition, the contents of a container, or an unattended object. At 1st level, the apothecary’s venom causes 1d4 points of ability damage with a frequency equal to ½ his class level; the onset time and frequency of the poison is determined by its type. A Fortitude Save with a DC of 10 + ½ the apothecary’s class level + the apothecary’s Intelligence modifier is allowed each round to negate the ability damage; a successful save prevents further damage from this dose of poison. The apothecary chooses what kind of ability damage (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma) the venom causes when he makes it. The apothecary designates the type of his poison at the time he creates it; a contact poison has an onset time of 1 minute and its frequency is measured in minutes, an ingested poison has an onset time of 10 minutes and its frequency is measured in minutes, and an injury poison has no onset time and a frequency measured in rounds. At 5th level, the apothecary’s Venomous Touch causes 1d6 points of ability damage. At 9th level, the apothecary’s Venomous Touch causes 1d8 points of ability damage. At 13th level, the apothecary’s Venomous Touch causes 1d10 points of ability damage. At 17th level, the apothecary’s Venomous Touch causes 1d12 points of ability damage.
Apothecaries can learn new uses for their Venomous Touch as discoveries (see the Discovery ability) as they level up.

New Discoveries:

Devious Devices (Ex): The apothecary adds his Intelligence bonus to his Disable Device and Use Magic Device skill checks. The apothecary can also use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.

Disruptive Venom (Ex): The apothecary can choose to spend an additional daily use of his Medicine ability and force the target of this Venomous Touch to make a Concentration check with a DC equal to 10 + ½ the apothecary’s level + the apothecary’s Intelligence modifier + the level of the spell the target is attempting to cast for as long as the target of the Venomous Touch is suffering any ability damage from the Venomous Touch. The apothecary must be 6th level to select this discovery.

Draining Venom (Ex): The apothecary’s Venomous Touch causes ability drain instead of ability drain. The apothecary must be 8th level select this discovery.

Empower Venom (Ex): The apothecary can choose to spend 2 additional daily uses of his Medicine ability and multiply the amount of ability damage his Venomous Touch causes by 1 ½.

Enlarge Venom (Ex): The apothecary can choose to spend 1 additional daily use of his Medicine ability and have his Venomous Touch affect all his melee attacks made with a specific melee weapon, natural weapon, or unarmed strike for 2 rounds.

Extend Venom (Ex): The apothecary can choose to spend 1 additional daily use of his Medicine ability and have the frequency of his Venomous Touch increase to equal his apothecary level.

Greater Persistent Poison (Ex): The apothecary’s Venomous Touch requires 4 consecutive successful saves to be cured. The apothecary must be 20th level and have the Persistent Poison and Improved Persistent Poison discoveries to select this discovery.

Greater Surgery (Ex): The apothecary’s Surgery dice increase from d8s to d10s. He can revivify a dead creature by making a DC 40 Heal check within a number of hours equal to his Intelligence modifier of the creature’s death; this restores the creature to a number of hit points equal to its hit dice + the apothecary‘s Intelligence bonus. The apothecary must be 14th level and have the Improved Surgery discovery before selecting this discovery.

Heighten Venom (Ex): The apothecary can choose spend additional daily uses of his Medicine ability when using his Venomous Touch ability. For each additional daily use the apothecary spends, the Save DC of the apothecary’s Venomous Touch ability increases by 2.

Improved Mental Toxins (Ex): The apothecary can choose to cause all three kinds of mental ability damage (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) when using his Venomous Touch. The apothecary must be 12th level and have the Mental Toxins discovery to select this discovery.

Improved Mixed Toxins (Ex): The apothecary can choose to cause two kinds of mental ability damage (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma) and two kinds of physical ability damage (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution) when using his Venomous Touch. The apothecary must be 16th level and have the Mental Toxins, Mixed Toxins, and Physical Toxins discoveries to select this discovery.

Improved Persistent Poison (Ex): The apothecary’s Venomous Touch requires 3 consecutive successful saves to be cured. The apothecary must be 14th level and have the Persistent Poison discovery to select this discovery.

Improved Physical Toxins (Ex): The apothecary can choose to cause all three kinds of physical ability damage (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution) when using his Venomous Touch. The apothecary must be 12th level and have the Physical Toxins discovery to select this discovery.

Improved Surgery (Ex): The apothecary’s Surgery dice increase from d6s to d8s. He can revivify a dead creature by making a DC 40 Heal check within a number of minutes equal to his Intelligence modifier of the creature’s death; this restores the creature to a number of hit points equal to its hit dice. The apothecary must be 8th level to select this discovery.

Inflict Lesser Affliction (Ex): The apothecary can choose to add one of the following conditions to the targets of his Venomous Touch: dazed, exhausted, frightened, nauseated, negative level, or staggered. These conditions have a duration of 1 round per failed Fortitude Save against the Venomous Touch. An apothecary must be 10th level and have the Inflict Minor Affliction discovery before selecting this discovery.

Inflict Major Affliction (Ex): The apothecary can choose to add one of the following conditions to the targets of his Venomous Touch: blinded, deafened, panicked, paralyzed, petrified or stunned. These conditions have a duration of 1 round per failed Fortitude Save against the Venomous Touch. An apothecary must be 16th level ad have the Inflict Minor Affliction and Inflict Lesser Affliction discoveries before selecting this discovery.

Inflict Minor Affliction (Ex): The apothecary can choose to add one of the following conditions to the targets of his Venomous Touch: dazzled, entangled, fatigued, shaken, sickened or sleep. These conditions have a duration of 1 minute per failed Fortitude Save against the Venomous Touch. The apothecary may choose to not cause ability damage when Inflicting an Affliction when using his Venomous Touch. An apothecary must be 4th level before selecting this discovery.

Inflict Multiple Afflictions (Ex): The apothecary can bestow 2 minor afflictions when using his Venomous Touch ability. The apothecary must be 12th level to select this discovery and have the Inflict Minor Affliction and Inflict Lesser Affliction discoveries. Special: At 18th level, if the apothecary also has the Inflict Major Affliction discovery, he can choose to bestow 2 lesser afflictions or 3 minor afflictions when using his Venomous Touch ability.

Maximize Venom (Ex): The apothecary can choose to spend 3 additional daily uses of his Medicine ability and maximize the amount of ability damage caused by the apothecary’s Venomous Touch.

Mental Toxins (Ex): The apothecary can choose to cause two kinds of mental ability damage (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma) when using his Venomous Touch. The apothecary must be 6th level to select this discovery.

Mixed Toxins (Ex): The apothecary can choose to cause one kind of mental ability damage (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma) and one kind of physical ability damage (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution) when using his Venomous Touch. The apothecary must be 10th level to select this discovery.

Persistent Poison (Ex): The apothecary’s Venomous Touch requires 2 consecutive successful saves to be cured. The apothecary must be 8th level to select this discovery.

Physical Toxins (Ex): The apothecary can choose to cause two kinds of physical ability damage (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution) when using his Venomous Touch. The apothecary must be 6th level to select this discovery.

Poison Cloud (Ex): The apothecary can create an inhaled poison when using his Venomous Touch. It affects a number of contiguous 5 foot squares equal to his Intelligence modifier.

Potent Venom (Ex): The apothecary can overwhelm the immunity and resistances that creatures have to poison. The Venomous Touch of the apothecary overcomes the immunity and ignores any saving throw bonuses the target creature may have against poison. The apothecary must be 12th level before selecting this discovery.

Surgical Strike (Ex): The apothecary can use one of his daily uses of Medicine as a swift action and declare his next melee or ranged attack will be a Surgical Strike. If the attack is successful, the apothecary adds his Surgery dice to the damage of the attack. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to Surgical Strikes.

Treat Lesser Afflictions (Ex): The apothecary can use one of his daily uses of Surgery and make a DC 25 Heal check and remove one of the following afflictions from a creature: dazed, exhausted, frightened, nauseated, negative level, or staggered. The apothecary must be 6th level to select this discovery and have the Treat Minor Afflicitions discovery.

Treat Major Afflictions (Ex): The apothecary can use one of his daily uses of Surgery and make a DC 30 Heal check and remove one of the following afflictions from a creature: blinded, deafened, panicked, paralyzed, petrified or stunned. The apothecary must be 12th level to select this discovery and have the Treat Minor Afflictions and Treat Lesser Afflictions discoveries.

Treat Minor Afflictions (Ex): The apothecary can use one of his daily uses of Surgery and make a DC 20 Heal check and remove one of the following afflictions from a creature: dazzled, entangled, fatigued, shaken, or sickened.

Undetectable Poison: Spellcasters must make a caster level check with a DC of 15 + the apothecary’s level to detect any poison used by the apothecary, including any poison created using his Venomous Touch ability. It takes a Perception skill check with a DC of 25 + the apothecary’s level to detect any poison used by the apothecary, including any poison created using his Venomous Touch ability, without using magic.

Vile Venom: The apothecary’s Venomous Touch causes ability damage to all six ability scores. The apothecary must be 18th level and have the Improved Mental Toxins, Improved Mixed Toxins, Improved Physical Toxins, Mental Toxins, Mixed Toxins, and Physical Toxins discoveries to select this discovery.

Meta-venom effects: disruptive, empower, enlarge dose (2 uses), extend, heighten, maximize, etc.

Grand Discoveries:

Miraculous Surgery (Ex): The apothecary’s Surgery dice increase from d10s to d12s. He can revivify a dead creature by making a DC 40 Heal check within a number of days equal to his Intelligence modifier of the creature’s death; this restores the creature to a number of hit points equal to its hit dice multiplied by its Constitution bonus (minimum 1) + the apothecary’s Intelligence bonus. The apothecary must be 20th level and have the Improved Surgery and Greater Surgery discoveries before selecting this discovery.

These discoveries replace:

Acid Bomb
Concussive Bomb 6th
Delayed Bomb 8th
Dispelling Bomb 6th
Explosive Bomb
Fast Bomb 8th
Force Bomb 8th
Frost Bomb
Inferno Bomb 16th
Madness Bomb 12th
Poison Bomb 12th
Precise Bomb
Shock Bomb
Smoke Bomb
Sticky Bomb
Stink Bomb

Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Feyvored Druid

I know I don't actually have to mention the name... Lol, anyway I like the idea a lot. I was just agreeing with Callum earlier that it's a shame that the Druid class is so defined by Wildshape. You know, honestly I think you could expand this further and replace Wildshape with a huge list of alternate abilities that a Druid could choose from, all of which would come out of a pool of daily uses. It would be very much like the Skirmisher archetype options for replacing a Ranger's spellcasting. I would love it if they came out with something like that. Anyway, I do have a couple of mechanical problems with the powers you've chosen though. The main thing is that I think Dryad's Skin and Satyr's Music need to have level requirements, or else work differently. It's unbalanced for a Druid to get DR 5/cold iron, deep slumber or fear at 4th level.

Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9


Again, I really like this. It's a pretty simple, compact approach to what could be a fairly difficult concept.

Knack: I worry that this might be slightly overpowered, despite your significant reduction of bardic performance. Maybe getting one knack at 1st and every third class level might be better. Otherwise you're getting just as many talents/feats as the Rogue and it feels cluttered. I disagree with Thomas' assessment that you should change the magic and faith knacks to 1/day uses. That would ruin the really nice simplicity of what you've designed.

Jack of All Trades: I actually support moving these abilities up. I really feel like they come too late to be super useful, as it stands. It's awkward, but you need to somehow note that this ability is actually replacing both Lore Master and itself.

Master of All Trades: Works for me.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

The Red Ninja wrote:
Thomas, I really appreciate you taking a look at my archetype. I hate to belabor it too much, but it's a really complex build and kind of requires close scrutiny.

I seem to have misread your Area of Focus ability. Very wordy. Is this what you meant?:

Focus the Mind(Ex): At 1st level, with 10 minutes of concentration, the mimic gains the use of one focus per day. He gets a +1 insight bonus to the listed checks, abilities, and other rolls listed next to each focus' bonus. Additionally, the mimic can use the focus' special ability while he maintains that focus. This ability replaces bardic performance.

Focus At first level, and every third level, the mimic selects one focus from the list below:
Arcane, divine, etc...

Upgraded Focus At 7th level, and every six levels thereafter, the focus bonus increases by +1.

Change of Focus At 8th level, and every 7 levels thereafter, the mimic can change his area of focus an additional time per day.

Mutli-Focus At 12th level, the mimic can maintain two focuses(?) at once.

Improved Focus At 13th level, the mimic can focus as a standard action (From 10 minutes to a standard action?)

Greater Focus At 16th level, the mimic can focus as a swift action.

You grant those abilities as (Ex) and some are (Su) or spells.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Steven T. Helt

vikking wrote:
Charioteer (Fighter)

Okay, the value of this thread, in addition to just giving us all more Superstar experience for our (no) money, is to learn so we can take a better stab at next year. So I am gonna hit your chariot really hard. I didn't get to keep the whole post when I clicked reply, so I might forget some things. Someone else will hit them.

First, styles. Your presentation has to be the same as APG archetypes unless there is some really specific reason not to. Bullets and hyphens while you define a term are not part fo the format. Also, never provide a prnounciation or a definition of a term. Phalanx fighting is very specific in history, but the phalanx fighter dpesn't define the term phlanax. Consider a single sentence or two suggesting that the charioteer specializes in fast attacks and maneuvers with any kind of simple horse-drawn platform. Maybe include that in many cultures, charioteers have command responsibilities over their infantry.

Second, this is an excellent opportunity to provide some Golarion flavor.

Third, your abilities aren't learned abilities that follow a progression like powerful characters. You have a series of abilities that make more sense as options for charioteers, or even potential feats for this style of warcraft. But gaining the ability to add simple mechanical chariot scythes at 13-15th level is not on par with charging past friendly characters (rough rider) or choosing to flank from any square within your reach (polearm master). You need special abilities that don't beg the question "can't I just buy scythes and add them to my chariot?"

Fighters get bonuses to hit and damage with their chosen gig. I see arbitrary things like doubling the guy's Strength mod on a charge. Why? Next archetype, think of a new way to do something similar so as to wow your audience. For example, instead of simply doubling my Strength bonus, how about adding my mount's Strength bonus instead? The idea is the mount gives me momentum on the charge, right? Now, maybe I can get a lot of oomph out of that, but then maybe at level 15 I am stronger than my mount, so there's niftiness AND balance.

Hope that helps. Full disclosure, I had a charioteer concept quite different from yours and chose not to throw it down. So I'm extra nitpicky because I already prepared that spell today.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka SmiloDan


BAB: +1
Good Saves: Fortitude
Hit Dice: 1d10

Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge geography, Profession, Sense Motive, and Swim. Acrobatics replaces the Ride skill and Knowledge geography replaces the Handle Animal skill.

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier.

Corsairs are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light armor, and with shields (except tower shields).

1. Challenge 1/day, order, sea legs +1, tactician, vessel
2. Order ability
3. Corsair’s charge
4. Challenge 2/day, expert sailor
5. Banner
6. Bonus feat
7. Challenge 3/day, sea legs +2
8. Order ability
9. Greater Tactician
10. Challenge 4/day
11. Mighty corsair’s charge
12. Bonus feat, demanding challenge
13. Challenge 5/day, sea legs +3
14. Greater banner
15. Order ability
16. Challenge 6/day
17. Master tactician
18. Bonus Feat
19. Challenge 7/day, sea legs +4
20. Supreme corsair’s charge

Sea Legs (Ex): While aboard a ship, boat, or other nautical vessel, the corsair gains a +1 circumstance bonus to AC. This bonus increases by +1 at 7th level and every 6 levels thereafter. This bonus applies only when the corsair is wearing light armor or no armor, has a light load, and is aboard a vessel of some kind. This ability replaces the cavalier’s medium and heavy armor proficiencies.

Vessel (Ex): The corsair begins play with a vessel. At 1st level, it is a rowboat.
At 4th level, the corsair “acquires” a keelboat.
At 7th level, the corsair “acquires” a longship or sailing ship.
At 10th level, the corsair “acquires” a galley or warship.

The corsair is responsible for equipping his vessel with the appropriate gear. He is also responsible for paying his crew. His reputation tends to keep them loyal to him. The corsair cannot sell his vessel, but he can trade it in for a different vessel.
This ability replaces the corsair’s mount ability.

Corsair’s Charge (Ex): The corsair can charge into combat by swinging through the rigging of a ship. A corsair of 3rd level or higher can charge in situations where others cannot. He may charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement or allies blocking his path. This ability enables him to run down steep stairs, leap down from the forecastle, or to tumble over barrels to get to his target. Depending on the circumstance, he may still need to make appropriate checks (Acrobatics or Climb checks, in particular) to successfully move over the terrain. While charging on or between vessels, the corsair receives a +4 bonus on melee attack rolls on a charge (instead of the normal +2). In addition, the corsair does not suffer any penalty to his AC after making a charge while onboard a vessel. Finally, as a swift action, the corsair may add the results of a Profession (sailor) check to the results of an Acrobatics check made to jump while onboard a vessel.
This ability replaces the character’s Cavalier’s charge ability.

Expert Sailor (Ex): At 4th level, the corsair can spend a standard action and grant all allies within 60 feet a bonus on Profession (sailor) check equal to ½ his corsair level for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This ability replaces the cavalier’s Expert trainer ability.

Banner: The corsair's banner is often a flag flown from the mast of his vessel.

Mighty Corsair’s Charge (Ex): At 11th level, the corsair learns to make devastating charges when swinging from the rigging of a vessel. Double the threat range of any weapons wielded during a charge while aboard a vessel. This increase does not stack with other effects that increase the threat range of the weapon. In addition, the corsair can make a free bull rush, disarm, sunder, or trip combat maneuver if his charge attack is successful. The free combat maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This ability replaces the cavalier’s Mighty Charge ability.

Supreme Corsair’s Charge (Ex): At 20th level, whenever the corsair makes a charge attack while aboard a vessel, he deals double the normal amount of damage. In addition, if the corsair confirms a critical hit on a charge attack while aboard a vessel, the target is stunned for 1d4 rounds. A Will save reduces this to staggered for 1d4 rounds. The DC is equal to 10 + the corsair’s base attack bonus. This ability replaces the cavalier’s Supreme Charge ability.

Dark Archive

Well there already is a Charlatan rogue in the contest :-p but I was totally gonna use it too.

I think I went kinda themed after the wizard of oz really... you know in that booth pulling all those levers lol

Charlatan (Rogue)
Many are envious of the powers gifted to spellcasters, and charlatans only desire to steal some of their thunder. Charlatans focus more on mimicking, and faking magic than normal rogues.
Silver Tongue(Ex): A charlatan is able to talk his way out of practically anything. He gains a bonus to bluff and diplomacy equal to half his class level. This ability replaces trapfinding.
Magical Mimicry (Ex): Though charlatans are normally unable to cast spells in their own right, they have learned how to use magical items more adeptly than normal. At 3rd level and every 3 levels after a charlatan gains a +1 bonus to use magic device. In addition, he can use bluff to appear to be casting a spell while using a magical or alchemical item. Use his bluff check as the DC for any spellcraft check attempting to figure out what he is casting. If the spellcraft check fails, the spellcaster believes he is casting a spell. This ability replaces trap sense.
Smoke and Mirrors (Ex): At 4th level a charlatan is able to make any spell of the figment sub-school on the sorcerer/wizard spell list by making a non-magical device to create it. In order to make a specific spell it has to be of a spell level less than or equal to 1/2 his class level (level 0 spells count as level 1 spells for all purposes in this ability). He requires supplies equal to 10 gp times the spell level squared and must spend a day per spell level making the device. This device takes up a cubic foot per spell level and weighs 20 lbs per spell level . Treat his class level as the caster level and use his charisma modifier for the spell DC. It takes the same as the casting time to use this device, and the device must be within range of the spell effect for its duration. The duration is the same as the spell, though if it is concentration then the charlatan must be actively operating the device as a full round action. After the duration it breaks down and is unusable. Anyone who makes their save against these illusions is allowed a perception check to notice the device, DC equal to charlatan's class level, plus any normal modifiers to perception. These devices are frail and easily broken. This ability replaces uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge.
Rogue Talents The following rogue talents complement the charlatan archetype: charmer, coax information, guileful polyglot, honeyed words, major magic, minor magic, and quick disguise.
Advanced Rogue TalentsThe following advanced rogue talents complement the charlatan archetype: dispelling attack, master of disguise, and thoughtful reexamining.

Wow, this thread is going crazy. I wouldn't have counted on that many submissions/comments. This is great.

And now I have a long weekend before me:
1. Comment on the Round 2 entries
2. Vote!
3. Finish commenting on the item bin (dragging behind for a while)
4. Giving thoughts on these archetypes
5. Continuing through the Judges feedback thread.

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

Hordecaller (Summoner)

Bening Inhabitation (Sp) OK, bening?

Legion (Ex) Overpowered

Exchange Trick (Su) Very cool, but since they are linked and he is in extradimensional space, how does he keep control of eidolon and summoned monster?

Baleful Inhabitation (Sp) Inhabitation? You mean Twin Eidolon?
Super Over Powered !!!

Where is the horde? I thought you might get many smaller eidilons with a few evolutions each... I going to do that I think.

Obviously this was pressing the wordcount (I think it was at 445 words), so some things are not as clear as they should be.

1. Benign of course.. typo.

2. This is only supposed to work with creatures with the chosen alignment descrptor, so only about 2 per summon monster level, it should help bringing a bit more of the "horde" into hordecaller, and since the outsiders are almost always weaker in direct combat than the animals it is more of a choice. And you are giving up a +4 to AC and Saving throws for you and +2 for your allies.

3. Not 100% sure about controlling either, I can both see this as a last ditch saving effort, where you have to set our summons on the loose to get out of harms way, and a safe hidey hole from where you could pull your strings. Leaning to the first interpretion too.

4. Super overpowered? really? you are giving up the ability to turn into your eidolon, nearly doubling your power for the ability to use your main resource, which you can use as 2 different level 9 spells ( summon monster 9 and gate) to instead use it as another level 9 spell (dominate monster) with an added buff, but sharply reduced duration ( 20 minutes). And this is a Capstone ability after all, so Super over powered may not be that bad ;). But maybe it just wasn't worded clear enough.

Hordecaller may not have been the best archetype name, but the best fitting one would have been "summoner", since it is an archetype which focuses on the summoon monster ability rather than the eidolon.

But enough clarifications, in the contest the entry would have had to stand on its own too, and I would have been disqualified by now.

Dedicated Voter Season 6

Crowface wrote:

Flavor: I find the idea and flavor behind this archetype very evocative, full of awesome imagery. I can definitely picture this. The name is cool.

Mechanics: Okay let me see if I understand this correctly. This guy can make a 30-foot-radius field of swarm damage as a standard action. The way you've worded it makes it sound like he has to spend a standard action every round to re-activate it, but I'm not sure that is what you meant. I also believe the effect takes place at the end of the harbingers turn, unless you meant after his movement, which would be unorthodox.

At low levels, this ability is a quick spark with some crowd control, and then the cleric is left with spells and weapons. Later, this crowd control could become a big deal. Let's look at a 6th level harbinger with Wis 17 facing CR 6 monsters:

For up to 6 rounds, which is often most of an encounter, every enemy suffers 2d6 untyped damage out of a typical 70, which can amount to about 42 damage on average. Meh. The nausea DC is 10 + 3 HD + 3 Wis = 16. The average monster with a good fortitude save will have about a 75% chance of making this, while poor saves are around 50%. Along with the ability to extend nausea, a particular opponent can be locked down for two more rounds once he fails a save, which is probably guaranteed death.

The main drawbacks I see are the zillion saves it forces the GM to make, the fact that an encounter can effectively be cut in slightly less than half by nauseated opponents, and the huge lockdown potential on otherwise scary spellcaster villains. With the assumption that the numbers above hold reasonably into the late levels, the potential for lockdown increases dramatically, but this doesn't have to be the case. This is either quite weak due to a short duration and low damage or fundamentally broken due to secondary effects.

All in all, I'm on the fence with this. I'd love to see this playtested.

Writing and Presentation: Your flavor text is good, but the extra flavor text for the conduit is redundant. You need to tighten up your mechanical terms slightly. The move thing and confusing first line of conduit would probably prickle Mr. Spicer, I'm guessing, as might the fact that you reiterate that the aura is supernatural in the text.

The template is well followed, and the word count tight. Your writing skills are above average as far as I can judge (English is not my first language). Most of your mechanics are clear and concise.

I am looking forward to competing with you next year :-)

Marathon Voter Season 9

This was my original idea, I replaced it with something I preferred but i am going to be keeping that for potential use next year.

It hasn't been polished yet, but this is the ruff draft of my andoran privateer

Andorian Privateer (Fighter)
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Andorian Privateer is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow and rapier. They are proficient with Light armour, but not with shields
Finesse (Ex): At 1st level, an Andorian Privateer gains the feat weapon finesse as a bonus feat. This ability replaces the bonus feat, gained at 1st level.
Cutlass Drill (Ex): At 2nd level, an Andorian privateer may apply his Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier on melee attack and damage rolls made with a rapier. This ability replaces the bonus feat, gained at 2nd level.
Sea Legs(Ex): At 3rd level, an Andorian Privateer gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 2nd. When onboard a ship or other floatind vessal, this bonus increases by a further +1. This bonus does not apply when wearing medium or heavy armour, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavier load. This ability replaces armour training 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Boarding Charge(Ex): At 5th level, when declaring a charge an Andorian Privateer with a light or one handed ranged weapon in their off hand may, as a swift action make an attack with the ranged weapon before resolving the charge. This attack is made with the privateers full attack bonus benefits from the +2 for charging. An Andorian Privateer can only use this ability if he has an attack of opportunity left for use this turn, and in using this ability he is considered to have expended an attack of opportunity. This ability replaces weapon training 1.
Deadeye Shot(Ex): At 9th level, an andorian privateer may apply his Dexterity modifier as a bonus to damage to ranged attacks made with light or one handed ranged weapons that he is proficient with. This ability replaces weapon training 2.
Weapon Training(Ex): At 13th level, an andorian privateer gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls while wielding a rapier in their main hand, and either a light or one handed ranged weapon, or a light weapon, in their off hand. The bonus improves by +1 for every 4 levels beyond 13th. This ability replaces weapon training 3 and 4.

Steven T. Helt wrote:
vikking wrote:
Charioteer (Fighter)

Okay, the value of this thread, in addition to just giving us all more Superstar experience for our (no) money, is to learn so we can take a better stab at next year. So I am gonna hit your chariot really hard. I didn't get to keep the whole post when I clicked reply, so I might forget some things. Someone else will hit them.

First, styles. Your presentation has to be the same as APG archetypes unless there is some really specific reason not to. Bullets and hyphens while you define a term are not part fo the format. Also, never provide a prnounciation or a definition of a term.
I added those for this thread, the pronunciation and brackets were not part of my original design I was going to submit

Phalanx fighting is very specific in history, but the phalanx fighter doesn't define the term phalanx. Consider a single sentence or two suggesting that the charioteer specializes in fast attacks and maneuvers with any kind of simple horse-drawn platform. Maybe include that in many cultures, charioteers have command responsibilities over their infantry.
the draft I was to submit did not have the first paragraph. I edited that back in when posting to this thread.

Second, this is an excellent opportunity to provide some Golarion flavor.
great Idea, I should have done that

Third, your abilities aren't learned abilities that follow a progression like powerful characters. You have a series of abilities that make more sense as options for charioteers, or even potential feats for this style of warcraft. But gaining the ability to add simple mechanical chariot scythes at 13-15th level is not on par with charging past friendly characters (rough rider) or choosing to flank from any square within your reach (polearm master). You need special abilities that don't beg the question "can't I just buy scythes and add them to my chariot?"
thanks for pointing this out, I was looking at the concept as learning to upgrade to better equipment, but I can really see thats not the way to work with archetypes.

Fighters get bonuses to hit and damage with their chosen gig. I see arbitrary things like doubling the guy's Strength mod on a charge. Why? Next archetype, think of a new way to do something similar so as to wow your audience. For example, instead of simply doubling my Strength bonus, how about adding my mount's Strength bonus instead? The idea is the mount gives me momentum on the charge, right?...
Thank you,
Im actually planning to do a complete rewrite and this helps greatly. I like the idea of adding the steads Str bonus to damage. I was going to toss the idea out but now you have made me rethink it.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Here you go then, this probably would have fallen foul of the new book coming out dealing with Samurai.

I based the idea on the seven virtues of Bushido, replacing powers of order etc, but retaining mounted combat skills. I also tried to replace ike power with like power and marry the skill ethics to the Bushido virtue it was labelled with as much as possible.


Mounted Samurai (Cavalier)

Mounted Samurai (Cavalier)
Duty, honor, lord, family, equestrian and combat perfection are the life's work of a mounted samurai, driven by a strict code of virtues.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mounted Samurai are proficient with all simple and martial weaponry and also with Kama, Nunchaku, Sai, Siangham, Spiked Chain, Bolas, Hand Crossbow and Shuriken.

They are proficient with all medium and heavy armor and all shields.

Virtue Chugi (Ex): At 1st level, the mounted samurai must pledge allegiance to a lord who they serve without question. Where lord, family and friends are on opposing sides of a conflict, the samurai sides with lord before family before friends. This ability replaces Order.

Virtue Gi (Ex): The samurai strives to do the right thing at all times, knowing that to act in such a way cannot cause dishonor. At 1st level, this focused awareness of right and wrong provides a +1 circumstance bonus on Perception checks to notice wrong doing. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter the bonus increases by +1. This ability replaces Tactician.

Virtue Yu (Su): At 5th level, the samurai's discipline and self control make them seem fearless. Gain a +2 bonus to saves against Fear effects. This ability replaces Banner.

Virtue Rei (Ex): At 7th level, the samurai acts with dignity, respect and politeness towards those he meets. Gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks. The bonus becomes a -2 penalty due to mutual preconceptions and mistrust when dealing with known enemies. This bonus/penalty increases by +1/-1 at 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter.

Virtue Makoto (Ex): At 9th level, the samurai has such self respect that they will not they will not lie, cheat or steal. They can detect falsehood in others more readily, gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Sense Motive checks. This ability replaces Greater Tactician.

Virtue Jin (Ex)At 14th level, the samurai recognises that their station in life requires them to help the needy, to care for those in trouble, to assist when assistance is requested. The mere presence of the samurai inspires allies within 60 feet, who each gain a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls. At 20th level and every 5 levels thereafter the bonus increases by +1. This ability replaces Greater Banner.

Virtue Meiyo (Su)At 17th level, the samurai’s personal honor becomes a paramount. They regard any slight against them as an embarrassment to their lord and family. Gain a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls, saving throws and skill checks when working towards restitution of personal honor. Against enemies of lord or family, the bonus rises to +3. This ability replaces Master Tactician.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Azmahel wrote:

4. Super overpowered? really? you are giving up the ability to turn into your eidolon, nearly doubling your power for the ability to use your main resource, which you can use as 2 different level 9 spells ( summon monster 9 and gate) to instead use it as another level 9 spell (dominate monster) with an added buff, but sharply reduced duration ( 20 minutes). And this is a Capstone ability after all, so Super over powered may not be that bad ;). But maybe it just wasn't worded clear enough.

OK not super overpowered. The will save is better than dominate monster normally allows (granted by 1), which isn't bad. But you are gaining another creature that doubles as your eidolon while your character can still function as normal.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 aka Standback

Me too, me too! I wrote a Charlatan too!

...maybe we can throw them all in a pit and let 'em duke it out!

Anyhoo, I think I did some neat things with this one, and I'd be happy for feedback. My goal here was to give the right flavor; to let the archetype shine even when he's not trying to cheat everybody's socks off; and to have everything be implemented with good, clean mechanics. I've had a draft of this down to 450 words, but I put some stuff back in for clarity and flavor (sorry, Curaigh...)

Charlatan (Rogue)

The pretense of power can be as good as the real thing. The charlatan presents herself as a prodigious master of the arcane; her true skill lies in the cunning use of mechanical wonders and magic items to create and maintain that glorious fiction.

Springwire Spells (Ex): A charlatan can build and set springwire spell traps - ingenious mechanisms designed to visually imitate dazzling arcane spells. Duplicating those spells’ utility and potency is considered secondary at best.

Springwire Spell Trap:

CR --; Type mechanical; Perception DC 18 + rogue level; Disable Device DC 15
Trigger cunning; Reset manual
Effect A burst of (10 ft. + 5 ft./2 rogue levels) is subject to a dazzling visual effect, in imitation one of the following spells: flare, glitterdust, fog cloud, chosen during construction. Targets in area are dazzled for 1 minute (Fortitude save DC 12 negates), and within the area, sight beyond 5 feet is obscured (as fog cloud). Effects persist (or repeat) for 2 rounds + 1 round/3 rogue levels.

A trap’s nonmagical nature can be noted with a Perception (DC 22 + rogue level) or Knowledge(Arcane) (DC 12 + rogue level/2) check.

A springwire spell trap is constructed with a DC 20 Craft(Traps) check (market price: 100gp, weight: 4lbs). Each triggering requires materials worth 2gp. Springwire spells may be set only by the charlatan who constructed them. Setting one in a new location takes 2d4 rounds; resetting one is a full-round action.

This ability replaces trapfinding.

Flamboyant Trigger (Ex): At 1st level, the charlatan may trigger traps of her own construction on command, as per cunning trigger. However, she must set traps activated by any other type of trigger as though she were untrained. This ability is superseded by taking the cunning trigger rogue talent, thus lifting this restriction.

Nothing Up My Sleeve (Ex): A charlatan can convincingly appear to be casting spells by surreptitiously calling upon the powers of her magic items. At 3rd level, the charlatan receives a +10 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to activate a magic item while keeping the item concealed. This ability replaces 3rd level trap sense progression.

Orchestrate Wonders (Ex): Charlatans excel at using the most innocuous magical effects to make a dramatic impression. At 4th level, when making Bluff and Intimidate checks, the charlatan may surreptitiously activate a magic item to receive a bonus equal to 1/3 of the item’s CL; activation is considered “surreptitious” if the Bluff/Intimidate targets do not notice any use being made of the item.

For every four rogue levels, the charlatan may use an additional item within the same skill check, stacking the bonuses. Activation of all magic effects must be possible within the span of the skill check. Describing a precise use for each item is not required; however, consequences of the activated magical effects may be adjudicated by the GM. This ability replaces the 4th level rogue talent.

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Azmahel wrote:

4. Super overpowered? really? you are giving up the ability to turn into your eidolon, nearly doubling your power for the ability to use your main resource, which you can use as 2 different level 9 spells ( summon monster 9 and gate) to instead use it as another level 9 spell (dominate monster) with an added buff, but sharply reduced duration ( 20 minutes). And this is a Capstone ability after all, so Super over powered may not be that bad ;). But maybe it just wasn't worded clear enough.
OK not super overpowered. The will save is better than dominate monster normally allows (granted by 1), which isn't bad. But you are gaining another creature that doubles as your eidolon while your character can still function as normal.

Ah, ok, theres the point. You don't transform the target creature into your eidolon, but it benefits from your benign Inhabitation power while it is dominated ( it gains 6 Evolution points worth of evolutions)

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Flame Spinner (Bard) by Correlon
good flavor ... fire follows her like a stalker's eyes(just had too).

Spark the Blaze (Ex): overpowered, skill checks exchanged for damage

Dance of Flames (Ex): overpowered, 2 feats for an ability that equal 1 feat

Ember Weave (Ex): hmm, undecided, maybe limit to just fire spells

Hungry Flames (Su) overpowered, removing a bardic performance for an unlimited usage damage ability

Bardic Performance: A flame spinner gains the following types of bardic performance.
Fan the Inferno (Su): overpowered, more potential damage than the healing lost and catching on fire
Sunfire (Su): Great, fits well with theme and cool besides

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Andorian Privateer (Fighter) by Zombieneighbours

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: fits theme

Finesse (Ex): bland

Cutlass Drill (Ex): didn't need to specify dex for rapier attack, cavoered in finesse

Sea Legs(Ex): Works due to reduce armor list.

Boarding Charge(Ex): great and original

Deadeye Shot(Ex): good

Weapon Training(Ex): good

i think this has been the most balanced archetype presented in the thread. works mechanically and has a good flavor. names need a bit of work but i like.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Mounted Samurai (Cavalier) by Anthony Adam
Duty, honor, lord, family, equestrian and combat perfection are the life's work of a mounted samurai, driven by a strict code of virtues.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: weapon list is not very samurai. swords, bows, spear, and a polearm maybe. leaving off light armor hurts low level characters and i wouldn't have included the tower shield.

Virtue Chugi (Ex): fits the flavor

Virtue Gi (Ex): wrong doing? needs better wording but good

Virtue Yu (Su): a lil weak, just +2 and doesn't level?

Virtue Rei (Ex): i like, very cool

Virtue Makoto (Ex): good, maybe a lil weak

Virtue Jin (Ex) much too strong for what is being given up. a constant attack bonus which gets better in exchange fo a static bonus to one save a day and an additional retry

Virtue Meiyo (Su) i don't like honor, since it requires gm to adjudicate and can lead to arguments at the table

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Charlatan (Rogue) by Standback

not sure the name and fits the abilities of flavor

Springwire Spells (Ex): Did not need to lose trapfinding for this, just add the stats for some traps

Flamboyant Trigger (Ex): very odd, maybe if this replaced trapfinding

Nothing Up My Sleeve (Ex): too big of a bonus off the bat, maybe start with a lower number and increase as you level

Orchestrate Wonders (Ex): needs rewording, but cool ability. allowing the activation of multiple items makes the ability too strong. as many others have said, requiring a gm adjudication can be a pain

Marathon Voter Season 9

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

Andorian Privateer (Fighter) by Zombieneighbours

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: fits theme

Finesse (Ex): bland

Cutlass Drill (Ex): didn't need to specify dex for rapier attack, cavoered in finesse

Sea Legs(Ex): Works due to reduce armor list.

Boarding Charge(Ex): great and original

Deadeye Shot(Ex): good

Weapon Training(Ex): good

i think this has been the most balanced archetype presented in the thread. works mechanically and has a good flavor. names need a bit of work but i like.

Can i ask what you didn't like about the name?

Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

I seem to have misread your Area of Focus ability. Very wordy. Is this what you meant?:

Focus the Mind(Ex): At 1st level, with 10 minutes of concentration, the mimic gains the use of one focus per day. He gets a +1 insight bonus to the listed checks, abilities, and other rolls listed next to each focus' bonus. Additionally, the mimic can use the focus' special ability while he maintains that focus. This ability replaces bardic performance.

Focus At first level, and every third level, the mimic selects one focus from the list below:
Arcane, divine, etc...

Upgraded Focus At 7th level, and every six levels thereafter, the focus bonus increases by +1.

Change of Focus At 8th level, and every 7 levels thereafter, the mimic can change his area of focus an additional time per day.

Mutli-Focus At 12th level, the mimic can maintain two foci at once.

Improved Focus At 13th level, the mimic can focus as a standard action (From 10 minutes to a standard action?)

Greater Focus At 16th level, the mimic can focus as a swift action.

Yup. That's what I meant and that's some helpful reformatting, thanks. I know it feels a bit weird that the time required to focus goes from 10 minutes to a standard action. Basically, I wanted it to go from something you could only do out of combat to something you could do in combat. And in combat, in my experience, if you're spending more than a standard action on something like that, it's probably not worth doing.

Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Andorian Privateer

I like this archetype, but I have one major qualm with it.

Cutlass Drill: You have it replacing a bonus feat. That doesn't feel right to me, and there's no precedent for it in the APG. Furthermore, it would provoke too much level dipping just to get this. If anything, it should replace weapon training 1. On the other hand, this is such an obvious ability that so many people want, I have to think there's a good reason that in all of 3rd edition they never gave it out. Maybe you'd be better off making it a precision damage bonus equal to Intelligence modifier, like the 3.5e swashbuckler?

Edit: Granted, the Champion of Corellon had it, but that class had a ton of requirements and you'd be like 9th level before you got the Dex bonus to damage (yes, I recognize that your ability is replacing the Strength bonus rather than adding to it).

Marathon Voter Season 9

The Red Ninja wrote:

Andorian Privateer

I like this archetype. My main qualm is that you have Cutlass Drill replacing a bonus feat. That doesn't feel right to me, and there's no precedent for it in the APG.

No there is no precedent, but i thought it would be worth pushing boundries a little as really the archetype is very vanilla.

Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Hey zombie, actually I was thinking and I just edited my comments about the Cutlass Drill problem. See above- maybe it will make what I'm saying clearer.

Marathon Voter Season 9

The Red Ninja wrote:

Andorian Privateer

I like this archetype, but I have one major qualm with it.

Cutlass Drill: You have it replacing a bonus feat. That doesn't feel right to me, and there's no precedent for it in the APG. Furthermore, it would provoke too much level dipping just to get this. If anything, it should replace weapon training 1. On the other hand, this is such an obvious ability that so many people want, I have to think there's a good reason that in all of 3rd edition they never gave it out. Maybe you'd be better off making it a precision damage bonus equal to Intelligence modifier, like the 3.5e swashbuckler?

Edit: Granted, the Champion of Corellon had it, but that class had a ton of requirements and you'd be like 9th level before you got the Dex bonus to damage (yes, I recognize that your ability is replacing the Strength bonus rather than adding to it).

Paizo jumped that bridge first.

It is a little less obvious than you might think, in that any level two fighter can get almost exactly the same, for only spending the same number of feats and two skill points, thanks to dervish dance. Now i will admit that I didn't include the limiting factor, I.e. that you can only use it while you have a light range weapon or one handed ranged weapon in your off hand, there by stopping blenders of death, but i had intended to include that in the finished version.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Zombieneighbours wrote:
Can i ask what you didn't like about the name?

Archetype name is great.

finesse - just name it after the feat
cutlass drill - but rapier gets the bonus, scimitar is closer to a cutlass
sea legs - makes me think of acrobatics due to motion
weapon training - same name as original feature, but ability is different

Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Zombie, I'm not following you. How did Paizo jump that bridge first? Also, I assume you're talking about the Dervish Dance ability of the Dervish prestige class from CW? How is that ability even related? The attack and damage bonuses you get from it aren't linked to Dex. Plus, it has daily uses of brief duration, etc. And I still don't see how rogues and rangers aren't going to be 2-level dipping en masse to get Cutlass Drill. I'm just saying, that's an alarm-bell ability to be granting at all, and you certainly can't give it out at second level.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

The Red Ninja wrote:
Yup. That's what I meant and that's some helpful reformatting, thanks. I know it feels a bit weird that the time required to focus goes from 10 minutes to a standard action. Basically, I wanted it to go from something you could only do out of combat to something you could do in combat. And in combat, in my experience, if you're spending more than a standard action on something like that, it's probably not worth doing.

1 minute would have put it out of combat. Then a reduction to a full round would not be bad. Then reducing it to a swift action would not be broken.

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