Please Consider Making High Quality Official Counters

Paizo General Discussion

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I'd like to add my name to this petition also. =P

+1, hell - make that +10 :)

BenS wrote:
I've said this before, but I'm a huge fan of the Fiery Dragon counters for 3.x and 4e (and I don't even play 4e). If Paizo could put out something like these I would be thrilled! (Preferably thick and square-sided, though, not the thin and round ones from earlier in 3rd edition--though of course the original artwork made those very nice!).

Agreed. I would be all over Paizo versions. Just allow FD to cut and crop Paizo's art, shouldn't take long to make them. I already have some of my own using the Maptools Token maker and my printer with card stock. Takes a couple of minutes to prepare for printing per monster. Being slow about it, if I hurried I could probably consistently do them under 30 seconds per monster. Then print, laminate, then cut up the sheet.

Dark Archive

I really like the Monster Vault counters. A similar product with Pathfinder Monsters would be appreciated. Maybe even with the same gray border/red border sides, therefore making them useful for 4E players as well (or people like me who like both games).

I also discovered, yesterday, that Fiery Dragon is looking into making plastic based 2D tokens too.

The Exchange

I already mentioned once that it would take about 5 minutes to take the little images out of the Bestiary 2 preview poster and pop them into Photoshop for output into PDF sheets of counter images. I could even overlay numbers on the images and have flip-side images for the opposite side of the counter/chit, maybe with a larger number, or a solid color to indicate unconsciousness or something.

Grand Lodge wrote:
I already mentioned once that it would take about 5 minutes to take the little images out of the Bestiary 2 preview poster and pop them into Photoshop for output into PDF sheets of counter images. I could even overlay numbers on the images and have flip-side images for the opposite side of the counter/chit, maybe with a larger number, or a solid color to indicate unconsciousness or something.

This would be cool too! :)

Not to mention being able to do this with the first bestiary sounds like it would be a lot more difficult though. :(


I'm a little late to the party but I'd be 100% in favor of counters as well, especially if they were made for the APs. I've got a decent collection of Fiery Dragon's counters and I try hand making my own for running APs but man, life would be good if I could just up and buy a bunch from Paizo.


I'd also love to have more of them. The paper minis available by Paizo are great and we enjoy them very much in our KM campaign (btw: need paper minis for VV!).


Liberty's Edge

I'm torn. I prefer the prepainted plastic minis, hands down. However, from the sounds of it, they will not be an option anymore (I wonder what this will mean to companies like Reaper and their small prepainted plastic line?)

I've actually never seen these counters but I can imagine what they look like. I guess they would be a decent replacement. One nice thing is that we could get a MUCH better variety of monsters and figures with counters - we could even get counters specifically for APS, specific modules/adventures etc.

My biggest comment would be that these hypothetical future Paizo counters would have to have the same great quality art that we are used to. Bestiary monsters would need the actual Bestially art, AP monsters and NPC would need to use the actual art etc. I would HATE it if the counters would use cartoony looking art for instance. That is my main problem with the paper minis. I know some people like them (which is great) and I know WHY they are drawn the way they are BUT for me, the art style doesn't do it for me. The cartoony look pulls me right out of the game and makes it feel like we are playing a kids board game.

Like I said, I am in NO WAY putting the paper minis down! They are just not at all for me and I would hate to see any Paizo counters that used similar art.

Marc Radle wrote:

I'm torn. I prefer the prepainted plastic minis, hands down. However, from the sounds of it, they will not be an option anymore (I wonder what this will mean to companies like Reaper and their small prepainted plastic line?)

I've actually never seen these counters but I can imagine what they look like. I guess they would be a decent replacement. One nice thing is that we could get a MUCH better variety of monsters and figures with counters - we could even get counters specifically for APS, specific modules/adventures etc.

My biggest comment would be that these hypothetical future Paizo counters would have to have the same great quality art that we are used to. Bestiary monsters would need the actual Bestially art, AP monsters and NPC would need to use the actual art etc. I would HATE it if the counters would use cartoony looking art for instance. That is my main problem with the paper minis. I know some people like them (which is great) and I know WHY they are drawn the way they are BUT for me, the art style doesn't do it for me. The cartoony look pulls me right out of the game and makes it feel like we are playing a kids board game.

Like I said, I am in NO WAY putting the paper minis down! They are just not at all for me and I would hate to see any Paizo counters that used similar art.


Given the choice, I think most people would choose an actual mini over a counter, me included.

But counters have several advantages over minis.

1) minis look best on an actual scaled field (aka: warhammer)
2) counters are more affordable
3) counters are more transportable
4) counters are more abstract

I'm definitely for providing lots of the same creature where it makes sense. Unless you had lots of the same mini, it's almost impossible to represent say 20 orcs with minis unless you had 20 orc minis (otherwise, your "stand-ins" makes the whole look hokey).

I think the number appearing line in the Bestiary for each monster could serve as a model. It kinda sucks if you roll 4 ogres and have only 1 ogre counter/mini.

Liberty's Edge

+1 for Paizo counters

I like real minis, but there are definite advantages to the counters. I find that time is scare when it comes to painting..

To go along with the counters they should make bases that you can slide the token into like on board games so they are standing up not just laying on the table

Would buy.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Silly additional request: Make them square. That way you aren't wasting material, and they fill the space they occupy etc.

Also, if they are larger than one square, include a light grid overlay so you can see intersections.

Also, do something useful with the border around the picture, like have four different colored bands (one for each side) that the GM could set a counter (or something) on top of to indicate the creatures health. Like

The counter is on the:

  • no counter = full health
  • green border = slightly wounded
  • yellow border = moderately wounded
  • red border = severely wounded
  • black border = unconscious/dead

And, if square, make them so if they are stood up, they look like they are standing up, meaning, don't do some sort of "top-down" image, make the pic a normal 2d view. If they are to be stood up, it would make sense to have the same image on both sides. If they are not meant to be stood up (or at least allow for that option) then it might be useful to put useful information on the reverse of the token/counter/chit/whatever.

When I first saw this I told myself I would never buy or use these counters
I think we all have great ideas and if they ever did these I would buy them if they did them how most people are suggesting

  • Square
  • Accurately Sized for a grid (this would be great for Gargantuan and Collosal Monsters)
  • Two sided so they could be stood up 2d
  • Both Bestiarys and the APs and maybe group packs for Society adventures or Modules
  • Paizo High Quality Art

jreyst wrote:

Silly additional request: Make them square. That way you aren't wasting material, and they fill the space they occupy etc.


Or better yet sell the slotta-bases separately and make square and round ones, just like Warhammer does. Then we could buy what we want.

Great idea suggesting an info section BTW. Even if it was just enough room to list a number, that'd be great. Dry/wet erasable?

Speaking of which, you may as well just throw in a monster key in every pack too. ;P

Thazar wrote:
...get Reaper to do some Pathfinder plastic mini's sets. (They currently have some orcs, skeletons, etc)


Consider this sold, if it's done. I'd've already bought the metal ones if I had time to paint and assemble them. Sadly, I have several metal Reapers that I've had since 2008 that I haven't had time to assemble. So, more of them that require assembly/paint... The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (so to speak).

I especially want the Pathfinder Red Dragon mini in prepainted plastic!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hrothgar Rannúlfr wrote:
Thazar wrote:
...get Reaper to do some Pathfinder plastic mini's sets. (They currently have some orcs, skeletons, etc)


Consider this sold, if it's done. I'd've already bought the metal ones if I had time to paint and assemble them. Sadly, I have several metal Reapers that I've had since 2008 that I haven't had time to assemble. So, more of them that require assembly/paint... The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (so to speak).

I especially want the Pathfinder Red Dragon mini in prepainted plastic!

We've said this before, but basically, if Reaper ever decides that it makes financial sense for them to do prepainted plastic in the Pathfinder line, we'll be happy to let them. I wouldn't hold your breath, though—after all, there is a reason Wizards isn't doing them anymore.

Shadow Lodge

Just a few comments,
Remember the "collectible" model that WOTC used was kind of silly for the most part. "Lets make orcs super rare and dragons ultra common, and then make it so you have no idea what your getting." Reaper needs to get some better PR folks. I didn't even know that Reaper had a line of prepainted plastics till today. I am very interested to see what will happen with them now that D&D isn't sucking all the air out of the room.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

dartnet wrote:

Just a few comments,

Remember the "collectible" model that WOTC used was kind of silly for the most part. "Lets make orcs super rare and dragons ultra common, and then make it so you have no idea what your getting." Reaper needs to get some better PR folks. I didn't even know that Reaper had a line of prepainted plastics till today. I am very interested to see what will happen with them now that D&D isn't sucking all the air out of the room.

Many people don't realize that a big benefit of the common/uncommon/rare scheme was to amortize the *very high* mold costs over a higher number of minis than they would be able to do if they were sold non-randomly. (You'll notice that, except for the premium-priced larger-than-Huge specials, all of the non-random packs they did contained a lot of repaints, meaning they'd already covered the mold costs for those figures.) Without that scheme, it's very hard for the costs to make any kind of sense—and the fact that Wizards canceled the line should tell you that even *with* that scheme, it's not all that financially viable.

We've been looking at it for years, and we'll continue to look into it. I don't think there's anybody at Paizo who *doesn't* want to see our characters and monsters in prepainted plastic form. And if it ever makes sense, we'll jump on it, but to be frank, it's not even *close* to viable these days.

Lets hope High Quality Counters are viable with already haveing the art done and just have to get the printing and right set up for the cardstock and perferated

The Exchange

Roll on the day when 3d printing becomes high enough resolution both spatially and chromatically so that you can just buy tokens to print a design online and take them to your high-street local 3d print shop.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Let me add my voice to counters being a great idea. If you do end up making counters, making a few neutral sets (with blank spaces with numbers and colors) would be a good idea, in order to represent PCs or miscellaneous creatures. It would also be nice to buy a pack with multiples of common "grunt" monsters, such as goblins, orcs, kobolds, gnolls and the like. And some NPC sets would be good too. And probably the iconics.

Hell, just start a giant line. I would definitely consider investing in them.

For somthing I didnt think was a good idea to start im going to be one of the biggest supporters of this idea

Think of all the sets you could do

  • A set of counters for Melee PCs/NPCs
  • A set of counters for Stealthy PCs/NPCs
  • A set of counters for Holy PCs/NPCs
  • A set of counters for Arcane PCs/NPCs
  • A set for Giants (need own set because of the sizes)
  • A set for Metalic Dragons (need own set because of the sizes)
  • A set for Chromatic Dragons (need own set because of the sizes)
  • A set for Primal Dragons (need own set because of the sizes)
  • A set for Evil Outsiders
  • A set for Good Outsiders
  • A couple of sets of each Bestiary or one large set for each
  • A set for each AP either small with each book or large at the end
  • A set for the modules for every six months or year
  • A set for the society adventures for every six months or year

The List goes on and on

and the best part is Fiery Dragon already has an extensive line of flat and square tokens to try out.

Personally I do not like the 3D idea. If I want 3D that is when I buy my Metal mini's. A large part of why I like tokens is because of how easy it is to use them and store them. Make them 3D and it cuts down on that. I like being able to grab the right zip lock bag and dump them out and sort. I don't want to do assembly too. Or have to break them back down to store again. I like just scooping them up and putting them back in the bag.

So take it from someone who has been using tokens for over 6 years now, do not do 3D. People who want that can buy mini's.

Robert Miller 55 wrote:

and the best part is Fiery Dragon already has an extensive line of flat and square tokens to try out.

Personally I do not like the 3D idea. If I want 3D that is when I buy my Metal mini's. A large part of why I like tokens is because of how easy it is to use them and store them. Make them 3D and it cuts down on that. I like being able to grab the right zip lock bag and dump them out and sort. I don't want to do assembly too. Or have to break them back down to store again. I like just scooping them up and putting them back in the bag.

So take it from someone who has been using tokens for over 6 years now, do not do 3D. People who want that can buy mini's.

I agree with Robert here, tokens work great lying flat and are easier to deal with. However, I do like the idea mentioned in one of the earlier posts of colored plastic frames you can put on the tokens to designate various conditions.

I have no problem setting them up for laying flat but they could just add bases for us that want them standing up.

Yeah I would expect to buy the bases seperatly and they would a little costly in the intial purchase but once you have all your need you are done

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would like to add my +1. I've been very tempted to purchase Monster Vault even though I've got no use for the book.

i would love to see some pathfinder quality pogs for our game. +1 for me

Vic Wertz wrote:
We've said this before, but basically, if Reaper ever decides that it makes financial sense for them to do prepainted plastic in the Pathfinder line, we'll be happy to let them. I wouldn't hold your breath, though—after all, there is a reason Wizards isn't doing them anymore.

Thanks for the reply and I understand, Vic. And, you next post about how doing the random sets helped pay for the molds explains WotC's random mini sets to me. I always hated the idea of buying blind, but always enjoyed the minis after opening the box.

As to the Pathfinder Red Dragon, I hope to have time to assmble one, later this year. I'll likely paint him with a black base-coat and build some reptilian green and yellow over top, though. But, that may change.

Keep Pathfinder thriving!

Dark Archive

Definitely should be flat ... without worrying about bases, or odd accomodations for 3D, I can fit potentially hundreds of tokens in a single zip-lock bag.

KnightErrantJR wrote:

And I do appreciate that, but I'd love a product that was a lot more like the Monster Vault counters, with the same wide range of monsters available in one product and ready to go out of the package.

Thank you for the heads up on the Monster Vault product, KEJR. I now have one shipping off to me today!

Liberty's Edge

Doug OBrien wrote:
KnightErrantJR wrote:

And I do appreciate that, but I'd love a product that was a lot more like the Monster Vault counters, with the same wide range of monsters available in one product and ready to go out of the package.

Thank you for the heads up on the Monster Vault product, KEJR. I now have one shipping off to me today!

Can anyone provide a link to these Monster Vault products so I can actually see what they look like?


Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Marc Radle wrote:
Doug OBrien wrote:
KnightErrantJR wrote:

And I do appreciate that, but I'd love a product that was a lot more like the Monster Vault counters, with the same wide range of monsters available in one product and ready to go out of the package.

Thank you for the heads up on the Monster Vault product, KEJR. I now have one shipping off to me today!

Can anyone provide a link to these Monster Vault products so I can actually see what they look like?


There isn't much in the way of pics but if you look at the second review, it lists every monster that is included. Link

Edit: Here is a Pic

Shadow Lodge

Video here

Another here

A couple of box opening to see exactly what you get in Monster Vault.

Here's a video showing the tokens close-up, with out any narration.


GM Wulfson wrote:

Here's a video showing the tokens close-up, with out any narration.


I was just getting ready to thank Eric for his links, which included yours. Paizo just got a sale from me--but only b/c of those tokens. I wish they were square, but I like enough of the art to get them. Interesting that some of the art is recycled directly from 3.5, though.

BenS wrote:
GM Wulfson wrote:

Here's a video showing the tokens close-up, with out any narration.


I was just getting ready to thank Eric for his links, which included yours. Paizo just got a sale from me--but only b/c of those tokens. I wish they were square, but I like enough of the art to get them. Interesting that some of the art is recycled directly from 3.5, though.

Recycling art is a proud tradition that started before WOTC owned the D&D name.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Please, please, please make some counters. Adding to that, please make a set of counters that I can download as a PDF so I can create larger groups of the same monster for less. Miniatures are great, but putting together a set of them for the fight against the 5+ goblins (or any other encounter with 4+ enemies) gets expensive.

CalebTGordan wrote:

Please, please, please make some counters. Adding to that, please make a set of counters that I can download as a PDF so I can create larger groups of the same monster for less. Miniatures are great, but putting together a set of them for the fight against the 5+ goblins (or any other encounter with 4+ enemies) gets expensive.

I understand this, and it would be cool if they had PDFs of the counters on top of a physical product, like they do with many of their other products, but my main interest is in the actual physical counters, since I'm really not a fan of printing and cutting out counters.

Call me lazy, I like to have a nice thick piece of cardboard to punch my counters out of . . . ;)

Grand Lodge

Any news on any HQ token action? Cause that would make my year.

Some people may find this heresy, but if we're going to counters, I would also prefer to ditch the 1 inch square in favor of something smaller.

I never seem to have enough room on the table for the big maps I like to play on. The 1 inch square came about to accomodate minis. With counters, it seems to me that a half or 3 quarter inch square could easily be used, allowing much larger battlemaps where distance plays more of a factor.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
kenmckinney wrote:
Some people may find this heresy, but if we're going to counters, I would also prefer to ditch the 1 inch square in favor of something smaller.

Oh HELLS YES. Freaking make them hex-shaped counters and then I'd just about.. well, we'll leave it at that.

As an additional product idea, I'd recommend a "counter pack" for each adventure path (or each individual module if necessary). This could include all the necessary NPCs as well as the more common monsters. In fact, a gridded combat map collection and counters product mirroring the adventure paths might be even better idea.

Apologies if this was suggested previously, I didn't read the entire thread.

I think thats the only way I wouldnt buy if they changed away from the 1 inch squard and I dont see them doing that since the core book examples are full of one inch squares

Darkbridger wrote:

As an additional product idea, I'd recommend a "counter pack" for each adventure path (or each individual module if necessary). This could include all the necessary NPCs as well as the more common monsters. In fact, a gridded combat map collection and counters product mirroring the adventure paths might be even better idea.

Apologies if this was suggested previously, I didn't read the entire thread.

Yeah There have been some suggestions and I think this would help them sell right there, as well as a few other ideas

I second that!

I would love having nice tokens for my Paizo Adventure Path, Module or even a big Sets for the Bestiaries!

And of course the iconic characters and NPCs!

As I am not a collector of Miniatures and even like playing with tokens better!

Please Paizo give us official Tokens with awesome Art and Style!!

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