VM mercenario |
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In a world where demons live in Judas's silver, one man stands against the dark with faith and a sword. (And two other men with swords, and a wizard, and a priest.) And he also has to make sure that his kids' homework gets done. These are... The Carpenter Files.
I would watch it. Make it a prologue to the books so we can see Shiro. Michael and Sanya are badass, but it doesn't compare to the old samurai-type with a katana diquised as a walking cane.Sanya, the agnostic knight of God would be great for some comedic poking at religion with Michael as a more serious counterpart about how it's not about which religion you choose but about the morality and ethics you have.
Family type helps with heartwarming scenes and lots of comedy to offset the darker episodes. Harrys cameos would be comedic golden.
Man, this series would be incredibly awesome.

Curaigh |
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In a world where demons live in Judas's silver, one man stands against the dark with faith and a sword. (And two other men with swords, and a wizard, and a priest.) And he also has to make sure that his kids' homework gets done. These are... The Carpenter Files.
He used to be a construction worker.
She used to be blacksmith.
But I took them away from all that.
Now they work for me.
OK I will take a look at Supernatural :)

Werthead |

The Dresden Files #5: Death Masks
Harry Dresden has a lot on his plate: he's been challenged to a duel to the death to determine the outcome of the war between wizards and vampires; he's been hired to find the missing Shroud of Turin; his old girlfriend Susan is back in town for unknown purposes; and, just to round things off, thirty arch-demons are on the prowl in Chicago. And that's not even mentioning a pair of European art thieves hitting town and all three Knights of the Cross turning up to confront a mutual foe.
Death Masks, the fifth book in The Dresden Files, is the busiest book in the series to date. It sports at least four distinct plot threads (along with several related subplots) which interconnect with one another in a number of unexpected ways as the novel progresses. Each one of these plots would be enough to drive a novel by itself and Butcher seems to delight in upping the ante and complexity of the series to new heights. Combined with the ongoing, series-spanning storylines, this makes Death Masks the most epic book in the series to date.
That said, Butcher takes care to ensure the story is fully comprehensible at all times, and drives the narrative forward with his customary energy and vigour. He also finds time for some accomplished characterisation, with recurring crimelord Jonny Marcone being developed particularly well. It's also good to see some other characters like Susan and Michael returning, along with the introduction of some intriguing new characters like the Archive (a mystical repository of knowledge taking the form of a little girl) and Nicodemus (a potential new nemesis for Harry). The first appearance of the Order of Saint Giles and the Denarian sect of demons also expands the scope of Harry's world impressively.
Death Masks (****) is another very strong entry in the series. New readers will be lost (I recommend they start with the first book, Storm Front) but returning fans will find yet another page-turning and entertaining urban fantasy novel. The novel is available now in the UK and USA.

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Death Masks (****) is another very strong entry in the series. New readers will be lost (I recommend they start with the first book, Storm Front) but
Where most of the earlier books are enemies in shades of gray, Death masks lets you know who they are right from the beginning. I found this refreshing, and it has made this my favorite of the dresden books. Nich is my favorite villain.
Also thought I'd point out that a lot of the Dresden Characters have twitter accounts(how wizards use twitterr, I don't know) :
Marcone: @JohnMarcone
Molly: @PadawanMolly
Jim Butcher @longshotauthor
Harry @HarriedWizard
Carlos @WardenSexypants
Ivy @Ivy_T_Archive
Uriel @Uriel_Watchman
Luccio @DirettoreLuccio
Bob @BobLeSkull
Thomas @WeDontSparkle
When they start going back and forth it really starts sounding like them.

Fredrik |

Fredrik wrote:In a world where demons live in Judas's silver, one man stands against the dark with faith and a sword. (And two other men with swords, and a wizard, and a priest.) And he also has to make sure that his kids' homework gets done. These are... The Carpenter Files..
I would watch it. Make it a prologue to the books so we can see Shiro. Michael and Sanya are badass, but it doesn't compare to the old samurai-type with a katana diquised as a walking cane.
Sanya, the agnostic knight of God would be great for some comedic poking at religion with Michael as a more serious counterpart about how it's not about which religion you choose but about the morality and ethics you have.
Family type helps with heartwarming scenes and lots of comedy to offset the darker episodes. Harrys cameos would be comedic golden.
Man, this series would be incredibly awesome.
I know, right? With good writers, who could balance the horror vs. family vs. action vs. comedy, it could be TV *gold*. And without the pitfall of the first series, in that it couldn't get ahead of the plot of the books (which take a lot longer to write), they could do all kinds of backstory in their own idiom. I would pay money for that! (I have paid money for things on Kickstarter.)

Alitan |

TL/DR on the whole thread -- just first page and skip to the end.
That said... golly, this series is just dripping awesomesauce. I've read all of them -- own up to Turncoat. Will be buying the rest as they hit my local used bookstore.
I really enjoy the sheer consistency of Harry Dresden's world: even when JB is tossing something strange and new at us it all fits!
Plus a laundry list of amazing characters.

Darkmeer |

Just read the ENTIRE series thus far (including Ghost Story, which I finished about 5am this morning).
Have to say the one liners throughout the series haven't disappointed me at all. The stories are (for me) quick reads, and they are hugely entertaining, and, as Alitan says, it all fits.
The only thing that gets me is
He's consistent and has a good sense of humor about his characters. I'm glad to have been introduced to the series.

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I rather liked Fool Moon actually. The colossal pile-up of wolfiness was pretty funny, and the loup-garou rampage was a good "oh s$%*!" moment, when people start to realize there's nothing they can do to stop it.
I didn't like Storm Front so much. I can't put my finger on why exactly, maybe it just seems like it's mostly there to enable later-on plots.
Grave Peril was clearly the turning point; it feels like everything else that happens traces back through that book.
Also, Mouse obviously isn't a cohort;
Lea: "How did he ever win you?"
Mouse: "He didn't win me, I won him."
I'd say Molly is the cohort and the Paranet are followers. If I had to model Mouse, I'd use a Hound Archon that's stuck in animal shape.

PsychoticWarrior |

What did y'all think of "Side Jobs" (if anything)?
More of a vanity project than I expected. Several stories in it were not really ready for 'prime time' as it were (the 'first' Harry tale especially) but Butcher is brutally honest about himself in the asides and freely admits that these stories are more about his own growth as an author than anything else.
The finale of the book is well worth the read imo as are most of the rest of them.
Eagerly awaiting Cold Days!

Curaigh |
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Curaigh wrote:What did y'all think of "Side Jobs" (if anything)?I loved the scene where Harry and friends are playing D&D, especially the description of the fireball spell.
Agreed. lol!
though the story with Bob mentioning the monster manual and 'that cartoon' were equally, geeky priceless :)And yes you can see Butcher's skill growing as the stories progress. After reading the first one I felt really confident about my own writing :)

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Have you noticed the 'leveling up' effect?
Big fan of DF books but by book 7+ Harry is getting better stuff, access to tougher spells, more oomph in his can of whoopass etc. In books 1-3 he seems to be about the same level with possibly a little more in the tank which leads to an explosive finish.
In white knight? He's full fledged badass wizard cum Gandalf. By the time Changes rolls out, hes a demi-god of sorts.
Not saying its a good thing or a bad thing but he's definetely leveling up.

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I think that's a given though, Helaman. Kind of like an adventurer Harry's gaining XP a lot faster than his fellow wizards.
He also benefits from a) outside the box thinking b) WAY outside the box allies and c) Destiny(tm).
I mean how many other wizards would build little Chicago? Hells, how many wizards would take the time (and exposure) to build little Chicago?
Molly's a good example too. Compare her in Changes vs. Ghost Story While much more traumatic, Leah's 'training' seems to have produced greater results in shorter time (with the added bonus of emotional trauma)

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Molly was a gut punch for me. I still see her as a kid.

Orthos |

With the way the story is turning, though, I imagine many of the next books will still involve them working together. Or at the least, I'm really really hoping so. The last thing I want this development to do is take Molly out of the picture and make her a side character.
Also count me in as a fan of the "Parasite is Lash" theory... someone compared it to Athena leaping full-formed out of Zeus's head, with hopes that with the right magical preparations Harry might be able to do similar for Lash.
And the timing would be right for it too - Scint pointed out to me that every book that's a multiple of 5 has been a Denarians book. #5 was Death Masks, #10 was Small Favor. #15 is coming up next, and if Butcher keeps that pattern (even if it's unintentional, it might become not so)....
Also something I saw pointed out somewhere: We are in the endgame. Changes wrapped up a plot that started back in BOOK 3, Bianca's party in Grave Peril. (Or if you want to stretch it, as far back as Harry hitting her with the Pocket Fulla Sunshine in Book 1!) The accepting of the Winter Knight mantle, Molly becoming the Lady, the (official) introduction of The Adversary (it's been vaguely hinted at before, but nothing concrete enough to focus a plot around), and the turn of the attention of the overall narrative to the Outsiders really signifies the way the story is going to unfold in the future books, and Butcher's initial estimate leaves only 6 more books plus the Big Finale Trilogy. Likely this Winter Court-based plotline is going to last for the rest of the series.

Xabulba |

** spoiler omitted **