Judges Input

RPG Superstar™ 2011 General Discussion

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RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8 aka OgeXam

In previous years some of the judges were willing to give input on items that did not make it in the top 32 if the person posted their item in a specific thread.

Are any of the judges willing to do this again this year?

I thought it was very enlightening reading about the thought processes of the judges on why the item did not make it in their top 32.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

There's been some discussion about that and I believe Sean has something in mind. Just be patient and keep checking back here.

The Exchange Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Awesome! I was kind of wondering that myself.

Mind you I'm trying to think more positively and concentrating on the next round, but it would be nice to know what I did wrong if I did something wrong...


I'm going to see what sort of data-dump Ross and Gary can do with all the threads in the judges area, so I can just look up an item, see what I said before, and paste that, rather than having to re-analyze hundreds of entries (which is usually what causes my participation to fall off as later rounds' judging occurs...).

The Exchange Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Sounds groovy to me. Any input can be helpful.

The Exchange

Any feedback much appreciated. This years item was probably not up to scratch, but I'd be fascinated to see what folks thought of it. It just got stuck in my brain and blocked everything else.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
I'm going to see what sort of data-dump Ross and Gary can do with all the threads in the judges area, so I can just look up an item, see what I said before, and paste that, rather than having to re-analyze hundreds of entries (which is usually what causes my participation to fall off as later rounds' judging occurs...).

Good luck Sean, I know we all will appreciate anything you can do but after hearing about the turn out this year you may have your hands full even with Ross and Gary's help.

The Exchange Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

These are the people that made what is almost definitely the best tabletop fantasy RPG to date. I have no doubts they will rock the judges table with ease.

Never the less, good luck gentlemen!

(Admittedly I just think it's awesome that game developers are replying to my post. You guys are living the dream.)

Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

There are pros and cons to the process, which has been much discussed in prior years.

First, people need to ask to have the comments about their item that didnt make the cut. Why? Because while all entries are owned by Paizo, they were also all submitted anonymously with the understanding that the judges will review them privately and they will either make the top 32 or not. Creating anything is a very vulnerable process and some people won't submit to open criticism. So making all submissions open is actually a negative. If people want critiques, they in the past have usually gotten them--as well as can be done.

Second, judges judge in shorthand and with some brutal frankness that many contestants won't appreciate. And since we are "sorting" each item quickly because of the sheer number, we arent holding each submission and treating it as a delicate flower. What follows, as a result, can often seen harsh if the judge's comments are simply revealed. Given that we are (or in teh past I was) quickly sorting items, judges often focus on the negatives or the flaws of the item--the reasons to reject it--rather than its positives. So it is entirely better to have someone request critique and then have the judges post "summarized" comments from the original judge's forum rather than just directly posting the judges comments. You can see this from the prior "feedback" threads where I summarized what some of the issues were. But in doing so I also balanced out some of the positives of the item, which often were glossed over in the comments.

I hope that helps people understand the process. I believe in transparency and I think this is as transparent a contest as you will ever find, with as great of a community as you will ever find.

Dark Archive

Clark Peterson wrote:

There are pros and cons to the process, which has been much discussed in prior years.

First, people need to ask to have the comments about their item that didnt make the cut. Why? Because while all entries are owned by Paizo, they were also all submitted anonymously with the understanding that the judges will review them privately and they will either make the top 32 or not. Creating anything is a very vulnerable process and some people won't submit to open criticism. So making all submissions open is actually a negative. If people want critiques, they in the past have usually gotten them--as well as can be done.

Second, judges judge in shorthand and with some brutal frankness that many contestants won't appreciate. And since we are "sorting" each item quickly because of the sheer number, we arent holding each submission and treating it as a delicate flower. What follows, as a result, can often seen harsh if the judge's comments are simply revealed. Given that we are (or in teh past I was) quickly sorting items, judges often focus on the negatives or the flaws of the item--the reasons to reject it--rather than its positives. So it is entirely better to have someone request critique and then have the judges post "summarized" comments from the original judge's forum rather than just directly posting the judges comments. You can see this from the prior "feedback" threads where I summarized what some of the issues were. But in doing so I also balanced out some of the positives of the item, which often were glossed over in the comments.

I hope that helps people understand the process. I believe in transparency and I think this is as transparent a contest as you will ever find, with as great of a community as you will ever find.


Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

By the way, I am certain that the feedback this year will crush anything I ever did. Sean is a genius. And I dont know if I have ever seen anyone do as thorough and detailed of an analysis as Neil does on items. I was just re-reading last year's feedback thread and his 5000 word comments are just crazy. Plus you add Ryan Dancey to that. You guys have some real heavy weights reviewing your entries. I have tons of passion, true. But I was never the match for Erik or Wolf or Sean in the mechanics departments. You guys are in for a real treat this year.

Dark Archive

Clark Peterson wrote:
By the way, I am certain that the feedback this year will crush anything I ever did.

Don't sell yourself short. You were honest, and yet also often very 'gentle' in your criticisms, which was a nice touch, and may have spoiled us a bit, given that not everyone has that touch.

And I dont know if I have ever seen anyone do as thorough and detailed of an analysis as Neil does on items.

He analyzes the hell out of stuff, which is awesome. His brain is like an engine.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Clark Peterson wrote:
By the way, I am certain that the feedback this year will crush anything I ever did. Sean is a genius. And I dont know if I have ever seen anyone do as thorough and detailed of an analysis as Neil does on items. I was just re-reading last year's feedback thread and his 5000 word comments are just crazy. Plus you add Ryan Dancey to that. You guys have some real heavy weights reviewing your entries. I have tons of passion, true. But I was never the match for Erik or Wolf or Sean in the mechanics departments. You guys are in for a real treat this year.

You left a name off that list, Clark... :-(

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 , Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9

Mark Moreland wrote:
You left a name off that list, Clark... :-(

This was my first year competing and I read mostly last years feedback on the items. I liked Clark's responses cause they were smaller and did not confuse my small ferret-like brain processing ability. OOH, a shiny...

Scarab Sages

Clark Peterson wrote:
And I dont know if I have ever seen anyone do as thorough and detailed of an analysis as Neil does on items. I was just re-reading last year's feedback thread and his 5000 word comments are just crazy.

Does he ever take a break?

Or did he install a commode at his desk?

LOL, Snorter, reminds me of the WOW episode of Southpark, with Cartman sitting in the basement at his desk yelling for his mother...

If you have seen it then you know what I am talking about and if you haven't then you really should see that one episode.

Mark Moreland wrote:
Clark Peterson wrote:
By the way, I am certain that the feedback this year will crush anything I ever did. Sean is a genius. And I dont know if I have ever seen anyone do as thorough and detailed of an analysis as Neil does on items. I was just re-reading last year's feedback thread and his 5000 word comments are just crazy. Plus you add Ryan Dancey to that. You guys have some real heavy weights reviewing your entries. I have tons of passion, true. But I was never the match for Erik or Wolf or Sean in the mechanics departments. You guys are in for a real treat this year.
You left a name off that list, Clark... :-(

You're right, Clark didn't mention Azmahel, who provided brief feedback on most if not all of the items on the 'Clark give me feedback' thread last year.


Shadow Lodge

Mark Moreland wrote:
Clark Peterson wrote:
By the way, I am certain that the feedback this year will crush anything I ever did. Sean is a genius. And I dont know if I have ever seen anyone do as thorough and detailed of an analysis as Neil does on items. I was just re-reading last year's feedback thread and his 5000 word comments are just crazy. Plus you add Ryan Dancey to that. You guys have some real heavy weights reviewing your entries. I have tons of passion, true. But I was never the match for Erik or Wolf or Sean in the mechanics departments. You guys are in for a real treat this year.
You left a name off that list, Clark... :-(

It's because you're The Quiet One, Mark. You're like the George Harrison of RPG Superstar judges. :)

(Which is not a bad thing at all...)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mark Moreland wrote:
Clark Peterson wrote:
By the way, I am certain that the feedback this year will crush anything I ever did. Sean is a genius. And I dont know if I have ever seen anyone do as thorough and detailed of an analysis as Neil does on items. I was just re-reading last year's feedback thread and his 5000 word comments are just crazy. Plus you add Ryan Dancey to that. You guys have some real heavy weights reviewing your entries. I have tons of passion, true. But I was never the match for Erik or Wolf or Sean in the mechanics departments. You guys are in for a real treat this year.
You left a name off that list, Clark... :-(

Dude. You're a Small Mite, and right next to you is the mothertruckin' Huge ORCUS, Demon Prince of Undeath, grasping firmly his Wand and exhaling pure annihilation. What did you expect ? Be lucky he didn't notice you, or there would be a mite-ly smackdown.

Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

Sorry Mark...

"...and Mark!"

There :)


"... the Professor and Mary Ann, here on Gilligan's Isle!"

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
I'm going to see what sort of data-dump Ross and Gary can do with all the threads in the judges area, so I can just look up an item, see what I said before, and paste that, rather than having to re-analyze hundreds of entries (which is usually what causes my participation to fall off as later rounds' judging occurs...).

Maybe they could add a feature to "opt in"? That is, if you check the "Yes, I would like to see my submission and the feedback on my submission publicly posted" box, the "data-dump" would then pick up the "thread of comments" on your submission (after the top 32 are announced) and automagically make it available for public viewing.

The only issue with that, I can think of, is that some judges may not be comfortable with their comments going public. Adding a way to filter their comments would probably be too complicated. In which case, Sean's method of "copy-paste" would probably be the only good solution.

Just my thoughts.



Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:
The only issue with that, I can think of, is that some judges may not be comfortable with their comments going public.

Considering that some of my comments include, "this item's name is crap," yes.... ;)

It's definitely a lot easier/faster to judge a contest wherein your comments for other judges aren't meant for public consumption.

Personally I'd love if I could just check a box that yes, I'd like to see my unadulterated rejected item comments after the top 32 are announced and yes, I promise to not get offended that Sean wrote, "An item this crappy should at least promise to kill Hitler one or more times." Given time and effort demands on the judges, though, I think the current setup in which they're not released but people who are really curious can request feedback is probably the best compromise.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:

Maybe they could add a feature to "opt in"? ...
Just my thoughts.


I think they should charge $1 for the option. :) That way Vic's time spent cleaning up the judge's comments can at least be seen as work.

I suggested this to him at Paizocon. In the true spirit of the contest (and Paizo), he said they were more than willing to share comments that would make for better writing (to paraphrase :)

Curaigh wrote:
Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:

Maybe they could add a feature to "opt in"? ...
Just my thoughts.


I think they should charge $1 for the option. :) That way Vic's time spent cleaning up the judge's comments can at least be seen as work.

** spoiler omitted **

LOL, funny.

Quick question about your name....Curaigh....Isn't that gaelic for "Skull"?

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:
The only issue with that, I can think of, is that some judges may not be comfortable with their comments going public.
Considering that some of my comments include, "this item's name is crap," yes.... ;)

Just because I submitted the Crap Helmet, doesn't mean you have to tell everyone!! (joke of course).

Gosh....I hope noone really did submit a Crap Helmet :O

Dire Mongoose wrote:

It's definitely a lot easier/faster to judge a contest wherein your comments for other judges aren't meant for public consumption.

Personally I'd love if I could just check a box that yes, I'd like to see my unadulterated rejected item comments after the top 32 are announced and yes, I promise to not get offended that Sean wrote, "An item this crappy should at least promise to kill Hitler one or more times." Given time and effort demands on the judges, though, I think the current setup in which they're not released but people who are really curious can request feedback is probably the best compromise.

Honestly, I agree with this. In fact, the meaner the comment, the better. I'd much rather hear "Your submission sucked" by you guys in a contest than say, an editor for a publication. I'd love to see the unfiltered comments. I mean, that's the only way to truly learn is by being told flat-out. I'm a decent writer, but all my life I've been told I'm an excellent writer, so when I went to college and began writing papers I was in for a shock. While I know I'm good, I don't benefit from being told I'm good, I benefit from having the flaws pointed out to me.

To lose in this contest isn't bad, but to not be told why and how to improve is terrible. I'd even pay money just to see the comments on my own item. (Granted, I'm hoping to see them as I make it into top 32, but we'll see :D )

Aura faint necromancy, faint transmutation; CL 0th
Slot -;Price 1cp;Weight (Varies)

This brown substance is slightly amorphous, changing its shape to acommodate a multitude of surfaces. 1/Month, Crap can be used to improve the ghrowth of plants by 10%. Afterwards, Crap is used up.

Requirements The ability to eat food;Cost 1sp

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

If the judges knew their unedited comments would be viewable, even just by the items submitter, they would take more time to comment, slowing the whole process down. If you don't make the cut and want feedback on your item I'm sure there will be a Feedback thread started and the judges will give constructive criticism. Just have a little patience with them, and post as soon after the Round 2 announcement as possible.

Having my submission getting the Don Rickles treatment by the internet just sounds like fun after reading the thread. If you enter what is essentially a writing contest and cannot take criticism you have already lost.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:
The only issue with that, I can think of, is that some judges may not be comfortable with their comments going public.
Considering that some of my comments include, "this item's name is crap," yes.... ;)

Ok Wikileaks, turn your servers on Paizo ;-)

deinol wrote:
If the judges knew their unedited comments would be viewable, even just by the items submitter, they would take more time to comment, slowing the whole process down. If you don't make the cut and want feedback on your item I'm sure there will be a Feedback thread started and the judges will give constructive criticism. Just have a little patience with them, and post as soon after the Round 2 announcement as possible.

I agree. And, there is even a chance they wouldn't give that honest of a comment. They might just say..."reject"!

Obviously the current system works. Heck, it's cool that any of them even take the time to share comments on those items. That's a lot of work :)


Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:
Quick question about your name....Curaigh....Isn't that gaelic for "Skull"?

If so, I did a terrible job translating. :) It is sort of gaelic, but without the proper accent marks. curadh is how I think most translators spell it now, but the book I used said sounds like /ig/ and so I spelled it that way. :)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:
I agree. And, there is even a chance they wouldn't give that honest of a comment. They might just say..."reject"!

Some of the judges' comments go exactly like that.

Not mine, mind you. I have this tendency to spend 5,000 words per post. But, even on a few of them, some other judge got there before me. I'd read their assessment and just say, "Agreed. Vote to Reject." And then push the Reject button for us. In fact, I daresay I was the primary button-pusher this year. If you went to the Keep or Reject pile, odds are I pressed the shiny, red button that put you there. Okay. It's not really a shiny, red button...

...but it could be...

Curaigh wrote:
Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:
Quick question about your name....Curaigh....Isn't that gaelic for "Skull"?
If so, I did a terrible job translating. :) It is sort of gaelic, but without the proper accent marks. curadh is how I think most translators spell it now, but the book I used said sounds like /ig/ and so I spelled it that way. :)

So the correct translation is "Champion"?

Shadow Lodge

Neil Spicer wrote:
Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:
I agree. And, there is even a chance they wouldn't give that honest of a comment. They might just say..."reject"!

Some of the judges' comments go exactly like that.

Not mine, mind you. I have this tendency to spend 5,000 words per post. But, even on a few of them, some other judge got there before me. I'd read their assessment and just say, "Agreed. Vote to Reject." And then push the Reject button for us. In fact, I daresay I was the primary button-pusher this year. If you went to the Keep or Reject pile, odds are I pressed the shiny, red button that put you there. Okay. It's not really a shiny, red button...

...but it could be...

Imagines RPG Superstar 2011 entry falling through a trap door, where it battles to the death with a monster whose CR is equal to item caster level +8...

Every mastermind needs a shiny red button. :)

Neil Spicer wrote:

Not mine, mind you. I have this tendency to spend 5,000 words per post. But, even on a few of them, some other judge got there before me. I'd read their assessment and just say, "Agreed. Vote to Reject." And then push the Reject button for us. In fact, I daresay I was the primary button-pusher this year. If you went to the Keep or Reject pile, odds are I pressed the shiny, red button that put you there. Okay. It's not really a shiny, red button...

...but it could be...

The buttons are labelled "Cake" and "Death" aren't they?

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Neil Spicer wrote:
Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:
I agree. And, there is even a chance they wouldn't give that honest of a comment. They might just say..."reject"!

Some of the judges' comments go exactly like that.

Not mine, mind you. I have this tendency to spend 5,000 words per post. But, even on a few of them, some other judge got there before me. I'd read their assessment and just say, "Agreed. Vote to Reject." And then push the Reject button for us. In fact, I daresay I was the primary button-pusher this year. If you went to the Keep or Reject pile, odds are I pressed the shiny, red button that put you there. Okay. It's not really a shiny, red button...

...but it could be...

Hey, wait a minute!

Are the keep and reject buttons real close together? Did you look really carefully before you pressed the button?? I demand a recount!!!

(No, I'm not putting a disclaimer in this post, either :)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Not only are the buttons close to each other, they're side-by-side! And, perhaps worse...the Keep button is squarely in between Reject...and Delete! So, yeah. Hope you made it to the right pile. o_O

Heh. And, if anyone's worried their item may have inadvertantly been sorted to the wrong place...



That ought to solve the problem. :->


Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Neil Spicer wrote:

Not only are the buttons close to each other, they're side-by-side! And, perhaps worse...the Keep button is squarely in between Reject...and Delete! So, yeah. Hope you made it to the right pile. o_O

Heh. And, if anyone's worried their item may have inadvertantly been sorted to the wrong place...
** spoiler omitted **
That ought to solve the problem. :->


Cough, cough... Oy.

There will come a time when I won't fall for that. Thank Apsu I have some resistance to things of that nature. ;)

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Hydro

Neil Spicer wrote:

Not only are the buttons close to each other, they're side-by-side! And, perhaps worse...the Keep button is squarely in between Reject...and Delete! So, yeah. Hope you made it to the right pile. o_O

Heh. And, if anyone's worried their item may have inadvertantly been sorted to the wrong place...
** spoiler omitted **
That ought to solve the problem. :->


Thankfully I've employed a fire mephit to click my spoiler tags for me.

I didn't tell him that explosive runes actually deal force damage, but on the flip side he shouldn't be hard to replace.

Muhahahaha, my pocket rogue disabled that one for me. God I am getting to really love that little guy.

Anyway back on topic, Neil, you sure it was a "shiny red button"? Oh, my bubble, cough, cough, cough, sorry went down wrong pipe...

Anyway like I was saying, oh SHINY, where were we? Sorry guys going to cut this short I keep, oh look a moving red dot.....

Legendary Games, Necromancer Games

Dire Mongoose wrote:

It's definitely a lot easier/faster to judge a contest wherein your comments for other judges aren't meant for public consumption.

Personally I'd love if I could just check a box that yes, I'd like to see my unadulterated rejected item comments after the top 32 are announced and yes, I promise to not get offended that Sean wrote, "An item this crappy should at least promise to kill Hitler one or more times." Given time and effort demands on the judges, though, I think the current setup in which they're not released but people who are really curious can request feedback is probably the best compromise.

Here's why that won't work: even if you check the box, what you dont realize is that I may make comments about a similar item in my comments about your item. It would be nearly impossible (or even if possible, not worth the time) to edit out all those references. For instance, if you submit a necklace of deadly gloom and someone else submits a necklace of shadow's veil, it is likely that we might discuss that other item in passing in your item's thread. And there is no way to edit that out or have to go check to see if the other item also checked their box. Just too much work.

Plus, trust me when I tell you that you don't want the judges to feel that their confidential discussions will be public. You dont want to know or see. You get tons of feedback in the feedback threads. If the judges knew comments were going to just bulk be public you wouldnt have the same free discussion.

The way it works now is ideal.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Clark Peterson wrote:
The way it works now is ideal.


I can say that having been on both sides of this contest now. Even as much as I might have wanted to see every last word the judges posted while discussing my item submission, it's far better that I didn't. Instead, I got to learn from the feedback threads, the bad item stereotypes (which became Sean's auto-reject threads), etc. In that fashion, I learned all those things on my own. If I'd read the judges' actual feedback, I might have taken too hard of a blow to the ego and psyche to make another go of it. Obviously, I'm much happier with how things worked out.

Trust me when I say you will be, too.

My two cents,

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka JoelF847

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:
The only issue with that, I can think of, is that some judges may not be comfortable with their comments going public.
Considering that some of my comments include, "this item's name is crap," yes.... ;)

Hopefully, for my item, the quote starts "This is a cool item, but..." before going on to say "this item's name is crap"

Crap... relates to bodily functions, vomiting, etc... Auto-Reject #19. Rather linear, to be sure.

No surprises, here.

Clark Peterson wrote:

The way it works now is ideal.

I did say that further in the post! :)

I'd like what I'd like, but I also understand the reasons why it's not workable in practice.

Scarab Sages

Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:
some judges may not be comfortable with their comments going public.
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Considering that some of my comments include, "this item's name is crap," yes.... ;)
Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:

Just because I submitted the Crap Helmet, doesn't mean you have to tell everyone!! (joke of course).

Gosh....I hope noone really did submit a Crap Helmet :O


You said no items should include vomit; you said nothing about turds!
I am so hosed!

Is there no love to be spared for my Narcoleptic Bar-Stool?
(joke, honest!)

Liberty's Edge Dedicated Voter Season 6

Neil Spicer wrote:
Kenneth.T.Cole wrote:
I agree. And, there is even a chance they wouldn't give that honest of a comment. They might just say..."reject"!

Some of the judges' comments go exactly like that.

Not mine, mind you. I have this tendency to spend 5,000 words per post. But, even on a few of them, some other judge got there before me. I'd read their assessment and just say, "Agreed. Vote to Reject." And then push the Reject button for us. In fact, I daresay I was the primary button-pusher this year. If you went to the Keep or Reject pile, odds are I pressed the shiny, red button that put you there. Okay. It's not really a shiny, red button...

...but it could be...

perhaps in poor taste:
I just had to make this comment... and of course I'm just kidding... but... Are your reject and keep buttons close enough together than you might hit the wrong one and eternally doom that submission by mistake?

looks like I got ninja'd by two people who were braver than me

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