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Cartigan wrote:Summon Monster VIII+1. Yeah, three choices, and two of them are Evil...
Well, the Monadic Deva should be an obvious addition for SM 8, but to ad on any of the qlippoth, daemons, or anything else, you'd have to basically add in outsiders of each type to the relevant spell lists. I mean, you could bring back the Leonal for SM 8 (it was on the list for SM 9 under 3.5 rules), but then the question might be raised of why the other Agathions aren't on the list. Same token for adding the Derghodaemon leading to all Daemons getting added, the Chernobue leading to the rest of the Qlippoth - where do you draw the line? SM 8 definitely needs help, but (other than the Monadic Deva) where do you draw the line?

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Every monster from the SRD that hasn't been included in the Bonus Bestiary, Bestiary 1, or Bestiary 2. (With the exception of those that might require an epic rules set, but as soon as you work that out, I'd love to see them, too.)
Monsters from the APs, modules, and Campaign Setting books that haven't been included in the Bestiaries.
Flux Slime (Maybe not in a bestiary, but in some future RPG book.)
Don't bother with: any more Tome of Horrors conversions...The Tome of Horrors Complete will be coming eventually.

judas 147 |

are some one noted this:
will be nice if includes hordes of them and less dinos type, less dragons thats enough, no more lycans (if theyre keep making lykans, next one be a "bird were" or alike)
more vermin
more undeads (there are a few incorporeal ones)

Odraude |

I love how the Bestiary 2 went with so many types of mythologies. I was especially happy to see some Native American mythos in there. I hope to see some of the following:
Ahuizotl: A large otter-like creature with a hand on its tail. Eats people's eyes, tails, and finger nails. I know they wrote this guy up in one of the recent APs, but it would be nice to see him reprinted.
Cipactli: A large underground caiman with jaws on its joints. Would be an interesting high level Colossal monster
Jogah: An interesting flavor of faerie I think.
Wayob: A malicious human/animal hybrid spirit.
Chepi: A spirit of vengeance called forth by a powerful shaman
Sésquac: Bigfoot :D
Deer Woman: A beautiful woman with the legs of a deer that lures men to their doom. Its like a Satyr/Nereid combined!
Xmulzencab: There is little information about this, other than it was a bee deity or a swarm of bees... I would like to see them use the sentient swarm of bees surrounding a skeleton.

Jeff de luna |

I love how the Bestiary 2 went with so many types of mythologies. I was especially happy to see some Native American mythos in there. I hope to see some of the following:
Ahuizotl: A large otter-like creature with a hand on its tail. Eats people's eyes, tails, and finger nails. I know they wrote this guy up in one of the recent APs, but it would be nice to see him reprinted.
Cipactli: A large underground caiman with jaws on its joints. Would be an interesting high level Colossal monster
Jogah: An interesting flavor of faerie I think.
Wayob: A malicious human/animal hybrid spirit.
Chepi: A spirit of vengeance called forth by a powerful shaman
Sésquac: Bigfoot :D
Deer Woman: A beautiful woman with the legs of a deer that lures men to their doom. Its like a Satyr/Nereid combined!
Xmulzencab: There is little information about this, other than it was a bee deity or a swarm of bees... I would like to see them use the sentient swarm of bees surrounding a skeleton.
I love these...

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Because I only buy from the pathfinder/Paizo line and I want those in there Beastiary III (or if I have to wait the Beastiary IV
). Besides Tome of horrors I got my interest enough to buy but the other tome of horrors books didn't interest me enough to buy.
I'd wager that, given the fact that some members of the Paizo staff worked on the book, there won't be any more "new" Pathfinder conversions of ToH creatures. When they feel like putting some into an adventure, they'll use the Tome of Horrors Complete stats, but I doubt they'll feel the need to throw them into future Bestiaries, since they'll all be available from Frog God Games.

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The main reason we've resisted bloating the summon monster tables is because we don't want to make those spells SO pregnant with options that spellcasters are overwhelmed with choices. Summon spells already slow the game down enough without paralyzing spellcasters with too many choices. Keeping the lists tight and limited to the Core choices allows the player who likes summoning monsters to actually LEARN his spells, since he's not playing a constant game of catch up to re-learn what's the best monster for the best situation.
what about making alternative summon monster spells that summon different kinds of monsters?
like summon elemental monster I-IX, or some other plane equivalent, or maybe alignment version like summon lawful monster or summon evil monster

kelvingreen |

I am not convinced that anything can top the majesty of the Swarm, Monkey, but here goes:
Miniature giant space voles!
Body snatchers! The Fighting Fantasy gamebooks did a good fantasy version of these, tying the pod person idea in with the mandrake.
Chocobos. They got 3.5e stats in an issue of Dragon as I recall, so just need updating.
No-Face from Spirited Away.
The "boss" animals from Princess Mononoke.
Proper colossal creatures, so big that they're environments in themselves. Probably hard to do in an existing setting, but an interesting challenge.

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I love what you did in Kingmaker and Serpent's Skull with monsters from RW mythologies. I'd love to see more creatures from Slav mythology, such as homeguardian snake, domovoy, doghead, ala, dragon (which is not a flying lizard), zduhac, azdaja etc.
I'd love to see more creatures that can serve as advanced familiars: more types of pseudodragons, some kind of tiny sphinx, perhaps an inevitable for LN wizards?
Also, different types of wyverns and drakes would be cool.
A four-armed anthropomorph that would replace thri-kreen.
A number of anthropomorphs based on cats, rats, wolves, bears...

Knoq Nixoy |

I love what you did in Kingmaker and Serpent's Skull with monsters from RW mythologies. I'd love to see more creatures from Slav mythology, such as homeguardian snake, domovoy, doghead, ala, dragon (which is not a flying lizard), zduhac, azdaja etc.
I did not like the fungus leshy, it should have been a green-bearded guy with blue skin. There was already zahhak, close to azdaja.
Zomok should be included, my favourite from Kingmaker.
Also vodyanoi (maybe closer to mythology or Mieville's than the aquatic umber hulk).

Drejk |

The Brainwhipper! A tentacle-faced monster that can ravage your mind with its psychic powers!
(Totally not subject to copyright laws)
Ooo, and their former slaves that rebelled against them when they learned how to resist psychic powers of Brainwhippers and later split into two warring factions!

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I would like to see the Bestiary 3 contain a few creatures from 3rd party PFRPG books or PDFs.
This was a cool when WOTC did with one of their monster manuals (3rd edition Monster Manual 2 if I remember correctly.) Also having this plug for the other books in Bestiary 3 would help show there is more to Pathfinder RPG than just what Paizo publishes.
I believe doing this would enhance the sense of community that the OGL represents.

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I would love to see the stats on a platypus.
Hmmm. Giant platypus...
Take a cat, give it a swim speed, give it blindsense 10 ft., take away the bite, and give it a slightly changed up rend (2 claws 1d2-4 plus poison) as a way for it to use its spurs. You could probably use Small centipede poison stats. As a familiar, it’d probably grant a Perception bonus.
‘Least, that’s what I’d do as a quick version. :)

Dragon78 |

Oops ment to say "Sprites" not "Spries".
The platypus would be cool since the males are poisonous.
No more devils or demons(at least until the beastiary IV), have way too many already.
The Atomie and a more powerful version of the Nixie.
Hedgehog, Kangaroo, Whale shark, sea turtle, skunk, weasel/mongoose, anteater, armodillo, ostridge, lionfish.

Goth Guru |

Oops ment to say "Sprites" not "Spries".
The platypus would be cool since the males are poisonous.
No more devils or demons(at least until the beastiary IV), have way too many already.
The Atomie and a more powerful version of the Nixie.
Hedgehog, Kangaroo, Whale shark, sea turtle, skunk, weasel/mongoose, anteater, armadillo, ostrich, lionfish.
A skunk has mostly a cat's stats, with a stinking cloud thats natural, clings to things, and it's in the weasel family.
A CR 20 protean probably has no name. It might have no true form.
Yucale |
Dragon78 wrote:Oops ment to say "Sprites" not "Spries".
The platypus would be cool since the males are poisonous.
No more devils or demons(at least until the beastiary IV), have way too many already.
The Atomie and a more powerful version of the Nixie.
Hedgehog, Kangaroo, Whale shark, sea turtle, skunk, weasel/mongoose, anteater, armadillo, ostrich, lionfish.
A skunk has mostly a cat's stats, with a stinking cloud thats natural, clings to things, and it's in the weasel family.
A CR 20 protean probably has no name. It might have no true form.
But it would be nice to have stats.

Kakarasa |

Natives of Castrovel, Akiton, Verces, Eos, and the Liavaran and Brethedan Mooninites.
More Cryptids - Almas, Dingoneks, Hokkaido Wolves, Nandi Bears, Ropens, etc.
More creatures of American folklore - Hidebehinds, Snoligosters, Slide-Rock Bolters, Agropelters, Splinter Cats, Whirling Whimpuses, Squonks, and the like.
Yokai - Akaname, Enenra, Hitosume-Kozo, Kuchisake-Onna, Nurikabe, and their brethren.
I know this is a long way back and may have already been mentioned (TL:DR), but look here for american folklore monster similar to the above named.
EDIT: La Lechuza would be interesting...

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Has anyone figured out the fate of Ravenloft's monsters. At the time they were published by a 3rd party, but there are no reference to the OGL involving them.
I personally would love a living wall to throw my players at.
They are no more open than the Dragonlance or FR creatures. Many of them were based on RL myths, so there is nothing stopping Paizo from releasing their own interpretation. Actually, they already did, Bestiary 2 contains the Dhampyr.

Eric Hinkle |

I love how the Bestiary 2 went with so many types of mythologies. I was especially happy to see some Native American mythos in there. I hope to see some of the following:
Ahuizotl: A large otter-like creature with a hand on its tail. Eats people's eyes, tails, and finger nails. I know they wrote this guy up in one of the recent APs, but it would be nice to see him reprinted.
Cipactli: A large underground caiman with jaws on its joints. Would be an interesting high level Colossal monster
Jogah: An interesting flavor of faerie I think.
Wayob: A malicious human/animal hybrid spirit.
Chepi: A spirit of vengeance called forth by a powerful shaman
Sésquac: Bigfoot :D
Deer Woman: A beautiful woman with the legs of a deer that lures men to their doom. Its like a Satyr/Nereid combined!
Xmulzencab: There is little information about this, other than it was a bee deity or a swarm of bees... I would like to see them use the sentient swarm of bees surrounding a skeleton.
Hey, thanks for that Monstropedia link! I never even hard of the site before; I'll have to check it out later.
And the Ahuitzotl showed up in Kingmaker #34 if you're interested for a Golarion-esque vrsion.

Eric Hinkle |

I love what you did in Kingmaker and Serpent's Skull with monsters from RW mythologies. I'd love to see more creatures from Slav mythology, such as homeguardian snake, domovoy, doghead, ala, dragon (which is not a flying lizard), zduhac, azdaja etc.
Just asking, by "doghead" do you mean the classical image of Cynocephali? Because if so then I agree on the need for these guys.
A number of anthropomorphs based on cats, rats, wolves, bears...
Yes yes yes. As PC races!
And some stats for updated lupinals wouldn't be out of line either (or are they off limits?).

Remco Sommeling |

A few more Oni, Asuras and rakshasha.
Some nice templates for undead, constructs, animals and fey among others
Fallen and Ascended templates (outsiders turned evil or good respectively)
humanoid subraces, though maybe I like a separate book for the ones that are commonly allowed for PCs.
dark fey
The creatures from APs updated to PFRPGand bound in this nice hard cover
Giant Space Hamster

Foghammer |

More fey, and not the creepy-gnomey, trickstery types either. Nature-centric (druid-y, even) fey are preferable, from all biomes. Forest fey, jungle fey, highland fey, tundra/arctic fey, desert fey...
Bear + Deer... Beer? Dear...? ...to my heart! It should be at least as big as a bear but with a gore attack, but not quite as vicious. Maybe, make it a semi-intelligent fey creature... The Furok from Magi-Nation is a cool example (actually, Magi-Nation Duel had a lot of really cool monster ideas; the original, not the new crap by Cookie Jar). Wasperines were freaking awesome as well.
I second the platypus and honey badger. I would also like to see stats for one fo those big-horned rams you see bashing their skulls together. The Brixashulty in WotCs Races of the Wild was okay, especially with its free bull rush on an attack, but I want to see it Pathfinder-ized and less goat-like. Rams != goats. Really, more animals in general. I love animals, and we do lots of open-country adventuring.
More small races, or medium races with slight build for riding medium mounts. Ones that aren't pathetic like kobolds or goblins but are more inline with halflings and gnomes. A playable 0-HD, low CR, tiny-sized faerie along the lines of Aasimar and Tiefling would be really fun, and I know I could bring some more female players in if I told them they could be like Tinkerbell.
TL;DR... Fey, Bear+Deer hybrid, more animals (Platypus and Ram specifically), and more small 0-HD races that are playable and not intentionally weaker.
OMG and more templates. Templates are sooooo amazing. I wish there was a book just for templates.

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Or the Valravn......
Is the Annis Hag anywhere in the first two Beast Boox? Am I missing it? Is "Annis" copyrightable for some reason?
The Annis hag was in the Bonus Bestiary.

Numerian |

Valravn is interesting
Numerian wrote:Those are some wonderfully obscure critters.Creatures of the First World, such as uldra, dearg-due, wyrd, sluagh, bogle, wood wose
From mythology, keres or valkyrie, telchines, drakaina, nain rouge, preta, fext, pontianak, peluda, hundred-heads
Here's some info
Hundred-heads: said to be a gigantic fish with many heads, each one that of a different animal. Legend holds that the fish was the reincarnated spirit of a monk who had often called others "monkey-head" or something similar. The karma of these insults had made him return as a monster. Haha
fext, for the gunslingers ;)
wyrd, not sure if the overlap with the norns ...

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Oh, I was familiar with many of them, but I'm always excited when I "discover" a new folklore creature. So, thank you. Actually, I wrote up and turned in one creature on your list just last month. Look for it in the future. :)
I absolutely adore fringe folklore creatures and this thread has provided plenty of new additions to my monster files.

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I want more flora and less fauna. Plants always make excellent traps and or monsters. Maybe a giant terrestrial version of a bladderwort!
Also I would like conversions of the rest of the monsters from previous adventure paths.