Bestiary 3 wish list

Product Discussion

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Yeah Darren Drader, I think there should be a template to make some/most creatues aberrations.

Obviously there are some exceptions. I think that allowing the template to apply to undead wouldn't work. Adding it to dragons could be awesome. I'm on the fence with outsiders - on one hand there's the qlippoth and (WotC IP) Kaorti, which are essentially outsider aberrations, but the idea of adding such a template to devils, archons, or similar ones seems thematically wrong - but then aberrations are supposed to be off, twisted, and wrong....

A Retriever is both a demon and a construct.
A Devil golem is made out of pieces of devils, so that is template worthy.
No wait, that's a subtype.
How does a template differ from a subtype.
Is a Stench Cow a buffalo with the fiendish template?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am going to +1 Brain Squirrels.

Tiny little beasties that crack open your skull, steal your brains and store them for the winter. With their twitchy and evil little eyes, and so quick as to almost be invisible. shudder

More fey. More drakes. More templates. es
I tried to copy and paste.
I'm pretty sure a devil golem is a Flesh Golem template. It can be applied to anything made of flesh by stitching together remains and animating them. Adam in Buffy was a Demon Golem.


Goth Guru wrote:
Is a Stench Cow a buffalo with the fiendish template?

It's a terrible terrible monster and you should be ashamed for mentioning it? :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Todd Stewart wrote:
Goth Guru wrote:
Is a Stench Cow a buffalo with the fiendish template?
It's a terrible terrible monster and you should be ashamed for mentioning it? :)

Isn't that Stench Kow?

And I'm more worried about Brain Weasels. They're the darn things that run through your mind at night and keep you from sleeping because they're bouncing ideas around for stories and characters and whatnot.

Dark Archive

Berselius wrote:

Personally, I'd love to see the following in a Bestiary 3:

Aeon, Caen (CR 4) (aeons with power over love and hate)
Aeon, Sige (CR 8) (aeons with the power over sound and silence)

Agathion, Lupinal (CR 5) (wolf-like humanoid agathion who tirelessly hunt their evil prey)
Agathion, Ursinal (CR 10) (comtimplative bear-like humanoid agathion with powerful spellcasting abilities)
Agathion, Loxonal (CR 18) (huge elephant-like humanoid agathion whose prowess in battle is 2nd to none)

Angel, Celestar (CR 17) (rainbow-feathered winged angels devoted to hunting down fiends in the Material Plane)
Angel, Ariel (CR 9) (sylvan angels devoted with ensuring prosperity of nature and good-aligned communities of mortals)
Angel, Cherub (CR 11) (child-like angels devoted with protecting children and the innocent)
Angel, Seraph (CR 15) (fiery armored angels devoted to war and vengence who smite the wicked with divine fire)
Angel, Tharsis (CR 13) (aquatic angels devoted to helping the sea dwelling races of Goloron as well as protecting sailors)

Archon, Feather (CR 9) (archons with beautiful and large feathered wings whose feathers can become as sharp as razors)

Azata, Noviere (CR 8) (aquatic azata who secure the saftey of good-aligned sea creatures both above and below the waves)
Azata, Shiradi (CR 14) (celestial azata devoted to liberating the oppressed and giving hope to the downtrodden)

Devil, Pleasure (Beliligon) (CR 10) (beautiful female devils who tempt mortals to damnation through lust)

Dragon (Primal), Heavenly (CR varies) (primal dragons who normally reside in heaven whose holy light blinds the wicked)
Dragon (Primal), Elysian (CR varies) (primal dragons who reside in Elysium and are devoted to spreading freedom and joy)
Dragon (Primal), Infernal (CR varies) (infernal dragons who dwell in hell and conspire to bring damnation to all of Goloron)
Dragon (Primal), Abyssal (CR varies) (malevolant tenetacled dragons who desire to cast all they see into the depths of the Abyss)
Dragon (Primal),...

Well, I don't want to have 50 different types of angels, archons, agathions, azata and aeons; likewise, I think we already have more than enough dragons, giants and weird creatures directly based on real world myths and legends. More mid-CR non-golem constructs, outsiders, aberrations and undead -- plus significantly more templates (and hopefully ones that have flavorful and interesting abilities mechanically tied to CR, a la Graveknight) -- is what I'd like to see in Bestiary 3.

Todd Stewart wrote:
Goth Guru wrote:
Is a Stench Kow a buffalo with the fiendish template?
It's a terrible terrible monster and you should be ashamed for mentioning it? :)

You are at a convention. There are two modules you could play. One is herding Stench Kows, the other is following a Kender with a map. I'll be herding Stench Kows, how about you. :P

Todd Stewart wrote:
CunningMongoose wrote:
Cranium rats
Oh so sadly WotC IP. :(


lordzack wrote:

You mean like clockwork monstrosities? Or real, Buck Rogers/Star Wars type robots?

The first might fit as gnomish contraptions but the latter would only be OK for a possible "sci-fi" version of Patfinder.

darth_borehd wrote:
lordzack wrote:

You mean like clockwork monstrosities? Or real, Buck Rogers/Star Wars type robots?

The first might fit as gnomish contraptions but the latter would only be OK for a possible "sci-fi" version of Patfinder.

Same as Gunslinger. GM call.

martinaj wrote:

And paizo, I implore you, PLEASE don't give us anthropomorphic cats!

Why the hate for catfolk?

Just give me the anime version of "catgirls", just the ears, tail, and the eyes of a cat(maybe some stripes or spots on the skin) but no fur.

darth_borehd wrote:
lordzack wrote:

You mean like clockwork monstrosities? Or real, Buck Rogers/Star Wars type robots?

The first might fit as gnomish contraptions but the latter would only be OK for a possible "sci-fi" version of Patfinder.

Robots have been in D&D since the beginning. All the way back in the original Blackmoor campaign (there were also sci-fi elements in Greyhawk). Furthermore, Golarion has robots in Numeria.

Dire Gazebo


darth_borehd wrote:
martinaj wrote:

And paizo, I implore you, PLEASE don't give us anthropomorphic cats!

Why the hate for catfolk?

They can't help it if they are the offspring of humans and big cats.

Stop picking on them. :)

Dark Archive

Contrary to some posts I've read, I do want stats for more mythological/classic/literary monsters. There's just a whole lot more flavor to them than things made up from scratch. The Bestiary 2 is just plain awesome.

Now that we have the Jabberwock stated out, I'd really like to see the frumious Bandersnatch! Also, bring back the Gargantua! More Greek monsters, I love them. What about a Maenad for instance?

But beware the jub-jub bird. *nods*


Can you do Broken Ones?

Medium Aberration
Source(s): Denizens of Darkness, Ravenloft (MC10), Monstrous Manual
Also Known As: Animal Men
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Climate/Terrain: Any Land or Underground
Rarity: Rare
Challenge Rating: 3
Experience Value: 175
See Also: Broken Ones, Greater; Shattered Brethren

A large variety of creatures that stem from different methods of origin. They are the result of horrid experiments conducted by twisted surgeons or spellcasters. Others result from powerful curses. They are a forced amalgram of various, twisted creatures' parts. PG/paizo/beastairyIIIWishList&page=6#269

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Goth Guru wrote:

Can you do Broken Ones?

Medium Aberration
Source(s): Denizens of Darkness, Ravenloft (MC10), Monstrous Manual
Also Known As: Animal Men
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Climate/Terrain: Any Land or Underground
Rarity: Rare
Challenge Rating: 3
Experience Value: 175
See Also: Broken Ones, Greater; Shattered Brethren

A large variety of creatures that stem from different methods of origin. They are the result of horrid experiments conducted by twisted surgeons or spellcasters. Others result from powerful curses. They are a forced amalgram of various, twisted creatures' parts. PG/paizo/beastairyIIIWishList&page=6#269

I don't think that ever made it into open content. They're prolly not too different stat wise from mongrelmen (already in the Bestiary II) though.

Broken Soul is also a template used a few time in Pathfinder products from Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary...could cause some potential confusion.

My vote for the Bandersnatch and the jub jub bird.

Dragon78 wrote:
My vote for the Bandersnatch and the jub jub bird.

Snarks and Boojums

Mind you we get enough snark round here anyway

i would like to see a parasite type creature where when it takes a host, the host CR increases by a substantial number, and the host cannot talk or actively communicate but instead goes on a killing spree. having the hosts eye go completely black and secrete black ooze would be sweet too. and the parasite gives the creature spellcasting abilities based on its highest stat. something like giving them up to 4th or 5th level spells.

Silver Crusade

Non-undead lower CR creatures that turn people into more creatures like themselves.

Just remembering that Meenlock adventure from Paizo's Dungeon. It's a monster theme that's been left largely empty in PF, I think.

Dragon78 wrote:
Just give me the anime version of "catgirls", just the ears, tail, and the eyes of a cat(maybe some stripes or spots on the skin) but no fur.

My wife would totally agree with you on the catgirls.

Me personally I would like to see the Deep Dragon brought forward.

Silver Crusade

Also, multi-"species" hive creatures.

A single "race" of beings with a complicated eco/social structure with multiple subspecies heavily adapted for their specific roles in the hive.

Might also represent multiple levels of growth or life cycles for a single line of creatures...

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Mikaze wrote:
Non-undead lower CR creatures that turn people into more creatures like themselves.

I like this a lot.

I like the spell casting parasite idea too. But it would be nice if the were parasites that weren't fiendish or evil. That's kinda been done a lot.

Ronin Pi wrote:
I like the spell casting parasite idea too. But it would be nice if the were parasites that weren't fiendish or evil. That's kinda been done a lot.

id rather they be neutral and they just do it to survive. the fact that the host cant communicate and just goes around killing things leads me to look at them more as an insect type of creature. they do it for survival, not due to their viewpoint on right and wrong.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

Unrelated to this book (and thread really), but for the parasite crowd..

I did a critter for Kobold Quarterly's King of the Monsters contest called the spark that was an elemental that possessed critters and surged electricity through them. They could also reach a symbiotic relationship with their host.
Edit: Oh yeah, it won.

Adam Daigle wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Non-undead lower CR creatures that turn people into more creatures like themselves.
I like this a lot.

I second this, it sounds like a great idea.

Dark Archive

Upon looking through my Kingmaker bestiaries again, I came up with another desired monster request:

More Leshy

Eric Hinkle wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Non-undead lower CR creatures that turn people into more creatures like themselves.
I like this a lot.
I second this, it sounds like a great idea.

We are the Borg. Resistance is futile.

Adam Daigle wrote:

Unrelated to this book (and thread really), but for the parasite crowd..

** spoiler omitted **

Does it come from the Mandrigora Helix? :)


Bring em back. Yessssss...

Yes I agree Lord Gadigan, more leshy would be nice

More familiars(plants, fey, constructs, dragons, magical beast, and some outsiders)

All the monsters from the bonus beastiary

Man-eating versions of real-world carnivorous plants!

The only thing that really appeals to me is more monsters from myth and literature.

We already the giant flytrap but yes we do need a giant sundew and pitcher plant as well.

More plant creatures and a bunch of aberrations.

Evil Lincoln wrote:

The only thing that really appeals to me is more monsters from myth and literature.

The beasties of folklore and fiction seem a better bet than most invented monsters. I'd save invented monsters for paperback products, and then move those that stand the test over to the hardbacks later. Hmm...sounds familiar.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Goraxes wrote:
2nd Editions Kirre. I was happy to se the crypt thing in #2.... but the kirre is my all time fave.

I think the brijidine azata from Bestiary II is the Pathfinder equivalent to this (the kirre actually being close content itself). A serious jump in power, admittedly, but it fulfills a similar niche.

Some more reflections on what I'd like. I'm finding I'm using beasties that easily find a place within the lairs and buildings of more numerous or powerful creatures. Creatures like dopplegangers, gargoyles, lycanthropes, mimics, and rot grubs that can easily exist in normal humanoid society without being too out of place. I often find it difficult keeping my adventure sites dynamic with a mix of monsters that make sense for living in close proximity to each other. Of course I can rely on creatures with class levels, but they are very gear dependent on average.

On another note, creatures that have close associations with each other (and are thus easy to place together in encounters/adventures). I'm thinking about stuff along the lines of the skulllord and its spawn or the illithids of thoon from 3.5's MMV. Basically small clusters of creatures with a vaguely common origin/circumstance to bond together. Outsiders are NOT what I'm looking for here though- we've got a lot of those already and show up too often on the material plane already.

Basically, I'm looking for innovative but easy to place creatures that can plausibly placed in a variety of circumstances and contexts.

How is the Brijidine the equivalent the Kirre? I thought the Kirre was a 6-8 legged large cat(tiger like) with horns and psionic abilities.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
How is the Brijidine the equivalent the Kirre? I thought the Kirre was a 6-8 legged large cat(tiger like) with horns and psionic abilities.

Whoops, i must have gotten it confused with the Firre (the fire using eladrin, my bad).

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:

The only thing that really appeals to me is more monsters from myth and literature.

The beasties of folklore and fiction seem a better bet than most invented monsters. I'd save invented monsters for paperback products, and then move those that stand the test over to the hardbacks later. Hmm...sounds familiar.

The Beholder and Mind Flayer are a legal no. Until my idea of Ooglers get some of the attention they merit, I'm not going ahead with a unique replacement for the squid head.

Goth Guru wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:

The only thing that really appeals to me is more monsters from myth and literature.

The beasties of folklore and fiction seem a better bet than most invented monsters. I'd save invented monsters for paperback products, and then move those that stand the test over to the hardbacks later. Hmm...sounds familiar.
The Beholder and Mind Flayer are a legal no. Until my idea of Ooglers get some of the attention they merit, I'm not going ahead with a unique replacement for the squid head.

So...are you claiming pulp origins for the beholder and mindflayer? In Paizo's case, that's not going to matter: they are adopting the Rabbinical practice of "building a hedge around the Torah." You'd have to find other publishers to publish a Pf conversion of them.

EDIT: Rereading your post, I was kind of guessing what you meant by "getting the attention they merit." If you don't mean by publishers, then feel free to post a link to your Oogler for our ogling.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Adam Daigle wrote:
Edit: Oh yeah, it won.

*Shakes fist*

And some Dreamtime mythic beasts wouldn't go astray for a Sarusan suppliment:

Rainbow serpent
Keen keengs
Guran gath
Goose women
Quinkin (Timara and Bouncing Imjims)
Kadaicha man

That Rainbow serpent is awesome(swallow plus baleful polymorph) and I like the sound of the rest of them as well.

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