Goth Guru |

They already said no to Beholders, so no Eye of the Deep.
Ooglers, on the other hand could be built into an approximation of one.
The third book could have an extensive section on fan created creatures. That's very new.
I'm sorry someone had a very different experience with cats. Creamsicle learned to say Milk and Ham. Her daughter Calico learned to say, "Mommy Let Me Out!". Maybe mixed breed cats are more evolved or something.

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I would like to see all creatures in the first four adventure paths that have not yet been incorporated into either the first or second book. I know for sure there are a few from Legacy of Fire that are not "official" yet. While it is easy to convert and you can find fan based conversions out there I still like have the hard cover book with pictures and descriptions available in a familiar format.

Bluescale |

They already said no to Beholders, so no Eye of the Deep.
Except that they use an Eye of the Deep in "Legacy of Fire, Part 3: The Jackal's Price". The Eye of the Deep is in the "Tome of Horrors Revised," so it is available to be used as long as no mention is made about it being related to a creature called a "Beholder" (same with the Gas Spore, the Slime Crawler [originally designed for Tome of Horrors as a larval carrion crawler], and the Carrion Moth [originally designed for Tome of Horrors as the final form of the carrion crawler], the latter two being listed on page 64 of "Into the Darklands").

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I'd like to see a 3rd type of basic undead other than just Skeletons and Zombies, it seems like there's not enough low level undead to fill a proper crypt, even with modifications.
My tweak here for a low level undead-heavy game was to look at the various body parts not used for a Skeleton, and animate them separately.
Blood-Weirds were an undead ooze made from the 10-12 gallons of cold, dead blood, animated to slither over and attempt to drown living foes.
Skin-Wights were made from the carefully removed skin, toughened alchemically to be as durable as leather, and sent to grapple foes. Being weak, they could slowly constrict someone to death, but are more effective paired with some skeletons or zombies who will take advantage of their grappling a foe and then bludgeon them to death (as the skin-wight would have DR 5 vs. bludgeoning attacks).
Viscera also had ooze-like traits, but were made from the sloughed off musculature, circulatory system and digestive system, attacking with a weak combination of bludgeoning damage (from the muscles), acid damage (from digestive juices, which it could also spit 1/day) and blood drain (from the empty veins, piercing foes and attempting to fill themselves by pumping blood out of the living target). The game I used this one in had a necromancer foe hiding in the sewers, who didn't use these particular undead, as they destroyed the bodies she was trying to have the skins and bloods and shades bring back relatively intact (drowned, smothered, bruised, but not hacked up or digested!), so that she could continue her experiments.
'Lesser' shadows (called shades, in a game that doesn't use the old Greyhawk definition of Shade) had no energy draining touch, but could only crawl over someone and blind them, leaving them more vulnerable to the attacks of other undead accompanying them...
And then there's the old Realms standby of Crawling Claws, animated hands, perhaps sawed off of skeletons or zombies that have their own hands replaced with permanently-attached weapons / shields.
Over at Giant In the Playground, another poster took it a step further and came up with a low level undead made from the lungs and respiratory system (that had a weak sonic attack / fear-inducing moan, called the blood-eagle, since the lungs were flayed open and flapped like wings, bearing it through the air in a gruesome manner) and another made from a floating brain and dangling nervous system that had psi-like abilities (called a vestigue, daze cantrip at will, sense living foes in range via a form of blindsight/sense, and cause fear a few times / day, plus attacks with whip-like nervous system dangling from the floating brain, including +1 electrical damage, and intelligent and able to command a few HD worth of mindless undead) and another 'dark heart' that was a floating heart and circulatory system (or a crawling one, for weaker versions) that pulsed with a negative energy channeling 'heartbeat' that healed other undead within range, although it needed to feed on blood drained from fallen victims to recharge it's 'pulse.'
The 'dark heart' or the 'vestige' (floating brain) could make a neat 'controller' sort of boss for a group of zombies or skeletons. If the brain-thing can command skeletons, a necromancer could even chain-command more than the usual number of junky skeletons, by commanding the vestiges, and letting them command the lesser skeletons (zombies, skin-wights, blood-weirds, etc.).
The shades, blood-weirds and skin-wights make decent 'team players' to tag along with some skeletons and zombies, and make the encounter more dangerous (by blinding or grappling foes).

Goth Guru |

Eye of the deep would be cool and "yes please" to more aquatic creatures. Were did they say that about a section for fan made creatures in the next bestiary?
Someone said there should be more original creatures, then I suggested the fan made section. There has been no official confirmation at all.

Dance of Ruin |

I agree with Elias Alexander.
While I get that there are many types of gamers with varied tastes out there, I was put off by some of the monsters in Bestiary 2 because they just didn't feel like the quality I've come to expect from Paizo.
Please, stop doing 'filler' monsters, especially:
- the n-th variant of dragons, golems or elementals. I understand that this is somewhat following tradition, but even in my Planescape days, I never found any use for salt mephits, dust elementals and (insert weird element or location here) dragons. What's next, the carrot elemental? Hematite dragon? Slightly-dented-metal golem? If I want to do any of these, I can take a standard dragon, golem or mephit, adjust its description and special abilities on the fly, and done.
- centaur monsters. Even in Bestiary 2, there were way too many monsters that felt just like two creatures slapped together: plant+spider, plant+beetle, various animal mixes ... it just doesn't do anything for me.
Instead, please take a cue from the excellent design work regularly displayed in Pathfinder. All the monsters in there feel 'fresh', and even if I don't feel like I will ever use some of them, I can still appreciate them for what they are. I don't really want to see a Bestiary 3 appear in Paizo's product catalogue if one third of it is 'filler' material again.

jmberaldo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |

I didn't get the change to go through B2, but there are three things I miss in Pathfinder so far:
- Templates
- Low-CR creatures that look like a threat (especially if they can be "swarmed" to become higher level CRs later on)
- High-CR non-outsiders (I personally can't stand how high level games often end up with devils and demons as the villains)
Now, I know imagination can fix all things above. It is often a matter of context. I have used a swarm of toads (described as deformed creatures with thin transparent teeth) as well as 'dogs' that looked more like they came out of hell (without the fire breath :P). But I'd love to have options

Eric Hinkle |

martinaj wrote:How would you feel about a humanoid template? Something to help a ref stat up anthropomorphic anything they feel like...cats, foxes, jackals, leeches, wasps....<snip>
And paizo, I implore you, PLEASE don't give us anthropomorphic cats!
Also, I'll say it now. I looooove templates - they can be used to create entirely new monsters. If it isn't out in the Bestiary 2 (I haven't gotten a look at it yet), I've been dying to see a death knight template.
I think they have something like this in the Advanced Bestiary, but a Pathfinder-ized version would be great too.
And I have to add in a "me too" on votes for non-gorgeous celestials and more asuras and oni and otheriwse untouched as yet outsiders.

Rakshaka |

As far as redoing old monsters from the different paths: I'd like to see some of the following:
-Fringe Undead (Blast Shadows, Smoke Haunts, Bonestorm, Danse Macabre)
-The Azi from Legacy of Fire
-The Divs from Legacy of Fire
-The other Lamia-kin from Rise of the Ruinlords
-Xotani, the other Spawn of Rovagug Mother of Oblivion and the Argorth.
-The different Heralds of Deities and those that serve them (like Daughter of Urgathoa)
As far as unpublished I'd like to see more of the following:
-More Tane
-More mid and high level fey and undead.
-More Qulippoth
-More Linnorns and Dragon Offshoots (Like Gray/Fang, Brown/Sand, and Deep/Purple)
-More Proteans
Also, The Sandpoint Devil.

ruemere |
Introduce monster themes
Series of creatures fitting specific environment, like docks of City of Brass, slums of underwater kingdom or traders from Far Realm.
Add more high level masterminds and grunts
Giant humanoid grunts are passe. We need more alternatives with fewer magic items.
Improve rules for meshing monsters with PC classes
At this moment they are pretty sketchy. Creating barbaric shaman for monster race is very iffy. We need some support :)

Dragon78 |

Well Stringburka I am not sick of Dragons(at any level) otherwise my user name would be completely different.
I only remember 4 kinds of Lamia but would love to see them all and then some stated out for pathfinder.
Really could use some CR 13+ Fey, Monstrous humaniods, Oozes, Plants, and few more Aberrations.

Elias Alexander |

I'd love to see some Giants that weren't just the dominant element of their terrain slapped on to their name, with a few spell like abilities to add to it. The Rune Giant and Taiga giant were great ideas. different species of giant with unique abilities and backstories. When i first saw the Taiga in the core rulebook i was like " oh man, they're finally doing different with giants, now this is gonna be awesome, Finally I have something for my dwarves to fight other than Vikings with elemental resistance and a larger size catagory" but when I got to the bestiary, i was let down.
dont just refresh the rules for stuff that's been kicking around for 20 years, .... mix it up!

Goth Guru |

ruemere wrote:
Introduce monster themes
Series of creatures fitting specific environment, like docks of City of Brass, slums of underwater kingdom or traders from Far Realm.
How about if the traders look vaguely humanoid but are really pseudopods of colossal mutant shoggoths still in the far realm.
Add more high level masterminds and grunts
Giant humanoid grunts are passe. We need more alternatives with fewer magic items.
How about a new type of humanoid, some are mostly muscle, some mostly brain, some constantly hasted but they don't live long, ect.
Improve rules for meshing monsters with PC classes
At this moment they are pretty sketchy. Creating barbaric shaman for monster race is very iffy. We need some support :)
Minotaurs and Trolls lend themselves to barbarian levels.
Female goblinoids often become witches and eventually Hags.

Realmwalker |

Goth Guru wrote:or anyone who is owned by a cat knows they are not Int. 2 or less.My cat cannot work lever faucets, despite having the strength and desire to do so; does not understand that I don't control the weather; has not, in 13 years, figured out that cars can't chase her onto the sidewalk; is utterly incapable of speaking a single word of any human language, and the number she understands can be counted on one hand; and licks plastic bags as a hobby.
By what standard are you giving her human intelligence?
My cat had enough intelligence to open the bathroom door every time I went to the bathroom. He knew that there was a glass door between him and the bird he was hunting and could open that door to get outside. Even pushed a 1 pound ceramic mug down a shelf lined it up and double checked where it would fall to bean my room mate for shooting it in the sack with a disk gun. That has to qualify at least a 3 or 4.

Dragon78 |

I am more partial to the non-fury Catgirls from anime my self, well they still have to have cat ears and a tail.
They already have there version of a Death knight, can't remember what it was called of the top of my head though.
Yeah we need more "anti-warrior" monsters out there.
We need more Fey it is one of the smallest cattegories of creatures out there. As I have said before I want the Atomie,Sprite,Sea sprie, and Nixie(along with all the other creatures from the Bonus Beastiary) as well as some Fey that are CR13+. I would love to see something like Jack Frost, Jack o lantern, the Green man, etc.

John Robey |

I'd like to see some higher-level corporeal undead of the "icky things creeping around crypts" variety rather than the "villainous mastermind" or "actually an extraplanar horror randomly mis-labeled as undead" variety. Once you get past mummies and wights (even advanced, fiendish wights), there's not much in the way of undead that actually seems to be something that was once alive. (Instead it's all stuff like devourers, which should properly be aberration or outsider rather than undead since it's not something that died and rose again.)
I did convert the 3.5 abyssal ghoul for my own game, but it would be nice to have some others. :)
-The Gneech

Urath DM |

Elias Alexander |

Dire Corby?
Is in misfit monsters.... and is kinda scary.
I'd like to see some new sets of inter-related monsters, rather than just ones that were slightly related to ones we already have ( not that i'd mind those either.)
allow me to explain.
you know how your " classic" goblin warren will have hordes of little goblins, some dire rats, some goblin dogs, maybe a few orcs, and then whatever's pushing the goblins around?
I'd like to see more of that, more ... " hey, this monster tends to live with these monsters, uses this monster as a mount, might ally with this monster, is associated with/summons/worships this outsider..... and all of them are new!" a few of those would really help me fill the dark places in my world with something exciting to threaten my players with.
I'd also like to see another low level monster that you could populate a dungeon with... maybe low level colony based insects.... Just something to fill the few first levels, rather then ANOTHER page full of encounters with goblins/bandits/cultists/ratmen/kobalds

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I enjoy the classic Mythical monsters but really for a new book I think what I would like to see is the monster / animal population for another continent that hasn't been revealed yet. We know they are going to publish a book for the far east. So how about another continent to the West or South, this would allow for new creatures making many of us happy and plenty of room for rehashed versions of mythical creatures making everyone else happy.
Think of the adventure paths that could come from this not only could PCs explore but imagine if the strange people of this continent were to invade lest say Sanpoint then move on to the rest or Varasia.
But whatever you do with Beastiary III please include plenty of detail on how you see the creatures live.
Just my 2 cents

Elias Alexander |

Elias Alexander wrote:What?!? Why am I just finding out about this? Guess Ill be getting misfit monsters very very shortly.TheWhiteknife wrote:Dire Corby?
Is in misfit monsters.... and is kinda scary.
yeah, they made them absolutely fearless..... If there's a group chasing you, and you take out the bridge behind you.... and only some of them are going to make the jump... all of them will try it.
I bring this up because we need more monsters like this..... with their own distinct cultural and ecological habits that are strange/ possibly exploitable by a well versed player.

stringburka |

Well Stringburka I am not sick of Dragons(at any level) otherwise my user name would be completely different.
I only remember 4 kinds of Lamia but would love to see them all and then some stated out for pathfinder.
Really could use some CR 13+ Fey, Monstrous humaniods, Oozes, Plants, and few more Aberrations.
The issue with oozes and plants is that they're too unintelligent to make good BBEGs, and while they could make good high-cr encounters, I find them to make more sense in large numbers that way. I could see something like an animated world tree, could be really cool to fight a giant treefolk with sylvan elves jumping between the branches bombarding the pc's with arrows while the tree itself tries to stomp them into the ground. It's hard to use more than once though. Oozes are quite easy to make high-cr, simply because "larger = better" when it comes to them, much like vermin. When it comes to monstrous humanoids and fey, I'm fully with you (fey BBEG or even more right-hand-of-the-bbeg tends to be perfect in my games, though they're lower level) but mostly seems to need simply class levels; if a monstrous humanoid is so much different than a human to warrant a CR of 13, it's probably better not labeled as a monstrous humanoid but as an aberration or magical beast.
I really like class levels for making high-level opponents, simply because when it comes to opponents that are social and intelligent (which I want my hard enemies to be), individual variation is important. But I can see why it might be nice to have simple high-cr monsters to throw at the party because class levels require a lot of work to the DM and sometimes in the fights as well; I may be oblivious to this as I mostly run lower-level games and any monster with a CR higher than 7 isn't something I just toss at my players without setting up a special scenario.

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I would love to see:
ooze "animal" companions
Some low cost golems (Kind of like how the carrion golem is a lower CR and cheaper Flesh golem. I'm talking really cheap, like a cardboard golem or a tin golem. Something low CR that you can see a wizard making a few of instead a single big golem.)
Some unusual creatures (like aberrations, oozes, and plants) that would be good familiars.
AKA 8one6