Abra Lopati

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Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge

I would much rather Paizo lean toward caution and add the creatures they can't my self. It takes very little to create a critter for your world and even less if you have access to 3.5 Monster Manuals.

Grand Lodge

I have no problem with my players looking up things they have access to IE the Core Rulebook. IF I give them an Item I wanted in the world that isn't in the Core (this is very often the case) and they ask I simply tell them what they know about they item. They know my GMing style and know I add a great deal to what is already there but I do not change the games rules. Unique Monsters and Items with plenty of detail keep the campaign new and fresh.

So as a player if you up an item and you do not see it then as has been suggesten often ask the GM if they are vaque then find someone to cast Identify.

Rules lawyer to me is someone who takes joy in confronting a GM to tell them they are wrong. My players will kindly point out something they think I have missed and if they are wrong I correct it. no drama
I have been a GM for 32 years now and have run many different systems so I may mix rules sometimes. My point as I ramble is there doesn't need to be a confrontation about a Rule even one like an items function simply ask them.

Grand Lodge

I thought the book quite good!

Grand Lodge

Karui Kage wrote:

Well, I've finally completed it. It was a project I started a long time ago, but eventually lost interest in (along with losing what code I had done at that point). Thanks to my Kingmaker group, however, I decided to spend a day or two over my break working on it. After manually rolling for just a few minor items in their kingdom's magic item slots, I dreaded what it would be like when they got more and more open slots to fill with magic items.

So, my desire for "click of a button" convenience strong, I hunkered down and coded this program up. I've learned a lot with C since my first attempt at this, and am proud with the final application that I've made.

What exactly does this program do, you might ask? Well it does a few things:

Individual Generation
This is the first tab you'll see when opening the program. It's pretty self-explanatory. Pick a number of minor, medium, or major items of specific types and click the button. It will pop out random choices based on your selections. If you're curious, Minor Rods and Minor Staves are missing for a reason, that being that the Core Book does not have any of those types.

City Generation
Using the rules in the Core Book for how many items of each type can pop up in various city sizes, this tab will genearate items for a certain city size based on your selection.

Kingdom Generation
What I, personally, will be using the most, this allows you to set how many slots of each Item Type your kingdom has (in a Kingmaker or similar campaign) and generate the appropriate items each month.

Those are the various sections. How do I calculate everything though? Well, I tried to be as comprehensive as I could, and this is what it comes down to:

  • Randomly generated items are done so using the tables in the GameMastery Guide and the Core Rulebook.
  • Armor and Weapons are done so that no two special abilities of the same type will be generated, and if two similar ones (shock and shocking burst) pop up, it will assign the better.
  • Armor

Great Tool thank you!!!

Grand Lodge

I enjoy the classic Mythical monsters but really for a new book I think what I would like to see is the monster / animal population for another continent that hasn't been revealed yet. We know they are going to publish a book for the far east. So how about another continent to the West or South, this would allow for new creatures making many of us happy and plenty of room for rehashed versions of mythical creatures making everyone else happy.

Think of the adventure paths that could come from this not only could PCs explore but imagine if the strange people of this continent were to invade lest say Sanpoint then move on to the rest or Varasia.

But whatever you do with Beastiary III please include plenty of detail on how you see the creatures live.

Just my 2 cents