Two Teams Enter, One Team Leaves (PBP PVP)

Gamer Connection

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wraithstrike wrote:

Could the rules for this fight be printed in one post like last time.

As for the same race question it does not matter to me.

Or maybe put the rules into a separate Google doc :)

Wraith & Dragon:
You guys wanna start an email conversation to discuss our strategy? I am down with playing the same race. I was going to play a Witch named Latrine, but that is out :).

I am thinking of a Rogue, or maybe an Arcane Trickster, or an EK. It all depends what you guys want to play

My Team:
If we do the Gish thing I am going inquisitor, no matter if I am the emperor or not. If we don't do the gish thing and I am not the emperor I am going cleric. If we don't do the gish thing, and I am the emperor I am going sorcerer or wizard.


1. Everyone is level 8. Everyone must play some sort of caster/physical hybrid. (Not allowed: full BAB or full 1st-9th level casting progression. A mix of classes that offer both are allowed.)
2. 20 point buy with no stat below 8 and only one below 10.
3. Maximum hit points at first level, average hit points at subsequent levels (rounded up).
4. Everything from the Core Rulebook and Advanced Player's Guide (plus the current playtest magus) is allowed, with the exceptions listed in the PFS guide.
- Leadership
- Brew Potion --> replaced by Extra Bombs (Alchemist)
- Craft Rod/Magic Arms & Armor/Staff/Wand/Wondrous Item
- Forge Ring
- Scribe Scroll --> replaced by Spell Focus (Wizard)
5. Two traits selected from
6. Standard wealth by level, which is 33,000 gp for 8th level.
7. You will be given an opportunity to cast any spell with a length of 1 hour per level or 10 minutes per level prior to the start of the match. You will be given an opportunity to cast up to three rounds worth of 1 minute per level spells prior to the start of the match. All durations will begin when the match begins.
8. Arena participants are limited to only 3 consumable items, such as oils, potions, and scrolls. You may only use the items during the match, not as part of the preparation.
9. You will be playing in teams of 3, with the stated goal of killing (not knocking unconscious) a specific "Emperor" on the team.
10. The Emperor's exact square will be known by the other team at all times. Invisibility and other such spells can still grant the Emperor concealment and other benefits, however. The other characters do not have this limitation.

Shadow Lodge

Sounds good. I will have character up soon.

Dark Archive

Sounds good. One question though...will we all be aware of each other's class/build before the match begins?

Not specifically, but a vague general description will be offered.

Dark Archive

Beckett and Eben:
So do you gentlemen have an idea what you are going to play? I'm not quite sure, so just curious what you had in mind.

Shadow Lodge

Not really. I'm througing around a few ideas, but can't really settle on anyting. I may go with a Necromancer type or Antipaladin, but really not sure yet.

I may go with a Cleric-Monk also, especially to focus on hindering and debuffing enemies while abile to keep healing myself and others.

Did anyone want to be the Emporer? I don't really care either way, myself.

Dark Archive

Beckett & Ebon:
I've never played Emperor before. What kind of character do you think would be best to be the Emperor? Not necessarily the class, but maybe features.

As far as strategy goes...
1 - Kill the one or more the other party as quickly as possible. Puts them on the defensive.
2 - Focus on defensive magic and counterattack when they attack.


I am considering an Alchemist.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

This looks pretty cool. If you need an alternate, let me know!

Actually, the monk/cleric may be a decent emperor. But it might take us buffing your defenses a bit.

What type of roll do you see your alchemist filling?

I had 2 initial thoughts. Ranger/sorc - damage/mobility. And Druid/fighter - strong melee, decent area control, and access to support heals.

Actually, the monk/cleric may be a decent emperor. But it might take us buffing your defenses a bit.

What type of roll do you see your alchemist filling?

I had 2 initial thoughts. Ranger/sorc - damage/mobility. And Druid/fighter - strong melee, decent area control, and access to support heals.

DM Barcas wrote:


2. 20 point buy with no stat below 8 and only one below 10.
placed by Spell Focus (Wizard)

Are the 8 and 10 limitations before or after racial modifiers.

Torinath wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

Could the rules for this fight be printed in one post like last time.

As for the same race question it does not matter to me.

Or maybe put the rules into a separate Google doc :)

** spoiler omitted **

I left right after my last post so I did not see this one.

My Team:
My email is I want to go with the inquisitor. I have not really looked the class over so I don't know exactly what types of spells it has. If it has good self buff(defensive spells) I will volunteer to be the "target" unless one of you really wants to be it. My spells will most likely depend on whether I am the target or not, but I will try to have a build posted tomorrow, most likely without spells. I think a wizard with displacement and mirror image up will be hard to kill since you have to beat the 50% miss chance and then the mirror images. I think we should choose who is going to be the "target" first and work around that. My only question is are we supposed to make natural builds or make builds specifically to protect the emperor? I guess I can ask that out in the open.

@everyone: Are we supposed to make natural builds(ones that would be used in an actual game) or make builds specifically to protect the emperor?

You can make whatever you want that follows the guidelines.

DM Barcas wrote:
You can make whatever you want that follows the guidelines.

What about the attribute limits? Is that before or after racial modifiers?

wraithstrike wrote:
Torinath wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

Could the rules for this fight be printed in one post like last time.

As for the same race question it does not matter to me.

Or maybe put the rules into a separate Google doc :)

** spoiler omitted **

I left right after my last post so I did not see this one. ** spoiler omitted **

@everyone: Are we supposed to make natural builds(ones that would be used in an actual game) or make builds specifically to protect the emperor?

My Team:
After looking the inquisitor over I noticed they are not that great for defense so me being the "target" is a bad idea unless I switch to another class. If you of you plays the target I am willing to go cleric/fighter, but I do think I can contribute effectively with an inquisitor.
Dark Archive

Beckett & Eben:
Hey...I'll volunteer to be the Emperor. I'm going to be pretty busy today with work, but I'll be monitoring the thread periodically. I'm still torn between a few characters.

Shadow Lodge

My Team:
Ok, I am going with a Chaotic Good, Human Cleric 5, Ranger 2, Ex-Monk 1 focusing on Dex and Wis. Thinking bout going with 2 Returning Starknives, Unarmed Strikes, and heavy mobility. Any suggestions or help as I am not to familiar with this mesh? Also let me know what you decide so I can start pickng up spells accordingly.

Shadow Lodge

Okay, is ranger still following the guidelines? If not I have to make something else.

My Team:
If ranger doesn't work, I'm going to make either a Sandman Bard or a trash-talking Court Bard. I could make a Barbarian/Bard/Dragon Disciple and go for a lot of HP for Emperor.

Ranger is full BAB, but if you wanted to add some other class in to go AA (for instance), that would work.

Shadow Lodge

I'll save him for the next round then.

Dark Archive

My Team:
I'm going with Alchemist. Probably not the optimal choice, but it looks like fun. He is focused on bomb throwing. I'll post a build later tonight.

The cleric sounds interesting. Desna, correct? What domains were you considering?

Looks good by the BAB (+5) and spells (3rd) guidelines. Should be an interesting build. I look forward to seeing it. Why the Monk level?

MoFiddy, what race you going? If you go gnome, then I'll probably do a little gnomish Dragon Disciple, maybe with a level of Barb or something mixed in... but maybe straight mage/DD. I don't know how powerful it is, but it might be fun.

Beckett, I'm not sure how to get the most out of your guy... i mean, if you can go with a dex build, you'll suffer for damage output but will have hella defenses.

Dark Archive

Sounds like a law firm, huh? "Here at Beckett, Eben and MoFiddy...we don't get paid until you get paid."

Seriously though...Gnome and half-orc are tempting for my PC. I like the APG favored class options. Both races seem rather flavorful for an alchemist too. Not sure.

I've got a funny mental image of the three gnomes, including one with a breath weapon.

How's it going, guys? What are you thinking of making?

The 8/10 stat limitations are prior to racial modifiers. Just the point buy values.

Shadow Lodge

I am wanting AC boost and wanting to have a nice little surprize incase I am either disarmed or weaponless. I am going to try to go with 2 Returning Starknives, but not sure if I can afford it yet. Also not sure yet, but I may decide to try a Disarming character that essentually steals others weapons. I am trying out a few builds on my Hero Lab program, but with so many options, it is so hard to decide.

Also, DB3, Wraithstrike, and Torinath mentioned character creation as a group through Email earlier.

Shadow Lodge

Beckett wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Also, DB3, Wraithstrike, and Torinath mentioned character creation as a group through Email earlier.

Checking our spoilers, Beckett? ;)

CC me into your emails if you could,, so I can see what y'all are thinking of.

Keep in mind that wearing any armor pretty much takes away any monk benefit.

Shadow Lodge

Not intenionally? If it was in a spoiler it must have been an accident. Seriously. I wasn't trying to see your secret stuff, but I thought I saw someone mention it earlier when we where talking about allowing us to update the map. Honestly, it may even have been my team before I knew which team he was on. I apologize.

Dark Archive

Hey DM Barcas,

We are discussing characters through email too. Let me know what your email is and I'll cc you on what we have so far.


Shadow Lodge

I really don't mind people seeing my character progress. I am just torn between to possibilities right now. I have one finished, and was wanting to see if my team wanted to go with a theme before I make the second.

Don't forget that it's 20 point buy for neutral characters, +2 for Good/Evil characters, +1 for Lawful/Chaotic characters. A LG character would be 23 point buy, for instance, whereas a CN would get 21 and a NE would get 22.

Dark Archive

DM Barcas wrote:
Don't forget that it's 20 point buy for neutral characters, +2 for Good/Evil characters, +1 for Lawful/Chaotic characters. A LG character would be 23 point buy, for instance, whereas a CN would get 21 and a NE would get 22.

I forgot about that! Thanks for the reminder.

Shadow Lodge

ha ha me too. So, what is the point buy for someone that was LG and in now CG?

LG = 23
NG = 22
CG = 23
LN = 21
N = 20
CN = 21
LE = 23
NE = 22
CE = 23

Shadow Lodge

I was joking to get more points for having to be two alignments. I have my character done, I just need to type it up whenever I get a chance. There is a lot to type.

Silver Crusade

Here I am, will finish filling in the blanks soon.

Silver Crusade

I believe completely updated.

Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Temp HP: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Looks mostly good. What gives the armor+ 3, since I only see a Beavers of Armor+ 1. Also, I'd appreciate it if you put the gold value of the equipment next to it.

If everyone could have a separate section with current buffs, I'd appreciate it.

Dark Archive

I am pretty close to being done with my PC. I hope to have him posted sometime today.

Shadow Lodge

I should be ready in about half and hour. The weekend really got to me...

Liberty's Edge

Clearly it is too late to join up, but is there a battle report of these battles? I would be deeply interested in reading and seeing the group builds.

Dark Archive

TheOrangeOne wrote:
Clearly it is too late to join up, but is there a battle report of these battles? I would be deeply interested in reading and seeing the group builds.

Here is the first battle:

First battle

Shadow Lodge

Dragonborn3 here.

I'm ready to fight with tongue, blade, bolt, and magic!

Sorry I am holding everyone up. I had a session last night that went 4 hours longer than I thought it would. I just woke up a little while ago. I will reconfigure my character and get him posted ASAP.

Wraithstrike here.

Sammy is in my profile: I am still making some minor adjustments and have to add a section for buffs, or I can include my buffs in my posts.

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