Pally O’Life
Race: Halfling
Class: Paladin2\Oracle6
Alignment: LG
Ability Scores:
Str 14 (14 Base, -2 Race, +2 Belt)
Dex 18 (14 Base, +2 Race, +2 Belt)
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 22 (16 base, +2 Race, +2 4th&8th, +2 Headband)
Special Qualities:
Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Smite Evil(1/day)
Divine Grace(+Cha mod to saves)
Lay on Hands(7/day; 1d6; swift action)
Mystery: Life
Oracle’s Curse(Wasting)
--4 to Charisma based skills.
-+4 saves vs. Disease.
-Immune to Sickened condition.
-Oracle1: Channel Energy(7/day; 3d6)
-Oracle3: Life Link
Mystery(Life) Spells:
-Oracle2: Detect Undead
-Oracle4: Lesser Restoration
-Oracle6: Neutralize Poison
Eyes and Ears of the City (+1 Perception, Perception is a class skill)
Reactionary (+2 Initiative)
CL1: Point Blank Shot
CL3: Precise Shot
CL5: Rapid Shot
CL7: Many Shot
20 points ( 28 Base, -8 Int)
Perception: +14 (8 Ranks, +3 Class, +1 Trait, +2 Race)
Sense Motive: +9 (6 Ranks, +3 Class)
Spellcraft: +8 (6 Ranks, +3 Class, -1 Int)
Masterwork Greatsword (350gp | 4lbs)
+2 Belt of Physical Might(Str+Dex)Headband of Vast Intellect (10,000gp | 1lb)
+2 Headband of Alluring Charisma (4,000gp | 1lb)
+1 Amulet of Natural Armor (2,000gp | -)
+1 Ring of Protection (2,000 gp | -)
+2 Cloak of Resistance (1,000gp | 1lb)
+2 Chain Shirt (4,250gp | 13lbs)
+2 Composite Longbow - Str14 (8,600gp | 1.5lbs)
Total: 32,200gp | 21 lbs
Defensive Stats:
HP: 68 (10 Paladin1, +6 Paladin2, +30 Oracle6, +16 Con, +6 FavCla)
AC: 23 (10 Base, +6 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Size, +1 NA, +1 Ring)
CMD: 22 (10 Base, +6 BAB, +2 Str, +4 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Ring)
Fort: 15 (5 Base, +2 Con, +1 Race, +6 DivGra, +1 Cloak)
Ref: 14 (2 Base, +4 Dex, +1 Race, +6 DivGra, +1 Cloak)
Will: 16 (8 Base, +1 Race, +6 DivGra, +1 Cloak; +2 vs. Fear)
Offensive Stats:
Initiative: +6 (4 Dex, +2 Reactionary)
Movement: 20’
Senses: LLV, +14 Perception
CMB: 7 (+6 BAB, +2 Str, -1 Size)
Ranged: +2 Composite Longbow - STR14
Attack: +13/+8 (6 BAB, +4 Dex, +1 Size, +2 Enhance)
Damage: 1d6+4 (+2 Str, +2 Enhance)
Modifiers: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Many Shot
Melee: Masterwork Greatsword
Attack: +10/+5 (6 BAB, +2 Str, +1 Size, +1 Mwk)
Damage: 1d10+3 (+2 Str x1.5)
Spells Known:
0th(DC16): Create Water | Detect Magic | Guidance | Light | Resistance | Stabilize | Spark
1st(DC17): Cure Light Wounds | Detect Undead | Divine Favor | Protection from Evil | Shield of Faith | Sanctuary
2nd(DC18): Cure Moderate Wounds | Resist Energy | Restoration, Lesser | Weapon of Awe
3rd(DC19): Cure Serious Wounds | Dispel Magic | Neutralize Poison
Spells per Day:
0th: Infinite
1st: 8 (6 Base, +2 Cha)
2nd: 7 (5 Base, +2 Cha)
3rd: 4 (3 Base, +1 Cha)