CHA Witch?


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You can take the trait Student of Philosophy and use your int instead of cha for diplomacy and bluff.

Or having a decent cha is good for making a hex channeling witch, which imo is a pretty sweet archtype.

Jakynth wrote:

You can take the trait Student of Philosophy and use your int instead of cha for diplomacy and bluff.

Or having a decent cha is good for making a hex channeling witch, which imo is a pretty sweet archtype.

I Think it looks like crap. But i May be missing somthing.

Cap. Darling wrote:
Jakynth wrote:

You can take the trait Student of Philosophy and use your int instead of cha for diplomacy and bluff.

Or having a decent cha is good for making a hex channeling witch, which imo is a pretty sweet archtype.

I Think it looks like crap. But i May be missing somthing.

Well as a witch your really only taking extra hex as a feat anyways. So you cut down on your number of hex's, which there are only a few must haves anyways, and in return get to channel the same as a cleric just 1 level behind. BUT you can channel from your familiar, so you get yourself a faerie dragon and now your have a flying intelligent channel point and with the healing patron you can finally have a working mystic thuerge that can do more.

As a sugestion, for a seducer witch built from the basis of the witch class (not the only way to go, but the one the poster seems inclined to), take a look at the "charm" hex.

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Why the heck not put (relatively) high scores in (gasp) both INT and CHA? Why does every character have to key all her bonuses off a single stat in order to be "viable"? Couldn't one stat be a smidgen less astronomical and then still have points left over for a second high stat?

Even with a 20 point buy you could have a 16 CHA and an 18 (16+2) INT, or vice-versa, which would be pretty darn good for any self-respecting spellcaster.

Shifty wrote:

OK I'll chime in with why witch and why CHA.

The inital model I had was one of a deep down Louisiana voodoo type - which is VERY much a 'Witch', and every bit a valid an incarnation as a bunch of crones with pointed hats. That theme is out of keeping with a Sorc or Bard; the Witch is a pretty classic fit based on the sorts of Hexes Curses and other flavour they bring to bear.

Why CHA?

Well it's more about their ability to read people, convince people, and trick people, as opposed to being a 'party leader'.

Sure they could use Magic to do that, but it lacks a little...sophistication - for my liking anyway.

And also why a high CHA, well, if you've seen those Creole women...

If you're OK not using the Witch spell list & hexes, how about a Juju or Bones Oracle?

They can call themselves a witch just as well as anyone else. They made a deal with.... something... for power, and their Oracle's Curse is the price they paid.

If your GM allows third party material, then the Spell Finesse feat from Genius Games allows you to choose whether you want to use Wisdom, Charisma or Intelligence for all spellcasting.

There is also the Magister, a class that relies on Charisma and Wisdom for it's casting (DC and bonus spells are based off Charisma, level of spell you can cast is based on Wisdom) that, in it's updated form, allows access to Witch hexes and abilities. You can later pick up a Sorcerer bloodline to complement your Enchantment casting with the Fae Bloodline. It does have a lower number of spells than most 0-9 casters, however.

Someone forgot to add the **Raise Thread** marker. :-)

Tem wrote:

I know it costs you some casting power, but I'd just consider taking a level of something like Rogue. It gives you all the class skills you need, more skill points to spend and sneak attack to boot.

Heck, if you don't mind taking two levels of rogue you could pick up evasion and a nice rogue talent like "Charmer" which gives you two rolls (take the best) each time you use Diplomacy. You might also give the archetypes from the APG a look. Something like "Spy" gives you a bonus on Bluff checks rather than trapfinding right at level 1.

I was recently contemplating a similar build for an NPC (using the Poisoner archetype. I realize it gives up a lot mechanically but there's great RP potential. I might even consider going for Arcane Trickster after level 6

While the OP has probably already decided, I think 2 levels of Ninja would be great. You don't get evasion, but you get Ki and ninja ticks, which are calculated on Cha.

Another option would be to house rule a spontaneous version, and apply the additinal spells per day of the sorcerer over a wizard, and apply the spells known of a sorcerer. Loose out on learning new spells, but gain in more spells per day as a Cha caster.


Weirdo wrote:
plaidwandering, I'm sorry for your PFS woes, but the intent is clear enough that any home game should allow it to function with the witch substitution - and I wouldn't call that a houserule, just using RAI over RAW.

Played for the first time last weekend with the feat and everyone just assumed that all spirit hexes were accessible to witches. I think its even RAW here. I dont understand how anyone could doubt that. Anyway, lot of fun casting grease, wall of stone and acid pit as a conjurer witch :)

plaidwandering wrote:

To further illustrate what I mean, here's the text of the shaman hex to take a witch hex:

Witch Hex: The shaman selects any one hex normally available through the witch's hex class feature. She treats her shaman level as her witch level when determining the powers and abilities of the hex. She uses her Wisdom modifier in place of her Intelligence modifier for the hex. She cannot select major hexes or grand hexes using this ability. The shaman cannot select a witch hex that has the same name as a shaman hex.

Notice all that specific language in there that is NOT in spirit talker? Yes that means the feat sucks as is - and like many other things in ACG needs errata

Yeah but using your own logic it does not allow to switch the word "witch" for the word "shaman" in the hex description, so it's useless as well... I think at some point the writers assume that the users will understand the rule by making the wright connections...

*casts Raise Thread spell*

For those who haven't already found the answer to the original question: the Seducer archetype for the Witch class is found in PC: Legacy of the First World. It alters the L 1 hex and gives up the L 6 + 8 hexes; in return, the Witch uses the Charisma stat for all things Witch-related and gains a few other abilities.

(I was actually searching for something else when I came across this thread and thought that the answer should be supplied for any future searchers.)

Bellona wrote:

*casts Raise Thread spell*

For those who haven't already found the answer to the original question: the Seducer archetype for the Witch class is found in PC: Legacy of the First World. It alters the L 1 hex and gives up the L 6 + 8 hexes; in return, the Witch uses the Charisma stat for all things Witch-related and gains a few other abilities.

(I was actually searching for something else when I came across this thread and thought that the answer should be supplied for any future searchers.)

Since this thread has already been Necro Posted, I'll go ahead and add my 2¢ to this topic.

Optional to the Seducer Witch Archetype, you can also use the (unofficial) Stigmatized Witch from Wrath of the Righteous. I was able to convince one of my previous DMs to use this Archetype instead of the Seducer Archetype to play a CHA Witch because it avoided the sexy-time orgy theme that the Seducer Witch Archetype has.

The Stigmatized Witch replaces their Patron and Patron Spells for an Oracle Curse (you don't count as an Oracle so your curse only advances once every 2 levels instead of every level). It also turns their Spellcasting to CHA instead of INT, and turns their Hex saves to CHA instead of INT.

It was pretty fun making a Stigmatized Witch/Feyspeaker Druid Mystic Theurge.

(Edit) This is technically unofficial since its only used in the Pathfinder Wraith of the Righteous video game, but I think you'd have a harder to convince your DM to play a sexy-time orgy archetype than letting you play an archetype from a videogame...

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