A Pathfinder video game would be great!

Video Games

Since (I think) Atari owns the right for making D&D video games and that Pathfinder is not, "technically", a D&D product, does that mean that, in a distant future, another company could owns the right to make a PC game featuring the rules from the Pathfinder RPG ?

One can always dream... :)

Yes it would. And while we're dreaming, I would prefer 3rd person perspective over top down view.

Agreed on perspective. I'd want items to have a unique feel like in Baldur's Gate, where many of the magic items found had a backstory and history.

Liberty's Edge

Would you ideally be able to form a party, like in ToEE or the old SSI games? Would it be focused on only one character, more like Elder Scrolls games? Maybe you could have the Iconics as companions that join your noble cause, like in Dragon Age. :)

What region would the game be set in? Varisia would be a pretty good choice, though I'm becoming increasingly more fond of the River Kingdoms and the surrounding environs.

A game world based on existing Pathfinder art would be so lavish and visually dynamic, I'm excited imagining it!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'd love to see the adventure paths done up in epic BG2 style and that way I don't have to pine over the fact that it will be years and years before I even finish GMing the ones they have out currently.

So, who do I throw money at to make this happen?

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Strange, I would prefer a real turn-based (real-time is overrated IMO) 3D/isometric game featuring deep tactical combats, kind of like Temple of Elemental Evil from Troika (R.I.P.) or Final Fantasy Tactics, but with a better story and without the thousand bugs from ToEE. (;

Also, my original question was about the possibility of such a thing to ever happen. I don't know much about legal issues and license, but I do believe that Atari is not making anything good with the D&D license right now and I wish that someone else could put the Pathfinder/3.X rules to a better use.

Sorry, I don't want this thread to become to much of a : what a Pathfinder RPG video game SHOULD looks like, because, let's face it, it could become a real mess, real fast. :P

Oh, and +1 for the mention of Baldur's Gate and ToEE, my favorite D&D games of all time ! :)

Liberty's Edge

Maerimydra wrote:

Also, my original question was about the possibility of such a thing to ever happen. I don't know much about legal issues and license, but I do believe that Atari is not making anything good with the D&D license right now and I wish that someone else could put the Pathfinder/3.X rules to a better use.

Sorry, I don't want this thread to become to much of a : what a Pathfinder RPG video game SHOULD looks like, because, let's face it, it could become a real mess, real fast. :P

Right. Okay then: it might.

Short thread. :P

Shadow Lodge

Perhaps two styles of the game, one turn-based and the other not?

You know, this might be a good way to teach the rules.. think about, you're fighting an ogre that decides it would be easier to grab you. A little text screen pops up explain how CMB and grapple works.

Dragonborn3 wrote:

Perhaps two styles of the game, one turn-based and the other not?

You know, this might be a good way to teach the rules.. think about, you're fighting an ogre that decides it would be easier to grab you. A little text screen pops up explain how CMB and grapple works.

That would be a great idea and could be done as a flash game if any fans are also competent flash programmers.

I personally would love to see BioWare/Atari make another Infinity Engine game built around Pathfinder and using Golarion.

Sovereign Court

With the new CIV V map maker - I can only hope that someone puts Golarion together (or at least the region we know) and makes a few of the nations. Now that would be an awesome Civ V mod. And would allow TALDOR the ability to re-establish its conquering ways and once again DOMINATE the Inner Sea and put Absalom under its heel.

Goldfrapp the Taldoran Trebuchet

Maerimydra wrote:
Strange, I would prefer a real turn-based (real-time is overrated IMO) 3D/isometric game featuring deep tactical combats, kind of like Temple of Elemental Evil from Troika (R.I.P.) or Final Fantasy Tactics, but with a better story and without the thousand bugs from ToEE. (;

Plus one on this! If I could have gotten the Baldur's Gate series or Planescape: Torment into the ToEE engine, with the partial bugfixes done by Co8 modders... wow, I literally just stopped and sighed wistfully.

Back when I was more eager and thinking of getting some programming friends of mine to start a game company, I emailed Paizo on this very topic. I forget exactly who replied - I think it was Vic Wertz but I might be way off on that. Anyhow, the reply was that it might happen in the future, but hey had no plans to allow Golarion IP to be used in a game in the short term, and when they did they would want a solid, well known company to do it.

However, there is legally nothing from stopping a game from using the Pathfinder rules, so long as they don't use the word Pathfinder or other intellectual property. Basically, create your own setting, including deities, develop an original plot, and you are good to go.

Maerimydra wrote:

Strange, I would prefer a real turn-based (real-time is overrated IMO) 3D/isometric game featuring deep tactical combats, kind of like Temple of Elemental Evil from Troika (R.I.P.) or Final Fantasy Tactics, but with a better story and without the thousand bugs from ToEE. (;

Also, my original question was about the possibility of such a thing to ever happen. I don't know much about legal issues and license, but I do believe that Atari is not making anything good with the D&D license right now and I wish that someone else could put the Pathfinder/3.X rules to a better use.

Sorry, I don't want this thread to become to much of a : what a Pathfinder RPG video game SHOULD looks like, because, let's face it, it could become a real mess, real fast. :P

Oh, and +1 for the mention of Baldur's Gate and ToEE, my favorite D&D games of all time ! :)

I agree with the raw campaign building will pall apart, which is why they should make it using Pathfinder: Adventurer path, modules, and a in-game campaign builder. Now they can concentrate on making an engine

Nice thread necro. Maybe you could check out PFO.


I would kill for a FFTactics style Pathfinder game that uses Pathfinder modules and allows characters to be moved between campaigns, etc. Real-time is the worst thing that could happen to a tabletop game, imo. (And while I enjoyed them, the system suffered in every single Baldur's Gate/Neverwinter Nights game. The old gold box SSI games were much more solid, rules-wise and fun-wise.

I'd love a Tactics style Pathfinder game too!


Moved thread.

It feels like it should be noted that one of the main designers working on Final Fantasy Tactics, Yasunori Matsuno(who also worked on the Ogre Battle series, Tactics Ogre, Vagrant Story, and Final Fantasy XII, among others) is working on a Tabletop-RPG style video game called Crimson Shroud at the moment. It's not a Pathfinder game, at least, best I know, but those who are interested can look forward to that.

I'm not entirely sure what's supposed to be Tabletop-RPG styled about it, aside from some superficial elements like dice rolling and models, but it does look interesting.

Uninvited Ghost wrote:
I'd love a Tactics style Pathfinder game too!


The Exchange

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Meophist wrote:

It feels like it should be noted that one of the main designers working on Final Fantasy Tactics, Yasunori Matsuno(who also worked on the Ogre Battle series, Tactics Ogre, Vagrant Story, and Final Fantasy XII, among others) is working on a Tabletop-RPG style video game called Crimson Shroud at the moment. It's not a Pathfinder game, at least, best I know, but those who are interested can look forward to that.

I'm not entirely sure what's supposed to be Tabletop-RPG styled about it, aside from some superficial elements like dice rolling and models, but it does look interesting.


I too would like a good pathfinder game, and not an MMO for pathfinder. I like the M&M Xeen style of play but also enjoyed the TOEE play when it worked. I don't like the frantically trying to pull my people out of automatic actions like in the Baldur's Gate Series but I did still enjoy the game.

Pathfinder MMO is not really anything I am interested in. I want to play as a party of adventurers doing some questing. I really don't want to play one dude trying to team up with whatever dredges of the internet I happen to find.

Fake Healer wrote:

There isn't much information that I know of yet, this has some screenshots and (very) basic information. It's a part of a game compilation by Level 5 called Guild 01 set to release May 17th in Japan, but there's so far no word of an international release. As they've recently set up publishing in NA, I think it's likely that Level 5 will release this too, but it may take some time as as far as I know, they haven't released any games since they've become publisher yet.

Fake Healer wrote:
Pathfinder MMO is not really anything I am interested in. I want to play as a party of adventurers doing some questing. I really don't want to play one dude trying to team up with whatever dredges of the internet I happen to find.

I still feel like (a) there are already a glut of MMORPGs in exactly the same vein as Pathfinder Online is stated to be heading towards and (b) a single-player/multi-player social game (FB or XBLA/PSN) built around party-tactics where you could easily opt to play w/ your friends' characters as a full party would be better.

It seems like MMOs really ought to be the latter, and they all claim to (intend to) provide that experience in a "new & unique" fashion, but IMO they end up with a similar combo of approach, dynamics, and marketing/business model that engenders the same complaints of player/guild-antics & $$transaction-driven game design. And the folks who genuinely enjoy playing MMOs seem to be either entrenched in the WOW juggernaut, or they wander from new MMO to new MMO like nomads, no matter how coolshinysexy any particular game might be.

BG/Planescape: Torment style for sure, even switching to turn-based combat would be ok.

BG/Planescape: Torment style for sure, even switching to turn-based combat would be ok.
I pass on the MMO as well.

Meophist wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:
There isn't much information that I know of yet, this has some screenshots and (very) basic information. It's a part of a game compilation by Level 5 called Guild 01 set to release May 17th in Japan, but there's so far no word of an international release. As they've recently set up publishing in NA, I think it's likely that Level 5 will release this too, but it may take some time as as far as I know, they haven't released any games since they've become publisher yet.

Thank you for the info, I will find a way to pick this up.

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