Good things about the Magus

Round 1: Magus

Going through the playtest forum has been pretty painful for me as of late - there's so much negativity going on, so much "X class from 3.5 did this better", so much name-calling and arguing and propositions to change the class completely as coming from legions of furiously typing forum posters who all hold strong opinions as to what exactly a fighter/mage should be.

So, how about a thread with a bit more positivity? Here, let's list what we like about the Magus class as it stands. This is not the place to say what we think the class needs additionally or to say what we think should be removed, but rather to say what we believe (whether gleaned from playtests or not) are good features that should be kept in through any tweaks or rewrites.

Those who reply snarkily (such as listing nothing or only trivial benefits as good with the implication that nothing else is) forfeit their right to objectivity during debates and will receive an official notice to "lighten up". Here's not the place for the negativity! There's a whole rest of the forum for that. Feel free to make a "Bad things about the Magus" thread, if you like.

Anyhow, here's a few things that jumped out at me as really cool:

- Intelligence based, prepared casting: The game needed more of these, and a bard-level prepared caster is very refreshing. Plus, having an Intelligence-based spontaneous caster would raise flavor questions.

- Familiars! They aren't terribly useful, sure, but having them available is a really neat choice. I like the flavor of the Magus as the fighter/wizard, and having the familiar available helps reinforce that.

- The Magus Arcana, and the concept of sacrificing spell slots for combat benefits.

What things would you like to see stay from the beta to the final?

The good things about the class aren't getting enough mention.

3/4 BAB, 6 levels of spells, and 2 good saves is a solid foundation.

The spell list while limited has enough diversity to not be one dimensional and gives some options.

Casting arcane spells in armor. (need I say more)

The ideas behind the most criticized abilities are good, they just need adjustments to the mechanical implementation.

Between arcana and bonus feats it delivers selectable options for customization.

I enjoy the concept of a more workable Bladesinger/Warmage... I agree that preparing spells and Int based is the way to go. Pretty everything that's been said on this thread so far is good.

Sorry I don't have more, but I wanted to post that I enjoy most of the Magus too...

Liberty's Edge

I really like the arcane weapon, I think people are overlooking how nice it is to get a stacking +1 enhancement every 4 levels.

I mean your +2 becomes a +4 at 8th level, and you are in medium armor.

I also like the access to 1/2 the fighter feats, which lets you throw weapons specialization on at 10th.

ciretose wrote:

I really like the arcane weapon, I think people are overlooking how nice it is to get a stacking +1 enhancement every 4 levels.

I mean your +2 becomes a +4 at 8th level, and you are in medium armor.

I also like the access to 1/2 the fighter feats, which lets you throw weapons specialization on at 10th.

Arcane weapon is CRAZY good. It stacks with whatever enhancement bonus is on there (although its a little vague as to how its written, I read it as stacking straight bonus to +5, and bonus + properties to +10).

Its only a shame it doesn't come into play a little earlier to help the magus with his to-hit issues.

Spell Combat: The ability to cast and strike as a full action is the single most definitive and necessary ability for a Magus. It's the one thing that I was absolutely convinced must be part of the class. Not sure about the execution of it, but I absolutely LOVE that they included it.

Sovereign Court

as that i have had a full chance to play and use my magus in society, i can honestly say that this class is rocking, out of the two mods i played with him, the first we had no range or arcane, which i was able to cover decently enough to get us threw,
the second there was not a single melee fighter of anysort... except for me which again i was able to cover sufficiently. the only two problems i've seen with this class is spell strike slightly hard to understand it upon first readin, and i think the class should get combat casting at level one. other then that.
i love this entire class, especially since the new spells are going to be showing up eventually and when that happens I am sure to see this as not only my new main but otheres as well, i completely agree with this class being a prepared caster, and i agree with it's stat bonuses,

I'm good with the class being 3/4 BA progression.
I LOVE the class being prepared arcane, Int based, and the idea that Spell Combat basically makes it a two-weapon fighter using both martial and spells in combat.

I'm still looking at most of the higher level abilities, but I'm pretty happy with the class after the first two or three levels.

I really like the class over all, ya it is not done yet but it is pretty good so far, It is every thing I want out of a fight/mage class. I can't want to see more spells come out for it and new ability.

I will be play testing it tomorrow, so I will have some real data not what I get from reading it.

Liberty's Edge

I agree that it's not complete yet, but it is pretty fun. And I'm going to stat up a magus lich who fights and casts in full plate armor. He's going to be awesome.

One of my favourite things so far:

I can cast Fly, while wearing armour.. and my familiar keeps an eye out for the gaurds..

''I'm coming your Highness! Your screams guide me!''

The initial chassis is a good one. 3/4ths BAB is not neccisarily a death sentance, he has the two important saves. The concept of the warrior-caster in a can is an important one that's been needed for awhile, as well.

I really like the general concept of the class, and I definately think that it should be 3/4 BAB, 3/4 spellcasting. That it is a prepared arcane spellcaster is long overdue. There are some issues with it's abilities, but on the other hand... that's why we have a playtest.

I like everything about the Magus except for the Magic Arcana. The Metamagic ones are OK but the rest just don't do it for. Especially the to hit and AC ones seem like waste of spell. The Familiar is good as is the multiclass broad study. Fleshing out this power and enhancing some of the abilities would be nice.

Spell Combat while good doesn't seem like it will get much use to higher level. Too risky for the few spells you do have at low level. Good class feature otherwise.

Arcane weapon is good but loses effectiveness as you get high level. You will get better weapon between 15-20th level which reduces the effectiveness of the arcane weapon. Not a big deal just something to note. But at 4th it's awesome for many levels to come!

Fighter training at 10th allows weapon specialization and greater weapon focus, have to love that.

Casting spell in armor, now you have two classes that can do that. More options is always good

Proficient in all martial weapons, want a different EK. Here's a option.

Spell Strike is cool. In come the bad guys, cast shocking grasp. You usually have round to do so before the melee gets going. That's great too.

Counter strike is useful but nothing great

Weapon Call, not that is cool.

True Magus is nice +2 to a couple of different tasks is nice. The automatic defensive casting check is nice too as situational things can increase the DC for defensive casting. Not what I'd call a true Capstone ability but other classes have ones that that great either.

Over all I think the Magus just needs some minor tweaking here and there.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I really like the Magus as well, I posted my playtest of a high level one but, was sad the magus didn't do well (or at least better against my group...) but, admittedly that might have been more me than the class itself.

I like the Magus Arcana, Spell Combat, casting in heavy armor (eventually)... there is very little (in fact I'd say nothing) that I don't like about this class.

I'm sure it will see inclusion in the final product (Ultimate Magic that is) but will there be a feat called Extra Magus Arcana? If it hasn't been considered yet... I'd like to suggest it. (One of the feats I gave my high level magus was *extra magus arcana* which (in theory) worked out nicely for the build I made).



Overall I think the Magus is well designed. Both spell strike and combat spell needs some work but both are good abilities. The one area of weakness is spells similar to many of the psychic warrior's powers which grant insight bonuses to attack, damage and defence. The Magus is limited in comparison on how to increase their melee potential. We also need a mechanism to power the Acana abilities. In my play tests I only used the metamagic ones.

They combine a respectable sustained DPR with the ability to do a high burst damage for a few fights a day with moderate defense (pretty good saves, physical defense levels similar to a ranger in the aggregate--lower hit points, similar armor, but good defensive buffs) and pretty good utility. That makes them a fairly decent class in my estimation. They're unlikely to get too much or too little market share in my opinion among PC's.

I enjoy the fact that Paizo is being specific about the Magus since the Eldritch Knight can be built however you want, and it would be best if the Magus and Eldritch Knight didn't step on each other's toes.

Jikuu wrote:
I enjoy the fact that Paizo is being specific about the Magus since the Eldritch Knight can be built however you want, and it would be best if the Magus and Eldritch Knight didn't step on each other's toes.

That said, it would be good to see the Magus be another viable candidate for an Eldritch Knight.

I like the general concept for the magus.

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