
Round 1: Magus

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or how bout this.

Spell storing: At first level a magus may store one spell level worth of spells in her weapon. With a successful melee attack she may discharge one spell from her weapon. Each level of magus increases the the amount of spell levels she may store by one.these spells must be placed within the weapon during the time a magus memorizes her spells. 0 level spells count for 1/2 a spell level.

Let's not forger that if the critical threat range of the spell is indeed increased to that of the weapon, spellstrike is actually VERY deadly. Imagine a keen scimitar used to deliver spellstrike. You're looking at alot of critical spells there-and each critical is essentially like an extra quickened spell for free.

Phil. L wrote:
Terran wrote:
i am really not seeing the problem with spellstrike. it use is for burst damage. at fifth level you can add a 5d6 shocking grasp most of the time with spell combat. that uses up 1 first level spell. at 10 you can intensify it for 10d6 from a second level spell. add empowered arcana and thats a lot of damage there, with your weapon damage.

I understand where you are coming from, but people will bring up things like economy of actions or lack of touch spells or somesuch counterargument.

of course most of the bias towards the magus is subjective bias rather than objective bias. In other words, even if the class functions perfectly people will find fault with it, either because they believe it is too powerful, not powerful enough or simply not how they envision an arcane melee caster (everything from I want a spontaneous arcane melee caster to I want to be able to rule the cosmos with my unstoppable gishnaut!)

It is important to note that that's something you can do without spell strike, period. The only thing spell strike lets you do is delay the casting of the spell to the next round so you can attack and do it simultaneously. Note, it would be exactly the same as if you cast the spell, then attacked in the next round. Same net damage, except you don't spend an action doing nothing. You could just as easily do the exact same thing if you decided to cast a touch spell into a spellstoring weapon mid combat. Which casting into spellstoring wouldn't limit you to touch spells and has an indefinite duration. I realize that you get this at level 1, before one can afford a spellstoring weapon, but it's still not worth it compared to other defining class abilities that you gain early on.

FiddlersGreen wrote:
Let's not forger that if the critical threat range of the spell is indeed increased to that of the weapon, spellstrike is actually VERY deadly. Imagine a keen scimitar used to deliver spellstrike.

No, it's not very deadly. Try playing it.

Str 18 and +4 BAB, at 6th level, my magus is hitting with the free touch attack on my spell 90% of the time (1d20+8 vs a touch AC of 10). I crit with the spell 4.5% of the time (5% of a 20, 90% chance to confirm). Damage output with the spell is 16.5375 damage on average, and pretty reliable.

Now, I try a Spellstrike. Using Arcane Weapon to make my +1 scimitar keen, I'm hitting 60% of the time (1d20+9 vs AC 18). I'm critting with the spell 18% of the time (30% for a 15-20, 60% to confirm). Damage output with the spell is 13.65 damage on average, and very swingy.

It's even worse if I'm doing Spell Combat to cast the spell and attack at the same time, I think. As best I can tell, in Spell Combat, I get to make my free touch attack at full BAB anyway. After all, it's free with the spell, and not specifically penalized by Spell Combat. On the other hand, if I try to deliver the spell with Spellstrike, I get to make the weapon melee attack at -4. So it's 40% chance of hit, 12% chance of crit.

But, really, go play it. "I crit with a spell on 15-20" sounds good, but "I make an attack on touch AC, not standard AC" is better.

Kortz wrote:

The base classes are a little more complex than the core classes, but the good ones have a simple mechanic at their core that is easily grasped.

Flip to the Alchemist table in the APG and you see "bomb 1d6" and "mutagen" at first level. Bomb is self-explanatory, and you can scan "mutagen" and see that it's a buff. Likewise Challenge and Mount (heh) with the Cavalier, Judgment for the Inquisitor, Create a Pet for Summoner, Hex for Witch.

So you're a newish or casual player and you pick up Ultimate Magic and the Magus is right up front. You see Spellstrike and that sounds cool, so you read the description and it turns out that it's two standard actions to deliver a touch spell with a weapon. Underwhelming. So what's Spell Combat about? Weapon in one hand, spell in the other. So far so good. But you keep reading and it's -4 this and -2 that and make a concentration check, etc. None of that sounds fun for a non-rules-junkie. And trying to fix Spellstrike with "lose energy-type spell x of level y for + zd6 damage doesn't help much either.

Give the Magus a simple mechanic at its core to hang it's Wizard hat (or helm) on. Let's call it Magus Strike for lack of a better name. 3 times a day + your INT modifier, your melee attack does 1d6 extra magical damage. This damage increases by 1d6 every odd level. At every even level you add one element type of your choice to the kinds of magical damage that Magus Strike can inflict.

1st Magus strike (1d6)
2nd First element
3rd Magus strike (2d6)
4th Second element... etc.

So Hrori Half-Ulfen, a Magus from the Land of the Linnorn Kings takes Frost as his first element choice, which is great while travelling in Golarion. But in his homeland a lot of creatures have cold resistance, so at level 4 he takes Flame as his second element. Now he can choose between using frost, flame, or just plain magical damage with his melee attacks 3+INT mod a day.

Seems like this would be a lot more attractive to a player who is wavering between Pathfinder and...

I don´t like this mechanic. The original ability seems more appealing to me. Especcially spell combat is more than just a "damage increase". You can attack AND buff yourself at the same time with a shield spell... for example. Your mechanic sounds like a solution a 4th edition designer would come up with. It doesn´t make this class special! It makes it more homogenous with others (like rogues)... Most people would read "Ah... another 1d6 damage per 2 level power. And I didn´t even have to flank... just using my daily allotment. Goodby teamplay"

Liberty's Edge


Yeah, it's a little simplistic, but a simpler mechanic at the core of it is what's needed.

Spellstrike as is seems highly circumstantial to me. It's two rounds of activity to pull off what usually takes... two rounds of activity. And Spell Combat isn't very attractive at this point either.

You can make some kind of esoteric, feat-taxed, trait-taxed class that does new and exciting things poorly, or you can make something simpler and run the risk of being like something out of 4e as you say. That's the fix they've put themselves in, though, having decided to create this class.

Hopefully there is a place in the middle. .

I'm reading many of these suggestions and just beating my head against the walls.

Against. The. Walls!

Spellstrike needs only ONE change! You need to be able to make the attack in the same round you cast the spell.

That's it! It's how I'm about to playtest it, there are plenty of touch spells in all of 3.X to run this against. It's the class defining ability until 8th level (when spell combat actually matters) and it isn't broken.

Also, it should be ruled that spells crit on a 20. You rolled an 18 with your Shocking Grasp charged rapier? Great! Roll again to confirm for your rapier. Now, if you rolled a nat 20, you could roll to confirm for both the weapon and spell. This, however, is only a suggestion.

For the love of Gygax people, keep it simple, please.

Hexcaliber wrote:

Also, it should be ruled that spells crit on a 20.

Here's a rules question predating the magus, that should obviate this problem.

If a monk/sorcerer has a touch spell held, they can elect to make unarmed attacks that can deliver the spell along with the unarmed damage. Likewise a sorcerer with a claw attack (dragon disciples and the like abound) that has a touch spell held can deliver it via their natural claw attacks.

What happens when these characters have improved critical unarmed strike/claw?

What happens when these characters do NOT have THAT improved critical feat but DO have Improved critical: touch attack?

This magus question seems to be a general rules question and should not be 'decided' in playtest, rather the rules should ALREADY exist and the magus should conform to them.


Terran wrote:

or how bout this.

Spell storing: At first level a magus may store one spell level worth of spells in her weapon. With a successful melee attack she may discharge one spell from her weapon. Each level of magus increases the the amount of spell levels she may store by one.these spells must be placed within the weapon during the time a magus memorizes her spells. 0 level spells count for 1/2 a spell level.

Am I the only one to notice or be bothered by the fact that two of the major class features for the Magus are things that can be replicated with gold? Weapon enhancements. Spellstrike and Arcane Weapon are not so outstanding. I would like to see those abilities replaced entirely, if possible. Nevermind that a spellstoring weapon isn't something for a 1st level character to have normally, it just isn't as impressive as a class feature, like Rage or Sneak Attack.

Foghammer wrote:
Terran wrote:

or how bout this.

Spell storing: At first level a magus may store one spell level worth of spells in her weapon. With a successful melee attack she may discharge one spell from her weapon. Each level of magus increases the the amount of spell levels she may store by one.these spells must be placed within the weapon during the time a magus memorizes her spells. 0 level spells count for 1/2 a spell level.

Am I the only one to notice or be bothered by the fact that two of the major class features for the Magus are things that can be replicated with gold? Weapon enhancements. Spellstrike and Arcane Weapon are not so outstanding. I would like to see those abilities replaced entirely, if possible. Nevermind that a spellstoring weapon isn't something for a 1st level character to have normally, it just isn't as impressive as a class feature, like Rage or Sneak Attack.

Lol, you're kind of missing the fact that many class abilities can be replicated through, including Rage. Magus thus far is unique in what it can do, it just can't do it very well, , , yet. Once a few feats, arcana's and touch spells arrive with Ultimate Magic I'm sure the class will round out nicely.

Hexcaliber wrote:
Lol, you're kind of missing the fact that many class abilities can be replicated through, including Rage. Magus thus far is unique in what it can do, it just can't do it very well, , , yet. Once a few feats, arcana's and touch spells arrive with Ultimate Magic I'm sure the class will round out nicely.
Pathfinder PRD wrote:

Each affected creature gains a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a –2 penalty to AC. The effect is otherwise identical with a barbarian's rage except that the subjects aren't fatigued at the end of the rage.

That is similar to the barbarian's rage, but it is not the same. Sneak attack isn't something I can't think of any way to replicate with magic, nor is Nature's Bond something that can be given to any character. Just because you take ranks in Perform doesn't give you Bardic Music.

On top of all that, it provides no immediate advantage while *in* combat. It requires 2 standard actions or the use of Spell Combat, which is not efficient at all in my mind, in fact, far less so than the use of Rage (a free action) or the paladin's smite (a swift action).

The ability needs to be more immediate and more useful to take up a class feature slot. Spell Combat is good, mostly, but Spellstrike is not. I think Spell Combat could come first and make the class less wonky.

Foghammer wrote:

That is similar to the barbarian's rage, but it is not the same. Sneak attack isn't something I can't think of any way to replicate with magic, nor is Nature's Bond something that can be given to any character. Just because you take ranks in Perform doesn't give you Bardic Music.

On top of all that, it provides no immediate advantage while *in* combat. It requires 2 standard actions or the use of Spell Combat, which is not efficient at all in my mind, in fact, far less so than the use of Rage (a free action) or the paladin's smite (a swift action).

The ability needs to be more immediate and more useful to take up a class feature slot. Spell Combat is good, mostly, but Spellstrike is not. I think Spell Combat could come first and make the class less wonky.


We're actually saying the same thing. Spellstrike as written is rather useless. Paizo pre-nerfed it by stating you couldn't attack with it in the same round. I've already stated earlier that the ability needs to be, a standard action, cast a touch spell, attack with melee weapon to deliver it. Done. Now it isn't just a crappy version of spell storing.

Hexcaliber wrote:
Now it isn't just a crappy version of spell storing.

In my mind, that doesn't fix the fact that you're using what would otherwise be a touch attack as part of a weapon attack instead. It's still like spell-storing the way you have it tweaked, only you're trading the ability to cast ANY targeted spell (up to 3rd level, which still opens more options as of right now) for the ability to do it as a free action.

My argument is not one or the other.

I feel that Spell Combat should be the first level class ability. Spellstrike should be removed and Spell-Storing should be an ability that can be imbued via Arcane Weapon, or as a Magus Arcana. Spellstrike feels like it is trying to be Arcane Channeling (via Duskblade). (For the record, I am not a fan of the Duskblade class, but nor am I a detractor. Just making the comparison.)

Duskblade aside, this ability is not something I think this class needs to function and I would rather see it dropped entirely and replaced with something else. Spell Combat at 1st level, Combat Casting as a bonus feat at 2nd level, and I think the class would be better off for it. Spell combat is the Magus's signature ability and should be from level 1.

Foghammer wrote:
Hexcaliber wrote:
Now it isn't just a crappy version of spell storing.

Spellstrike feels like it is trying to be Arcane Channeling (via Duskblade). (For the record, I am not a fan of the Duskblade class, but nor am I a detractor. Just making the comparison.)

Duskblade filled, or attempted to fill, the exact same niche that magus is attempting to fill. Spellstrike SHOULD be Arcane Channeling, just don't make it broken by allowing the magus to full attack while dual wielding all for one spell slot like the duskblade coould and bam. Single weapon, and every spell channeled still costs a spell slot. Problem solved.

Kibeth wrote:
Duskblade filled, or attempted to fill, the exact same niche that magus is attempting to fill.

I think that is partially correct. I do not think that Paizo wants them to be flavored the same. I actually feel a bit of Warmage influence in the Magus as well. Spell Combat certainly isn't something I've seen before, and it is expounded on further, while Spellstrike is not, hence why I don't believe it is as important.

Kibeth wrote:
Spellstrike SHOULD be Arcane Channeling, just don't make it broken by allowing the magus to full attack while dual wielding all for one spell slot like the duskblade coould and bam. Single weapon, and every spell channeled still costs a spell slot. Problem solved.

If the ability is kept at all, then it SHOULD be more like Arcane Channeling, but I don't think it is necessary. Bear in mind as well that even expending multiple spells as part of a full round attack (one spell per each iterative attack) is still bad action economy, only this time, you're opening up spell combos. The class has prepared spells, not spontaneous. Were they spontaneous, it would be easy to say that each attack could expend a spell slot to add the effects of a single spell to the attack, however, as a prepared caster, those slots have to be filled in advance.

Allowing multiple spells to be cast in a round as part of a full attack action could be disastrous in ways that I can't imagine with my relatively short experience in the game. It doesn't take a game developer to realize that, though.

Foghammer wrote:

Allowing multiple spells to be cast in a round as part of a full attack action could be disastrous in ways that I can't imagine with my relatively short experience in the game. It doesn't take a game developer to realize that, though.

COULD be is the key there. I keep going back to this because I feel like that's the fear here, that this will become like the duskblade channeling vampiric touch into two weapons with full bab and the full twf tree for massive amounts of damage for the cost of only a single spell slot. But we're talking about a 3/4 bab class with 1 weapon channeling touch spells while expending a spell slot for every channeled spell. And I would only allow the full attack portion to be accessible at higher levels. I will agree with you that the mechanic and flavor would be awkward since it's a prepared caster (Which i'm not a big fan of in the first place, and I think the magus should have been spontaneous). I really enjoy the idea of spellstrike in flavor. I'd rather not see it scrapped. And it feels like a revised arcane channeling would do the job.

The only time I ever see Spellstrike coming into play is with a reach weapon.

And of course the Magus can't use his main ability when using a two handed weapon, and I'm not sure if you can combine Lunge with Spellstrike.

In other words, your only option is the whip. A weapon the Magus doesn't have proficiency with.

What went into designing this?

All spellstrike does is change the AC you are trying to hit from touch AC (no armor bonus, shield bonus, or natural armor bonus) to normal AC.

PRD wrote:

Touch Attacks: Some attacks completely disregard armor, including shields and natural armor—the aggressor need only touch a foe for such an attack to take full effect. In these cases, the attacker makes a touch attack roll (either ranged or melee). When you are the target of a touch attack, your AC doesn't include any armor bonus, shield bonus, or natural armor bonus. All other modifiers, such as your size modifier, Dexterity modifier, and deflection bonus (if any) apply normally.

At higher levels, the difference between AC and Touch AC only gets bigger. In short all it does is make it harder to get that damage to stick.

You are NOT adding 5d6 to your melee attack. You are taking a penalty to hit to add 1dx+n weapon damage to your spell, and that is a gain in damage if and only if you miss with the free touch attack you get when you cast the spell.

ProfessorCirno wrote:

What went into designing this?

Delivering a spell through your weapon "sounds cool". Just look at the number of people defending it as written or who think this ability is "maybe a little weak" instead of mechanically flawed. Spells that have a touch attack are written that way for a reason - they would be useless to low BAB, low AC, low hit point casters otherwise. The concept of channeling magical energy through your weapon attack is cool. But the mechanics have to support the implementation, otherwise it becomes a waste of time and resources but you look good doing it.

Oh, and lunge should work with spell strike, or even with a normal touch attack. The problem is you can't get it till 8th level when your BAB reachs +6.

Freesword wrote:

Oh, and lunge should work with spell strike, or even with a normal touch attack. The problem is you can't get it till 8th level when your BAB reachs +6.

This is why fighters do have nice things. (I know, and paladins and rangers ...)

Hexcaliber wrote:
Foghammer wrote:

That is similar to the barbarian's rage, but it is not the same. Sneak attack isn't something I can't think of any way to replicate with magic, nor is Nature's Bond something that can be given to any character. Just because you take ranks in Perform doesn't give you Bardic Music.

On top of all that, it provides no immediate advantage while *in* combat. It requires 2 standard actions or the use of Spell Combat, which is not efficient at all in my mind, in fact, far less so than the use of Rage (a free action) or the paladin's smite (a swift action).

The ability needs to be more immediate and more useful to take up a class feature slot. Spell Combat is good, mostly, but Spellstrike is not. I think Spell Combat could come first and make the class less wonky.


We're actually saying the same thing. Spellstrike as written is rather useless. Paizo pre-nerfed it by stating you couldn't attack with it in the same round. I've already stated earlier that the ability needs to be, a standard action, cast a touch spell, attack with melee weapon to deliver it. Done. Now it isn't just a crappy version of spell storing.

I totally agree with you, as a standard action it would work.I guess we will see how it ends up.

Hexcaliber wrote:

I'm reading many of these suggestions and just beating my head against the walls.

Against. The. Walls!

Spellstrike needs only ONE change! You need to be able to make the attack in the same round you cast the spell.

That's it! It's how I'm about to playtest it, there are plenty of touch spells in all of 3.X to run this against. It's the class defining ability until 8th level (when spell combat actually matters) and it isn't broken.

Also, it should be ruled that spells crit on a 20. You rolled an 18 with your Shocking Grasp charged rapier? Great! Roll again to confirm for your rapier. Now, if you rolled a nat 20, you could roll to confirm for both the weapon and spell. This, however, is only a suggestion.

For the love of Gygax people, keep it simple, please.

YES please, lets face facts here do we really want every Magus runnung arround with a high threat weapon? It´s ok if its a good option, but it should not be the only option.

Yeah, the whole "critical with spell on weapon's threat range" is a concern of mine as well. I can understand that vs. touch AC might be better, but when you can use a spell storing weapon AND spellstrike in one round to deliver two intensified empowered shocking grasps, that's a high critical chance on 20d6 that get 50% increased damage (probably only on the original 10d6, but still). If it had a damage die progression, you wouldn't have to worry about a lucky hit from the Magus one-shotting your BBEG, which makes for a boring encounter all around.

Hexcaliber wrote:
Spellstrike needs only ONE change! You need to be able to make the attack in the same round you cast the spell.

I agree with this statement if Spellstrike is to be kept.

I would still prefer to see it at 2nd or 3rd (or 4th, or 5th) level though, and instead place Spell Combat at 1st level with reduced penalties. Combat Casting should be a bonus feat within the first 4 levels, or at least an Arcana.

Pardon me if this has already been answered/clarified, but is the Spellstrike ability an either/or action?

Meaning, 1st lvl magus announces spellstrike with shocking grasp:

1. Attacks with free touch attack, misses, on next round attacks with sword and channels spell.

2. Attacks with free touch attack, misses, is now locked into holding charge in hand, can't channel with sword.

3. Doesn't attack with spell, channels with sword, misses, is now locked into channeling with sword.


4. Can the Magus hold the charge in his weapon the same way it can held normally, i.e. for a very long time?

5. If a Magus cast a touch spell normally, holds it for a while, can he transfer it to his sword via spellstrike at a later time?

Mynameisjake wrote:

Pardon me if this has already been answered/clarified, but is the Spellstrike ability an either/or action?

Meaning, 1st lvl magus announces spellstrike with shocking grasp:

1. Attacks with free touch attack, misses, on next round attacks with sword and channels spell.

2. Attacks with free touch attack, misses, is now locked into holding charge in hand, can't channel with sword.

3. Doesn't attack with spell, channels with sword, misses, is now locked into channeling with sword.


4. Can the Magus hold the charge in his weapon the same way it can held normally, i.e. for a very long time?

5. If a Magus cast a touch spell normally, holds it for a while, can he transfer it to his sword via spellstrike at a later time?

Spell strike DOES NOT hold the spell in the weapon.

It allows a held touch attack to be delivered via the weapon's attack.

Much like an unarmed strike or natural weapon can be used to deliver a held touch attack, spell strike allows a held touch attack to be delivered via weapon.


james maissen wrote:

Spell strike DOES NOT hold the spell in the weapon.

It allows a held touch attack to be delivered via the weapon's attack.

Much like an unarmed strike or natural weapon can be used to deliver a held touch attack, spell strike allows a held touch attack to be delivered via weapon.


Yes, I get that. But is the spell lost on a missed attack with the weapon? Or can the Magus continue to attack with the sword until he/she/it gets a hit, even if this is several rounds later?

Fairly cool spellstrike mechanic here: The Magus Remake.

Mynameisjake wrote:

Yes, I get that. But is the spell lost on a missed attack with the weapon? Or can the Magus continue to attack with the sword until he/she/it gets a hit, even if this is several rounds later?

The spell is still held.

Now if the magus touches anything else the spell dissipates.

If the magus casts anything else the spell dissipates.

Until then the magus can elect to hold the charge just like any other caster of a touch spell.


james maissen wrote:
Mynameisjake wrote:

Yes, I get that. But is the spell lost on a missed attack with the weapon? Or can the Magus continue to attack with the sword until he/she/it gets a hit, even if this is several rounds later?

The spell is still held.

Now if the magus touches anything else the spell dissipates.

If the magus casts anything else the spell dissipates.

Until then the magus can elect to hold the charge just like any other caster of a touch spell.


Is the spell restricted from that point on to be discharged only on an attack with the blade?

Or can the magus, after missing with the touch attack, missing with the weapon in the next round, then attempt a touch attack with the hand?

If the spell is restricted to attacks with the weapon to discharge, then is an attack roll necessary to discharge the spell (meaning the weapon could be sheathed), or would touching the sword to anything discharge it?

If touching the sword to anything discharges it, then could the Magus make a touch attack with sword (forgoing str and weapon dam)? And would enhancements to the weapon affect the attack and/or damage?

Mynameisjake wrote:

Is the spell restricted from that point on to be discharged only on an attack with the blade?

Or can the magus, after missing with the touch attack, missing with the weapon in the next round, then attempt a touch attack with the hand?

If the spell is restricted to attacks with the weapon to discharge, then is an attack roll necessary to discharge the spell (meaning the weapon could be sheathed), or would touching the sword to anything discharge it?

If touching the sword to anything discharges it, then could the Magus make a touch attack with sword (forgoing str and weapon dam)? And would enhancements to the weapon affect the attack and/or damage?

Okay, let me put it in a scenario:

A wizard5 is holding the charge on a shocking grasp spell.

They can, as a standard action, attempt to make a touch attack with that spell.

They can, as an attack action attempt to make an unarmed strike against someone. If they hit they do unarmed strike damage and discharge the spell. If they miss the unarmed strike (even if they hit the touch AC) they miss and do not discharge the spell.

If they miss on either case they are still holding the charge on the shocking grasp spell.

A magus can do the same exact thing. A magus can also elect to make a normal melee weapon attack instead of that unarmed strike, and it works the same exact way. So to your last question: no. If they are using the sword then they are making a normal melee attack and if they miss with that the spell is not discharged, but rather it continues to be held.


What about with TWF? In this case, Spiked Gauntlet and Rapier.

Rd. 1: Magus casts Touch spell, misses. Holds charge.

Rd. 2: Magus attacks with Rapier, misses. Attacks with Spiked Gauntlet, hits.

Can the Magus discharge the spell through the gauntlet? Or does he/she/it have to declare the weapon he is going to channel with?

Mynameisjake wrote:

What about with TWF? In this case, Spiked Gauntlet and Rapier.

Rd. 1: Magus casts Touch spell, misses. Holds charge.

Rd. 2: Magus attacks with Rapier, misses. Attacks with Spiked Gauntlet, hits.

Can the Magus discharge the spell through the gauntlet? Or does he/she/it have to declare the weapon he is going to channel with?

Here's the wording of the ability:


Whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of touch from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack. If successful, this attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell.

1. The magus has cast a spell with range of touch from the magus spell list (horrid wording, but we satisfy it- see below).

1A. Shocking grasp cast previous round, free touch attack missed & charge is held. CHECK

2. The magus tries to deliver the spell through the rapier he is wielding as part of a melee attack.
2A. The magus is wielding the rapier. CHECK.

3. The magus misses with rapier. Spell is not discharged, and is continued to be held.
3A. Not successful in the melee attack, so the effects of the spell do not happen. (CHECK or FAIL depending on how you look at it).

4. The magus hits with spiked gauntlet.
4A. The magus successfully hit with a melee attack through a weapon he is wielding while holding the charge on the shocking grasp spell that is on the magus spell list. This satisfies all the requirements for spell strike.

Does this answer your question?


james maissen wrote:
Mynameisjake wrote:

What about with TWF? In this case, Spiked Gauntlet and Rapier.

Rd. 1: Magus casts Touch spell, misses. Holds charge.

Rd. 2: Magus attacks with Rapier, misses. Attacks with Spiked Gauntlet, hits.

Can the Magus discharge the spell through the gauntlet? Or does he/she/it have to declare the weapon he is going to channel with?

Here's the wording of the ability:


Whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of touch from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack. If successful, this attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell.

1. The magus has cast a spell with range of touch from the magus spell list (horrid wording, but we satisfy it- see below).

1A. Shocking grasp cast previous round, free touch attack missed & charge is held. CHECK

2. The magus tries to deliver the spell through the rapier he is wielding as part of a melee attack.
2A. The magus is wielding the rapier. CHECK.

3. The magus misses with rapier. Spell is not discharged, and is continued to be held.
3A. Not successful in the melee attack, so the effects of the spell do not happen. (CHECK or FAIL depending on how you look at it).

4. The magus hits with spiked gauntlet.
4A. The magus successfully hit with a melee attack through a weapon he is wielding while holding the charge on the shocking grasp spell that is on the magus spell list. This satisfies all the requirements for spell strike.

Does this answer your question?


I like Spellstrike. It may need some tweaking but I really want the Magus to be able to channel spells through a melee weapon to effect a target. That needs to stay. Tweak away but dont take away the channeled spells.

Kalyth wrote:

I like Spellstrike. It may need some tweaking but I really want the Magus to be able to channel spells through a melee weapon to effect a target. That needs to stay. Tweak away but dont take away the channeled spells.

Personally I would word it as a two-fold ability:

1. As a standard action the magus can cast a 1 standard action casting time touch spell from his prepared magus spells and deliver it anytime during the round via a normal melee attack with a weapon as a free action. (much like any character can do via a touch attack)

2. When holding the charge on a touch spell the magus can deliver the spell via a normal melee attack, much like any character could do via an unarmed strike or natural weapon attack.

Now the restriction on magus-only spells, frankly I don't feel needs to be there. If you want to take a level hit by multiclassing into magus for this ability for another casting class I say more power to you. Honestly I don't see it as being overpowered. Honestly I see it as more than balanced by taking the hit in your main class' progression.


james maissen wrote:

Personally I would word it as a two-fold ability:

1. As a standard action the magus can cast a 1 standard action casting time touch spell from his prepared magus spells and deliver it anytime during the round via a normal melee attack with a weapon as a free action. (much like any character can do via a touch attack)


james maissen wrote:
2. When holding the charge on a touch spell the magus can deliver the spell via a normal melee attack, much like any character could do via an unarmed strike or natural weapon attack.

If you mean, "either through a touch attack (as normal) or though a normal melee attack," then, agreed.

james maissen wrote:
Now the restriction on magus-only spells, frankly I don't feel needs to be there. If you want to take a level hit by multiclassing into magus for this ability for another casting class I say more power to you. Honestly I don't see it as being overpowered. Honestly I see it as more than balanced by taking the hit in your main class' progression.

Don't agree with this one.

Mynameisjake wrote:

james maissen wrote:
2. When holding the charge on a touch spell the magus can deliver the spell via a normal melee attack, much like any character could do via an unarmed strike or natural weapon attack.

If you mean, "either through a touch attack (as normal) or though a normal melee attack," then, agreed.

A normal held touch spell can be attempted to be delivered via an unarmed strike. If that misses then on the next round as a standard action the held touch spell could be delivered via a touch attack. If that fails the following round the held touch spell can be attempted to be delivered via an unarmed strike again, etc..

Mynameisjake wrote:

james maissen wrote:
Now the restriction on magus-only spells, frankly I don't feel needs to be there. If you want to take a level hit by multiclassing into magus for this ability for another casting class I say more power to you. Honestly I don't see it as being overpowered. Honestly I see it as more than balanced by taking the hit in your main class' progression.

Don't agree with this one.

Really? What's the problem?

Name a build and a spell that this would be an issue for...


As to the "Only applying to Magus Spells", I don't believe a character should be able to take a one level dip into any class, and then be better at an ability of that class than that character. A Cleric9/Magus1 would have access to several touch spells (Cure Series, Inflict Series, Bestow Curse, and more) that it could then deliver through a 15' Reach whip. Requiring the Cleric to at least take Magus up until it can take the Magus Arcana: Broad Study at least somewhat mitigates this.

Whip Cleric/Magus: Cure X Wounds -- Massive Healing at a 15' Reach

Sorcerer/Magus(At least this one needs second level for Spell Combat):
Spontaneous Caster that can through the use of Spell Combat and True Strike out-Magus the Magus. They not only have a better spell list, but by being spontaneous, they can decide later which of their spells they need to cast.

I had in my head a build for Bard/Magus, Ranger/Magus, Druid/Magus, and Paladin/Magus problems, but I can't quite remember which spells it was that would start causing problems.

I am currently using the Magus(RAW) in a game at my local college. While I do tend to eat through my spells pretty fast, I have been able to out-damage the fighter on occasion. (Last night I got Dominated by a Vampire, and ended up killing the fighter in one and a half [Suprise Round + First Round] rounds of combat). This class is a Spike Damage class. It can do fine in combat normally (I currently have both a +1 Rapier and a +1 Whip and will change which one I make my Arcane Weapon based on how I feel that morning).

Actually, the Full-Plate fighter is pissed at me because my AC is higher than his and my attack roll is only 2 points less than his. He does do more damage on a critical (He uses a Scythe), but I crit more often and can do a decent amount.

Level 5 Magus:
STR 10
DEX 20
CON 11
WIS 10
INT 18
CHA 10 (8, +2 Item [Stole it off a dude in town])

AC 24 -- 10 + 5 DEX + 4 Studded Leather+1 + 4 Shield (Spell) + 1 Natural Armor [Amulet]

Base Attack 10 -- 3 BAB + 5 Weapon Finesse + 1 Enhancement Bonus + 1 Weapon Focus

I generally True Strike one round, then follow it with a Spell Combat Shocking Grasp + Weapon Attack. Grants a bonus of +26 to hit (10 Base + 20 True Strike - 4 Spell Combat Penalty) and I have a chance to crit on any roll of 15 or higher (+1 Rapier, Arcane Weapon (Keen). I prepare some of my True Strikes as second level spells, so it's easier to cast the Shocking Grasps.

Concentration: 9(13): 4 INT + 5 Caster Level (+ 4 Combat Casting)

DarkFire82 wrote:

As to the "Only applying to Magus Spells", I don't believe a character should be able to take a one level dip into any class, and then be better at an ability of that class than that character.

You mean like a Ftr1/Rogue4 being able to hit with sneak attacks better than a Rogue5? Or to use better weapons to sneak attack with?

Sorry, I don't buy it. Both are 5th level characters, each gains something different for their level that's different. That's the nature of multiclassing in 3rd edition.. its a kind of create your own class mechanism.

DarkFire82 wrote:

A Cleric9/Magus1 would have access to several touch spells (Cure Series, Inflict Series, Bestow Curse, and more) that it could then deliver through a 15' Reach whip. Requiring the Cleric to at least take Magus up until it can take the Magus Arcana: Broad Study at least somewhat mitigates this.

Whip Cleric/Magus: Cure X Wounds -- Massive Healing at a 15' Reach

Actually taking a level away from cleric mitigates this. Imagine taking 2 levels away and now the cleric takes the reach spell metamagic feat and applies it to ALL of their spells. They don't need to roll a to hit and can do it up to close range away rather than 15'. And they don't need to be applying it to all spells, etc.

They would be better off as a cleric10. WAY better off.

DarkFire82 wrote:

Sorcerer/Magus(At least this one needs second level for Spell Combat):
Spontaneous Caster that can through the use of Spell Combat and True Strike out-Magus the Magus. They not only have a better spell list, but by being spontaneous, they can decide later which of their spells they need to cast.

And again are down a FULL spell level of spells to cast!

If you don't see that as a downside, then you really should reconsider how casters advance.

As to your PC's AC.. you burn one of your what 5 1st level spells to shield up to get an AC of 24? Now a fighter with +1 full plate (slightly more cost than your +1 studded leather), +1 natural armor amulet, and a 14 DEX would have an AC of 23 all the time. If the fighter cares to spend a feat on Dodge then there's the 24 at all times, not just when you can cast a shield spell.

A 5th level fighter done out even moderately well is going to seriously dominate over a 5th level magus. Your magus does how much damage on a hit 1d6+3? A great sword fighter is easily looking at 2d6+19, or in other words 1d6+16 more than you, which is more than you do with a shocking grasp spell... yet another one of your 5 1st level spells for the day. And that's assuming that he's not able to use cleave or isn't hasted.


Spellstrike would work fine if it was a standard a tion...
(Magus needs better spells to put on it)

1h attack +hold person is better than 2H.
Damage is less but adding a severely debilitating condition rocks.

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